School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation

Summary: We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you are employed and you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please click here to sign up. $6.00/Month Subscribe! You can help the show grow by committing to one of these monthly subscription levels (demonstrating how inflation affects the price of another source of knowledge). It is greatly appreciated! A New Book!(in 1960) $3/ mo A New Book! (in 1972) $6/mo A New Book! (in 1981) $9/mo A New Book! (in 1995) $15/mo A New Book! (Today) $25/mo Angel Investor $999.99/mo Contact Brett, leave comments and view shows by series: In my 10+ years of teaching, "school sucks" is perhaps the most common phrase I've heard students use to describe their feelings about public education. But this seemingly bitter and reductive slogan is actually quite clever. When taken literally, "school sucks" is perhaps the most accurate and astute synopsis of the system I've ever heard. Here's why... 1. The twelve-year process of an American public education has a dramatic effect on the mind of a child. When we first enter school at age six, many of our best personal attributes are already in place. We are curious, innovative, unique, creative and hopeful in ways that we will rarely be able to replicate throughout the rest of our lives. But over time, school sucks those essential attributes out of too many of us...and replaces them with predictability, obedience and apathy. 2. The public school system sucks off the productive capacity of hard-working people. The system is coercively funded through taxation. In other words, whether public education succeeds or fails (spoiler alert: it fails) at providing real education to the public, the cost goes up every year. There are no refunds. The END of Public Education? 1. END: It's over, irrelevant, useless, needs to be done away with. Does more harm than good. 2. END: (As in means to an end) We'll also explore the true intentions behind the system, which have very little to do with real education. There is substantial evidence that its failure to educate is no accident. Above all, this is a show about what one might do about these problems...

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 597: The Apprenticeship Path Around College Debt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6059

There's big money and big opportunity in sales, even without 4 to 6 years of additional schooling. Unfortunately, the only six-figure number too many twenty three-year-olds are looking at is on a collections letter from the Department of Education. Today's guest presents the story of his exciting and rewarding alternate path. Nick Rundlett is the first Praxis alumni that I've had the pleasure to interview on School Sucks. He's also a long-time listener of the show. We open our conversation talking about Nick's high school experience, including a long captivating tangent into his explanation of "impromptu Speech" competitions. For Nick, high school was an often undemanding path to college, and college merely the path to a career. He opted for community college to save money, and we'll talk about why he decided to drop out right at the end, one summer semester away from completion. Nick began running his own business as a teenager, and this experience made him hungry gain more sales skills and experience. This desire led Nick to Praxis. He explains how the Praxis admissions and subsequent training program work. Praxis encourages the building a value proposition for a desirable employer instead of the submitting of the traditional resume. I ask how a participant's interests are matched with the right company's needs. More of Nick's Praxis Experience: - Habit-building - The Praxis mission and culture - Adopting the entrepreneurial mindset as an employee/apprentice - Avoiding professional lessons through trial by fire The Value of Sales Skills and Experience - My Dad's sales formula: establishing a rapport, analyzing needs and making an honest recommendation (we'll discuss each one) - Nick counsels me on my long-time aversion to sales - overcoming the fear of rejection and negative self-talk - we apply Nick's sales wisdom to the future of School Sucks Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Thanks for visiting this page. Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4

 596: The Great Conversation In the Age of Screeching | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6238

