ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes

Summary: ESL Podcast is brought to you by Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan of the Center for Educational Development.

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 780 - Being Sued | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:12

The world is full of lawyers, and they need something to do with their time. Learn what happens when they sue you in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:21 Explanations: 3:33 Fast dialogue: 16:15 Ally: Hello, Ally McNeal. Jerry: Ally, this is Jerry Mason. I need to talk to you right away. We’re being sued and we’ve just been served. This is one of those times I wish we had in-house counsel. Ally: Jerry, you know that our firm will do its best to represent you, as we’ve done in the past. You can count on me and all of the attorneys in this office. How about if I come to your office this afternoon and we can discuss it? Jerry: Okay, that’s great. Ally: In the meantime, can you give me a brief rundown? Jerry: Yeah, we’re being sued for negligence. In fact, it’s a class action suit against our company Ally: All right. Can you fax or email me the papers so I can see what they’re alleging? Jerry: Yes, I can do that. We really need your help with this, Ally. A lawsuit like this could ruin a company like ours. Ally: Don’t panic. We’ll take a look at it and see if there’s any merit in the case. It might just be a frivolous lawsuit. Jerry: If they have a case, you’ll have to find a loophole to get us out of this, or negotiate a settlement. The last thing I want is to go to court. Ally: Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We’ll discuss it this afternoon. And Jerry? Jerry: Yeah? Ally: In the meantime, try to lay off the coffee. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 779 - Giving CPR | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:25

It’s good to know what do in in case of a medical emergency, like when someone has a heart attack or stops breathing. Learn more about it in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:13 Explanations: 2:39 Fast dialogue: 14:48 Joyce: Lie down on the floor. Steve: Why? Joyce: I have to practice for my CPR exam tomorrow. I’m taking it so I can get my CPR certification. Lie down please. Steve: Okay, okay. Now what do I do? Joyce: You just lie there and pretend to be unresponsive, like you’re in cardiac arrest. Okay, I need to determine your heart rate and if you’re breathing or not. Then, I check to see that your airway isn’t blocked. Steve: Hey, get your fingers out of my mouth! Joyce: Lie still! You’re lucky I don’t have to administer artificial respiration. Steve: Thank God for small favors! Joyce: But I do need to practice restoring your circulation by doing chest compressions. Steve: Ouch, that hurts! Joyce: You’re supposed to be unresponsive, remember? Hold still while I get the defibrillator. Steve: Oh, no, you don’t! From now on, as far as you’re concerned, I am a case of do not resuscitate! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #340 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:57

Topics: Rodney King Trial and the 1992 Riots; Dick Tracy detective stories; third world; from versus out of; to pull (oneself) together versus to get a hold of (oneself) Words: to beat bystander excessive force baton outraged to acquit riot mob curfew detective villain cartoon third world from out of to pull (oneself) together/to get a hold of (oneself)

 778 - Getting Your Pocket Picked | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:39

Be careful of thieves and robbers when you are in a busy place. Learn more in this episode about how not to get your wallet stolen. Slow dialogue: 1:18 Explanations: 2:45 Fast dialogue: 15:00 Lenny: Wait a second. Where's my wallet? Anita: It’s not in your back pocket? Lenny: No, it’s in none of my pockets. My pocket’s been picked! Anita: It must have happened when our attention was diverted by those boys fighting over there. Lenny: I should have been paying more attention in a busy market like this. I felt someone bump me from behind, but it never occurred to me that someone could be lifting my wallet. Anita: I’ve been clutching my purse, worried about purse-snatchers. I never thought anyone would be able to pick your pocket. Lenny: Me, neither. I don’t know how I’m going to live this down. When the boys hear about this… Anita: Come on, we’d better go file a police report. You never know. Maybe your wallet will turn up. Lenny: Fat chance of that happening. This is really embarrassing… Anita: Stop stalling. If there’s one thing I’ve learned after being a cop’s wife for 15 years is that you’ve got to face the music. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 777 - Supplies for Outdoor Recreation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:45

