Animal Party -  Dog & Cat News, Animal Facts, Topics & Guests - Pets & Animals- Pet Life Radio Original ( show

Animal Party - Dog & Cat News, Animal Facts, Topics & Guests - Pets & Animals- Pet Life Radio Original (

Summary: The Animal Party starts with a bit of water-bowl talk covering the most explosive animal related news highlights and issues. Deborah gives her opinion along with the facts and stats you want to know to make up your own mind. Do you believe in allowing cats outdoors? What about removing their claws? Do pets make kids’ allergies worse? Have you ever thought about pit bulls? Get the facts and you’ll understand exactly why pit bulls have such a bad reputation and decide for yourself if banning breeds will solve the problem of dangerous dogs in your neighborhood. Topics covered include dog and cat news but go wherever animals and the people who love them go; Bears, fish, farm animals, pets of all sorts, exotics and environmental conservation issues are part of the show when they are part of the news. Every week Deborah invites an animal friend to join the party and that means you get to hear the best experts from the animal world chatting and sharing. Host Deborah Wolfe keeps you informed and educated as she amuses you with upbeat stories from her own dog & cat training and touring experience and she gets the most out of her guests. Listen and laugh as she gets a breeder to describe exactly how the match is made when the intended partners are less than willing, too eager or just clumsy! Whether it’s a stuffy professor or a dog training guru she gets them to share their most personal animal stories and insights and take a stand on controversial topics. Do you want to know how cats & dogs think and why they do what they do? Deborah will fill you in as she entertains you with animal jokes, haikus, riddles and trivia plus interviews with experts from all over the Animal World. Before the show ends Deborah will share her Animal Inbox and answer email pet behavior questions you send. Does your dog ignore you when you call? Does your cat ignore the litter box? Maybe your dog or cat hates your new husband? Get your pet problems solved on-air. Each show Deborah will give you her picks for favorite animal websites and then end the show with some homework your pets will love. Test your own cat or dog to see if he’s dumb or smart; learn how to say ‘hello’ to every dog and cat you meet, cook for your pets with ingredients you already have or plant a garden that will repel or attract cats or learn some party tricks to teach your dog or even your cat! This party is fun and you go home with a party favor and some animal facts and jokes to share at the office and at home with animal lovers of all ages.

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 Animal Party Episode 133 Questions From Camp Good Dog Facebook | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:28

Dr. Jory Boknek joins Deb Wolfe to answer your questions about your unsolved Veterinary problems including a Frenchton dog with back-end weakness, a Doodle dog with undiagnosed seizures, and a Portuguese water dog with pneumonia and possible knee problems and a 6 year old lab golden cross who eats poop. Dr. Jory advises on how to diagnose further, what tests to do and how to figure out what’s wrong with these pets. If you would like to send a question for Dr. Jory please go to and send us your Vet question. You can also go there to see the 18 beautiful puppies born in March; 10 Moyen Poodles & 8 Puppy Golden Doodles ready to go in May!

 Animal Party Episode 132 Covid in Cats, Dog Pack Mentality Good And Bad And Examples Of Dogs And Cats Using Tools | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:50

Snow leopards, a hyena and other cats in zoos have been dying from Covid, but not dogs. Dr. Stan Coren answers the question about why dogs can be so well behaved when solo and so naughty when in a group. Peer pressure is part of the pack mentality and irresistible to your dog he explains. Sometimes that can be a good thing like for the good of the pack, with sharing pup raising duties even nursing by retired mama dogs! Deborah continues her ongoing argument with Dr. Coren pointing out yet more examples of dogs using tools and cats using tools and Dr. Coren responds adding an example of an unstoppable beagle and a Golden Retriever who would push a French Bulldog off a dock in order to rescue the Frenchie and make his owner proud! Oh la la Frenchies are not good swimmers! Deborah compares this to the common example of dogs who learn to jump up rudely to get redirected and praised for ‘off’ and polite manners.

 Animal Party Episode 131 Coyotes in Vancouver Parks & Reaction To The Pope’s Comments On Childless Pet Parents | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:31

First Deb Wolfe asks her audience to rise to the Betty White Challenge and donate to an animal rescue organization in her name. Dr. Stan Coren describes the recent floods in the farm country surrounding Vancouver and Deb explains how the SPCA helped so many pets survive the floods safely. The pope was in the news for his comments about childless pet parents and Dr. Coren explains some of the church’s history which was both against protection of animals and for it depending on which era and which pope. Deborah points out that photos of a Man with a dog makes the man more popular on dating sites when women looking for settling down and family making are searching and Dr. Coren explains the research adding that women with a dog or cat also get an upgrade in perceived kindness, and prettiness when viewed by men on these sites compared to their pet free competitors.