Scott Hambrick is a home educating parent, entrepreneur, strength coach and the creator (Reader In Chief) of He returns to discuss the power of questions in the Great Conversation, how to read philosophy, and what the hell is going on out there. Can Philosophical Engagement Bring Serenity In the Current Year? Scott and I run through some current events including Covington, AOC/Trump - I'm realizing the media has decayed faster than I have been able to keep up with it - how does this work fit into our current world? - How to maintain calm and rationality and in a hysterical irrational world - Prioritizing the pursuit of truth while so many are willing to abandon it The Power of Questions Scott discusses the role of the moderator in group discussions at Online Great Books. Good questions are open-ended. They are not pointed or leading. A good interlocutor asks honest questions and requests the same from the group, without attempting to teach or profess. Some examples: 1. Why do people continue to read this book? There are lots of books from all periods of human history, but what makes thisbook so important? For instance, why is the Iliadand the Odysseyso seminal in Greek literature, instead of Prometheus Bound? 2. Why was this book written? 3. What can we learn about human nature from reading this book? 4. Has human nature changed since this book was written? Are people the same now as they were at the time of writing? 5. How did this book change the course of thought in history? How To read Philosophy What do these books still have to tell us in the 21st century? - discovering and understanding the hidden assumptions and biases of the author - Adler's childlike curiosity approach; bringing a blank slate mind to a text - why it's often better to avoid reading extensive biographies or commentaries on philosophers, before reading their works - We discuss Plato and his Seventh Letter as an example for this process Join the Great Conversation! Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Thanks for visiting this page. Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4

 595: Breakaway Learning - A New Solution For Self-Directed Teens | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4683

Colleen Mascenik is a retired World Bank development economist, home-schooling mom, and now an innovator in self-directed learning for teens. Her new platform is called The Breakaway Learning Project. I was very encouraged to discover Breakaway Learning; I see it as a missing piece of the puzzle for many families trying to map the self-directed education process from early childhood through their child's first professional/entrepreneurial endeavor. Many home-educated teens opt into school, either because they're hungry for a novel social scene or they see it as a reliable path to college admissions. Colleen and I envision a future when those needs can be met through other means. In the first of hopefully many conversations, Colleen and I cover the following topics: Wasted Teen Years: The Opportunity Cost of Cynicism As a development economist, Colleen sought out broken markets, missed opportunities, and ways that livelihoods could be quickly improved. As a mother of 5 and homeschooler, she saw considerable value-wasting in the teenage years. Colleen encourages us to ponder (even though there's no reliable way to calculate) the immense opportunity cost for millions of teens languishing in environments that encourage subordination but not intrinsic motivation. What opportunities might exist, again, for millions of teens, if they were allowed to pursue their interests with the regular guidance of enthusiastic experts? A New Approach To Self-Directed Learning For Teens We'll discuss how Breakaway Learning enables self-directed teens to build and track their own learning plans from a variety of online resources. However, Breakaway goes an important step further, building a marketplace of local mentors who lead "learning clusters" around topics of shared interest, and creating a global chat marketplace in where teens can connect and learn from interesting people with diverse knowledge and experience. Home-Educators and Unschoolers Are Looking For More Guidance Colleen told me that "even in the pursuit of free expression and creativity, many homeschooling and 'unschooling' parents hesitate, looking always for signals of structure, schedule, progress and outputs. On Facebook homeschooling groups, it seems the most common question is "can anybody recommend a curriculum for my xx-year-old...?" And I think the reason that even really creative homeschoolers go back for high school is a very deeply ingrained respect for form leading up to college admissions." Breakaway Learning encourages parents to explore, but the platform was built with parents' needs for formality in mind. It incorporates tracking and planning tools, so parents, institutions and school authorities can feel confident that this is safe, legitamite learning. Unbundling and Unbranding High schools direct students towards "successful" college admission. College is becoming increasingly irrelevant as both a signal of professional readiness and as a means of real education (in many fields). However, the 4-year undergraduate degree persists as a goal for schools and parents because it is bundled and branded as THE path to professional success. Because of this monopolization, colleges and universities are able to charge a premium for a bundle of courses that students could obtain on Udemy for $40 each. Colleen and I discuss - and this will be an ongoing discussion - how projects like Breakaway Learning can disrupt this status quo. Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Thanks for visiting this page. Before(continued)

 594: Zak Slayback - Proven Strategies For Landing A Great Mentor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5842

