School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation

Summary: We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you are employed and you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please click here to sign up. $6.00/Month Subscribe! You can help the show grow by committing to one of these monthly subscription levels (demonstrating how inflation affects the price of another source of knowledge). It is greatly appreciated! A New Book!(in 1960) $3/ mo A New Book! (in 1972) $6/mo A New Book! (in 1981) $9/mo A New Book! (in 1995) $15/mo A New Book! (Today) $25/mo Angel Investor $999.99/mo Contact Brett, leave comments and view shows by series: In my 10+ years of teaching, "school sucks" is perhaps the most common phrase I've heard students use to describe their feelings about public education. But this seemingly bitter and reductive slogan is actually quite clever. When taken literally, "school sucks" is perhaps the most accurate and astute synopsis of the system I've ever heard. Here's why... 1. The twelve-year process of an American public education has a dramatic effect on the mind of a child. When we first enter school at age six, many of our best personal attributes are already in place. We are curious, innovative, unique, creative and hopeful in ways that we will rarely be able to replicate throughout the rest of our lives. But over time, school sucks those essential attributes out of too many of us...and replaces them with predictability, obedience and apathy. 2. The public school system sucks off the productive capacity of hard-working people. The system is coercively funded through taxation. In other words, whether public education succeeds or fails (spoiler alert: it fails) at providing real education to the public, the cost goes up every year. There are no refunds. The END of Public Education? 1. END: It's over, irrelevant, useless, needs to be done away with. Does more harm than good. 2. END: (As in means to an end) We'll also explore the true intentions behind the system, which have very little to do with real education. There is substantial evidence that its failure to educate is no accident. Above all, this is a show about what one might do about these problems...

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 612: A Professor's Fight Against Call-Out Culture - With Duke Pesta | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4182

Dr. Duke Pesta is an English Professor at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and the Academic Director of FreedomProject Education. Frustrated with "call-out culture" and the misguided efforts to shield young ADULTS from upsetting ideas, Dr. Pesta issued a contract to his students at the beginning of this school year. The highlights: - “In this course, we study literature from cultures that existed before you were born,” reads the contract's Statement of Purpose reads. “Their world is not our world. Their beliefs may not be our beliefs. No one asks you to believe or endorse any premise, attitude, precept, theology, political system, or ideology contained in these books or expressed in class. Nor will you ever lose points or be docked grades because of your opinion.” - “We will not malign or trivialize these texts because they do not always parrot our values. We will not assume these books are racist, sexist, or homophobic because of the period in which they were written, or because of the race, class, gender, or religion of the authors.” - Anyone triggered by “open, direct, and adult discussion of issues, including but not limited to issues of faith, war, violence, race, gender, and sexuality,” should also drop the class I'm interested in learning how all that worked out for him this year. Also In this show: An Extended Monologue: "Game of Thrones Entitlement" Duke Pesta will be speaking at G. Edward Griffin's Red Pill Expo on June 7th. I will be attending and I might like to continue our conversation then. Please let me know in the comments if you have follow-up questions/topics. Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: NEW! SubscribeStar Access our personal development bonus show, The Discomfort Zone, and lots of other irreverent and acerbic commentary you've never heard before. Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4 Support Our Partners Digital Marketing Career Blueprint is the first addition to a School Sucks Project library of courses on high-income skills. If you're interested in learning more please help us out by following this link: Digital Marketing Career Blueprint

 611: Toxic Profession - Why This Is Jonathan Carroll's Last Month of Teaching | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3590

My guest today is Jonathan Carroll, a history teacher and a 20-year veteran of Florida's public schools. Jonathan's recent viral Facebook resignation post has made national news, and has inspired messages of appreciation from educators around the world. In his April 30th post he says that teaching has become a "toxic profession" because of numerous factors, several of which we've discussed on School Sucks for many years. While the point of this conversation is connection, and to let Jonathan tell his story long-form, I did need to ask if the compulsory nature of schooling could have produced anything other than toxic outcomes for far too many students and teachers. Special thanks to Jonathan for his commitment, courage to speak out, and for this thoughtful discussion. Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: NEW! SubscribeStar Access our personal development bonus show, The Discomfort Zone, and lots of other irreverent and acerbic commentary you've never heard before. Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4 Support Our Partners Digital Marketing Career Blueprint is the first addition to a School Sucks Project library of courses on high-income skills. If you're interested in learning more please help us out by following this link: Digital Marketing Career Blueprint