 Animal Party Episode 130 ‘Sit, Stay, Stardom’ - How To Use Social Media To Make Your Dog Famous | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:49

Deborah asks Kendra Clark, author of Motherpuppin Adorable:What to Do When Your Dog is Better than Everyone Else’s , how people know which social medium to choose to make their pet famous and Kendra explains that her book has a quiz for that! If you think your dog or cat is gorgeous and funny or adorable and should be a popular pet then get this book and make fame happen for your four legged friend. A good name, good lighting and a cute wardrobe can go a long way to making that happen if you know how to post. Kendra Clark also offers dating and travel tips and together Deb and Kendra name the top 7 things pet people do that are disgusting to non pet people which, coincidentally, if you avoid them will help you date and travel with your dog! This is a fun light-hearted show with some really solid ready to use training tips from Deborah and modern pet fame advice from Kendra.

 Animal Party Episode 129 ‘Rescued by Ruby’, Debuting On Netflix March 17, 2022 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:28

SQuire and Louise (aka ‘Squeeze’) tell the story of Ruby the mixed breed herding dog who was two hours away from euthanasia when a policeman Trooper Dan discovered her and took her home. Trooper Dan had overcome ADHD and it was just meant to be that he should find Ruby who needed to overcome what the shelter was calling doggie ADD. Since most herding dogs have brilliant minds and quick reactions, a healthy smart, determined to be hard working herding dog can often appear as bad or difficult or lacking attention span, Deborah explains, and yet when given a job they outperform all others. In this case there are so many twists and turns to the journey Ruby made and the boy she saved and the doggie actors chosen that you’ll have to hear this show to hear the full beautiful story and watch the movie to see it all. When a homeless pet finds its rightful owner like Ruby did Squeeze calls that ‘Dog Winks’ which is the title of their book of short stories including Ruby’s.

 Animal Party Episode 128 Smart Cats, Dumb Cats, Social Cats, Noisy Cats, Cats Who Are Good With Kids And Cats Who Are Not! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:23

Dusty Rainbolt, Author of ‘Ghost Cats!”( & many others)joins Deborah Wolfe to talk about cat breeds ;smart cats, dumb cats, social cats, noisy cats, cats who are good with kids and the elderly and cats who are not! Dusty and Deb go through many pedigreed breeds and what you can expect for behavioural traits with each one. Persians, Himalayans, Abyssinian, Turkish Van, Ragdoll, Manx, Rex, Siamese and others are contrasted and compared. Besides the pedigreed breed or combination of breeds you may be dealing with, the nature of that particular animal and the way humans nurtured it as a very young kitten always play a role so please make sure you consider the individual kitten or puppy and its parents when selecting and raise it well for a cat or dog that will be its best and most happy. Deborah reports on a study done by the Veterinarians about worst and best cat patients. The Vets did not categorize by breed but instead used coat color as the trait providing for some interesting discussion about colour and attitude and sometimes eye colour can indicate a deaf ear or blind eye in a pup or kitten.

 Animal Party Episode 127 Ancestral Trauma Passed Down, Residential Schools & The Holocaust | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:05

Laura Cook describes some of the sessions she has with survivors of the Residential School system in Canada which took children as young as toddlers and placed them in institutions far from their parents, forbade them to speak their languages and treated them harshly so that many died or disappeared. Recently in May unmarked secret graves of children were found at the institution near the town of Kamloops, and it is likely that many more will be found at every residential school. Laura fills in the bigger picture of what’s happened to Indigenous communities and Deborah asks questions about the rage and its direction.

 Animal Party Episode 126 2022 Cat Facts & Behavior Topics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:16

First a tribute to Betty White who was a self-described animal advocate (not activist), and the huge amount of impact she had on the rescue and animal world both for zoos and pets. Did you know that cats can use tools (like monkeys and humans and some very smart birds)? Is your home the right home; When is it time to rehome a pet? Plus, one simple way Deb uses to get two cats to like each other through cuddles and ‘the corporate scent’ behind why this works explains Dusty Rainbolt. The worst dog toy for people who love cats and the best cat toys for people who want to tire a cat out and spend only $10.