How to find a mentor - Zak Slayback returns to the Studio of Champ-yinz to discuss how self-directed learners of all ages can build an enriching "Cabinet of Models." This cabinet includes teachers, advisors, and mentors. Early in the show we'll make the distinction between teachers, advisors and mentors, outline the desirable attributes of each, how long each relationship should last, the type of knowledge and benefit you should seek from each, and the weight to give their advice in the context of your larger goals and plans. Later we'll focus in on how to find a mentor. Zak has gone through this process himself, building a strong relationship with Isaac Morehouse of Praxis that helped him launch his career. Zak advises an understanding of opportunity cost - looking for busy people, identifying tasks that aren’t worth their time but are worth your time. We'll also discuss some strategies to bring value to these people when making introductions. More Shows With Zak Slayback: [PODCAST] #454: Building A Credential Better Than the College Degree, With Zak Slayback Deschool Yourself and Find Your Focus – With Zak Slayback, Part 1 [PODCAST #560] Find Your Focus With Ambition Mapping – With Zak Slayback, Part 2 [PODCAST #561] Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Thanks for visiting this page. Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4

 593: FREE A/V - The Dawn of A New Era | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6090

Trump and his wall. The rise of the Alt-Right and the Regressive Left. Identity politics and a race war. Media manipulation and increasingly impermeable echo chambers. In the summer of 2016 a group of freedom-loving friends stayed up all night and discussed where it was all headed. Flashback... The Dawn of Freedom Part 3 - Recorded June 2016 The first sign of daylight arrives and things start to heat up. Derrick J Freeman also joins the conversation with Brett, Darrell Becker, Davi Barker, Nick Hazelton and Lou Feen. Discussed: The Trump coin - perception management - Derrick's thoughts on Milo and The Dangerous Faggot Tour - The Stonewall Riots - gays vs. Muslims - the European migrant crisis - culture clashes - terror management theory - Red Bar Radio and race exploitation in the media - power from aggrievement - the certainty problem Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Thanks for visiting this page. Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4

 592: Jamie Crane - Profiles In Male Enhancement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4167

Jamie Crane is here to close out the year with a feel-good show and a stroll down memory lane. Today's main topic was intended to be fitness. When I see someone go through a significant personal transformation, I like to know how and why they did it. What changed? What worked? What didn't? When I was visiting Jamie in Oklahoma last year, I assumed he was kidding or embellishing about Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Turns out he was serious and quite committed. But at SSP we offer no prescriptive diet and fitness advice; Jamie tells his story, and I listen skeptically. Here is a resource if you'd like to learn more about the basics of low T: Slideshow: A Visual Guide to Low Testosterone We'll also talk about why Jamie got off Facebook, kindness, the old days of the liberty movement, and our attempts to mix comedy with outreach. Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Thanks for visiting this page. Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4

 591: The T.M. Landry Scam - How A "Miracle School" Exploited A Corrupt System | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5160

Nathan Fraser joins me to discuss the recent T.M. Landry scandal - revelations that threaten to dash many people's hopes about self-directed learning models disrupting and possibly even healing a corrupt and failed schooling system. T.M. Landry fashioned itself as a revolutionary college prep school. It was promoted to national (half) attention through viral college acceptance videos, while boasting an 100% college acceptance rate. An Inventory of T.M Landry's Educational Promise - student led - self directed learning - teachers or mentors who didn't jump through the state hoops to be "qualified" - no textbooks In reality, L.M Landry was a predatory operation against parents and charities looking to help disadvantaged teens escape failure and despair. But T.M. Landry is a symptom of larger problems, both in the public K-12 system and in higher education. The Landrys were able to exploit the hopeful people willing to give to them so generously, as a response to the dismal failure of the schools in that area; Louisiana ranks 49th in the country in education. The Landrys also took advantage of an increasingly ideological college admissions process, which I will argue is prejudiced and even white supremacist (but in a warm and fuzzy, socially acceptable progressive way). Related Shows: [PODCAST] #385: Putting College Race Tensions In Context Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Thanks for visiting this page. Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4

