School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation

Summary: We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you are employed and you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please click here to sign up. $6.00/Month Subscribe! You can help the show grow by committing to one of these monthly subscription levels (demonstrating how inflation affects the price of another source of knowledge). It is greatly appreciated! A New Book!(in 1960) $3/ mo A New Book! (in 1972) $6/mo A New Book! (in 1981) $9/mo A New Book! (in 1995) $15/mo A New Book! (Today) $25/mo Angel Investor $999.99/mo Contact Brett, leave comments and view shows by series: In my 10+ years of teaching, "school sucks" is perhaps the most common phrase I've heard students use to describe their feelings about public education. But this seemingly bitter and reductive slogan is actually quite clever. When taken literally, "school sucks" is perhaps the most accurate and astute synopsis of the system I've ever heard. Here's why... 1. The twelve-year process of an American public education has a dramatic effect on the mind of a child. When we first enter school at age six, many of our best personal attributes are already in place. We are curious, innovative, unique, creative and hopeful in ways that we will rarely be able to replicate throughout the rest of our lives. But over time, school sucks those essential attributes out of too many of us...and replaces them with predictability, obedience and apathy. 2. The public school system sucks off the productive capacity of hard-working people. The system is coercively funded through taxation. In other words, whether public education succeeds or fails (spoiler alert: it fails) at providing real education to the public, the cost goes up every year. There are no refunds. The END of Public Education? 1. END: It's over, irrelevant, useless, needs to be done away with. Does more harm than good. 2. END: (As in means to an end) We'll also explore the true intentions behind the system, which have very little to do with real education. There is substantial evidence that its failure to educate is no accident. Above all, this is a show about what one might do about these problems...

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 200c: Finding Creative Outlets (Brett On Porc Therapy Live) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1200

(2013 NH Liberty Forum Series, Part Three) A quick(2-segment)discussion with Stephanie Murphy and Brian Sovryn about School Sucks and my teaching experience, recorded at the 2013 New Hampshire Liberty Forum. Look Closer: Porc Therapy - $6.00/Month - Join the A/V Club and Receive Bonus Content We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you'll have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please sign up right here.

 200b: Neal's UNESCO High School Experience | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1530

(2013 NH Liberty Forum Series, Part Two) Neal from Flaming Freedom joins Osborne and me for a discussion at the 2013 New Hampshire Liberty Forum. Discussion: -UNESCO Schools and the International Baccalaureate(IB)Program -American History through the Book of Mormon -Euphemism: "Single-Party Rulers" -Hegel and Marx -discovering the philosophy of liberty in high school -the 2004 Presidential Election -How gays were co-opted by the state Look Closer: Flaming Freedom - Libertarianism in One Lesson by David Bergland - International Baccalaureate - Other Shows On These Topics: 155: No Child Left Behind (and Other Bi-Partisan Education Conspiracies) 144: Humanizing Hegel (Brett On the Corbett Report With Richard Grove and Tony Myers) 135: The American Way Expanded (2 of 3): Pyromania 134: The American Way Expanded (1 of 3): The Gasoline-Soaked House $6.00/Month - Join the A/V Club and Receive Bonus Content We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you'll have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please sign up right here.

 200b: Neal's UNESCO High School Experience | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1530

(2013 NH Liberty Forum Series, Part Two) Neal from Flaming Freedom joins Osborne and me for a discussion at the 2013 New Hampshire Liberty Forum. Discussion: -UNESCO Schools and the International Baccalaureate(IB)Program -American History through the Book of Mormon -Euphemism: "Single-Party Rulers" -Hegel and Marx -discovering the philosophy of liberty in high school -the 2004 Presidential Election -How gays were co-opted by the state Look Closer: Flaming Freedom - Libertarianism in One Lesson by David Bergland - International Baccalaureate - Other Shows On These Topics: 155: No Child Left Behind (and Other Bi-Partisan Education Conspiracies) 144: Humanizing Hegel (Brett On the Corbett Report With Richard Grove and Tony Myers) 135: The American Way Expanded (2 of 3): Pyromania 134: The American Way Expanded (1 of 3): The Gasoline-Soaked House $6.00/Month - Join the A/V Club and Receive Bonus Content We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you'll have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please sign up right here.