 610: UNeducation? - Defending Families Against Globalist Indoctrination and Other Top-Down Intrusions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3484

Pam Lucashu is a home-educating parent and the Legislative Liaison for The Education of Christian Homeschoolers of CT. Because much of our recent content has been devoted to exciting and revolutionary educational alternatives, I wanted to spotlight Pam as an exemplar of the often forgotten people who are doing the less glamorous work of defending children and families from incursions from state legislatures and beyond. Some examples: In 2015 Pam worked with parental and homeschool rights advocates to form the CT Parental Rights Coalition to respond to the Sandy Hook Commission Report. The commission made recommendations to further regulate home education, using the false pretext that Adam Lanza had been homeschooled. Pam is also an outspoken critic of UN/UNESCO designs on American schooling - a project that goes back at least to the implementation of No Child Left Behind. We'll discuss: - Pam's children once attended public school? What did she see that made her want to pursue home education? - Homeschooling freedom in Connecticut and how Sandy Hook fallout threatened that freedom - UNESCO's "Education For A Sustainable Future" 2003 - "global citizenship" and other misleading marketing language - "performance-based" education - assessing attitudes not knowledge and school subjects are just carriers for UN themes - globalist indoctrination: Declaration of Independence is downplayed; now the government grants rights; Bill of Rights (negative)is replaced with The Universal Declaration of Human rights (positive) Pam will be speaking at G. Edward Griffin's Red Pill Expo on June 7th. I will be attending and I might like to continue our conversation then. Please let know in the comments if you have follow-up questions/topics for Pam. Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: NEW! SubscribeStar Access our personal development bonus show, The Discomfort Zone, and lots of other irreverent and acerbic commentary you've never heard before. Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4 Support Our Partners Digital Marketing Career Blueprint is the first addition to a School Sucks Project library of courses on high-income skills. If you're interested in learning more please help us out by following this link: Digital Marketing Career Blueprint

 609: Isaac Morehouse - How To Choose, Build, Signal, and Sell Valuable Skills | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5909

Isaac Morehouse is the CEO of Crash, the career launch platform, and the founder of Praxis, a startup apprenticeship program. He joins me today to map out a better route to beginning or even relaunching a fulfilling career. Better than what? Better than what almost all of us learned to do. School inculcates a permission mentality; schooled people seek someone to vouch for them. Today you'll stand out more if you can vouch for yourself. Isaac's book, Crash Your Career: Ditch the Gatekeepers and Be Your Own Credential, provides a step-by-step process for how to do this. In it he writes: "...degrees are dead, whether or not most people know it yet. The internet killed them. But it didn’t kill them by putting lectures and courses online — remember, people don’t pay tuition for the lectures and courses. The internet killed degrees because it brought the cost of information so low that now anyone anywhere can build a better signal than a degree through a digital footprint, brand, or body of work.You can now be your own credential. You can make something better than a third-party paper." We'll discuss: - The value of doing free work (entitlement problem) - Raising your value with comparative advantage, finding the low-value - What skills are right for you to pursue? - How to build those skills; real-world projects - How to signal skills: show, don’t tell - How to sell your skills and yourself Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: NEW! SubscribeStar Access our personal development bonus show, The Discomfort Zone, and lots of other irreverent and acerbic commentary you've never heard before. Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4 Support Our Partners Digital Marketing Career Blueprint is the first addition to a School Sucks Project library of courses on high-income skills. If you're interested in learning more please help us out by following this link: Digital Marketing Career Blueprint

 608: Is It Time To Give Up On Millennials? With Aaron Clarey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5120

