Unveiling Grace Podcast show

Unveiling Grace Podcast

Summary: Breaking free from performance-based religion is never easy - but so worth it. Lynn & Michael Wilder share scripture, stories, and candid interviews, along with practical biblical teaching that will help your life and relationships flourish. You can experience a grace that heals.


 UGP 105 - They Left BYU to Follow Jesus - Matt and Nicole Wilder - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

Matt's LDS world was being turned upside down by what he was finding in the Bible and hearing from his younger brother Micah. When he started sharing this with Nicole, his LDS girlfriend, he thought it would probably be the end of the relationship. Was following Jesus and the truth he was learning worth losing his full-ride scholarship at BYU and professional career and the girl he loved so deeply? Nicole and Matt share candidly and openly a journey with a lot of unknowns -- but also a lot of grace, love, and hope.

 UGP 104 - Doing Everything Right and Still Feeling Guilty - Matt Wilder Story - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:41

If you are LDS, Matt Wilder's story could have been yours. He was born into the quintessential Mormon family and they did it all: temple trips, scouting, callings, Scripture reading, sabbath. Yet, by his early teens, his soul was restless with a sense of his own unworthiness and failure to measure up to the high outward standards of his religion. Would his family's move from the Midwest heartland to the heart of Utah in the Salt Lake Valley help him find peace?Matt recommits to his Mormon faith, but then several events on his LDS mission and while a student at BYU cast light on a different path. Could this one lead to a sense of being forgiven and accepted by God?

 UGP 103 Emma - Dating a Mormon - Heartbreak and Hope - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

You will be amazed and encouraged at how God miraculously orchestrates circumstances to bring Lynn Wilder and Emma Moss together. Emma's story is one of bewilderment, hope, heartbreak, and trust in God as she navigates the uncertainty of dating and caring deeply for her Mormon boyfriend while staying true to her own Christian faith. It's clear God is moving, but will the relationship result in them being together or apart?

 UGP 102 - International experiences - Grace Means Not Earning God's Favor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

Lynn starts off the podcast with the story of Temple Square security scaring her young grandkids when they came to see Santa. Police in Spain take Joel and Steve Dealy to the police parking garage for a chat. Lynn talks about what it was like to be a Mormon approached by Christians at the Nauvoo Pageant. Lynn explains what the Bible means when it says "faith without works is dead" and how different that is from how many religions use this verse. It's a fast-moving, multi-faceted episode with both humor and hope. Listen to this episode, and get links to new resources in the show notes here: https://unveilinggracepodcast.com/ You too can experience a grace that heals!

 UGP 101 - Threatened on the streets of Ecuador - Grace when it really matters | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

Joel and Lynn talk about some misconceptions Mormons have about Christians (and vice versa) and what they've learned about grace from their international travels. Joel shares about the time an angry Mormon Temple President physically threatened him in Guayaquil, Ecuador, and how God used that incident over the next several years to open doors for ministry at Mormon Temple open houses in Latin America. The path of grace is always full of adventure! Come share it with us.

 UGP 100 - COVID Disruptions plus Can we hear from the dead? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

Can we hear from the dead? When it seems to happen, how should we view it in light of the Bible? That's the question Lynn raises after a Bible study with a transitioning LDS woman who has had these experiences. Also, how can grace help us deal with life when a pandemic disrupts so much of what we know and what we used to do? Plus, an exciting announcement toward the end about some brand new video resources that have just come online.

 UGP 099 - Grace broke the cycle of shame, addiction to porn and depression and healed our marriage - Morgan Archer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

Morgan Archer shares her story of rescue from the cycle of addiction to pornography, shame, and depression that was affecting her, her husband, and their marriage and family. With open, and sometimes painful transparency, she chronicles how God invaded her life repeatedly, bringing people into her life to pray for her, including a stranger after her serious car accident. Through all of it, God was winning her heart and granting the intimacy with Jesus and healing to her marriage she had sought for so long. 

 UGP 098 - Fear of LDS Family, Depression, New love, and Grace - Michael and Brianna - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

Following his conversion to Christianity, Michael's greatest fear was coming out to his very committed LDS family about his new faith in Christ and reliance on grace alone for salvation. Two days before Christmas, knowing nothing about his conversion, they find an interview of Michael on Youtube that reveals the shocking truth. Despite the hurt, they extend incredible grace to Michael. Brianna also shares her transition away from Mormonism, her struggle with depression, and finding grace and Michael. It's a story of awkward moments, laughter, new love, and experiencing a grace that heals at multiple levels. Michael's new book is now out, as is his podcast.

