Wake Up and Level Up show

Wake Up and Level Up

Summary: Wake Up and Level Up is your daily, 5 minute fix of inspiration to kickstart your day! Every morning, Emmy winner Mario Armstrong brings you actionable advice with the enthusiasm and direction you need to have your best possible day. Mario is a NBC TODAY show contributor, host of the Never Settle Show, entrepreneur and lifestyle mentor who went from being broke to winning Emmy awards. His daily bites of enthusiastic advice are derived from his past failures and successes. Mario teaches through transparency, sharing formulas, tips and new perspectives on topics like self-doubt, fear, success, mindfulness, personal branding, productivity, career and entrepreneurial advice. Wake Up and Level Up is your daily quick hit of motivation to position you for greater success and joy for the journey.

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  • Artist: Mario Armstrong
  • Copyright: Copyright 2019 Mario Armstrong Media, LLC


 What Is Your One Word for 2019? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:16

Did you choose your 1 word yet? Choosing 1 word for your year creates a central theme to operate from and reminds you of your center. It’s better than creating New Years Resolutions. If you got Mario’s “Reflection Action Plan” for achieving your 2019 Goals he asked you to pick a word to guide your year. A word that you can use to help guide you in your business and your personal life. Mario shares his word and guides you to help you pick yours for the next 365 days. Happy New Year! Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Have a question for Mario? Call our Podcast Hotline and leave a voicemail! 646-770-1353 Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 When Daymond John of Shark Tank Sent Mario a Surprise Message! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:53

One day, Mario got a video message from Daymond John congratulating him on his Emmy win. A surprise out of nowhere from one of Mario’s mentors! What can YOU learn from this moment? Find out Mario’s tips on how to harness your power and situation to move forward towards the goal and dream you are meant to do. Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Have a question for Mario? Call our Podcast Hotline and leave a voicemail! 646-770-1353 Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 How to Change a Thought, Behavior or Situation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:37

There’s science out there that can help you change a particular thought, behavior or situation to potentially create better outcomes. It’s called “pattern interrupt” and it’s something Mario used when he was pitching the Never Settle show. Sure it made CEO Nicole cringe, but Mario was able to turn a meeting around and show big wig execs exactly what his show would be using tactics from this scientific trait. Take a listen and learn how you can use this in your own life to enhance your outcomes. Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Have a question for Mario? Call our Podcast Hotline and leave a voicemail! 646-770-1353 Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 Acknowledge Where You’re At From Where You Started | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:54

Your “distance traveled” is all about taking a look back at where you started and realize where you’re at today. The distance you had to go through matters! Whether in your relationships or career. It’s the ability for you to take a moment, look at the journey and appreciate how far you’ve come. This is so powerful to keep you moving, especially when you feel like you haven’t gone as far as you want in your journey. Mario explains why this is important to grasp and how to use it as power for your journey ahead. Take a listen. Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Have a question for Mario? Call our Podcast Hotline and leave a voicemail! 646-770-1353 Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 How The Finish Line Ruins Dreams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:37

Making it to the finish line IS NOT THE GOAL! Going through the finish line is! If you’re running a race and see the finish line ahead, you don’t slow down! You don’t stop! You keep moving! In fact, You turn it up a notch! But do you do that in life? When you see the end result within reach, do you push forward and harder or do you lean back and relax before you’re at the end? Mario tells you why you need to keep pushing to go through the finish line! Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Have a question for Mario? Call our Podcast Hotline and leave a voicemail! 646-770-1353 Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 THANKS to all of YOU! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:38

As a special treat for Christmas, we wanted to thank YOU, our loyal podcast listener! We don’t do this every single day for ourselves – we do it for you. And to show our appreciation for you being on the other side of the screen, Mario opened up the podcast and let listeners tell you all about themselves and what they’re doing to make the world a better place. Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Have a question for Mario? Call our Podcast Hotline and leave a voicemail! 646-770-1353 Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 Mario’s PLC! Increases Your Personal Development and Growth for the Year | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:59

Your PLC keeps you fresh, moving forward and also builds your confidence. Mario talks about his PLC, how you can use this process to gain traction and progress and the one thing scheduling thing you need to make it work. Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Have a question for Mario? Call our Podcast Hotline and leave a voicemail! 646-770-1353 Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 Goal Planning Day 5: The Three Asks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:21

Goals don’t matter unless you take action! On day 5 of the RAP plan review, Mario shares the powerful secret behind his achievement: the ask. How do you ask someone to help you? How do you ask someone for something that will help make your goal happen? Mario breaks down the formula and even shares what he’s planning on asking for in the new year. Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Have a question for Mario? Call our Podcast Hotline and leave a voicemail! 646-770-1353 Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 Goal Planning Day 4: How To Set Goals That Are Effective | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:04

