Igniting Souls Podcast with Kary Oberbrunner show

Igniting Souls Podcast with Kary Oberbrunner

Summary: Welcome to the Igniting Souls Show. If you want to experience clarity in business and in life then discovering who you are, why you're here, and where you're going is a must. The Igniting Souls Podcast is dedicated to help you do just this.


 The truth about hosting your own conference | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2938

The Truth about Conferences Someone—who hosted his own conference—once warned me: Doing your own conference is going to be one of the hardest and most rewarding experiences you'll ever do. You'll lose money, but you'll also gain a community. While there could be some truth to that comment, I disagree with several points: => It doesn't have to be hard. (If you assemble the right team.) => It might not be rewarding. (If you don't include certain essential elements.) => You don't have to lose money. (And making money doesn't mean you need to score sponsors or settle for a pitch-fest.) => You might not gain a community. (If the "main show" is on the stage, then community is much harder to build.) After doing more than 100 live events over the past decade, I've discovered the good, the bad, and the beautiful of hosting your own conference. This post and podcast is dedicated to save you time and money and increase your chance of successfully hosting your own conference that is both memorable and profitable. The Good about Conferences => Clear Theme: I've said it a ton of times. Clarity attracts. Confusion Repels. This year we picked a clear theme: set fire to your business and brand. Here's what it meant for our conference and context: FEEL THE FIRE: In the beginning all we see is ourselves. We feel the heat from our own fiery trials. The majority stays here forever. But our breakthrough is just on the other side of awareness—when we realize the obstacle is the way. SEE THE FIRE: Looking outward, we now see others in need. Their struggle feels strangely familiar. Our former pain will become their future cure. With courage and clarity we do deep work so we can create deep impact. BE THE FIRE: By leveraging our hurts into a helpful framework, we open a new way and a new world. Through serving and storytelling, people embrace the solution and experience success. As we show up filled up, we set fire to our business and brand. As the conference host it's your responsibility to set the theme. This is often the most important step. It's something I do first and foremost before anything else. => Intentional Takeaways: Don't make your attendees guess what they're going to get. We tell our people exactly what to expect. If they're going to hop on a plane or into a car it's up to you to create a culture of intentional takeaways. We told our people: FIRE is an unstoppable force... It can take life or give it. It can inflict pain or initiate healing. It all depends upon the person wielding it. At the igniting souls conference you’ll discover how to set fire to your business and brand and increase your influence, impact, and income. Learn cutting edge tips, tools, and tactics from industry-leading experts getting real-time results. Connect and collaborate with a global community of authors, speakers, coaches, and entrepreneurs committed to your success. Discover the clarity and courage you crave to craft an action-oriented plan that achieves your ultimate dream. "The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire." —Ferdinand Foch => Dynamic Community: We could have packed more people in the room—the business center told us so. They said if we put people in rows and not round tables we'd fit at least 100 more. It took us 2 seconds to come to a clear decision. Our answer? "No thank you." Although we could have scored more cash, community is king at our event—not the other way around. We call it the Igniting Souls Conference, but around each table of 8 people, a spark began to appear on day one. At the end of day 2 that spark was a fiery blaze. Friendships were forged. Collaborations were created. And in some cases partnerships were primed. The Bad about Conferences => Confusing Benefits: Too many times conferences brand themselves with unclear benefits. People don't know why they're showing up or what they're going to get from attending. The reason why we have sold out events—year-after-year—is because we let people know ahead of time why coming will help them personally and professionally. => Disjointed Speakers: Ever been to a conference that had zero alignment? Each session felt completely random and disconnected from the previous one? This type of conference is a liability, not an asset. At igniting souls conference each speaker is completely aligned with the other speakers. * We didn't contradict each other. We built upon each other's content. * We didn't compete with one another. We edified each other on and off stage. * We didn't sell the crowd. We served the attendees.  The igniting souls speaking team was aligned, unified, and on fire. It was an honor to work with them. => Wasting Time: I'm not a fan of wasting time. I don't want to attend a conference to massage someone's back, dance in the aisle, or listen to a 2-day pitch-fest. At our conference we don't waste time in any of these obvious ways. But, we also don't waste time in subtle ways too—like doing irrelevant exercises, prolonged table times, or even waiting in food lines. (Listen to the podcast above if you want more insider tips and tools.) The Beautiful about Conferences => Life Change: The stories of life change keep rolling in. Just when we think we've heard them all another one pops up. Besides the 20+ linked below, here's an entire page of two dozen more recorded long after the conference ended. If you're looking for hype you won't find it. Rather, you'll find true transformation via our attendees and their new courses launched, retreats planned, books outlined, websites built, and businesses started. Watch them here. => Beautiful = Unplanned Magic: We love to include a few surprises each conference. This year we invited Olympic Gold medalist and World Champion wrestler Kyle Synder. Besides being the best wrestler in the world, it turns out he's an amazing speaker too. He shared what it takes to become a champion. He was joined by Tom Ryan the NCAA national champion coach of the Ohio State Buckeyes. Both men added a ton of value and our attendees enjoyed getting pictures with them. Each year we have a photo booth. In the past attendees became boxers, swimmers, and this year firefighters. Besides creating laughs, this element also created a bonding experience for each of the tables. => Beautiful = Souls on Fire: This year we launched 46 of our authors into the world. Each of them are graduates of Author Academy Elite. Not only do we help them write, publish, and market their books, but we also let them speak and sell their books in our bookstores. This is the program I wish I had when I first became an author back in 2004. The authors did an amazing job on stage. Each talk literally blew me away. And their books are each a beautiful work of art—inside and out. We're looking for our next authors to publish. Although thousands will express interest and hundreds will apply, we can only accept 25. If you'd like to be considered please register for our live webinar on November 8th. When you do you'll get my new e-book immediately: How to Turn your Book into 18 Streams Income. ===> http://karyoberbrunnerwebinars.com/dreambook/ If this post or podcast sounded intriguing, we'd love to have you join us at our next Igniting Souls Conference. ===> http://ignitingsoulsconference.com/