 590: T.K. Coleman - A New Philosophy of Education | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5186

T.K. Coleman joins me to discuss his personal journey through formal schooling and self-education. In this introductory conversation, we'll cover T.K.'s philosophy of education, a philosophy of work, the human thirst for novelty, overcoming permission mentality, creativity and entrepreneurship. T.K. currently serves as the Education Director for Praxis. He is currently producing a video series for the Praxis You Tube channel; T.K.'s College Tour of Bad Arguments aims to help young people confront and overcome with common objections to opting out of college. He'll be back in the near future to discuss this series in more detail. Related Shows: [PODCAST] #499: Successful Dropout – With Kylon Gienger (Part 1 of 2) [PODCAST] #454: Building A Credential Better Than the College Degree, With Zak Slayback Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Thanks for visiting this page. Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4

 589: Jeremy Stuart - Unschooling Comes To the Big Screen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3995

Jeremy Stuart is the director of the 2015 documentary film Class Dismissed and the upcoming follow-up film Self-Taught (2019). Class Dismissed is a film about learning outside the classroom, while Self-Taught examines self-directed learning outcomes through the lives of six adult unschoolers. Jeremy already had 25 years of experience in the film industry before making his directorial debut with Class Dismissed. We'll talk about how he came to embrace these ideas, who influenced him, and how the film took shape over four years. Jeremy is also the father of a 14-year-old unschooled daughter, who is "learning from experiences in life." We talk about some of the unschooling challenges including failure, distraction and boredom. Please Visit Jeremy's Kickstarter and Help Him Finish Self-Taught Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Thanks for visiting this page. Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4

 588: The Great Conversation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6411

Scott Hambrick is a home educating parent, entrepreneur, strength coach and the creator (Reader In Chief) of He joins me today to discuss the Great Books of the Western World and the Great Conversation contained within, as well as tips on how we can improve our mental and physical strength. What are the Great Books? What Is the Great Conversation? - How was the collection created, criteria - Syntopical organization vs chronological order - Mortimer Adler's List over 500 books, goal: informed participation in a democracy - shared inquiry model - How to Read a Book The Benefits of The Great Conversation - diversity of ideas and presence of the clash of ideas - "breaking the script" from parents, school, culture - disciplines engagement in your own mind, and in the minds of others - understand where we are now and why - Many of the idea men behind the design of modern societies have read these books; some of them wrote these books - understanding where we are now and why: a foundation for a discussion about where we could go - The Story of Philosophy (Will Durant), - Leonard Peikof's collection; through an ideological lens, I was dismissing a lot of people wholesale Academic Opposition To The Great Books of the Western World - What do these books still have tell us in the 21st century? - Diversity of thought discouraged. Postmodern influence - The Closing of the American Mind 1987 Online Great Books: The Program - how it started - how it works - Building the habit of reading - good faith interlocutors Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Thanks for visiting this page. Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4

 587: The Life and Legacy of John Taylor Gatto (With Professor CJ and Richard Grove) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7930

