School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation

Summary: We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you are employed and you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please click here to sign up. $6.00/Month Subscribe! You can help the show grow by committing to one of these monthly subscription levels (demonstrating how inflation affects the price of another source of knowledge). It is greatly appreciated! A New Book!(in 1960) $3/ mo A New Book! (in 1972) $6/mo A New Book! (in 1981) $9/mo A New Book! (in 1995) $15/mo A New Book! (Today) $25/mo Angel Investor $999.99/mo Contact Brett, leave comments and view shows by series: In my 10+ years of teaching, "school sucks" is perhaps the most common phrase I've heard students use to describe their feelings about public education. But this seemingly bitter and reductive slogan is actually quite clever. When taken literally, "school sucks" is perhaps the most accurate and astute synopsis of the system I've ever heard. Here's why... 1. The twelve-year process of an American public education has a dramatic effect on the mind of a child. When we first enter school at age six, many of our best personal attributes are already in place. We are curious, innovative, unique, creative and hopeful in ways that we will rarely be able to replicate throughout the rest of our lives. But over time, school sucks those essential attributes out of too many of us...and replaces them with predictability, obedience and apathy. 2. The public school system sucks off the productive capacity of hard-working people. The system is coercively funded through taxation. In other words, whether public education succeeds or fails (spoiler alert: it fails) at providing real education to the public, the cost goes up every year. There are no refunds. The END of Public Education? 1. END: It's over, irrelevant, useless, needs to be done away with. Does more harm than good. 2. END: (As in means to an end) We'll also explore the true intentions behind the system, which have very little to do with real education. There is substantial evidence that its failure to educate is no accident. Above all, this is a show about what one might do about these problems...

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 179: Myths About Youth, By Mike Males (Article - Circa 2001) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3111

I found an irresistible book in a used book store called Everything You Know Is Wrong. It was a compilation of articles by alternative media journalists, revisionist historians, and social commentators, which included a piece by Mike Males entitled "Myths About Youth." Since I could not find this article on the web, I decided to share it here. Topics include teen violence, teen drug use, teen suicide, teen sex, the anti-youth agendas of special interests...and the inevitable crackdowns. Look Closer: Mike Males Articles Trashing Teens: Psychologist Robert Epstein argues in a provocative book, "The Case Against Adolescence," that teens are far more competent than we assume $6.00/Month - Join the A/V Club and Receive Bonus Content We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you'll have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please sign up right here.

 179: Myths About Youth, By Mike Males (Article - Circa 2001) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3111

I found an irresistible book in a used book store called Everything You Know Is Wrong. It was a compilation of articles by alternative media journalists, revisionist historians, and social commentators, which included a piece by Mike Males entitled "Myths About Youth." Since I could not find this article on the web, I decided to share it here. Topics include teen violence, teen drug use, teen suicide, teen sex, the anti-youth agendas of special interests...and the inevitable crackdowns. Look Closer: Mike Males Articles Trashing Teens: Psychologist Robert Epstein argues in a provocative book, "The Case Against Adolescence," that teens are far more competent than we assume $6.00/Month - Join the A/V Club and Receive Bonus Content We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you'll have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please sign up right here.

 178: Sexy Asian Tutors and the Reevaluation of My Career | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4007

Topic: Two events in the past few weeks have forced me to think more intensely about my career choice and to contemplate where it is ultimately taking me. It will all be explained in the show. This is a selection of segments from the 11-29-12 live show, with an additional non-live monologue. School Sucks is live on the Liberty Radio Network and UStream Thursdays at 10pm EST. Introduction: Discussed: Look Closer: Meet the "Tutor Kings and Queens" By Yojana Sharma $6.00/Month - Join the A/V Club and Receive Bonus Content We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you'll have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please sign up right here.

 178: Sexy Asian Tutors and the Reevaluation of My Career | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4007

Topic: Two events in the past few weeks have forced me to think more intensely about my career choice and to contemplate where it is ultimately taking me. It will all be explained in the show. This is a selection of segments from the 11-29-12 live show, with an additional non-live monologue. School Sucks is live on the Liberty Radio Network and UStream Thursdays at 10pm EST. Introduction: Discussed: Look Closer: Meet the "Tutor Kings and Queens" By Yojana Sharma $6.00/Month - Join the A/V Club and Receive Bonus Content We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you'll have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please sign up right here.