 Ghostwriter Academy: Turn your passion into a profession | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3560

Ghostwriter Academy: Turn your passion into a profession ==> http://www.ghostwriteracademy.com I FELL INTO GHOSTWRITING BY ACCIDENT… I’ve been an author since 2004. But for the first 8 years, it was always a side-hustle. After all, with a wife and 3 kids, I didn’t think I could make a living as a full-time writer. Then in 2012, my friend Scott asked me if I could help him fulfill his dream of writing a book. After chatting further, he said he needed a ghostwriter. I didn’t know the first thing about ghostwriting, and I certainly never planned on becoming one. All I knew is my friend needed help, and so I jumped in headfirst. Besides helping Scott write a compelling book, that same year I also left my day job. If you guessed those two events are related, you’re right. In a way, you could say that ghostwriting helped me turn my dream into a full-time gig. I TURNED MY PASSION INTO A PROFESSION: That first gig turned into a second and then a third. Initially, I was surprised at how lucrative ghostwriting can be. The rates below are considered the “industry standard.” $10,000 to $20,000: just getting started with ghostwriting $20,000 to $30,000: mid-level ghostwriter $30,000 to $50,000: veteran ghostwriter $50,000: celebrity ghostwriter or really busy The Professional Writer’s Association of Canada provides clear guidelines for ghostwriters: $10,000 to $50,000 flat fee entire advance + 50% of royalties. And even if you’re not Canadian, The Writer’s Union of Canada establishes a great baseline for ghostwriters everywhere: For a book of 60,000 to 90,000 words, the Union recommends a total minimum fee of $40,000. Naturally, this variance is based upon several factors including: experience, competence, length of manuscript, deadline of project, etc. GHOSTWRITERS ARE IN HIGH DEMAND… Many Traditional Publishing Houses admit that about 70% of their books were written by ghostwriters. Even crazier, nearly 99% of all books published by artists, celebrities, and politicians were ghostwritten. Throughout history, there may have been a stigma with ghostwriting in some circles. But today it’s much different. Many ghostwriters are proudly displayed on the front cover or in the acknowledgments. Ghostwriters play a significant role by helping clients tell their story. As a result, thousands of people are impacted. Ghostwriters are valuable because: They produce a better book. They save their clients time. They save their clients money. INTRODUCING GHOSTWRITER ACADEMY… Today, I don’t ghostwrite any longer because my current business focus doesn’t offer me the bandwidth. After all, in 2014 I started a publishing company: Author Academy Elite. We’ve published hundreds and hundreds of books from authors around the world. I’ve had a vision to train up a guild of ghostwriters. Until now, I haven’t had the margin to do so. But within the last year, after turning down several potential books inside Author Academy Elite due to a lack of ghostwriters, I realized we couldn’t delay any longer. I knew that many writers, editors, and ghostwriters would join Ghostwriter Academy and start their own businesses or level up their current ones. This is all part of the plan. Whether you get your gigs on your own or through The Guild, I believe in abundance. After all, if 82% of the population wants to write a book, then the world needs high quality ghostwriters defined by clarity, competence, and confidence. WE GIVE YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED… 1. Ghostwriter Guidebook: An 86-page interactive guidebook chock-full of resources. This is the proven process I used to go pro. 2. Video Modules: Benefit from 7 Masterclass modules comprised of 29 videos, each designed to be clear, concise, and direct. Leverage these “forever access” tools and tactics in your own ghostwriting business. 3. Curated Content: The ghostwriting industry has shifted over the last few years, and you need to cash in on these changes. Dive into this curated content via hand-selected articles and websites. 4. Contracts and Checklists: Turning your passion into a profession means looking professional. Utilize these contracts and checklists within your own ghostwriting gigs. 5. Global Community: Much of the business world runs on relationships. Enjoy lifetime membership to our global community of generous collaborators. 6. Ghostwriter Certification: Upon completion of the modules, you will receive a professional level certification, declaring you as a successful graduate of Ghostwriter Academy. Ghostwriter Academy What are others saying? * * * * * Ghostwriter Academy is a Must for Anyone Passionate about Writing The Ghostwriter Academy is a must for anyone passionate about writing. Created and designed by Kary Oberbrunner using his signature teaching style, this solid, up-to-date course will walk you through the process of becoming a highly qualified and sought-after ghostwriter. The modules act as your own private teacher, and the guidebook is packed with value. —Nanette O’Neal, author of A Doorway Back to Forever book series and founder of Beyond the Doorway mastermind program. * * * * * Easy to Understand, Cutting Edge, and Actionable Kary Oberbrunner is an expert in the fields of writing, publishing, and marketing, and I’m excited that he has bundled his wisdom and experience into this fantastic course. In Ghostwriter Academy, you will learn why the world needs ghostwriters, how the ghostwriting business works, and where to find customers. Kary’s teaching is easy to understand, cutting-edge, and actionable. If you dream of turning your passion for writing into a profession, you need to take this course. —Abigail Young, CEO of Stressless Edits THE GHOSTWRITER ACADEMY FRAMEWORK© Module 1: Your Creation Story PAST: You are your business, so stop hiding your story. As the adage goes, people buy from those they know, like, and trust. Until you learn and leverage your creation story, you’ll feel stuck and stagnant. “Sticky” brands have sticky stories. Package your past struggle with your present solution so you can design a new future for your eventual clients. PRESENT: The truth is that until you see yourself as a ghostwriter, no one else will either. It starts with an internal identity. Soon after, it seeps into an external reality. Ghostwriter Academy is designed to help you turn your passion into a profession. Whether ghostwriting is your side-hustle or your main gig, fortifying your WHY will help you clarify your WAY. FUTURE: You’ve probably heard that envisioning your future and goal achievement are interrelated. Sometimes it’s called beginning with the end in mind. Other times, it’s called moonshot thinking. If you want to turn your passion into a profession, then you need to fill in some blanks. What new reality do you want to create? Module 2: Why TIME: Before you can develop a thriving business, you must understand why the world needs