A whole generation? Is that even a fair question? Today's discussion is a series of polite disagreements and even politer agreements with Aaron Clarey, who argues the answer to that question is yes. One huge point of agreement: marketing and advertising are both getting increasingly obnoxious and aggravating as large corporations move their targeting to woke Millennials. The center of our disagreement: are most Millennials (and even many Gen-Xers like Aaron and myself) even in search of a purpose? Or has leftist politics prevented such a quest from ever happening? Bio: Aaron is a motorcycle riding, ballroom dancing, fossil hunting, mountain climbing, economist. He spent 15 years in the banking industry to learn that work sucks, life is short, and it was not meant to be spent in a cube suffering the idiots of corporate America. He left and has since pursued a career in writing, consulting, ballroom dancing, and hedonism. The outgrowth of Aaron's lessons includes a variety of successful media platforms: AaronClarey On YouTube Captain Capitalism Blog Asshole Consulting Older Brother Podcast Aaron's books include Worthless, a real-world assessment about the economic realities and consequences of choosing various degrees, and the Curse of the High IQ. The latter identifies and addresses a litany of problems intelligent people face, and it provides solutions. But more importantly it aims to bring sanity to those who struggle with abnormal intelligence, especially those who are unaware they have it. He's here today to discuss his blog article Selling Millennials Their Purpose, Agency, and Reason in Life. Also... - Don't put handles on a whole group of people to move them around as one unit; this is what we're being critical of (politicians, schools and corporations) - SELF-ESTEEM: The new age self-esteem movement said "If you want kids to have self-esteem here's what you need to tell them" while Nathaniel Branden asserted that if people want self-esteem there's a series of actions they need to take - why are Millennials miserable? by default they're "acceptional" and entitled - LinkedIn Study: Only 30 percent of Millennials prioritize purpose over work and income, compared to 48 percent of baby boomers. - The Social Justice War - signal that every real problem has been solved for most people, they're left to do 60s protest reenactments - SJWs are a small percentage of Millennials, but they are barometer of the political attitudes of the generation; most are just too apathetic - Brand Purpose, marketing to Millennials Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: NEW! SubscribeStar Access our personal development bonus show, The Discomfort Zone, and lots of other irreverent and acerbic commentary you've never heard before. Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V C(continued)

 607: Jason Seib - Optimizing the Mind/Body Alliance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4902

Jason Seib is a fat loss coach, fitness and nutrition author, and speaker. He is also the creator of the Alt-Shift Diet, which doesn't have to be seen as a "diet diet" - temporary and filled with frustrating sacrifices. His philosophy aligns with previous health and fitness coaches we've had on the show, and with what has proven most successful for me. Even though Jason's work focuses primarily on 30+ moms frustrated with yo-yo diets, I've bought into his approach in a big way over the last 2 years, with great results. Recently I was looking for ways to optimize my diet and fitness pursuits, which actually means addressing some mistakes and shortcuts I have been making. I thought, who better to talk to than Jason himself? We'll start by discussing Jason's Background in the Paleo scene, the influence of Rob Wolf, serious problems with the online fitness industry, and then we'll move into the important of a healthy relationship between mind and body in fitness and diet pursuits. What is Alt-Shift: - Research, Guidelines and foundations - benefits of Cyclic Keto Diets, shortcoming of keto/low-carb diets - Macro-nutrient cycling in Alt-Shift Brett's Alt-Shift Benefits: - sustainability - leaner and stronger than maybe I've ever been - less anxiety - much better cardiovascular health - sleep, deep and consistent - energy - less illness - better metabolic flexibility - fun But Here's the Problem: Lately I've been having too much fun? I read the book in 2017, and now I retain only the essences of it, selectively. I am finding ways to cheat, while still still operating inside the macro guidelines of the diet. And while there may be no immediate consequences at my waistline (which is 30) I worry about the implications to long term health. This is an important theme in the show: a conscious approach, with self-acceptance as a foundation, but also focused on regular improvement. Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: NEW! SubscribeStar Access our personal development bonus show, The Discomfort Zone, and lots of other irreverent and acerbic commentary you've never heard before. Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4 Support Our Partners Digital Marketing Career Blueprint is the first addition to a School Sucks Project library of courses on high-income skills. If you're interested in learning more please help us out by following this(continued)

 606: With Great Time Freedom Comes Great Time Responsibility - A Guide To Block Scheduling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5513

