Wake Up and Level Up show

Wake Up and Level Up

Summary: Wake Up and Level Up is your daily, 5 minute fix of inspiration to kickstart your day! Every morning, Emmy winner Mario Armstrong brings you actionable advice with the enthusiasm and direction you need to have your best possible day. Mario is a NBC TODAY show contributor, host of the Never Settle Show, entrepreneur and lifestyle mentor who went from being broke to winning Emmy awards. His daily bites of enthusiastic advice are derived from his past failures and successes. Mario teaches through transparency, sharing formulas, tips and new perspectives on topics like self-doubt, fear, success, mindfulness, personal branding, productivity, career and entrepreneurial advice. Wake Up and Level Up is your daily quick hit of motivation to position you for greater success and joy for the journey.

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  • Artist: Mario Armstrong
  • Copyright: Copyright 2019 Mario Armstrong Media, LLC


 How to Pitch and Not be Attached to the Outcome | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:30

You’ve been thinking about the pitch. In your head, you run through your script and practice it over and over again. You know what and how to say it. You can even picture everyone in the room! You envision this moment! But it doesn’t go exactly as planned. Mario talks about the importance of not being attached to the outcome of a pitch or meeting when it doesn’t go exactly as you planned. It’s not the end of the world, fam! Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Want to join Mario’s VIP text group? Or have a question you’d like answered on the podcast? Dial **MARIO from your phone! Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 3 Things I’ve Learned from Doing 100 Episodes of a Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:11

Last week, we released our 100th episode! So many podcasts don’t even make it past a few episodes, yet we’ve been committed to consistently put out motivating podcasts for you every single week day. Today, Mario shares the three major things he’s learned after consistently putting out 100 podcasts. If you have any sort of business or creative endeavor, there’s something for you to learn from today’s message.   Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Want to join Mario’s VIP text group? Or have a question you’d like answered on the podcast? Dial **MARIO from your phone! Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 Giving Back with Be My Eyes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:51

Technology makes life for those who struggle with a disability a little bit easier. And there’s an app that can allow YOU to help someone that might need it. Mario is a volunteer on Be My Eyes, an app that assists those that are blind or hard of seeing with day to day items. You can be connected via a video chat to help those that might not be able to see read things. What a great idea! Mario talks more about the app in today’s episode. Learn more about the Be My Eyes app and how to download it at bemyeyes.com Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Want to join Mario’s VIP text group? Or have a question you’d like answered on the podcast? Dial **MARIO from your phone! Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 When You Don’t Adjust Your Pitch | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:36

Getting a NO sucks. That’s a fact. It makes you doubt how you’re pitching yourself for a job, a business or even in your personal life! But when do you know when the pitch needs to be changed? Is it the pitch or is it you haven’t found the right people to pitch to? Mario will give you the key signs to know the difference. Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Want to join Mario’s VIP text group? Or have a question you’d like answered on the podcast? Dial **MARIO from your phone! Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 International Day of Happiness! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:20

It’s March 20th, which is The International Day of Happiness! Yes, it’s a thing! It’s celebrated every year by all UN member nations. Mario shares how this day came to be and what YOU can do today to celebrate! Let’s add some happiness into our lives and those of others! Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Want to join Mario’s VIP text group? Or have a question you’d like answered on the podcast? Dial **MARIO from your phone! Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 Thoughts Aren’t Always Facts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:38

Thoughts Aren’t Always Facts. That quote got quite the reaction on instagram! When you listen to the negative thoughts of others or even others, those thoughts become facts. Today, Mario shares the importance of the words we consume and tell ourselves, and how to break the cycle of negative thoughts within our own brain. Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Want to join Mario’s VIP text group? Or have a question you’d like answered on the podcast? Dial **MARIO from your phone! Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 You Need to Stay Committed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:55

We’re back! Last week, Mario was in Austin to be part of SXSW with Capital One. This wasn’t Mario’s first trip to one of the biggest events in the world. In fact, his first time was the furthest thing from luxurious. But he went because he knew he had to be there. He tells the story and shows you why you have to be committed to the Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Want to join Mario’s VIP text group? Or have a question you’d like answered on the podcast? Dial **MARIO from your phone! Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv big picture to make things happen.

