Animal Party Episode 131 Coyotes in Vancouver Parks & Reaction To The Pope’s Comments On Childless Pet Parents

Animal Party -  Dog & Cat News, Animal Facts, Topics & Guests - Pets & Animals- Pet Life Radio Original ( show

Summary: First Deb Wolfe asks her audience to rise to the Betty White Challenge and donate to an animal rescue organization in her name. Dr. Stan Coren describes the recent floods in the farm country surrounding Vancouver and Deb explains how the SPCA helped so many pets survive the floods safely. The pope was in the news for his comments about childless pet parents and Dr. Coren explains some of the church’s history which was both against protection of animals and for it depending on which era and which pope. Deborah points out that photos of a Man with a dog makes the man more popular on dating sites when women looking for settling down and family making are searching and Dr. Coren explains the research adding that women with a dog or cat also get an upgrade in perceived kindness, and prettiness when viewed by men on these sites compared to their pet free competitors.