 Animal Party Episode 125 What Do You See At The Sea? Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:32

One third of the world’s oceans are over fished and yet the oceans are home to 80% of the world’s diversity so protection matters. Dr. Christine Ward-Paige describes ‘the blue economy’ and gives 5 easy steps we all can do to make a difference; eat sustainable seafood, reduce carbon, avoid plastics, keep educated, spread the word! Eoceans is an app that allows scientists, researchers and regular people like anglers, surfers, sun worshippers, boat lovers, shell collectors, runners, swimmers who visit the beach or ocean to report what they see to a network. This helps clarify where endangered species are and when they need protection and can make a huge difference for conservation efforts. Plus reporting on incidents, accidents, deaths, pollution and other hazards can lead to immediate response. If you visit the beach or the ocean check out this app.

 Animal Party Episode 124 Allergies, Trauma & Remote Healing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:23

Laura Cook rejoins Animal Party to talk about allergy healing for people with allergies to pets or foods or any allergies and for pets with allergies as well. She describes various Chinese and Indigenous healing methods she uses to get your body to tell her what’s wrong. Laura explains that trauma and inflammation and allergies are very connected. Pets will often take on our maladies and Deborah has witnessed this many times. Did you know that a little of your own saliva placed on your chest and tummy will help your body heal itself? Tune in and heal!

 Animal Party Episode 123 Animal Protection Party of Canada Talks Farm Animals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:02

Liz White describes efforts her party is making to help farm animals (and end farming for meat subsidies), as well as efforts to help deer, geese, and other animals targeted for killing culls. She describes successful sterilization programs that can work instead of killing. Deborah brings up the subject of golf course pesticide use and run off and how that causes salmon egg destruction in the creeks close to golf courses and red tide in warm ocean areas like Florida. How the off leash dog in the park is blamed for egg destruction when its clearly the golf course!! Liz describes a golf course that is different and nature friendly with no pesticide use; a golf course that does not cause issues to all around it, in fact it creates habitat.

 Animal Party Episode 122 Listeners Emailed Questions For Dr. Jory | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:25

What is the ideal age to neuter /spay dogs? Does my dog really have inverted eyelids and need eye lash surgery and if so why did my Vet not catch this? Dr. Jory Bocknek answers listeners questions and explains that misinterpretation of the stats behind a cancer study has led to Vets recommending later neuter and spay when earlier is ideal for cancer rates as well as training. Deborah explains why training a neutered dog is much easier. Deborah describes an urgent visit from a couple of one day old puppies needing to learn how to bottle feed. Dr. Jory lists what you need in your ‘bug out bag’ in case you have to leave with your pets in a hurry. EPISODE NOTES: Listeners Emailed Questions For Dr. Jory

 Animal Party Episode 121 What Do You See At The Sea? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:09

Did you know there is an app you can use to report what you see at the beach and in the ocean linking your info with scientists, researchers and rescuers the world over? Whether its dead fish, or a live sighting of something special, or pollution or a fuel leak your reporting can make a huge difference to the planet! Deborah talks about swimming with dolphins in the gulf of Mexico and watching a mama manatee nurse her baby; Dr. Christine Ward-Paige talks about her marine science adventures with rays and sharks…while pregnant! EPISODE NOTES: What Do You See At The Sea?

 Animal Party Episode 120 Strange And Wonderful Cat Breeds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:26

Dusty Rainbolt, Author of ‘Cat Wrangling Made Easy' (& many others) joins Deborah Wolfe to discuss strange and wonderful cat breeds. Have you wondered about the exotic breeds of cats or maybe you think a Serval cat is right for you ? Deborah explains why a Serval cat is a nightmare for most people. Did you know their poops are triple the size of normal cats, and they need a gigantic litter box which they may not use! And there is more. …listen to the show to find out just how primitive these Serval cats are and how ill suited as pets. Today’s show tells the truth about the different breeds; which cats are known to be quiet, which are needy, and which need a lot of care. Persians, Turkish Vans, Main Coon, Bengals, and Abyssinian cats are discussed in comparison to other pedigreed cats including the common domestic shorthaired tabby.

 Animal Party Episode 119 Positive Eco Friendly News Stories Around The World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:38

Today Grant Brown returns to Animal Party to talk specifics on some of the exciting stories featured on including drones saving dolphins, sprinklers helping flying foxes and newly discovered animals kept secret till now. If you have a teen with eco anxiety or you yourself are tired of gloom and doom stories that provoke fear to get attention this website is for you. It’s amazing to read about the good work being done in so many places so successfully to help nature recover.


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