She Did It Her Way show

She Did It Her Way

Summary: Welcome to the She Did It Her Way Podcast where we dive into all of your most important questions about starting a business and when to make the leap of going full-time as an entrepreneur. Every week, host, Amanda Boleyn delivers fresh content on productivity hacks, different business strategies, how to confidently transition out of your 9-5 and become a full-time business owner. Along with sharing her business savvy tips, she interviews women who have also gone out and done it their way (Amy Porterfield, Jenna Kutcher, Julie Solomon, Lori Harder and many more). With millions of downloads and growing every day, She Did It Her Way continues to inspire women all across the world to take massive action on their business idea and create freedom in their life. Now it is YOUR turn to start doing it YOUR way!

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 SDH 169: How to Stay Focused and Protect What Serves You with Host, Amanda Boleyn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:13

Today I'm sharing the three things to help you stay focused and protect the things that serve you, or what I like to call, "Anchors."

 SDH168: How to Gain Clarity & Take Action with Kerry Petsinger | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:13

Have you sat back and thought about what truly matters to you in life? How much time do you spend nurturing that? In what ways can you focus on it to reach fulfillment? This was the predicament of Kerry Petsinger, a mindset and performance coach, a few years ago when she was a physical therapist. As she looked at the four walls of her office, she felt that she could be doing more with her life but she wasn't sure what it was. So she began a weekly newsletter, Your Streamlined Life, that chronicled her journey of finding what mattered most in her life, and how she could streamline those things so she could have more time for her priorities and passions.

 SDH167: Trusting Your Intuition & Going for It with Sarah Ashley Schiear, Founder of Salt House Mkt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:10

How do you plan on submersing your audience with your brand? Is that even on the agenda? When today's guest, Sarah Schiear, first started the e-commerce site Salt House Market in 2014, all she knew was that she loved throwing dinner parties and wanted to sell custom designed aprons. Now, Salt House Market includes kitchen and home products like fondue sets, cookware, coffee tables, stools, chandeliers, and so much more! Plus it acts as a lifestyle guide featuring cooking recipes like Coconut Eggnog Brulee French Toast and Sarah's morning coffee. Also, she has tips on entertaining with how-to's on throwing, 'The Ultimate Rose Dinner Party' and a 'DIY Soba Noodle Bar' party.

 SDH166: How to Find Your Brand's Voice and Aesthetic with Tracy Nour, Founder of She Just Knows | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:05

How do you cultivate a significant following for your social media? Are you spreading yourself too thin across platforms? Is the quality in your posts showing so? Is the message and aesthetic across your account consistent? Tracy Nour, founder of She Just Knows, takes all of this off of fashion brands and budding entrepreneurs hands with her social media managing business.  Her services range across all social media platforms, but her specialty is posting and engaging audiences on Instagram.

 SDH165: How to Stop Getting Ready to Get Ready and Just Start with Shayna Rattler | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:36

As a growing business, it goes without saying that need funds to do so. But how do you gain sponsors? Better yet, how do gain corporate sponsors? Is your business even attractive to corporate sponsors? What does that entail? Well Shayna Rattler has the answers to all of those questions with her business, Corporate Attraction, where she coaches businesses on how to land corporate sponsors and teaches business owners how to be productive, effective, and efficient.

 SDH164: Launching a Successful Business on $400 with Victoria Fantauzzi Co-Founder of La Bella Figura | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:44

When you decided to become an entrepreneur, was your market nonexistent? Did you have to educate consumers on your market, then pitch your product? Did it ever occur to you to help other small businesses in your market flourish as well, and grow together? As the co-founders of La Bella Figura, Victoria Fantauzzi and Karen King, began their natural and organic skin care line, they found that their consumers didn't know that they needed simple and green ingredients in their cosmetics products. In fact, Victoria and Karen didn't know they needed these qualities in their cosmetics either, until Victoria took a trip to Spain. While there, she was exposed to an enormous amount of organic and handmade cosmetics that reminded her of the products her grandmother's and great-aunt's swore by.

 SDH163: How to Leave Your Job and Chase Entrepreneurship with Joanna Alberti | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:00

How do you reflect yourself and your life through a product? Have you thought of doing so through a character? If so, how do you keep it relevant? Joanna Alberti, founder of philoSophie's Stationary, uses the character Sophie in stationary and gift sets along with positive quotes and sassy sayings based off of the events of her and her friend's lives. With her business being 10 years old and Sophie being a few years older than that, she keeps her character relevant by branding her as an "everyday girl", making her relatable and timeless to all women.