 177: Proactive, Authentic, Cooperative Conflict Resolution (vs. Lose-Lose Parenting) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4090

Lose-Lose Parenting: Tough Love, "Last Resorts" and Public Shaming A stream of consciousness show, in response to a story about the Florida parents who publicly shamed their 15-year-old daughter as a "last resort" act of "tough love." “We’re losing a lot of kids and a lot of teachers because we still view challenging kids the wrong way and handle them in ways that don’t address their true difficulties. It's an exercise in frustration for everyone involved, and it’s time to get off the treadmill.” Ross Greene, Lost At School Picture(Clockwise from top-left): 1. 17th century Puritan New England 2. 19th century American South 3. Communist China 4. Florida, 2012 Look Closer: Parents Shame Daughter for Sneaking Boys In, Make Her Wear Sign Trashing Teens: Psychologist Robert Epstein argues in a provocative book, "The Case Against Adolescence," that teens are far more competent than we assume Father forces seventh grade son stand street wearing sign failing grades Dr. Ross Greene, Lives In the Balance Dr. Ross Greene, Simple Plan B (Example) Trashing Teens: Psychologist Robert Epstein argues in a provocative book, "The Case Against Adolescence," that teens are far more competent than we assume Dayna Martin: 'I let my children do whatever they want'

 177: Proactive, Authentic, Cooperative Conflict Resolution (vs. Lose-Lose Parenting) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4090

Lose-Lose Parenting: Tough Love, "Last Resorts" and Public Shaming A stream of consciousness show, in response to a story about the Florida parents who publicly shamed their 15-year-old daughter as a "last resort" act of "tough love." “We’re losing a lot of kids and a lot of teachers because we still view challenging kids the wrong way and handle them in ways that don’t address their true difficulties. It's an exercise in frustration for everyone involved, and it’s time to get off the treadmill.” Ross Greene, Lost At School Picture(Clockwise from top-left): 1. 17th century Puritan New England 2. 19th century American South 3. Communist China 4. Florida, 2012 Look Closer: Parents Shame Daughter for Sneaking Boys In, Make Her Wear Sign Trashing Teens: Psychologist Robert Epstein argues in a provocative book, "The Case Against Adolescence," that teens are far more competent than we assume Father forces seventh grade son stand street wearing sign failing grades Dr. Ross Greene, Lives In the Balance Dr. Ross Greene, Simple Plan B (Example) Trashing Teens: Psychologist Robert Epstein argues in a provocative book, "The Case Against Adolescence," that teens are far more competent than we assume Dayna Martin: 'I let my children do whatever they want'

 176: Pestilence and Superstition - Obligatory Revisionist Thanksgiving History Rant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5003

Topic: Osborne and I celebrate Thanksgiving by discussing a more accurate account of the Pilgrim arrival in the Massachusetts Bay area in 1620, what happened beforehand, and what unfolded next. Why is this story so important to American mythology? From which important truths is it misdirecting our collective attention? What are the lost opportunities for government school history students? This is the full 11-22-12 live show, with an additional segment taken from the After School (Sucks) Special. School Sucks is live on the Liberty Radio Network and UStream Thursdays at 10pm EST. Look Closer: The True Meaning of Thanksgiving: The Birth of Private Enterprise in America by Richard M. Ebeling Appeal to tradition First Thanksgiving,Red Eyes, Invisibility of Racism (excerpted from the book Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong by James W. Loewen) Gatto: The Underground History of American Education

 176: Pestilence and Superstition - Obligatory Revisionist Thanksgiving History Rant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5003

Topic: Osborne and I celebrate Thanksgiving by discussing a more accurate account of the Pilgrim arrival in the Massachusetts Bay area in 1620, what happened beforehand, and what unfolded next. Why is this story so important to American mythology? From which important truths is it misdirecting our collective attention? What are the lost opportunities for government school history students? This is the full 11-22-12 live show, with an additional segment taken from the After School (Sucks) Special. School Sucks is live on the Liberty Radio Network and UStream Thursdays at 10pm EST. Look Closer: The True Meaning of Thanksgiving: The Birth of Private Enterprise in America by Richard M. Ebeling Appeal to tradition First Thanksgiving,Red Eyes, Invisibility of Racism (excerpted from the book Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong by James W. Loewen) Gatto: The Underground History of American Education

 175: Logic Saves Lives Part 7 - Did Stanley Kubrick Help NASA Fake the Moon Landing? I Sure Hope So! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8169

Logic is about understanding reality in a non-contradictory way and how can we see things for what they are. Metaphysical Laws 1.Identity 2.Causality 3.Non-Contradiction Topic: An investigation of a very compelling conspiracy theory involving a visionary film maker, the media, the final frontier, the government and a fight against my own confirmation bias. The fallacies covered in this show can all be categorized under Fallacies of Omission, where essential material is left out of an argument or the presenter deliberately misdirects others from crucial information (or lack thereof). This group includes: -The Loaded Question -Stacking the Deck, or Cherry Picking -The Argument From the Negative -The Appeal to Ignorance -Hypothesis Contrary to Fact Also covered: -Backround knowledge, Grammer -Rhetorical Styles in documentaries -The Concept of Unfalsifiablity -Kubrick's methods This podcast includes the edited 11-15-12 live show, the after-show and additional non-live segments. School Sucks is live on the Liberty Radio Network and UStream Thursdays at 10pm EST. To watch the full video version of this podcast, recorded live, click here. Bumper Music: "Your Wildest Dreams" The Moody Blues To resume the discussion with Sam from where we left off on the podcast, jump to 41:50 in this video. Look Closer: Logical Fallacies Handlist Logical Fallacies Basics Ayn Rand Lexicon How a NASA Lens became Kubrick’s Obsession The Secrets of The Shining? Alchemical Kubrick, 2001: The Great Work On Film, by Jay Weidner Red Ice Radio - Jay Weidner - Hr 1 - Kubrick's Odyssey: How Stanley Faked the Moon Landings A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Moon - Documentary-ish Myth Busters Episode 104: NASA Moon Landing