ghostwriters. Simply put, ghostwriters save their clients time. Many clients are too busy to take time away from their careers, businesses, and lives to write a book. SKILL: Ghostwriters bring a unique skillset to their clients. Many clients think they can write, until they try. Not everyone can write, nor should they try. About 99% of politicians, celebrities, and musicians use ghostwriters to write their books. Many traditional publishers state that around 70% of all their books are written by collaborators and ghostwriters. MONEY: Ghostwriters bring value to their clients because they save them time, and everybody knows that time is money. Many clients would lose money by spending their limited time trying to write a book. Module 3: What GHOSTS: Most nonfiction books solve problems—even oftentimes memoirs. In other words, they offer solutions. A framework is a solution broken down into simple steps. All three books I ghostwrote contain frameworks. It’s an effective way to write because it helps your reader see and feel an intentional beginning, middle, and end. GIGS: It’s important to know the different terms that apply to “writers for hire.” Most clients who need help don’t know the correct terminology. They may think they need a copyeditor when they truly need a developmental editor—or even a ghostwriter who collaborates with them. Clarity comes once you know how the gigs differ and where you fit in. GUILDS: A guild is an association of artisans or merchants who oversee the practice of their craft in a particular town. Guilds were first organized in the late Roman Empire and rose in popularity during the Medieval period. Naturally, guilds benefit their members if managed properly. Discover which guilds are helpful, which are harmful, and most importantly why. Module 4: How RATES: Many ghostwriters simply don’t know what to charge. The rate for ghostwriters varies quite a bit. This variance is based upon several factors including: experience, competence, length of manuscript, deadline of project, etc. Learning the formula will help you charge with confidence. RULES: Without the proper guidelines you could make a big mistake. The right rules protect you and your client. Get forever access to the proper intake forms, release forms, and sample contracts to help you turn your passion into a profession. RISKS: Savvy business owners mitigate risks by taking the proper precautions. By completing our checklist, you’ll set yourself up for success. Module 5: When CONSULTATION: Too many ghostwriters don’t set clear expectations or boundaries with their clients. As a result, they end up working for far less than their worth. By integrating our system, you’ll end up creating value for your clients while getting paid. COLLABORATION: Most of us with something to say or sell would benefit if we had a bigger platform. We try partnering with top leaders, hoping to give our message the exposure it needs. Why do some people break through while most are blown off? Discover how to change the pattern by following nine steps for gaining favor with influencers. CREATION: You’ll need to find your own voice as you write your client’s story. Think of this process as a delicate dance. How do you maintain your own freedom, while respecting their message? In this module you’ll discover a model and a metaphor to help you achieve both. Module 6: Where INWARD: Most ghostwriters struggle getting gigs because of one fatal flaw. Discover how to secure more ghostwriting gigs than you can handle. This strategy enabled me to get all my gigs without even asking. OUTWARD: Each of us have limited time and so we must make our time count. Looking in the wrong places for gigs will drain your energy and creativity. Isn’t it time you learned how to look and who to look for? We’ll show you where to find quality leads when looking outward. DOWNWARD: Anyone with something to say or sell needs a bigger platform. As a ghostwriter, this works to your advantage. There’s no better platform than a well written, published, and marketed book. With 82% of the population aspiring to be authors, if you know the right steps, you can land the right gigs. Module 7: Your Career Story PAST: Many times, we can see everybody else’s gifts and talents, but not our own. Yet—if we take a moment to list all of our experiences, skills, and hobbies—we’ll often be surprised by the assets we can bring to our potential clients. PRESENT: When I was trying to go pro with my passion, I had a choice. I could wait until I got clients before I gave myself a title, or I could give myself a title and then get clients. Some people ignorantly label this a “fake-it-till-you-make-it” tactic. I disagree. There was no pretending for me. Rather, I made an internal commitment before I experienced external validation. FUTURE: You’ve grown into a new person. Your role as a ghostwriter will literally change people’s lives. You serve as the bridge between authors and their audiences, and without your skills their stories would remain untold. Bonus Module: The Guild This special invitation is only for our Ghostwriter Academy graduates. These certified ghostwriters are the only ones qualified to join The Guild. About the instructor KARY OBERBRUNNER is Igniting Souls. Through his writing, speaking, and coaching, he helps individuals and organizations clarify who they are, why they are here, and where they should invest their time and energy. Kary struggled finding his own distinct voice and passion. As a young man, he suffered from severe stuttering, depression, and self-injury. Today a transformed man, Kary invests his time in helping others experience unhackability in work and life. Kary’s writing career spans 15 years and counting. He is a 6-time traditionally published non-fiction author (The Journey Towards Relevance, Called, The Fine Line, Your Secret Name, The Deeper Path, Day Job to Dream Job) as well as a fiction author (Elixir Project). He has ghostwritten three books, published over 400 books through his publishing company, Author Academy Elite (AAE), and has trained over 60,000 authors through online education. Kary is also the founder of Ghostwriter Academy and The Guild. He has negotiated publishing deals and gained the title Master-Level Marketer due to his ability to turn books into 6-figure businesses through his 18 Streams of Income© model. He is the founder of Redeem the Day, which serves the business community, and Igniting Souls, which serves the nonprofit community. He and his wife, Kelly, are blessed with three amazing children and live outside Columbus, Ohio. I’ll show you how to level up your business… Besides teaching you the skill of ghostwriting, I’ll also show you the business side of ghostwriting, too—including lead generation, marketing, contracts, collaboration, and much more. Over the last 15 years, I’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs – in nearly every industry – start, scale, and level up their businesses. ==> http://www.ghostwriteracademy.com