Professor CJ from the Dangerous History Podcast leads a roundtable discussion on numerous thought-provoking John Taylor Gatto topics. Topics: - How we each discovered Gatto's work, and how will all didn't take full advantage of our first encounter - Gatto as the Smedley butler of school - the authority of a voice from the inside - Gatto's Upbringing: the culture of Western Pennsylvania - How Gatto invites us inside the minds of the scientific managers - A brief debate on "the best of intentions" regarding the scientific managers - Justified sinning and pragmatism - The power of storytelling and Gatto's ability to make academic writing accessible "Education" by The Kinks In a deep dark jungle long time ago Lived a lonesome caveman He was a solitary soul And he spent his playtime Chewing meat from bones He didn't know how to talk much He only knew how to groan Then he lifted up his hands and reached to the sky Let out a yell and no one replied Frustration and torment tore him inside Then he fell to the ground and he cried and he cried But then education saved the day He learned to speak and communicate Education saved the day He thanked God for the friends he made 'Cos everybody needs an education Everybody needs an education Black skin, red skin, yellow or white Everybody needs to read and write Everybody needs an education Thank the day when that primitive man Learned to talk with his brothers And live off the land He left his cave and he moved far away And he lived with his friends in a house that they'd made He learned to think and to work with his brain And he astounded his friends with all the knowledge he gained He wrote it down on a rock that he found And he showed all his friends and they passed it around And then education came that day The day it came was a sacred day Education came that day He thanked God for the friends he'd made Well man built a boat and he learned how to sail And he travelled far and wide Then he looked up above saw the stars in the sky So he learned how to fly Thanks to all the mathematicians And the inventors with their high I.Q.s And the professors in their colleges Trying to feed me knowledge That I know I'll never use Thank you sir for the meaningful words That you've handed me down and you've told me to learn But I've got words in my ears and my eyes I've got so many facts that I must memorize Because education's doing me in I want to stop but my head's in a swim Education drives me insane I can't recall all the facts on my brain Education came that day The day it came was a sacred day Education saved the day He thanked God for all the friends he made Teacher, teach me how to read and write You can teach me about biology But you can't tell me what I am living for 'Cos that's still a mystery Teacher, teach me about nuclear physics And teach me about the structure of man But all your endless calculations Can't tell me why I am No you can't tell me why I am No you can't tell me why I am Everybody needs education Open Universities, education Every race every creed, education And every little half-breed, education Every nationality, education All the little people need education Eskimos and pygmies need And even aborigines, education Well physics and geography, education Philosophy and history, education Science and biology, education Geometry and poetry, education Well, education, education, education, education Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! (continued)

 586: Pat Farenga - The Evolution of Unschooling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4585

Pat Farenga is a leading unschooling advocate, and the father of three adult unschooled children. He worked closely with unschooling pioneer John Holt on the Growing Without Schooling Magazine, and in the mid-1980s he took over as publisher of GWS and the president of Holt Associates. Today Pat runs the website, which archives all the issues of the magazine, plus a variety of unschooling books and resources. He joins me to discuss the history of unschooling (the idea and the movement), his experiences as an unschooling parent, his relationship with John Holt and the language we use to convey our ideas. Pat Discusses The Impact of John Taylor Gatto He met John in 1991 and they became friends. John spoke at several of Pat's conferences. Pat's Personal History of Unschooling He and his wife raised three girls, and while embracing the unschooling philosophy, they left the door into and out school open for them. The embrace was a very gradual process, from idealism about teaching to John Holt's impact on his ideas about learning. The importance of avoiding the creation of an adversarial relationship with school in the minds of children. A Mindset For Unschooling - slowing down, living consciously - The Legend of Zelda teaches reading - appreciation of choice - trying school The Language of Unschooling - We discuss the words we use in relation to branding and outreach. - My discomforting revelation about the low volume of searches for unschooling and deschooling. - John Holt's issue with the words "education" and "educator" - The interesting etymology of the word "Education" and how the meaning was changed The Professional Rejection of John Holt's Ideas - Holt: learning is not the result of teaching; it's the result of the activity of the learners; teaching can be helpful, but the prerequisite is the intrinsic motivation of the learner - Gatto: "professional interest is served by making what is easy to do seem hard" - Escape From Childhood (1974)- advocacy needs and rights of children and the ephebiphobic (fear of young people) response Other Episodes On Unschooling The Relationship Benefits of Unschooling – With Pam Laricchia [PODCAST #557] [PODCAST] #550: Unschool Adventures – Blake Boles (Part 1) [PODCAST] #101: Unschooling Liberty – The Halldorsons and the Unschool Bus Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Thanks for visiting this page. Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVx(continued)

 585: Sandra Dodd - On Unschooling and Choice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4789