 UGP 097 - A Mormon Apologist Gets Imputed Righteousness and Grace - Michael Flournoy - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

Michael and Lynn met for the first time years ago when they were invited to debate each other on a radio program. But instead of debating Lynn asked Michael questions about his book and Mormon views. That, and exposure to Keith Walker's presentations on the "Impossible Gospel of Mormonism" started a process that would totally alter the course of his religious views and life. Michael comments, "So, yeah, I went from being a Mormon apologist to just within a few months to being a Christian. It was a whirlpool. God spun me around so fast and said, "Son, you're pointing that sword the wrong way." It a fascinating and fun conversation about one man's courageous pursuit of truth wherever it would lead him and despite whatever it might cost him.

 UGP 096 - The Darkness Lifts - Restoration, Redemption, Reconciliation - James and Jolene - Part 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

"It was like this darkness had totally lifted from us." Jolene Phelps, after she and her husband encounter forgiveness and restoration through God's grace. This is the emotional, encouraging, high-energy conclusion to our interview (3 parts) with James and Jolene Phelps. Besides sharing how God brought them to the truth via separate paths and a year and a half apart, they also share what to do and what not to do when your spouse has not yet seen the truth. It's an episode of laughter, transformation, and the healing of a marriage and family. 

 UGP 095 - Fighting on the verge of Divorce, Jesus finds James - James and Jolene Phelps - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

James and Jolene are both disenchanted with Mormonism. Jolene finds the Denver Snuffer splinter group and joins while her husband is away. The fighting escalates and they are on the brink of divorce. Yet, God has his hand on their marriage and keeps bringing people into their lives who serve as guides to the truth. James tries to go back to Mormonism, but only feels worse, till he has a one on one, personal encounter with Jesus that changes everything. Jolene just gets angrier because now James is happy and she is not. This fast-paced episode ends before the story does, so the conclusion doesn't come till next week.  Listen to this episode here: https://unveilinggracepodcast.com/Search on all our podcast episodes here: https://unveilinggracepodcast.com/search-all-podcasts

 UGP 094 - The Great Grace Gamble - Replay of UGP 007 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:51

In this episode, Joel and Lynn explore God's gamble in extending us grace and guaranteeing the end from the very beginning. What does gambling have to do with grace? What’s the risk? It’s all on the table, no negotiating. What’s the guarantee? “I know your secrets, you need to know mine” Lynn. "Grace is the conduit through which God comes to us. We are born alienated from God. God know us intimately, that’s not intimidating, that’s freeing” Joel.

 UGP 093 - Everything is Great Except the Cracks in the Wall - James and Jolene Phelps - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

James and Jolene both came from strong LDS families and faithfully followed the path marked out by their performance-based religion. They lived tranquil lives in a Mormon bubble in Arizona and everything was great, until James, an attorney, could no longer ignore his spiritual discontent or troubling aspects of Mormonism. Jolene, and accountant, likewise was committed to making it work, until she also started noticing some cracks in the wall. Jolene thinks she has found answers in a Mormon splinter group, but as we end this candid and humorous episode she confesses this only made their marriage and lives worse. Listen to part 1 of their story here: https://unveilinggracepodcast.com/ Search on all our podcast episodes here: https://unveilinggracepodcast.com/search-all-podcasts

 UGP 092 - On the Road to Grace with my Mormon husband - Karen Culbertson - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

After marrying Brian (a Mormon) against her family's wishes, both Karen and Brian walked away from faith for a time. However, with the birth of their daughter, they decide to find a church that is neither Baptist (her background) nor Mormon (his background). Karen and Lynn share candidly about the stress and pressure they felt in a performance-based religious system, and contrast this with the refreshing freedom of knowing you are loved by God for who you are and not what you do. This story has a happy ending. Karen and Brian Culbertson now lead a church for people burned out by religion (details on this church in the show notes). Listen to part 2 of her story here: https://unveilinggracepodcast.com/ Search on all our podcast episodes here: https://unveilinggracepodcast.com/search-all-podcasts

 UGP 091 - I Married a Mormon - Karen Culbertson - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

Totally against the advice and wishes of her parents, Karen decided to marry her high school sweetheart, Brian. (See episodes 87 and 88 for Brian's story). He and his whole family were members of the LDS Church. As their friendship grew more serious the concern of both their families increased. Karen walked away from her faith for a time, and in this winsome and often humourous interview, Karen shares the struggles and regrets she went through as a result of her decision. Her story has a happy ending, but we don't get to find out how it works out until part 2. Karen Culbertson is now a licensed counselor and pastor's wife. She is grateful for the grace of God that brought healing to her life and marriage. Listen to part 1 of her story here: https://unveilinggracepodcast.com/Search on all our podcast episodes here: https://unveilinggracepodcast.com/search-all-podcasts


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