 The #1 thing you lack that would catapult your coaching business to the next level | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3042

==> Why you Need to Level Up Do you have a side-hustle, a means of income other than your day job? If so, you’re not alone. * In 2013: 6.8 million Americans had a side-hustle. This represents 5% of the population. * In 2017: 44 millions have a side-hustle. This represents 18% of the population. Why the increase? For starters, the new Digital Age allows this. We have more opportunities than ever before. But we also have more reasons why we need a side hustle too. People realize their employers aren’t going to take care of them forever. They also know it’s highly unlikely they’ll retire in their current day job. This means their day jobs are temporary. It also means they need a plan. Becoming a coach is one of the fastest ways to greater influence, impact, and income. How fast you may ask. Well for one of our recent team members, it took less than 2 weeks! Dennis Riley got his first paying client just 13 days after joining. ==> What you Need to Level Up According to Harvard Business Review, you only need one thing to catapult your current or future coaching business to the next level. The Harvard Study revealed the top reasons why companies hire coaches: * Reason #1 = Experience (65%): This answer was predicable. Companies look for coaches with experience. * Reason #2 = Clear Methodology (61%): This answer was unpredictable. Tt’s nearly twice as important than the ability to measure a Return On Investment (ROI). ==> How you Can Level Up One major way you can Level Up your current or future coaching business is a clear methodology. I call this a coaching framework. The best coaches employ a framework that leads their clients to a solution. Framework: A solution broken down into simple steps. Some coaches only rely on asking curious questions. Of course asking questions are an important part of the coaching process, but it doesn’t stop there. Questions help clients become aware of the problem, not the solution. In today’s podcast I share why a coaching framework is one of the most important components in your coaching business. ==> Time to Level Up We’re opening a few spots on our Global Team of Speakers, Coaches, and Trainers. Although we open our teams once a quarter, this is your final opportunity until 2018. Click on the Team(s) of your choice below to learn more (or click here. If you’re interested please apply today because our spots are limited. => Your Secret Name Team = http://bit.ly/2fhX6HX => Deeper Path Team = http://bit.ly/2eQ1uJU => Dream Job Team = http://bit.ly/2eHdY8Z Just Some of our Team Benefits: 1. Worldwide Certification: The ability to speak, coach, and train, any individual or group anywhere in the world utilizing the curriculum (Your Secret Name OR Deeper Path OR Dream Job Coach), products, and content. 2. Total Profit: You keep 100% of the proceeds, honorariums, and income you receive from your services. 3. Daily Support: As a member of my private on-line coaching group, you are encouraged to ask questions about your business and brand. I’ll respond back with tips, tools, and tactics to help you create quantifiable success and significance as a team member. 4. Video Training: Take a front row seat and we’ll show you exactly how we run our own live events, coaching sessions, and programs. You’ll also receive videos of my keynote speeches. You’re welcome to customize these for your own speaking gigs. 5. Audio Training: Listen to over one hundred hours of coaching calls, each categorized for an ultimate audio educational experience. 6. Transformational Resources: I give you the exact same resources I use when I speak, train, and coach. This includes bumper videos, exercises, object lessons, slides, handouts, workbooks, and leader guides. 7. Marketing Tools: Digital downloads customizable for your own event 8. Promotional Partnership: We list you and your bio on our website. Visitors are encouraged to contact and hire you through your branded email address we provide you. 9. Global Community: Lifetime access to the Igniting Souls Tribe, our global community committed to each other’s personal and professional success.

