SDH159: How to Disrupt a Market with a Clear Purpose with Katerina Schneider, Founder of Ritual

She Did It Her Way show

Summary: How do you spice up a monotonous market with your product? How do you gain the resources for these innovations? Today's guest, Katerina Schneider, wanted to bring a new spin to the vitamin industry by providing transparency about ingredients in her women's vitamin line, Ritual. When she was pregnant with her daughter, Katerina's  conscious about what she put in and on her body was even more heightened. Already health-conscious, she began to take a deeper look into the ingredients in her family's foods , body products, and cleaning supplies. She found  they were filled with poor quality ingredients, and  a lot of those ingredients were in her prenatal vitamins, such as: blue coloring, titanium dioxide, carrageenan and other questionable products tested on rodents and humans.