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Librivox: Famous Men of Greece by Haaren, John H. show

Librivox: Famous Men of Greece by Haaren, John H.Join Now to Follow

Famous Men of Greece is a series of biographical sketches written for the purpose of making the study of history lively and interesting by giving insight into the men who lived during this time. (Summary by Laura Caldwell)

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Librivox: Bible (ASV) 19: Psalms by American Standard Version show

Librivox: Bible (ASV) 19: Psalms by American Standard VersionJoin Now to Follow

"Psalms is a book of the Hebrew Bible included in the collected works known as the Writings. Psalms were written by various writers, including Israel's King David. The Book of Psalms is divided into five books: Book 1 -- Psa. 1-41; Book 2 -- Psa. 42-72; Book 3 -- Psa. 73-89; Book 4 -- Psa. 90-106; and Book 5 -- Psa. 107-150. The collection includes the following types of psalm, among others: Psalms for praise, guidance, consolation, recognition of God's creation, the need for repentance. Certain Psalms, such as Psa. 22 and Psa. 110 are accepted by Christians and certain Jews as messianic or containing messianic prophecies." (From Wikipedia, modified by Sam Stinson)

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Librivox: Way of All Flesh, The by Butler, Samuel show

Librivox: Way of All Flesh, The by Butler, SamuelJoin Now to Follow

The Way of All Flesh (1903) is a semi-autobiographical novel by Samuel Butler which attacks Victorian-era hypocrisy. Written between 1873 and 1884, it traces four generations of the Pontifex family. It represents the diminishment of religious outlook from a Calvinistic approach, which is presented as harsh. Butler dared not publish it during his lifetime, but when it was published it was accepted as part of the general revulsion against Victorianism. This novel ranks number 12 of the 100 Great Novels of the 20th Century as chosen by the Modern Library Board of Editors (Summary from Wikipedia)

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Librivox: Renascence and Other Poems by Millay, Edna St. Vincent show

Librivox: Renascence and Other Poems by Millay, Edna St. VincentJoin Now to Follow

Summary text The following is a recording of the first volume of poetry published by Edna St. Vincent Millay. When the author had graduated from high school, she couldn't afford to go to college. In the summer of 1912, Vincent's sister, Norma, found work as a waitress at a hotel near where they lived. One night, Norma insisted that Vincent attend a masquerade ball, given at the hotel, if only to get Vincent out of the house and to meet people. Vincent finally gave in, and while there, sang songs and recited "Renascence," the first poem in this collection. This immediately won over the support of one "Miss Dow," who would help Vincent raise enough money to attend Vassar College. From there, she would meet others and become fully entrenched in, and later a major influence on, the literary community. (According to Savage Beauty, by Nancy Milford.) (Summary by Linda Leu)

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Librivox: Mare au diable, La by Sand, George show

Librivox: Mare au diable, La by Sand, GeorgeJoin Now to Follow

Sur l'avis de son beau-père, malgré sa réticence, le laboureur Germain, veuf de vingt-huit ans, va se rendre à Fourche pour rencontrer celle qui deviendra peut-être la nouvelle mère de ces trois petits enfants, la fille du père Léonard, jeune veuve elle aussi. Apprenant ce déplacement, la mère Guillette demande qu'il emmène avec lui sa fille, Marie, qui s'en va travailler comme bergère dans la région. En cours de route, la nuit tombe. Le brouillard se lève et les voilà perdus, dans les bois, au bord d'une mare... His father-in-law insisting upon it, Germain goes to Fourche to meet a young widow who might become the new mother of his three children. Doing so, he accompanies Marie, a young girl from his village, who is going to work on a farm in that area. As the night comes, they get lost in a wood, next to a pool... (Summary by Ezwa)

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Librivox: Importance of Being Earnest, The (version 2) by Wilde, Oscar show

Librivox: Importance of Being Earnest, The (version 2) by Wilde, OscarJoin Now to Follow

Jack Worthing and Algernon Moncrieff discover the perils of love, assumed identities, and telling the truth in Oscar Wilde's classic play. (Summary by Toby Paradis)

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Librivox: Adresse à l'Assemblée nationale, pour l'abolition de la traite des Noirs by Société des Amis des Noirs show

Librivox: Adresse à l'Assemblée nationale, pour l'abolition de la traite des Noirs by Société des Amis des NoirsJoin Now to Follow

La Société des Amis des Noirs est une association créée le 19 février 1788 qui avait pour but l'abolition immédiate de la traite des Noirs et non de l'esclavage; d'une part dans le souci de maintenir l'économie des colonies françaises, et d'autre part dans l'idée qu'avant d'accéder à la liberté, les Noirs devaient y être préparés, et donc éduqués. L'adresse à l'Assemblée nationale qui vous est proposée ici date du 5 février 1790. The Society of the Friends of the Blacks (French: Société des amis des Noirs or Amis des noirs) was a group of French men, mostly white, which were abolitionists (opponents of Black slavery and the African slave trade). The association was created on February 19, 1788, and was led by Jacques-Pierre Brissot, with advice from Thomas Clarkson who headed the abolitionist movement in the Kingdom of Great Britain. At the beginning of 1789, it had 141 members. The reply to the National Assembly which is presented here dates from the 5th February 1790 (from Wikipedia)

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Librivox: Bible (DRV) Apocrypha/Deuterocanon: Tobias (version 2) by Douay-Rheims Version show

Librivox: Bible (DRV) Apocrypha/Deuterocanon: Tobias (version 2) by Douay-Rheims VersionJoin Now to Follow

The book tells the alleged story of a righteous Israelite of the Tribe of Naphtali named Tobit living in Nineveh after the deportation of the northern tribes of Israel to Assyria in 721 BC under Sargon II. (Summary by Wikipedia, modified by Sam Stinson)

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Librivox: Jan, Jannetje en hun jongste kind by Potgieter, E.J. show

Librivox: Jan, Jannetje en hun jongste kind by Potgieter, E.J.Join Now to Follow

Een allegorisch verhaal als commentaar op de toestand van de Nederlandse samenleving anno 1841, in de ogen van E.J. Potgieter. Jan en Jannetje (die staan voor de oorspronkelijke Nederlandse bevolking vanaf ongeveer 1500) vieren Oudejaarsavond 1841 met hun kinderen, waaronder zoons Janmaat (zeevaart), Jan Contant en Jan Crediet (handel), Jan Compagnie (kolonien), en Jan Cordaat (leger). Het blijkt slecht te gaan met het gezin (dus met Nederland) in de 19e eeuw - en dat ligt aan de jongste zoon, Jan Salie (geest van lamlendigheid die volgens Potgieter heerst in de 19e eeuw). Wat moeten ze met Jan Salie beginnen? (Samenvatting door Anna Simon) Read in Dutch.

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Librivox: Awakening of Europe, The by Synge, M. B. show

Librivox: Awakening of Europe, The by Synge, M. B.Join Now to Follow

The Awakening of Europe by M. B. Synge is the third book in the series, Story of the World. Included in this history is a myriad of interesting men, women, and events that shaped Europe during the years 1520-1745. (Summary by Laura Caldwell)

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