 How to turn a book into a 6-figure business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1908

JOIN FB Community ===> https://www.facebook.com/groups/6figureauthor/ ==> Why a 6-Figure Author? Trust me. It's not about the money. Here's what I mean... I published my first book in 2004, The Journey Toward Relevance. The truth is, I didn't know what I was doing. No one was mentoring me on the finer details of writing, publishing, or marketing. Naively, I thought I'd sell a million books and make a million dollars. Why? So I could do this writing thing as a full-time gig. Sure I loved being a pastor and serving in a church, but even back then I felt the pull between my day job and my dream job. Every once in a while I'd get a phone call or an email to go speak somewhere about my book. I'd literally have to tell the caller or sender, "Hold on. I'll have to get back with you. I need to check with my boss." Then I'd bring up the request in my next weekly meeting with my Senior Pastor. He was a very generous leader, but rightfully so, I'd have to "sell" him on the idea. I'd explain why it was a good thing to leave my "job" for a couple days to go and talk to groups of people who needed to hear the message behind my book. Sometimes he let me. Sometimes he didn't. Sometimes I'd have to "sell" other people on the idea too like my director, other staff members, ministry leaders, elders, etc. We feel imprisoned when we need permission to do our passion. I Needed Permission to do my Passion When I didn't get permission, I'd squeeze in a speaking gig here or there on the front end or back end of a vacation. In those days our vacations weren't that glorious. It probably meant Kelly and I visiting her family in Michigan or my family in Wisconsin. Still, it always felt like speaking invitations were a stressful experience because I had to defend my rationale for wanting to take them. And then there was the actual writing of the books. I am a father of three kids. They are each two years apart. Imagine having a 5 yr. old, 3 yr. old, and 1 yr. old and trying to write as well. Since I was absolutely committed to be the best employee and father and husband, that meant writing a total of 4 books in the "margins" of life. These books were written at 12 am or 2 am or sometimes even 4 am, in between feeding the babies. I'm not complaining. I loved those moments of bonding with my son and daughters. And since I was up anyways, I thought rather then go back to bed I'd crank out a thousand words of the next book that loomed over my head. After all, my traditional publishers weren't about to let me miss a deadline. I Needed to Find a Better Way Needless to say, the pressure of being a pastor, a daddy, a husband, a doctoral candidate, an author, and a speaker wore on me. I tried to do it all...AND because I wasn't a 6-Figure Author I needed to do it all. Writing books was only a part-time job. It paid some bills, but it certainly didn't pay ALL the bills. And because it didn't, I needed to keep my day job. This reality created a growing internal tension. I found a way to make it work, until the day they asked me to be the next Senior Pastor. Don't get me wrong, I worked for an amazing church on so many levels. The people were unbelievable and the elders were extremely kind. I seriously considered being the next Senior Leader. He was the catch. The church wanted to identify me as the next Senior Pastor and then begin a 10-year succession plan. As a young man in my mid 30's I knew this wasn't in the cards for me. Although I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do, I knew I didn't want to sit on the bench for 10 years while in the prime of my life. And so I got incredibly focused. I told myself, I'd find a way to become a 6-Figure Author more out of necessity than out of desire.  Becoming a 6-Figure Author isn't about the money; it's about the freedom. If I wanted to do what I loved full-time then I needed to provide for my family. I knew this meant replacing my income so I could pay for health insurance, mortgage, school, vehicles, food, clothing and the money required to start a business. How a 6-Figure Author? It's been 5 years since I left my day job. Looking back, I wish I had a map or even a model. But I didn't. Prior to leaving the church I had a ton of fear and it all centered around not being able to pay the bills and provide for my family. David Branderhorst, my business partner today, told me I was a like a bird in a cage. The door finally swung open and I sat in the cage staring at freedom, wondering if I really wanted it after all. I finally found my wings and a way to become a 6-Figure Author right out of the gate. I made three critical mental shifts. I also turned my books into 18 streams of income. We did this with Your Secret Name, then The Deeper Path, Day Job to Dream Job, and even my last book, a fiction one called Elixir Project. This model worked so well, I began sharing it with other authors who also became 6-Figure Authors too. Fast-forward five years and today we have a Global 7-Figure Business. We're helping hundreds of other authors achieve their financial goals so that they can have the freedom to do their passion full-time too. You have a choice What about you? Are you an author? Are you an aspiring author? Have you bought into the myth that you need to be a starving artist? Or do you believe it's possible to write full-time? You have a choice and the choice you make will make you. In today's podcast I share more on this topic.  I also invite you to join me in the FREE 6-Figure Author 5-Day Challenge. Here's why... Writing as a hobby or a part-time passion is a tough gig. I tried it for 8 years with my first 3 books. Then I discovered a system that helped me turn my passion into a full-time gig. I turned each of my next 4 books into 18 Streams of Income and 6-Figure Businesses. Join our FREE 6-Figure Author 5-Day Challenge facebook community and I'll show you how. You have a challenge You can think about becoming a 6-Figure Author or you can take the first step toward becoming one. All it takes is one simple click. It's FREE and it will connect you to a community, just like you. Life change can happen in a moment. And when you prepare the for the moment, the moment is prepared for you. JOIN ===> https://www.facebook.com/groups/6figureauthor/

 3 reasons why defending yourself can destroy you and your business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3419

