UGP 092 - On the Road to Grace with my Mormon husband - Karen Culbertson - Part 2

Unveiling Grace Podcast show

Summary: <p>After marrying Brian (a Mormon) against her family's wishes, both Karen and Brian walked away from faith for a time. However, with the birth of their daughter, they decide to find a church that is neither Baptist (her background) nor Mormon (his background). Karen and Lynn share candidly about the stress and pressure they felt in a performance-based religious system, and contrast this with the refreshing freedom of knowing you are loved by God for who you are and not what you do. This story has a happy ending. Karen and Brian Culbertson now lead a church for people burned out by religion (details on this church in the show notes). Listen to part 2 of her story here: <a href=""></a> Search on all our podcast episodes here: <a href=""></a></p>