Sandra Dodd is a world-renown unschooling and natural learning advocate, and the mother of three adult unschooled children. Her website is one of the most comprehensive unschooling resources on the internet. She joins me for a fast-paced but fairly comprehensive discussion on her unschooling experiences, influences and philosophy. From Public School Teaching To Unschooling How did Sandra's revelations as a teacher help her embrace unschooling? How Sandra was able able to take ownership over her classroom. John Holt and others informed Sandra's approach to teaching Unschoolers and Reading Sandra share the stories of her three children learning to read, and how there might not always be clear incremental steps. A Mindset For Unschooling - "read a little, try a little, wait a while, watch" - patience - what are we watching for? - addressing problems a discomforts - appreciation of choice and projecting optimism - power-with, instead of power-over relationships, partnership - beware of blindly "supportive" unschooling communities Other Topics - what's the problem with the word "education" - navigating unschooling resources and making connections in the early 1990s - Influences: John Holt and the school reform ideas of the 1960s and 1970s, laboratory "open classroom" schools under the supervision of universities and why the effort to insert this into public schools failed Other Episodes On Unschooling The Relationship Benefits of Unschooling – With Pam Laricchia [PODCAST #557] [PODCAST] #550: Unschool Adventures – Blake Boles (Part 1) [PODCAST] #101: Unschooling Liberty – The Halldorsons and the Unschool Bus Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Thanks for visiting this page. Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4

 584: Thank You John Taylor Gatto | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2815

In Remembrance 1935-2018 A monologue about the courageous life and work of John Taylor Gatto, and the story of how he changed my life. How many teachers reluctantly acknowledge the failure of mass compulsory schooling? How many become disheartened but then relegate themselves to quiet conformity? How many hunt for the villains, but simply wind up sniveling behind the closed doors of the teachers’ lounge, choosing to blame children and parents? If you've worked in or around the public schools - or even if you simply endured the requisite 15,000 hours as a student - you're likely able to form some rough estimations for these questions. Yet how powerful is the voice of the teacher with the conviction to take action and speak out? In 1991, at the dawn of the information age, John Taylor Gatto was named the New York State Teacher of the Year. Within months of receiving that recognition he resigned, quite publicly, in the op-ed section of the Wall Street Journal. At this time, John was in his mid-fifties. He had a family. He had little savings, and he resided on the notoriously not-affordable island of Manhattan. It was a bold move to say the least, but it marked the beginning of a beautiful new career in education. And he inspired many others to cut their own divergent paths. Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Thanks for visiting this page. Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4

 583: Zak Slayback - How High School Students Can Get Ahead In Their Careers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4893

Zak Slayback returns to discuss some helpful action items ambitious high school students can embrace to position themselves ahead of college graduates in the job market. This is a proven formula; Zak will share his stories about how these actions benefited him in his professional climb. It's a upward process of passion-driven learning, making connections, building new knowledge based on those connections, making richer connections based on that new knowledge, signaling that new knowledge, and building a broader network with those signals. Read Zak's blog article, How a High School Student Can Get Ahead in Their Career. Details: - Why young people need to start personal websites while in high school, and how this website can work as a portfolio, showcase of personality, a canvas and as insurance - How to contact an existing expert in the area you want to go into, getting a better idea of how to get started - Researching Resources In Your Field, Zak writes "An old mentor of mine once told me that reading 5 books on a specific topic will give you more knowledge about that topic than 98% of people." - Methods of signaling and building a portfolio - growing your network of people who are a few steps ahead of you More Shows With Zak Slayback: [PODCAST] #454: Building A Credential Better Than the College Degree, With Zak Slayback Deschool Yourself and Find Your Focus – With Zak Slayback, Part 1 [PODCAST #560] Find Your Focus With Ambition Mapping – With Zak Slayback, Part 2 [PODCAST #561] Won’t You Be My Neighbor? [PODCAST #573] Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Thanks for visiting this page. Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4


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