Unveiling Grace Podcast show

Unveiling Grace Podcast

Summary: Breaking free from performance-based religion is never easy - but so worth it. Lynn & Michael Wilder share scripture, stories, and candid interviews, along with practical biblical teaching that will help your life and relationships flourish. You can experience a grace that heals.


 UGP 075 - Abuse, Billy Graham, Forgiveness and Freedom - Terri Jo's story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

Life in a Jack Mormon family in the heart of Utah is never easy. Terri Jo shares the unvarnished reality about the abuse she suffered on several fronts - emotional from her father, social and verbal from kids at school, sexual at the hands of a relative who was a Mormon leader and the downward spiral this put her into through a big chunk of her life. Yet, God was keeping His hand on her and Jesus was calling and when she finally surrendered to His love and grace she found freedom and true love for her own life. It's a raw and moving interview and another story of what it's like to experience a grace that heals. Visit https://unveilinggracepodcast.com/ to listen, subscribe for free and get the show notes for this and every episode.

 UGP 074 - A wild ride into grace and love - Randy T - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

Randy continues his candid and often humorous dialogue with Joel and Lynn sharing the many ways God has showed up in his life. From his wife's quiet but bold faith, to a Mormon brother who warned him away from the LDS temple, to a God who would never turn his back on him, Randy radiates the wonder of being loved unconditionally and saved radically from the shame and despair of a performance-based religion. www.UnveilingGracePodcast.com - subscribe, listen and download the show notes all for free.

 UGP 073 - The perfect Mormon, then God sent a girl - Randy T - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

Randy was a multi-generational Mormon from a very faithful devout family. If the religion required it, they did it, and Randy was no exception. So why doesn't a nearly perfect Mormon man go on his mission? Randy's story is fascinating and funny as he talks about how a young woman who came through his military checkpoint caught his eye and captured his heart. God would use her and his very dedicated LDS father to open his eyes to the truth about his childhood religion. Join us for a fast-paced and engaging interview with Randy as he transitions from full-on performance to experiencing a grace that heals. Part 1 of 2. Subscribe to the podcast, download all episodes and get show notes - all for free at UnveilingGracePodcast.com

 UGP 072 - From Ending it All to Having it All - Scott R - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

Summary: UGP #072 From Ending it All to Having it All - Scott R. p 2This week's episode picks up where last week's ended - Scott was ready to be done with life. The anxiety and weight of a whole series of tragedies found him alone at home with a loaded gun to his head. Feeling beaten down by performance-based religion, he was lifted up by the grace of Jesus. This week he talks about that journey about many of the real-life transformations God has brought about in his life and marriage, and in doing so invites all of us to experience a grace that heals. Listen in, download, find show notes, write us, and subscribe at: https://unveilinggracepodcast.com/

 UGP 071 - Wooed by Emotion but Woke by Reality - Scott R - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

Listening to Scott's upbeat and grateful heart you would never know that at one point in his journey he put a loaded gun to his head. Feeling beaten down by performance-based religion and having been told by one of his religious leaders that his son's recent car accident was God punishing him (Scott) for not being a full tithe payer, he figured ending his life was his best way out. Providentially, God showed up that day and Scott is alive to share his story of God's pursuit and grace with all of us. Note: If you listen to this one while driving have tissue handy or be ready to pull off the road till you can see again. Scott's story invites all of us to experience a grace that heals. Listen in, download, find show notes, write us, and subscribe at: https://unveilinggracepodcast.com.

 UGP 070 - Feelings, Truth, and 5 Reasons You Can Trust the Bible's Reliability - Jon Benzinger - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

Pastor and researcher Jon Benzinger is our guest again for a fast-paced, fact-filled discussion on the top 5 reasons we can trust the Bible to be our reliable guide for life and relationship with God and others. We also talk about the importance of feelings and where performance-based religion often gets it wrong when it comes to our feelings and how we know truth. Lynn and Jon also talk candidly about how God used the Bible to personally change their lives and the hope and healing that is there for anyone who is seeking transformation. Visit UnveilingGracePodcast.com for a free download, show notes, links to supplemental materials, and easy ways to subscribe to the podcast via iTunes, Spotify and Google podcasts.