People will attack The truth is if you choose to shine brightly, inevitably the darkness will try to extinguish your light. Your growth and progress makes some people feel uncomfortable because it forces them to reflect upon their own lives. But the majority of these people aren’t pleased with what they find. Rather than making adjustments, these same people settle for an easier strategy. They prefer to attack you instead. This tactic enables them to reject change and stay the same. Subconsciously they hope their attacks illicit an emotionally charged response. If they succeed, this provides them with a sense of achievement—albeit a negative one. Although you can’t control whether or not people will attack you, the one thing you can control is your response. Send me my FREE book ===> https://deeperpath.karyoberbrunner.com * You will respond Human nature tempts us to meet their attack with a counterattack. After all, we have a right to exert our power—don’t we? Although such rationalizations may seem justified, when we succumb to their subpar strategies, we exchange our larger vision for a small story instead. Weak people defend, but strong people exercise restraint. Consider Jesus’ trial, as he stood before Pontius Pilate. Rather than defending himself, he chose silence instead. This response only angered the official. He asked, “Do you refuse to speak to me? Don’t you realize I have the power either to free you or to crucify you?” Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above.” His response ripped through Pilate and even changed his behavior. The Gospel says, “From then on Pilate tried to set Jesus free.” * Defending will destroy Remember, you have a mission. Achieving this mission requires your full focus. When you defend yourself it produces three negative outcomes that threatens to destroy you and your business: (1) Distractions Defending distracts you from your mission. Rather than advancing, you settle for sideways energy instead. You clog up your creativity and pause your productivity. This only bolters your haters and equips your critics. Your opponents inflict a serious blow by distracting you from the work in front of you. (2) Discouragement Defending discourages you. Rather than spending time serving your clients, you spend time battling your enemies. As someone who enjoys helping others, instead you end up hoping to hurt your opponents. This exchange takes a toll, wearing down your stamina and morale. (3) Defeat Defending defeats you. Although it typically won’t happen overnight, the cumulative effect of defending yourself will eventually weaken you. It will weaken your resolve or your results. At first you won’t notice it. But after time you’ll stop pursuing how to achieve your mission and start pursuing how to debate your adversaries. When this takes place you and your legacy are done. Instead of functioning as a servant who spreads a message you function as a soldier who shoots down his or her enemies. You’re more than attacks designed to destroy you. Therefore, don’t defend and stay focused. You have a mission to achieve. * Need Clarity?  Clarity is an amazing gift. It's the first step in what we call The Deeper Path Payoff. Notice the process: Clarity => Competence => Confidence => Influence => Impact => Income If you want your time to count then you must count your time. You must wake up to the fact that life is too short to waste time defending yourself. Over a decade ago, I sought out distractions on a regular basis, including the need to defend myself.. Truth be told, I used them to numb my pain. Thankfully, I woke up to the fact that numbing my pain was also numbing my potential. At that same time, I met a man named Chet Scott who helped me break free from my addiction to distractions. He showed me a process in which I authored my OPUS. O = Over-arching Vision P = Purpose U = Unifying Strategies S = Scorecard for Significance I took that Deeper Path and put pen to paper. I emerged with clarity for the first time in my life. * Clarity keeps you from needing to defend yourself To this day, my OPUS guides me toward clarity and away from defending myself. I refer to it on a daily basis—after all we each make 35,000 decisions a day. Unless we have a built-in filter we’ll burn out. Want to author your OPUS? I think it’s the best tool to find the clarity and courage to steer clear of distractions. The Deeper Path will open you up to a new way and a new world. I bought you a FREE copy and I’ve included the Purpose Assessment with each order. All I ask is that you cover a small fee for shipping and handling. All the details are here, but we only have a limited supply. Grab your FREE copy today and stop wasting time defending yourself. Send me my FREE book ===> https://deeperpath.karyoberbrunner.com

 How to set fire to your business and brand | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2956

FIRE is an unstoppable force Fire can take life or give it. It can inflict pain or initiate healing. It all depends upon the person wielding it. At the 2017 igniting souls conference you’ll discover how to set fire to your business and brand and increase your influence, impact, and income. We believe it's so important that we'll shut down everything we normally do for several months. Our entire team plans and prepares. Then we strategize and optimize one single event to create maximum impact for our clients.  In today’s podcast episode I share the reason why we chose this theme. I also unpack the three steps required to set fire to your business and brand.  After coaching hundreds of authors, speakers, coaches, and entrepreneurs, I've discovered the 3 steps required to set your business and brand on fire:  ==> 1. Feel the fire In the beginning all we see is ourselves. We feel the heat from our own fiery trials. The majority stays here forever. But our breakthrough is just on the other side of awareness—when we realize the obstacle is the way. ==> 2. See the fire Looking outward, we now see others in need. Their struggle feels strangely familiar. Our former pain will become their future cure. With courage and clarity we do deep work so we can create deep impact. ==> 3. Be the fire By leveraging our hurts into a helpful framework, we open a new way and a new world. Through serving and storytelling, people embrace the solution and experience success. As we show up filled up, we set fire to our business and brand. Does it work?   We think so, but you be the judge. Here's over 2 dozen unfiltered 3 minute stories of life change from past attendees. (More stories are being added every day.)   If we didn't think it was the most important thing we could do, we'd eliminate it in a second. But the truth is that we know what the Igniting Souls Conference can do to you and your business. In fact, we've seen the same storyline play out hundreds of times. People come skeptical at first. They're a bit apprehensive about investing a couple days in a very "average" city like Columbus, OH. But then they step into our gathering space.... * They hear the speakers. * They connect with fellow attendees. * They see what's possible.  AND EVERYTHING CHANGES!  We're such believers in this event I'm going to give you a private backstage pass to sample the speakers, schedule, theme, and deliverables.   A couple weeks ago I did a private all tribe call where we revealed everything planned for October 21-22 . Many who heard it were so moved to action, they registered on the spot. As a result, we are now 88% sold out.    Do I want you to come too? Of course!   But I'm convinced that I don't need to convince you of anything. Rather, I believe if you'll listen to a few minutes of this the podcast you'll recognize your own need and how we can solve the problems that are slowing you down at this very moment.    In fact, I believe if you don't come you'll waste years of your life and tens of thousands of dollars. Don't take my word for it though. Listen to the podcast  you'll see what I mean.   Just remember, the super early bird rate ends July 14th. If we sell out of tickets before the timer ends, well...then you're out of luck. Although it won't be the biggest event, our entire team is committed to making it the best...hands down. Here's what you'll experience:    * Learn cutting edge tips, tools, and tactics from industry-leading experts getting real-time results. * Connect and collaborate with a global community of authors, speakers, coaches, and entrepreneurs committed to your success. * Discover the clarity and courage you crave to craft an action-oriented plan that achieves your ultimate dream. "The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire." —Ferdinand Foch ===> Learn more about Igniting Souls Conference here: http://ignitingsoulsconference.com

