Animal Party Episode 123 Animal Protection Party of Canada Talks Farm Animals

Animal Party -  Dog & Cat News, Animal Facts, Topics & Guests - Pets & Animals- Pet Life Radio Original ( show

Summary: Liz White describes efforts her party is making to help farm animals (and end farming for meat subsidies), as well as efforts to help deer, geese, and other animals targeted for killing culls. She describes successful sterilization programs that can work instead of killing. Deborah brings up the subject of golf course pesticide use and run off and how that causes salmon egg destruction in the creeks close to golf courses and red tide in warm ocean areas like Florida. How the off leash dog in the park is blamed for egg destruction when its clearly the golf course!! Liz describes a golf course that is different and nature friendly with no pesticide use; a golf course that does not cause issues to all around it, in fact it creates habitat.