Three years ago a time, energy and attention management expert name Kevin Kruse came on School Sucks to discuss block scheduling and some of its helpful, supporting strategies. I listened politely, and then did something entirely different. After much more trial and error in managing my time efficiently and effectively, I am revisiting Kevin's advice and combining it with some additional resources from Brian Tracey, Cal Newport and Tim Ferriss. After three solid months of experimentation with block scheduling, I'm ready to report my findings in this marathon solo show. I hope this is helpful for many of you. Backstory/Problems Lately on SSP, we've been spending a lot of show time discussing the glories of being your own boss. But several times a week, I realize I kind of suck at that. I usually feel busy but not doing things that are really moving the needle for my business. Time is precious, and with great freedom comes great responsibility. Especially for unschooled kids, dealing with an abundance of unstructured time. What habits are they forming? Block Scheduling INFLUENCES "Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things. Your ability to plan and organize your work, in advance, so you are always working on your highest value tasks determines your success as much as any other factor." - Brian Tracey Eat That Frog * Select Your Most Important Task * Begin Immediately. * Work on It Single Handedly. * Finish It!! Beware of attention residue. Every time you switch activities you deplete focus. THE E-MYTH This book taught me to think of myself as playing three distinct roles inside School Sucks: entrepreneur, manager and technician. I became more conscious of how I was dividing my time between the three. Batching Tim Ferriss talks about group related work together in The Four-Hour Work Week. Don't make the batch too big if it's not something you enjoy. Cal Newport - DEEP WORK This is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. it's a skill we build over time. Newport claims that a 40 hour time-blocked work wee can produce the same amount of output as an unstructured 60-hour work week. Embracing "monk mode morning" Between when you wake up and noon no meetings, no calls, no texts, no email, no Internet. You instead work deeply on something (or some things) that matter. That's the ideal, so how close can I get? Block Scheduling PROCESS This is MY calendar; I can revise it however I wish. I use google calendar - everything moves. Time blocking has four major steps: plan, block, act, and revise. This is explained in detail in the show. Block Scheduling Outcomes After Three Months * specific, well defined time blocks for high-value activities, every day, fail if I must * done with work by 5pm every day * Dump low priority stuff off later into the week. WHAT I'VE LEARNED ABOUT MYSELF * I prioritize shallow work, production "feel busy" or "feel productive" * I don't spend enough time on entrepreneurial thinking * Management tasks sap my energy, not for the morning * I manage my time less effectively as the week goes on * I don't have clear boundaries between life and work , too much time in the Studio of Champions * I need to be managed, but I am the only manager I have, and this process solves that problem * Being busy feels terrible, and so does telling people I'm too busy Related Shows On Organization, Focus and Block Scheduling [PODCAST/VIDEO] #404: Brett’s Complete Guide To Evernote with GTD – Tutorial [PODCAST] #406: Time Mastery – A Conversation With Kevin Kruse Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the(continued)

 605: Anticipating the Frog - The Discomfort Zone (FREE Episode) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4768