 UGP 069 - Reasons Why We have a Reliable Bible - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

Our guest to kick off 2020 is Jon Benzinger, Lead Pastor at Redeemer Bible in Gilbert, AZ.  He's done extensive study into the multiple evidences for the reliability and trustworthiness of the Bible, and communicates with authenticity and clarity.  He has an incredible heart for people, especially the predominant demographics in Gilbert -- Hispanics, retirees and Mormons. The question of why we can trust the Bible, and just as importantly, why we should live consistently with what the Bible teaches, made for a fun and fast-paced conversation with Jon.  Lynn and I were encouraged and inspired by this episode are excited we get to kick off the 2020 podcast season sharing it with you.   Happy New Year!

 UGP 068 - When you can never do enough - Jenesse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

Jenesse' performance-based heritage went back 6 generations.  She could trace her faithful LDS family all the way back to Nauvoo.  Yet despite working herself to exhaustion, being as faithful as she could, never doubting, it was still never enough.  When she prayed in desperation to God He answered in an unexpected way, and what he showed her changed her heart and her life forever.  Jenesse radiates peace, tranquility and trust in a God who loves her deeply and she has found that Jesus truly is enough.   If you need some assurance that God cares and is ready to take your burden listen in on our conversation with Jenesse.   Grace and peace!

 UGP 067 - Stage 4 Cancer and the Real Miracle - Brian and Maria Perkins - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

This week the spiritual roller-coaster continues. Last week we ended with Brian's life being miraculously spared after being held hostage with a gun to his head. This week he and Maria talks about how God used this to awaken him spiritually and how God showed up in a very real and personal way and where they are at right now after Brian being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. It's a penetrating and eye-opening look at how performance-based religions sabotage our ability to connect personally with a God who loves us, and how that God brings joy and answers in the midst of deep confusion, searching and pain. Catch this and every episode here: UnveilingGracePodcast.com

 UGP 066 - Gun to his head - Life spared - Brian and Maria Perkins - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

On a loading dock, arms duck-taped behind his back and a gun to his head, Brian was sure his life was over. But God had other plans for his life and used this incident to bring about a spiritual awakening. It's an amazing story of a life lived in performance-based religion that takes a deadly turn, but in the end shows God's care, conviction and divine intervention in Brian's life. It's a moving, breath-taking episode that exposes our hearts to the biggest questions of life and a God who is there to answer them. Subscribe to the podcast at Unveilinggracepodcast.com and never miss an episode.

 UGP 065- Amy and Justin lost their sons for 7 months and found God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:01

Justin and Amy were faithful LDS, not without some questions but moving toward being sealed in the LDS temple. Then her ex-husband took their two sons and held them for seven months. In the middle of this traumatic time God showed up and what they experienced started their transition away from performance-based religion into a grace and peace-filled relationship with Jesus. At the time of the recording they were less than a year into transition and shared candidly about life and faith. They also have practical advice for anyone that may be looking into transitioning away from their performance-based religion.

 UGP 064 - Interview with Micah Wilder - Adam's Road Story (replay) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:01

This week we replay one of our most popular and most encouraging episodes. Micah Wilder, of Adam's Road Ministry talks candidly about God's call on his life, and the core commitments and practices that help him, and the Adam's Road family, work through the challenges of life together. It's a stirring reminder of the power of God's grace and the importance of experiencing that Jesus is enough. We hope this episode rekindles your gratitude to God this holiday season.

 UGP 063 - Tragedy - Performance - Finally Peace - Linda's Story - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:01

Linda's story continues where it left off - confronting her Mormon bishop over the treatment she and her children had received for years after the tragic death of her husband.  She shares how God comes after her personally after over 50 years in performance-based religion and the gratitude and joy of having all of her children also eventually leave and come to faith in Jesus.  She concludes the episode with personal, straight-from-the-heart words for others who might be where she once was, trapped and tired in performance-based religion. 

 UGP 062 - Linda Baldwin - The Challenge and Hurt of LDS Single parenting - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:01

Linda Baldwin shares her journey through a wonderful life as a Mormon wife and mom till tragedy took her husband. Her world turned upside down, she struggled to measure up, and felt the judgment leveled at both her and her kids within her performance-based religion.  In part 1 we get to her breaking point - a devastating decision toward her son by church leadership.  This one is not for the faint of heart.  But there is lots of courage from this fierce single-mom and lots of hope and healing in part 2.

 UGP 061 - Experiencing Deep Healing from Abuse - Melanie Mosicki - Part 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:01

In this moving conclusion to Melanie's story she shares how God brought her face to face with herself, how He showed her amazing grace, love and forgiveness and how Jesus has provided deep healing that has freed her to love others in life changing ways. 


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