198: Student Question - Isn't Compulsory School Unconstitutional?

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

Summary: Some new details on the history of compulsory schooling Topic: We discuss an email question from a student. It reads: I'm a 15 year old guy in 9th grade (in public school) and wanted to ask you a question. So if all people in America are supposedly guaranteed the rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, how is it not considered "unconstitutional" for kids to be forced to go to school? I do not want to go to school, so isn't that infringing on my liberty and pursuit of happiness? Discussion: -Court decisions on compulsory attendance in 12-step programs in the adult world -John Taylor Gatto's The Tyranny of Compulsory Schooling -Home Education Laws and Regulations -Defenses of state compulsory schooling laws (1872, B.G. Northrop, Secretary of the Connecticut State Board of Education) -Home School Legal Defense Association Look Closer: Compulsory Attendance http://honestedu.org/essays/novello/compulsory.php The Tyranny of Compulsory Schooling http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00131729409335343 The Courts and Coerced 12-Step Attendance http://www.morerevealed.com/library/resist/r_chap_4.htm HSLDA: Withdrawing from public school http://www.hslda.org/landingpages/withdrawing-from-public-school.asp $6.00/Month - Join the A/V Club and Receive Bonus Content We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you'll have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please sign up right here.