Here's a free full-episode sample of our supporter-only show The Discomfort Zone. And we're excited to announce a new way to get it! With your SubscribeStar Membership you'll gain access to this frequently praised ongoing personal development conversation, plus lots of other irreverent and acerbic commentary that School Sucks listeners have never heard before. What You'll Hear Today: THE DISCOMFORT ZONE(s02e03) We're not eating enough frogs for breakfast and this can really ruin the day. We'll explain. We also discuss the lessons from a month of block scheduling and ways to improve the practice. Plus Brett's trip to the hospital, Andrew's bi-phasic sleep and a review of High Performance Habits. All current SubscribeStar Content: The Discomfort Zone – Pilot (Hour 1) (AUDIO, 63 MINUTES) The first installment of our new supporter-only show - In this series, we will build upon and grow our strengths, highlight and improve our weaknesses, diversify and increase our personal and professional skill sets. This ongoing saga will be an open discussion allowing us to question each other's actions to help ensure we are taking the best possible steps to keep us on track achieve our goals.Today Andrew and I inventory each other's strengths and weaknesses and set some initial accountability goals for each other. The Discomfort Zone – Pilot (Hour 2) (AUDIO, 64 MINUTES) The first installment of our new supporter-only show - In this series, we will build upon and grow our strengths, highlight and improve our weaknesses, diversify and increase our personal and professional skill sets. This ongoing saga will be an open discussion allowing us to question each other's actions to help ensure we are taking the best possible steps to keep us on track achieve our goals.Today Andrew and I inventory each other's strengths and weaknesses and set some initial accountability goals for each other. THE DISCOMFORT ZONE 2 – Get Destroyed (AUDIO, 125 MINUTES) Format: 1. Success: How did each of us "punch the world in the dick" (working title) this week? Greatest achievements. 2. Accountability - Did we take each other's advice from the previous session? How did it work out? 3. "Greatest Discomforts" - What is our biggest challenge/frustration/emotional weight this week? Discussion 4. Action Items - We give each other advice to act on before the next sessionToday our Greatest Discomforts both deal with relationship issues. THE DISCOMFORT ZONE 3 – Hug the Cactus (AUDIO, 89 minutes) Can we transform our Greatest Discomforts into sources of gratitude? THE DISCOMFORT ZONE 4 – The Interrogation (AUDIO, 87 minutes) The best and most uncomfortable meeting yet. * Brett and Andrew have a fight. * Brett: Social fatigue, paranoia, alienation, feeling interrogated. Then an epiphany. * Andrew: Productivity jack-offery isn't working. What has to sacrificed for success? * Procrastinating by not prioritizing. THE DISCOMFORT ZONE 5 – How To Escape Your…Comfort Zone (AUDIO, 82 minutes) The first time we've brought on a guest - our friend Nick is visiting Pittsburgh. He has lived in Keene, NH for his entire life and has worked at the same company throughout his whole career. He's in a real comfort zone and getting restless. Andrew and I help him decide if he's ready for a new adventcha!Where should he go? What should he seek? Where will he end up? I share the benefits, revelations, and challenges of my recent travel experience. Andrew used to be a truck driver, and he has some painful memories of being on the road.Also, lots of things aren't going well right now! Audio THE DISCOMFORT ZONE 6 – Alone In Winter (AUDIO, 63 minutes) Andrew travels with a man and doesn't like it. Brett has Seasonal Affective Disorder. James also joins us in The Studio of Champ-Yinz to talk about what gives him anxiety. Streamed live to a hostile You Tube audience on December 6th, 2018.Discussed: Struggles with certain types of commitments, lonelines(continued)

 604: Countering Costly College Propaganda, With Seth Hymes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4406

Today the college degree had such an allure that some successful (and presumably smart) people are willing to risk felony charges to help their children access it. Sure, there are prestigious school names that might open additional doors, but the pervasive college religion is mostly built on propaganda. Seth Hymes is a business & entrepreneur coach, a digital marketer, and a filmmaker. Twenty years ago he graduated from the famed NYU Film School and discovered it had adequately prepared him for a volatile career in America's rapidly expanding service industry. Eventually Seth embraced self-directed education and acquired a set of skills that consistently earn him a yearly six-figure salary, providing him tremendous professional satisfaction and security. Through this process, he became a passionate advocate for opting out of college; he produced a very thorough free resource simply called Skip College For Success. In addition to exposing college propaganda, it also provides an introduction to how to actually make money (without a degree) and to how young people can start living life on their own terms. Seth has also organized his professional and life lessons to teach young people how to get jobs in digital marketing without a college degree or any experience. His course has enabled many of his students to skip or drop out of college. You can see their stories on Seth's Instagram @thesethjared. Seth and I connected recently and I quickly realized that his work is well-aligned with our mission at School Sucks Project. This is the first of many conversations, but in this introduction we'll discuss the following topics: 1. Skip College For Success - what motivated Seth to create this free course - why college is failing so many young people - misleading data about college and why it is being spread - most compelling facts about why college isn't worth it - credential inflation - counseling people who are dealing with social or family pressures to go - the "skip college" strategy for people ages 15-23 2. High Income Skills - Seth's Digital Marketing Career Blueprint - why he chose to focus on this high income skill - training for a career instead of a degree - what do Seth's students frequently disclose about their prior college experience? 3. Foundational Mindset - why prioritize self-development over critical thinking? - anyone can be an autodidact? - why knowledge is not always power I'm also happy to announce that Seth's Digital Marketing Career Blueprint is the first addition to a School Sucks Project library of courses on high-income skills. If you're interested in learning more please help us out by following this link: Digital Marketing Career Blueprint Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: NEW! SubscribeStar Access our personal development bonus show, The Discomfort Zone, and lots of other irreverent and acerbic commentary you've never heard before. Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular co(continued)

 603: COLLEGE SCAM! (Mainstream America Learns A New Phrase) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3932