Going for a long hike? Be sure to bring the right things with you. Learn how to talk about them in English in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:20 Explanations: 3:05 Fast dialogue: 14:04 Jim: I shouldn't have let my brother pack my supplies for this trip. I was running late and he offered to do it. Fumiko: What's the problem? Jim: He doesn't know the first thing about hiking or camping. Look at this! My backpack is filled with bottles of water! Fumiko: What's wrong with that? Jim: He should have just packed me a water filter, instead of all these heavy bottles to lug around. And he forgot some of the most important supplies, like bug spray and a flashlight. Fumiko: You're welcome to borrow any of our supplies. Here's some bug spray. Do you need matches? Jim: Yeah, I do. My brother packed matches, but not in a waterproof bag. One of the bottles of water leaked and got them all wet. At least my tent and cook stove were spared. Fumiko: Maybe your brother is telling you something. Jim: What? Fumiko: Maybe he wants to be included in your camping trips. Then, he'll learn what to do and what to bring. Jim: You might have something there. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #339 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:44

Topics: American Presidents: Herbert Hoover; knock-knock jokes; awful versus terrible versus terrific; initials in nicknames; that ship has sailed Words: starvation Great Depression to backfire tariff relief effort to memorialize dam lighthearted knock punch line pun to bear with (someone) awful terrible terrific that ship has sailed

 776 - Getting Praise and Recognition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:59

I have not come to praise this episode, but to tell you about it. Learn all about recognitions and honors, then tell everyone how great it is! Slow dialogue: 1:10 Explanations: 2:28 Fast dialogue: 13:26 Rene: Hey, look who's here. It's the company's golden boy. Bruno: Very funny. Rene: I'm not joking. First, you're recognized at the annual meeting for your work in the company, and then you get a commendation from the city for your volunteer work. I'm basking in your reflected glory. Bruno: I didn't ask for either honor, as you well know. I'm not a glory hound. Rene: Yes, and that's what makes it even more galling. You don't have to go seeking your glory; it comes to you. Bruno: Knock it off! I like praise as much as the next guy, but I'd rather not be in the limelight. Rene: I know. You're exceptional and you're modest about it. You're the perfect guy. You leave us mere mortals in the dust. Bruno: I'm leaving. I know you love giving me a hard time, but remember this: I give as good as I get – and I have a long memory! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 775 - Making Repairs on the Outside of a House | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:04

Things fall apart, especially on an old house. Learn how to fix them on this episode. Slow dialogue: 0:57 Explanations: 2:26 Fast dialogue: 14:31 Maggie: Watch out! Are you okay? Conrad: I'm fine, but I almost tripped over that crack in the driveway. We've got to get that fixed. Maggie: I know it's a hazard, but first things first. We should fix those broken front steps, don't you think? Conrad: I see what you mean. Maggie: And we have to repair that part of the fence that's falling down. See? If it leans any more, we won't be able to open the gate. Conrad: Oh, I didn't realize the fence was falling down. Yes, you're right, we should take care of those things first. Maggie: And the porch light is out. I'm not sure if we just need to replace the bulb, or if it's an electrical issue. Conrad: I didn't realize the outside of the house was in such disrepair. I've been traveling too much for work. Maggie: I admit I've been putting off the repairs, too. Conrad: All right, I know what we'll be doing this weekend – all weekend! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #338 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:33

Topics: Famous Americans: Ansel Adams; Ben & Jerry's; to find out versus to figure out versus to seek; "too" constructions; dummy versus idiot Words: from that point on to develop portfolio inspiring gift shop yummy correspondence course ice cream parlor pint to sell out cone scoop to find out to figure out to seek

 774 - Describing Height and Build | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:16

Learn how to describe someone's height and weight in English in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:19 Explanations: 3:05 Fast dialogue: 15:31 Gwen: Do you see that heavyset guy over there, the one towering over everyone else? Denzel: Yeah, what about him? Gwen: He's my ex-boyfriend. I haven't seen him in years. When I knew him he was really skinny. He's really put on a few pounds. It's amazing what a few years can do. Denzel: None of us are as svelte as we used to be. Gwen: That's true enough. I'm not as petite as I used to be, that's for sure. Denzel: How come you've never mentioned this ex-boyfriend before? Gwen: Oh, I'd almost forgotten about him. Oh, no. I hope that guy over there didn't see me. Denzel: Who? That short, stocky guy? Gwen: No, the average height guy who's walking this way. He's another one of my exes. I'd hoped never to see him again. Denzel: It was a bad breakup? Gwen: Right. Let's head toward the door. Denzel: Why hadn't you mentioned him before? Gwen: I thought I had. There have been so many... Denzel: Don't look now, but your ex is also headed toward the door. Gwen: Which one? Denzel: The tall medium build guy walking next to you! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 773 - Dealing With Debt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:57