 SDH162: Finding What Lights You Up with Arabelle Yee | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:18

What ignites you? Is it helping others? Is it your kids? Career? Giving guidance? Wine? Arabelle Yee, a Life Strategist and High Performance Coach, thought her passions lay in the corporate world. However, as she looked around at the excitement and joy of her coworkers at a celebration for their company's newest business venture, she found it hard to match their happiness. After spending 10 years with them, she knew nothing was wrong with the company. It was just the fact that her values were no longer in alignment with them, and she had to find something that "lit her up".

 SDH161: Is the Universe Testing You + Rewire Your Thoughts to Achieve What You Want with Host, Amanda Boleyn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:04

Hey friends! It is me again, Amanda :) Happy Thursday and thank you so much for tuning in. I'm pretty excited about today's episode! Today I'm talking about ways the universe may be testing you and how to rewire your thoughts to achieve what you want - including a set of questions to ask yourself to achieve more of what you want and let go of what you don't want. Also, don't forget to enter Monday's giveaway! Sign up for our newsletter to enter!

 SDH160: Building a Business That Fulfills You with Tonya Dalton, founder of inkWELL Press | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:50

What are the things in life that give you fulfillment? Passion? Could you meld this in to a business or a product? Where do you begin to connect these dots? For Tonya Dalton, she found that her passions in life were teaching, organizing, and empowering business owners and other women. And so, she created inkWELL Press, a company centered around productivity, and designed to help and educate women prioritize, and set up an organizational flow and system that works the best for their lives. inkWELL Press does so with products such as weekly planners, meal planners, organizational notepads, and other items. They even have videos on how to streamline customer's organizational process on their website.

 SDH159: How to Disrupt a Market with a Clear Purpose with Katerina Schneider, Founder of Ritual | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:50

How do you spice up a monotonous market with your product? How do you gain the resources for these innovations? Today's guest, Katerina Schneider, wanted to bring a new spin to the vitamin industry by providing transparency about ingredients in her women's vitamin line, Ritual. When she was pregnant with her daughter, Katerina's  conscious about what she put in and on her body was even more heightened. Already health-conscious, she began to take a deeper look into the ingredients in her family's foods , body products, and cleaning supplies. She found  they were filled with poor quality ingredients, and  a lot of those ingredients were in her prenatal vitamins, such as: blue coloring, titanium dioxide, carrageenan and other questionable products tested on rodents and humans.

 SDH158: Risking It All & Going For It with Co-founders Claudia Wagner & Diana Gaertner of UBooker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:16

What is stopping you from going after your business idea? Is it the people around you? Lack of knowledge? Or your own fear? The co-founders of UBooker, Claudia Wagner and Diana Gaertner, mulled over the idea of streamlining the model booking process for 7-8 years. Being models themselves, they had even been conducting unofficial market research over the span of their careers, which was about 20 years. They found that a lot of models were frustrated with the tedious process of booking jobs, as well as clients with finding models for their project. After seeing that the modeling industry wasn't going to adapt the process to the fast-paced, technological times, Diana and Claudia made the decision to finally go for it. With the help of their two other co-founders, Andrea Losso and Nicola Scagnolari, they took their idea and translated it to a well-thought out business plan, and created a website.

 SDH157: Learn How to Be Comfortable with the Discomfort of Being an Entrepreneur with Erin Bagwell, Founder of Dream Girl | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:31

What has brought you courage and strength? Have you ever thought of blending it with your personal brand? What would that manifest into? A product, a business, a space? After dealing with sexual harassment in her workplace, feminism erased Erin Bagwell’s insecurities and feelings of invisibility. She started reading feminist journals and blogs and decided to create her own, Feminist Wednesday, that provides women like her a forum to share their stories; as well as a platform for women who have overcome those situations and regained their confidence and found success. She became so obsessed and empowered by these women, that she quit her job at the ad agency, and started a kick starter to produce the documentary, Dream Girl, that tackled gender issues in the corporate world and acted as a visual medium for some of the women of Feminist Wednesday.

 SDH156: How to be Strategic When Scaling Your Business with Rosalyn Arntzen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:43

Did you start your own business and realize you never wanted to be an entrepreneur again? However, did you find yourself in those same shoes? Rosalyn Arntzen, founder and CEO of Amaxra, Inc., a computer support and services company, originally founded a training business in the 90's; but the stress and pressure of being her own boss was overwhelming at the time. So she went to the corporate world, and started working for Unisys UK, a global technology company. She was then transferred to Microsoft, and was apart of the Windows XP launch in the US in 2001. By the mid-2000's, she had become the Executive Speech Writer for the VP. The role itself was intense and she found herself burnt out and decided to take a break.

 SDH155: The Power of Your Intuition + Cycle Syncing + Past 10 Months with Amanda Boleyn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:41

Hi guys! Happy Thursday! I’m so excited to dive into today’s solocast with you. I’m sharing how incredibly powerful the female intuition is, cycle syncing and diving deeper into the past 10 months of life. 


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