 ENCORE: There is No Such Thing as a “Big Break” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:26

Mario is at SXSW this week, so we’re replaying some of your favorite episodes! Make sure to follow Mario on Instagram to see all that is going on at SXSW: instagram.com/marioarmstrong You accomplished something huge: you won an award or you signed that big client. We think these awesome moments in our life or business will change things and take us to a new level. Sometimes, though, that doesn’t happen. Today, Mario tells his own story and teaches you how to take your winning moments and build momentum from them. Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Want to join Mario’s VIP text group? Or have a question you’d like answered on the podcast? Dial **MARIO from your phone! Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 ENCORE: When Daymond John of Shark Tank Sent Mario a Surprise Message! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:13

Mario is at SXSW this week, so we’re replaying some of your favorite episodes! Make sure to follow Mario on Instagram to see all that is going on at SXSW: instagram.com/marioarmstrong One day, Mario got a video message from Daymond John congratulating him on his Emmy win. A surprise out of nowhere from one of Mario’s mentors! What can YOU learn from this moment? Find out Mario’s tips on how to harness your power and situation to move forward towards the goal and dream you are meant to do. Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Want to join Mario’s VIP text group? Or have a question you’d like answered on the podcast? Dial **MARIO from your phone! Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 ENCORE: Make Better Decisions by Asking This Simple Question | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:43

Mario is at SXSW this week, so we’re replaying some of your favorite episodes! Make sure to follow Mario on Instagram to see all that is going on at SXSW: instagram.com/marioarmstrong It can be overwhelming to stand at a crossroads in your life when you need to make a big decision. How do you choose between competing options? Mario explains his approach to making a decision and shares the question you need to ask yourself to guide yourself to the right choice. Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Want to join Mario’s VIP text group? Or have a question you’d like answered on the podcast? Dial **MARIO from your phone! Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 ENCORE: Mario’s PLC! Increases Your Personal Development and Growth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:46

Mario is at SXSW this week, so we’re replaying some of your favorite episodes! Make sure to follow Mario on Instagram to see all that is going on at SXSW: instagram.com/marioarmstrong Your PLC keeps you fresh, moving forward and also builds your confidence. Mario talks about his PLC, how you can use this process to gain traction and progress and the one thing scheduling thing you need to make it work. Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Want to join Mario’s VIP text group? Or have a question you’d like answered on the podcast? Dial **MARIO from your phone! Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 ENCORE: There’s No Such Thing as a Bad Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:57

Mario is at SXSW this week, so we’re replaying some of your favorite episodes! Make sure to follow Mario on Instagram to see all that is going on at SXSW: instagram.com/marioarmstrong This might be one of the most powerful tools you’ll learn on this podcast. Today, Mario teaches you why there is no such thing as a bad day and how to turn what you THINK is a bad day around with looking at a situation differently. Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Want to join Mario’s VIP text group? Or have a question you’d like answered on the podcast? Dial **MARIO from your phone! Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 Shorter Meetings Lead to More Frequent Meetings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:14

Getting time to chat with someone that can help you make something happen can be tough to do. Everyone is busy. Everyone wants something. But how to do get that meeting with someone that might be tough to get? Also, how do you stay efficient with your meetings so they don’t drag out and waste everyone’s time? Mario shares his strategy that works really well to get meetings! Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Want to join Mario’s VIP text group? Or have a question you’d like answered on the podcast? Dial **MARIO from your phone! Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 Get an Accountability Partner with HabitShare | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:05

Last week, Mario shared his top apps of the year so far on NBC’s TODAY show. One app is something you should download right NOW to start building habits that can make your goals happen! Also, Mario is more than willing to help you along the way by being an accountability partner on the app as well. Take a listen and then download the app! Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Want to join Mario’s VIP text group? Or have a question you’d like answered on the podcast? Dial **MARIO from your phone! Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv

 Become Super Effective With This ONE Change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:19

In a previous episode, Mario shared how looking at the amount of time he spends on his iPhone opened his eyes to how distracted he had become. He realized how much Instagram was taking away from his schedule! Today, Mario follows up and shares what’s happened since he cut back his time on social media. The results might surprise you! Listen back to Mario’s episode on changing his instagram habit here: https://www.wakeupandlevelup.com/episode-0076/ Get your 2019 Reflection Action Plan for FREE at marioarmstrong.com/goals Want to join Mario’s VIP text group? Or have a question you’d like answered on the podcast? Dial **MARIO from your phone! Get more inspiration from Mario on Instagram at instagram.com/marioarmstrong Watch previous episodes of Mario Armstrong’s Never Settle Show at neversettle.tv


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