Neither a borrower nor a lender be, Shakespeare said. Ah, but he never had a credit card! Learn how to talk about debt in English in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:37 Explanations: 3:40 Fast dialogue: 18:03 Kristin: Let’s go shopping! Ed: Wait a second. What are all these? Kristin: They’re bills, but they don’t have to be paid yet. Don’t worry. Let’s go! There’s a new pair of shoes with my name on it. Ed: Hold on a minute. This is a notice saying that you’re behind on your house payments and if you don’t pay soon, your house will go into foreclosure. Kristin: Oh, they’re just bluffing. I’m only a little behind in my payments. I’ll get to it next week. Ed: And this is a notice from your bank telling you that your car is being repossessed because you haven’t made a car payment in three months. Is that true? Kristin: I refuse to look at anything as boring as a bill today. Ed: And these are from the power company and the phone company. They’re going to cut off your services if you don’t pay now. Kristin: If I could just charge those payments, I’d be okay. Ed: Not with these credit cards. You’re maxed out. I’m surprised you haven’t heard from collection agencies already. Kristin: Maybe I have. They can hound me all they want, but I’m not *that* behind on my payments. I’m tired of waiting. I’m going shopping with or without you. Ed: You’re on your own. I refuse to help you toward your financial ruin! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #337 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:54

Topics: Famous Authors: Stan and Jan Berenstain and the Berenstain Bears; getting married; to stand for versus to refer to (as); the past simple and the present perfect tenses; especially Words: illustrator anthropomorphic bumbling to backfire franchise civil ceremony to ordain to propose to elope lingerie bachelor honeymoon to stand for to refer to as to refer to especially

 772 - Types of People at Work | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:57

How would you describe the people you work with? Learn how to do it in English in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:06 Explanations: 2:51 Fast dialogue: 15:16 Raul: Thanks for showing me around on my first day. Ursula: It’s no problem. I want to give you the lay of the land and tell you about the people you’ll be working with. For instance, that’s Julie over there. She’s really nice, but she’s also a perfectionist. If you ever work with her, remember that she’s a stickler about everything. Raul: Okay, I’ll remember that. Ursula: And Phil over there? He’s a slacker and a troublemaker. Stay away from him, far, far away. Raul: Thanks for the warning. Ursula: And that’s Luis. You’ll be working under him. He’s a slave driver and a workaholic, and he expects everybody else to be one, too. Raul: That doesn’t sound good. Ursula: Don’t sweat it. Standing next to Luis is Gil. He’s a yes-man and very, very ambitious, almost ruthless. Don’t get in Gil’s way. Raul: Okay, I won’t. Thanks for showing me around. By the way, who’s the office gossip? Ursula: Oh, we don’t have one of those around here. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 771 - Commuting by Train | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:24

Take the last train to Los Angeles and I’ll meet you at the station. But first, learn how to get to work and back on a train in this episode. Slow dialogue: 1:13 Explanations: 3:15 Fast dialogue: 12:36 Lisa: Can you tell me if this is the right platform for the train to Arlington? Omar: Yes, it is. Is this your first time taking the train? Lisa: Is it that obvious? Omar: No, you just look a little lost. Lisa: I’m starting a new job and I have to commute to work for the first time. Omar: Oh, I see. Did you buy a ticket at the ticket machine? Lisa: Yes, I did, when I entered the station. I hope I bought the right one. Omar: Let me see. Yes, that’s the right one. The good news is that I haven’t heard any announcements about the train being delayed, like it has been a couple of times this week, so it should be on time. Lisa: I’m relieved to hear that. I can’t afford to be late to work on my first day. Will I need to show this ticket to get on the train? Omar: Not when you get on. After the train is under way, the conductor will walk down the aisle to collect it. Lisa: Oh, I see, thanks. That sounds simple. Omar: It is simple if you can actually find a seat. It can be pretty crowded on these commuter trains. Sometimes it’s standing room only. Lisa: Let’s hope for the best. Omar: Stick with me. I’ll elbow a few people out of the way to get you a seat. Lisa: [laughs] Thanks, I think. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #336 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:51

Topics: Ask an American: Self-publishing; intrinsic versus native versus innate versus congenital; recently versus currently; soccer Words: route agent to reject courtesy outrageous to fulfill tiresome fraught with distribution editorial support credibility movement trend democratization intrinsic native innate congenital recently currently soccer


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