 200a: Live At Liberty Forum With Gardner Goldsmith and Kate Baker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2550

(2013 NH Liberty Forum Series, Part One) Kate and Gardner join Osborne and me for an impromptu live cast from the 2013 New Hampshire Liberty Forum. Discussion: -Sound check and School Sucks mascot discussion (until 11:45) -Kate's speech -Sudbury School -dangers and confusion of democracy Look Closer: Liberty Conspiracy - Network for Educational Opportunity - $6.00/Month - Join the A/V Club and Receive Bonus Content We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you'll have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please sign up right here.

 200a: Live At Liberty Forum With Gardner Goldsmith and Kate Baker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2550

(2013 NH Liberty Forum Series, Part One) Kate and Gardner join Osborne and me for an impromptu live cast from the 2013 New Hampshire Liberty Forum. Discussion: -Sound check and School Sucks mascot discussion (until 11:45) -Kate's speech -Sudbury School -dangers and confusion of democracy Look Closer: Liberty Conspiracy - Network for Educational Opportunity - $6.00/Month - Join the A/V Club and Receive Bonus Content We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you'll have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please sign up right here.

 199: Parent Question - How Is My Educational Philosophy Impacting My Son? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2670

Topic: Darrell calls in to discuss his concern that his understandably negative attitude towards public school might not be the best motivator for his teenage son. Discussion: -The importance of balance in life -Tutoring frustrations and resignation -The opportunities created by school performance and military service? -How the schools feed the military -Deferring happiness and self-actualization for the promise of a later payoff Look Closer: Schools Are For War $6.00/Month - Join the A/V Club and Receive Bonus Content We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you'll have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please sign up right here.

 199: Parent Question - How Is My Educational Philosophy Impacting My Son? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2670

Topic: Darrell calls in to discuss his concern that his understandably negative attitude towards public school might not be the best motivator for his teenage son. Discussion: -The importance of balance in life -Tutoring frustrations and resignation -The opportunities created by school performance and military service? -How the schools feed the military -Deferring happiness and self-actualization for the promise of a later payoff Look Closer: Schools Are For War $6.00/Month - Join the A/V Club and Receive Bonus Content We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you'll have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please sign up right here.

 198: Student Question - Isn't Compulsory School Unconstitutional? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3275

Some new details on the history of compulsory schooling Topic: We discuss an email question from a student. It reads: I'm a 15 year old guy in 9th grade (in public school) and wanted to ask you a question. So if all people in America are supposedly guaranteed the rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, how is it not considered "unconstitutional" for kids to be forced to go to school? I do not want to go to school, so isn't that infringing on my liberty and pursuit of happiness? Discussion: -Court decisions on compulsory attendance in 12-step programs in the adult world -John Taylor Gatto's The Tyranny of Compulsory Schooling -Home Education Laws and Regulations -Defenses of state compulsory schooling laws (1872, B.G. Northrop, Secretary of the Connecticut State Board of Education) -Home School Legal Defense Association Look Closer: Compulsory Attendance The Tyranny of Compulsory Schooling The Courts and Coerced 12-Step Attendance HSLDA: Withdrawing from public school $6.00/Month - Join the A/V Club and Receive Bonus Content We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you'll have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please sign up right here.

 198: Student Question - Isn't Compulsory School Unconstitutional? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3275

Some new details on the history of compulsory schooling Topic: We discuss an email question from a student. It reads: I'm a 15 year old guy in 9th grade (in public school) and wanted to ask you a question. So if all people in America are supposedly guaranteed the rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, how is it not considered "unconstitutional" for kids to be forced to go to school? I do not want to go to school, so isn't that infringing on my liberty and pursuit of happiness? Discussion: -Court decisions on compulsory attendance in 12-step programs in the adult world -John Taylor Gatto's The Tyranny of Compulsory Schooling -Home Education Laws and Regulations -Defenses of state compulsory schooling laws (1872, B.G. Northrop, Secretary of the Connecticut State Board of Education) -Home School Legal Defense Association Look Closer: Compulsory Attendance The Tyranny of Compulsory Schooling The Courts and Coerced 12-Step Attendance HSLDA: Withdrawing from public school $6.00/Month - Join the A/V Club and Receive Bonus Content We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you'll have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please sign up right here.