Scott Hambrick and I discuss the so-called biggest scandal in the history of higher education! But what will the public ultimately learn from the Operation Varsity Blues revelations? And what will change? Scott is a home educating parent, entrepreneur, strength coach and the creator (Reader In Chief) of Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: NEW! SubscribeStar Access our personal development bonus show, The Discomfort Zone, and lots of other irreverent and acerbic commentary you've never heard before. Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4

 602: Professor CJ - Considering Community College? (Part 2 of 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3458

Part Two: Current Student Challenges CJ Kilmer is a college history professor and the host of the acclaimed The Dangerous History Podcast. A couple weeks ago CJ expressed some frustration about his teaching job on Facebook - it included the word "soul-crushing" - and I saw it as an opportunity to connect over similar experiences. It's also an opportunity to share with you a long-form discussion on community college. The conversation is divided into two parts; tin the previous show we covered the institutional problems and this installment will focus on current student and cultural challenges. CJ has been teaching college history since 2006, so we're working with a sample size of several thousand students. students have become increasingly less prepared & competent over time * More deficient in basic prerequisite skills & knowledge * More deficient in terms of basic study skills * More deficient in terms of work ethic & attitude * More unrealistic in terms of expectations * Less curious about things in general Technology and social media's negative impacts on this generation * CJ's current students were mostly born around 2000 and have grown up with smart phones, social media, etc; students when he started were born around 1990 and didn't get those things until they were adolescents or older. * The Zombification Of America Accelerates - 45% Of Teens Are Online "Almost Constantly" * PEW: 45% describe social media a having a neutral effect; they don't even notice the effects * how are teens using the internet? PEW: 31% regard the tech as a positive force, 5% of that 31% say the use it for support, and 4% 0of that 31% say the use it for learn new things The misguided drive to increase college enrollment * what if everyone qualified is already being served? Then the only way to increase enrollment is by bringing in the unqualified; the result is ultimately to cause more harm to them & to society Look Closer CJ's Site and The Dangerous History Podcast Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: NEW! SubscribeStar Access our personal development bonus show, The Discomfort Zone, and lots of other irreverent and acerbic commentary you've never heard before. Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4

 601: Professor CJ - Considering Community College? (Part 1 of 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4178

Part One: Structural/Political Problems With Community College CJ Kilmer is a college history professor and the host of the acclaimed The Dangerous History Podcast. A couple weeks ago CJ expressed some frustration about his teaching job on Facebook - it included the word "soul-crushing" - and I saw it as an opportunity to connect over similar experiences. It's also an opportunity to share with you a long-form discussion on community college. The conversation is divided into two parts; today we'll cover the institutional problems and the next installment will focus on current student and cultural challenges. Reduction in the variety of community college course offerings -reduced relationship cultivation with students -2008-2017 saw 30% drop in BA degrees in history -Since 2008 recession students have been shifting away from humanities The problem with online classes in community college -online classes exacerbate existing school problems -professor attitudes on online vs. face-to-face teaching -many students are unrealistic about their learning styles -five studies on online classes aren't promising for community college students, even though that segment needs more convenience and flexibility -almost half of the nation’s undergraduates are in community college State college funding issues: increasing emphasis on quantitative data, outcomes, performance-based funding -unintended consequences of bean-counting -explanations of incremental and formula funding -twelve quantitative evaluations of state performance-based funding show little positive impact -why high-stakes performance incentives don't work in complex organizations Look Closer CJ's Site and The Dangerous History Podcast Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: NEW! SubscribeStar Access our personal development bonus show, The Discomfort Zone, and lots of other irreverent and acerbic commentary you've never heard before. Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4

 600: The Music of School Sucks Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5330

If you're a new listener this is not best place to start. Nick and Lizzie from Sounds Like Liberty accompany me on a melodious journey, where I'll explain how my tastes in music were formed and how those tastes are incorporated into the podcast. Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: NEW! SubscribeStar Access our personal development bonus show, The Discomfort Zone, and lots of other irreverent and acerbic commentary you've never heard before. Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4

 599: Nathan Fraser - Anatomy of A Failed Passion Project | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4631