 175: Logic Saves Lives Part 7 - Did Stanley Kubrick Help NASA Fake the Moon Landing? I Sure Hope So! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8169

Logic is about understanding reality in a non-contradictory way and how can we see things for what they are. Metaphysical Laws 1.Identity 2.Causality 3.Non-Contradiction Topic: An investigation of a very compelling conspiracy theory involving a visionary film maker, the media, the final frontier, the government and a fight against my own confirmation bias. The fallacies covered in this show can all be categorized under Fallacies of Omission, where essential material is left out of an argument or the presenter deliberately misdirects others from crucial information (or lack thereof). This group includes: -The Loaded Question -Stacking the Deck, or Cherry Picking -The Argument From the Negative -The Appeal to Ignorance -Hypothesis Contrary to Fact Also covered: -Backround knowledge, Grammer -Rhetorical Styles in documentaries -The Concept of Unfalsifiablity -Kubrick's methods This podcast includes the edited 11-15-12 live show, the after-show and additional non-live segments. School Sucks is live on the Liberty Radio Network and UStream Thursdays at 10pm EST. To watch the full video version of this podcast, recorded live, click here. Bumper Music: "Your Wildest Dreams" The Moody Blues To resume the discussion with Sam from where we left off on the podcast, jump to 41:50 in this video. Look Closer: Logical Fallacies Handlist Logical Fallacies Basics Ayn Rand Lexicon How a NASA Lens became Kubrick’s Obsession The Secrets of The Shining? Alchemical Kubrick, 2001: The Great Work On Film, by Jay Weidner Red Ice Radio - Jay Weidner - Hr 1 - Kubrick's Odyssey: How Stanley Faked the Moon Landings A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Moon - Documentary-ish Myth Busters Episode 104: NASA Moon Landing

 174: Individual Identity In A Collectivist World (Brett On The Freedom Experiment) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4972

My recent discussion with Rodney Smith from The Freedom Experiment Podcast. Topics: -Collectivism in the African-America community -The myths of the Great Society -Obama -The forfeiting of individual identity -Coming to terms to be spanked and being a spanker -Nonviolent Communication -The problems in college athletics -Lessons of baseball Look Closer: The Freedom Experiment Podcast

 174: Individual Identity In A Collectivist World (Brett On The Freedom Experiment) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4972

My recent discussion with Rodney Smith from The Freedom Experiment Podcast. Topics: -Collectivism in the African-America community -The myths of the Great Society -Obama -The forfeiting of individual identity -Coming to terms to be spanked and being a spanker -Nonviolent Communication -The problems in college athletics -Lessons of baseball Look Closer: The Freedom Experiment Podcast

 173: Autonomy Vs. Authority (Brett On Sex, Lies and Anarchy) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6333

What are the forces and ideas preventing children from attaining autonomy? Topics: -Child labor laws -Governnment regulation of apprenticeship programs -Emancipation -Age restrictions -The legality of child abuse -Some pretty bad jokes Look Closer: Trashing Teens: Psychologist Robert Epstein argues in a provocative book, "The Case Against Adolescence," that teens are far more competent than we assume G. Stanley Hall: The Inventor of Adolescence

 173: Autonomy Vs. Authority (Brett On Sex, Lies and Anarchy) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6333

What are the forces and ideas preventing children from attaining autonomy? Topics: -Child labor laws -Governnment regulation of apprenticeship programs -Emancipation -Age restrictions -The legality of child abuse -Some pretty bad jokes Look Closer: Trashing Teens: Psychologist Robert Epstein argues in a provocative book, "The Case Against Adolescence," that teens are far more competent than we assume G. Stanley Hall: The Inventor of Adolescence

 172: Don't Do Drugs, Stay Out of School (With Laurette Lynn) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4809

School: Don't try this at home! "...the truth is that you can't homeschool. You can't. Nobody can do school but school. However, the good news is that you are not supposed to do school. You are supposed to do life." - Laurette Lynn Topic: Laurette Lynn joins Osborne and me to discuss her new book, Don't Do Drugs, Stay Out of School. This show provides a good introduction and some elaboration on the topics Laurette and I frequently discuss on our shows. This is the full 11-8-12 live show. School Sucks is live on the Liberty Radio Network and UStream Thursdays at 10pm EST. Look Closer: Laurette's Website Gatto: The Underground History of American Education


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