 9 reasons why NOW is the best time to start your coaching business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2467

Should you Start a Coaching Business? Better face the facts. It's highly unlikely you're going to retire at your current place of employment. This means your current day job is temporary. Some employees hear this and "go ostrich." Fearfully, they stick their heads the ground and ignore this truth. Other employees wake up to the fact it's their responsibility to create a side hustle now, before their jobs are eliminated or outsourced. I meet people nearly everyday who weren't ready for this harsh reality. Their jobs were secure one day and suddenly non-existent the next. Understandably, this creates panic in people that have what I call a "long-term contractor" mindset. Contrast that with what I call a "functional freelancer" mindset. These people don't worry at all. Notice the differences below displayed in the chart I pulled from my book Day Job to Dream Job. In today’s podcast episode I share 9 reasons why now is the best time to start a coaching business as your side-hustle.  How to Create a Successful Side-Hustle Don't misunderstand me. I'm not suggesting you go and quit your day job today. Quite the opposite. Actually, I'm encouraging you to keep your day job while you start your side-hustle. The odds of succeeding are actually in your favor. In fact, according to an extensive study, you're 33% more likely to succeed in your start up if you don't quit your day job cold turkey. Check out this excerpt from the Harvard Business Review: Entrepreneurs who give up their day jobs in stages are 33% less likely to fail in their start-ups than those who leave their jobs precipitously to run their new businesses full-time, according to a study of thousands of Americans by Joseph Raffiee and Jie Feng of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The staged approach, which allows entrepreneurs to gain important knowledge about their new businesses while phasing out their paying jobs, has become much easier with the rise of digital technologies that reduce the cost and time commitments of starting new companies, the authors say. Earn Extra Income while in your Day Job In 2011, while still in my day job, I saw the writing on the wall. Although I loved the people I worked with and the organization I worked for, I also knew I had untapped potential and unrealized dreams. I began coaching a few clients on the side. After a few months of seeing clients become souls on fire, I knew I was hooked. The extra income helped me realize I could scale this side business and eventually leave my day job. The model was so successful people began asking if I could teach them how to start a coaching business on the side. I took their requests seriously. I showed them how to use content from my book Your Secret Name content with their clients. In a short time, we certified over a dozen speakers, coaches, and trainers from all over the world. Today we have well over a hundred team members certified on 3 different programs: * Your Secret Name * The Deeper Path * Dream Job 9 Reasons Why Now is the Best Time to Start a Coaching Business These are the 9 benefits we provide for each of our coaches: 1. Worldwide Certification: The ability to speak, coach, and train, any individual or group anywhere in the world utilizing the curriculum (Your Secret Name OR Deeper Path OR Dream Job Coach), products, and content. 2. Total Profit: You keep 100% of the proceeds, honorariums, and income you receive from your services. 3. Daily Support: As a member of my private on-line coaching group, you are encouraged to ask questions about your business and brand. I’ll respond back with tips, tools, and tactics to help you create quantifiable success and significance as a team member. 4. Video Training: Take a front row seat and we’ll show you exactly how we run our own live events, coaching sessions, and programs. You’ll also receive videos of my keynote speeches. You’re welcome to customize these for your own speaking gigs. 5. Audio Training: Listen to over one hundred hours of coaching calls, each categorized for an ultimate audio educational experience. 6. Transformational Resources: I give you the exact same resources I use when I speak, train, and coach. This includes bumper videos, exercises, object lessons, slides, handouts, workbooks, and leader guides. 7. Marketing Tools: Digital downloads customizable for your own event. 8. Promotional Partnership: We list you and your bio on our website. Visitors are encouraged to contact and hire you through your branded email address we provide you. 9. Global Community: Lifetime access to the Igniting Souls Tribe, our global community committed to each other’s personal and professional success. Apply to Join our Global Team of Speakers, Coaches, and Trainers A few times per year we receive applications from quality candidates who have an interest in joining the Igniting Souls Team. We'll open our teams on June 20th and close them on June 27th. If you're interested in applying please click on the respective link below. And if you'd like to apply for all 3 simply fill out an application for one and we will consider you for all three. * Your Secret Name = http://yoursecretname.com/ysn-team/ * The Deeper Path = http://deeperpathbook.com/deeper-path-team/ * Dream Job = http://dayjobtodreamjob.com/dj-coach/ I look forward to helping you start your coaching business NOW.