Nathan Fraser and I have both been participants and critical observers of an interesting scene over the last decade. During that time we've watched, and participated in, projects driven by a passion for liberty but doomed by a lack of foresight and direction. Today we'll discuss how a libertarian passion project can find a way to outwit the devil. We'll explain. Why are so many liberty activists attracted to entrepreneurship? The connection here is kind of obvious, but if freedom is the sole priority we risk becoming what Napoleon Hill called "aimless drifters." A Lesson From A Book Called The $100 Start-Up: Passion is only a third of the whole equation; you also need skills and customers. For a passion to become more than a hobby, we need to need focus on income and costs. in other words, keep your day job at first, and learn skills that support your passion. What are the most common reasons activists fail at business ownership? A lesson from a book called The E-Myth: Having great technical skills or knowledge does not mean you can run a business. If you're not ready to contemplate and embrace all the roles of running a business, you'll wind up driving yourself crazy. Don't confuse entrepreneurship with agorism. Agorism doesn't scale. How can you tell if your business idea is worth pursing? - Always validate your business ideas - Look in places where people are already making money - Test the interest in your big idea through a series of smaller commitments More About Nathan Fraser: The Free Market Squad: The Mastermind Group Need Help Growing Your Business? A Free guide to stop losing sales on your online store Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Thanks for visiting this page. Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4

 598: Human Restoration Inside the School System? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4707

We've talked a little in the past about school survival. But we haven't given enough attention to those who work inside the schools to make them more survivable. My guest is Chris McNutt, a public school teacher and one of the founders of the Human Restoration Project. HRP is an educational movement to transform school systems, restoring students as human beings rather than a vessel for standards. The organization focuses on school reform, offering personalized professional development services and various materials geared toward changing mindsets in education. Chris is also the host of a progressive education-focused podcast called Things Fall Apart. So...what happens next? Do we fight? No. But I do ask for clarity on the term "progressive education." Chris explains it as transition from traditional compulsory schooling to a student-centered focus and to the embrace of three core values. 1. passion is central to education 2. the embrace of creativity 3. the promotion of non-standardized learning We agree that the public schools are reducing humans into vessels of content rather than embracing their humanity, but I express skepticism about the possibility of true reform. I have no conception of how the current system could ever deliver the results Chris and I both find desirable. We also discuss helping young people think about and find purpose. But this is deep work; is it too invasive a job for the public schools? Chris and I have similar stories from our teaching careers. He became very disillusioned early on, and he embarked down a new path away from the traditional expectations of a public school teacher. We also both experienced a kind of savior complex that set us up for failure and disappointment early in our careers. We'll discuss this and much more. Please Support School Sucks We do cool things! Thanks to your support. School Sucks is one of the longest running liberty-minded podcasts on the web, and the only one completely devoted to the issue of education (versus public school and college). Your support keeps the show going and growing, which keeps us at the top of the options for education podcasts and leads to new people discovering our work. Please help us continue to spread this important message further! Thanks for visiting this page. Before you do anything, please bookmark and use this link for your Amazon shopping: Shop With Us One-Time Donation Options: Paypal/Venmo; Donate DASH Donate ETHEREUM Donate LITECOIN Donate BITCOIN Donate BITCOIN CASH Donate ZCASH Recurring Options: Support Us On PATREON Help incentivize our production! Pledge $1 per content item and access dozens of Patron only audios and videos. Join the A/V Club If you're looking for more School Sucks content, the A/V Club option grants you access to a bonus content section with 400+ hours of exclusive audio and video. If you are a regular consumer of our media, please consider making a monthly commitment by selecting the best option for you... A/V Club - Basic Access - $8.00/Month A/V Club - "Advanced" Access - $12.00/Month Sigma Sigma Pi - "Privileged" Access - $16.00/Month   Crypto Addresses: DASH; XcZfPP6GZGVo9VKViNBVJZja5JVxZDB229 ETHEREUM; 0x3c5504CE3401C028832173506fa30BD4db4b7D35 LITECOIN; LKNp24f5wwvZ2QzeDbvxXgBxyVwi1yXnu2 BITCOIN; 1KhwY836cfSGCK5aaGFv8Q7PHMgghFJn1U BITCOIN CASH 1AmqLVxjw3Lp9KT5ckfvsqfN2Hn3B1hCWS ZCASH; t1by1ZGJ63LoLSjXy27ooJtipf4wMr7qbu4


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