 197: The Sudbury Valley School (2/2): A Step In the Right Direction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3480

Jason Osborne and I review the Sudbury Valley School, based on our experiences at a recent open house, conversations with students and staff, and some additional research. Wes Bertrand joins us to share his insights. Covered: -The physical plant and amenities of the Framingham school -Judicial Review and the school meeting -Maria Montessori -Political connections and implications Look Closer: Complete Liberty Podcast Happiness Counseling Education: Class Dismissed It's every modern parent's worst nightmare—a school where kids can play all day. But no one takes the easy way out, and graduates seem to have a head start on the information age. Welcome to Sudbury Valley. By Hara Estroff Marano, published on May 01, 2006 Sudbury Valley School Website And Now for Something Completely Different... An Introduction to Sudbury Valley School $6.00/Month - Join the A/V Club and Receive Bonus Content We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you'll have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please sign up right here.

 197: The Sudbury Valley School (2/2): A Step In the Right Direction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3480

Jason Osborne and I review the Sudbury Valley School, based on our experiences at a recent open house, conversations with students and staff, and some additional research. Wes Bertrand joins us to share his insights. Covered: -The physical plant and amenities of the Framingham school -Judicial Review and the school meeting -Maria Montessori -Political connections and implications Look Closer: Complete Liberty Podcast Happiness Counseling Education: Class Dismissed It's every modern parent's worst nightmare—a school where kids can play all day. But no one takes the easy way out, and graduates seem to have a head start on the information age. Welcome to Sudbury Valley. By Hara Estroff Marano, published on May 01, 2006 Sudbury Valley School Website And Now for Something Completely Different... An Introduction to Sudbury Valley School $6.00/Month - Join the A/V Club and Receive Bonus Content We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you'll have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please sign up right here.

 196: The Sudbury Valley School (1/2): Foundation and Philosophy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2335

Topic: An introduction to the Sudbury Valley School, which has provided a model for alternatives schools all over the world. I read from the school's publication, And Now for Something Completely Different... An Introduction to Sudbury Valley School Covered: -An overview of the original school in Framingham, MA -Sudbury Principles and Foundations -Back To Basics - Intellectual, Vocational, Moral, Social, Political Look Closer: Education: Class Dismissed It's every modern parent's worst nightmare—a school where kids can play all day. But no one takes the easy way out, and graduates seem to have a head start on the information age. Welcome to Sudbury Valley. By Hara Estroff Marano, published on May 01, 2006 Sudbury Valley School Website $6.00/Month - Join the A/V Club and Receive Bonus Content We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you'll have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please sign up right here.

 196: The Sudbury Valley School (1/2): Foundation and Philosophy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2335

Topic: An introduction to the Sudbury Valley School, which has provided a model for alternatives schools all over the world. I read from the school's publication, And Now for Something Completely Different... An Introduction to Sudbury Valley School Covered: -An overview of the original school in Framingham, MA -Sudbury Principles and Foundations -Back To Basics - Intellectual, Vocational, Moral, Social, Political Look Closer: Education: Class Dismissed It's every modern parent's worst nightmare—a school where kids can play all day. But no one takes the easy way out, and graduates seem to have a head start on the information age. Welcome to Sudbury Valley. By Hara Estroff Marano, published on May 01, 2006 Sudbury Valley School Website $6.00/Month - Join the A/V Club and Receive Bonus Content We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you'll have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please sign up right here.

 195: Adam Kokesh - Optimism In the Belly of the Beast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1850

(Audio to a video) After my last two guests, both high school students (my target audience), credited Adam Kokesh as an influence, I wanted to extend an invitation to him. He joins us to discuss a variety of topics, including his often provocative interviews and demonstrations on the very mean streets of Washington DC. Despite his surroundings, Adam remains an enthusiastic optimist. I wanted to hear why. We continue on to his bright vision of the future. Adam's site:

 195: Adam Kokesh - Optimism In the Belly of the Beast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1850

(Audio to a video) After my last two guests, both high school students (my target audience), credited Adam Kokesh as an influence, I wanted to extend an invitation to him. He joins us to discuss a variety of topics, including his often provocative interviews and demonstrations on the very mean streets of Washington DC. Despite his surroundings, Adam remains an enthusiastic optimist. I wanted to hear why. We continue on to his bright vision of the future. Adam's site:


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