It’s easy to write down things you want to do. But HOW do you get them done is the key and HOW do you go after them is what makes the difference between accomplishing a goal and just having it be words on paper. In day 4 of our RAP plan review, Mario shows you what you need to do to build the momentum to make effective goals. Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Have a question for Mario? Call our Podcast Hotline and leave a voicemail! 646-770-1353 Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv TRANSCRIPT: Thursday, it’s time to Wake Up and Level Up. You are smack dab in the Reflection Action Plan week. That means I have given you the opportunity to download for free. As a loyal and or new podcast listener, you get first access to marioarmstrong.com/goals. Go there right now while you’re listening to this episode, marioarmstrong.com/goals to download your reflection action plan. This nine page document is going to set your 2019 on fire each day. This week I’ve been talking a little bit more about the plan, giving you advice on how to fill it out, examples and so on and so forth. Today, I wanna talk a little bit about what happens around pace three through say six, which is really the daily affirmations part, as well as setting the goals to set you up for the next 90 days. Now, daily affirmations or something that you review and that you read every single day to inspire you to keep you on track with your goals and dreams. If you don’t wake up and know what your affirmations are, it’s very hard to stay consistent with what the goal is. You know, some of the most structured people can maybe do that. They have a very clear vision. They know exactly what they’re getting up to do and they’re very organized in their day and they’re very focused. Not Everybody operates like that. In fact, most people don’t operate like that and they need the daily affirmations, the things that you would review that you need to believe about your potential every single day so that these things over time become fact. When I said I wanted to win an Emmy for the talk show, many people thought I was crazy. We didn’t even have a talk show out. The show wasn’t even recorded and I was already meeting with the team, reviewing the documents and printing out 35 pages of the Emmy submission guidelines because I was affirming it in my mind. Every day we’re going to build something so special, so great, so valuable that the Academy, that the Emmys, that that judging team that the peers will have to recognize how much we put into this. That was an affirmation. Getting the show to launch. I will launch the Never Settle Show that was an affirmation. I will get a sponsor that was an affirmation. Here are some examples of my affirmations for the next 90 days. According to the reflection action plan, I will connect with more collaborators. I will create more family experiences. I will connect with large distribution and impact for our content. By the way, are you hearing the word connect? Showing up. Remember my word for the year. We talked about this a couple of days ago. I will study harder to connect with audiences and people better. Hello? I will become the best in providing thoughtful advice that creates positive change and connects to other’s lives. A lot of times around this time of year, people start thinking about their finances or their health, like losing weight or making or saving money better. So you may want to have some affirmations that ...

 Goal Planning Day 3: Your One Word for 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:39

One word. That’s it. Your job today is to come up with ONE WORD that will define what you will do in 2019. If it sounds too easy, it’s not! Mario explains the power of selecting one word to power you through your goals and even shares HIS word for the year. Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Have a question for Mario? Call our Podcast Hotline and leave a voicemail! 646-770-1353 Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 Goal Planning Day 2: Looking Back So You Can Look Forward | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:19

Today, we continue reviewing the RAP plan to get your new year off on the right foot! But before we can move into the new year, we have to take a step back and look at the previous year! Mario reviews what to ask yourself about 2018 and how it’s important to look back to get clear on what you want to achieve in the new year. Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Have a question for Mario? Call our Podcast Hotline and leave a voicemail! 646-770-1353 Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 Goal Planning Day 1: How To Have an 80% Chance of Achieving Your Goals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:17

This week, Mario is here to help you set up your 2019 for success! All week, we’ll be going over parts of the RAP plan to get your goals set up for the new year. Today, Mario tells you the four important components of the plan that need to be accomplished if you want this to work in the new year. Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Have a question for Mario? Call our Podcast Hotline and leave a voicemail! 646-770-1353 Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 What Are Your Three WINS This Week? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:16

You’re doing better than you think. And today, Mario is here to remind you that you ARE making progress and you should recognize that! Every week, Mario’s family sits down and talks about the three big wins they had from the week. This helps to build a habit of gratitude and looking at the positive in life. Learn how you can implement this into your life in today’s podcast. Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goal Have a question for Mario? Call our Podcast Hotline and leave a voicemail! 646-770-1353 Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 We Needed $20,000 and Didn’t Have It! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:09

In your head, you have the vision of what it’s supposed to be. Maybe it’s a new product, your new business or a new life for yourself. But those that can help to make it happen don’t see it exactly as you do. That’s what Mario and the team faced when they wanted to launch the Never Settle Show. TV bigwigs couldn’t see past what Mario was doing. But the team knew what the show could be. So they had to find $20,000 they did not have to make a pilot episode of the Never Settle Show to SHOW people what their vision could be. Mario tells the story and how you can help those around you see your vision when they don’t. Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goal Have a question for Mario? Call our Podcast Hotline and leave a voicemail! 646-770-1353 Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 3 Things They Don’t Tell You About Entrepreneurship | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:24

When you daydream about working for yourself, you envision this whole new amazing word that looks amazing! You take a bit from every article, video, podcast or book you’ve ever read and place it in your mind with what you want to do in the world. Except it isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. There are things that so many entrepreneurs and thought leaders DON’T talk about: the realities that come with working for yourself. Today, Mario digs deep into what you need to know before jumping into the entrepreneur world. Have a question for Mario? Call our Podcast Hotline and leave a voicemail! 646-770-1353 Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv


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