 How to find clarity and courage to say no to shiny objects | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2431

Shiny Objects Steal Your Best From You Shiny objects are simply dressed up distractions, designed to sabotage you and your success. They often arrive in your inbox appearing as "good" opportunities sent by sincere people. Unfortunately, pursuing them demands a hefty price tag—measured in dollars and hours. If you're not careful, you'll get sucked in by shiny objects and emerge months or years later bankrupt of energy and enthusiasm. They'll rob you of your best ideas and leave you footing the bill. In today’s podcast episode I share how to say no to shiny objects. Clarity Steers You Away From Shiny Objects Can anyone resist shiny objects? After all, their "pull" is so strong. Besides distractions are a common coping mechanism when we feel overwhelmed with life. No wonder why so many of us crave them. A life of distraction will never produce a life of meaning. If you want your time to count then you must count your time. You must wake up to the fact that life is too short to chase shiny objects for too long. Over a decade ago, I sought out shiny objects on a regular basis. Truth be told, I used these objects to numb my pain. Thankfully, I woke up to the fact that numbing my pain also numbed my potential. At that time, I met a man named Chet Scott who helped me break free from my addiction to shiny objects. He showed me a process in which I authored my OPUS. O = Over-arching Vision P = Purpose U = Unifying Strategies S = Scorecard for Significance I took that Deeper Path and put pen to paper. I emerged with clarity for the first time in my life. (Read my OPUS here: http://bit.ly/2ta9E6h) Courage Helps You Say No to Shiny Objects To this day, my OPUS guides me into clarity and away from shiny objects. I refer to it on a daily basis. After all we each make 35,000 decisions a day. Unless we have a built-in filter we'll burn out. I want to help you author your OPUS. It's the best tool I know how to find the clarity and courage to say NO to shiny objects. We bought you a FREE copy and each copy comes with a FREE tool called the Purpose Assessment. All the details are below, but we only have a limited supply. Grab your FREE copy today and discover how to say no to the shiny objects. ===> https://deeperpath.karyoberbrunner.com

 How to Turn your Book into a Dream Job | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2103

Dreams aren't given to you; they're given through you. Your dream is a temporary trust and unless you take action, it will flee you as quick as it found you. Start Dreaming. Stop Doing I want you to imagine a life you love. If you're like most people then this isn't your current reality...at least not yet. But turning points happen in an instant and this could be your defining moment. Change happens when we decide to think differently and then back that new thinking with new acting. I just recently returned from a trip where I wrote, spoke, and coached some amazing men and women from all over the world. I taught 4 different times. I also connected with many industry leading colleagues at something called the Epic Breakfast Club. I didn't pay for my housing, my travel, or my food on this trip. Every single place I went, my ticket in the door was simply my books. Reflecting over this past week and over my last 15 years, I've discovered how to turn my books into a dream business. Turn your Book into your Dream Business Books are somewhat magic. They open doors you didn't even know existed. Here's what I mean. D - Demystify: Books help you clarify your message. R - Refortify: Books help you strengthen your brand. E - Edify: Books help you build your business. A - Amplify: Books help you increase your impact. M - Magnify: Books help you expand your reach. If this sounds interesting, I want to show you how to do the same. I want to teach you how to turn a Book into a Dream Business. This week I have a FREE webinar where you can discover: ---> 5 Reasons why your Book ISN'T a Business Card Business cards don’t change lives. Books do! I’ll show you 5 reasons why your book is actually a business. Better yet, I’ll show you 1 simple step for turning your book into a dream business. ---> 3 Differences between Poor Authors and Smart Authors Although I was traditionally published, I made 3 major mistakes with my first 3 books. As a result, I kept my day job. I’ll show you how I made the switch and turned my next 4 books into 4 separate 6-figure businesses. ---> How to Turn your Book into 18 Streams of Income No hype…just hope. I’ll give you a roadmap for turning your current and future book into 18 streams of income. Sink your teeth into a proven model that gets results. I’ll unpack each model and give you one simple step to start your dream business today. The webinar is free, but our spots are almost full. Register now and get your free ebook immediately. How to turn your book into 18 streams of income ===> http://karyoberbrunnerwebinars.com/dreambook/

 The #1 thing your book, brand, and business needs even more than greater visibility | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2000

Visibility? What would you give in exchange for more of it? Your reputation? Bank account? Friends or family? Your soul? The quality of your soul is much more valuable than the quantity of your followers. Your book, brand, and business doesn't need more visibility. Rather, it needs more vision. When we lose our way—which we all do—we're tempted to go after a quick fix...visibility. However, in these moments, what we truly need is something else...vision. Vision over Visibility! Bono, frontman for the band U2, tells his faith journey in a song called Moment of Surrender. Recently, my friend Chet Scott founder of Built to Lead, turned me on to the song and the meaning behind it. In the song he says: At the moment of surrender. Of vision over visibility Bono had a choice between vision OR visibility. Early in his career Bono chose vision over visibility. Let's be honest. Most rock stars would do anything for more friends, fans, followers, and finances. The reality? They "sell out." Ready for some more honesty? We're not that different. Are we? As bloggers, authors, speakers, coaches, entrepreneurs, and humans...we have this same choice every single day of our lives. In today’s podcast episode I share a proven strategy to help speakers, coaches, and authors regain their vision. Vision. "When we lose our way, it's because we've lost our why." —Gail Hyatt We may start out incredibly clear, but then life happens. You get that call. Or that email shows up in your inbox. Or your proposal gets rejected. And in a matter of minutes, your vision suffers. I call this a hack. Just like phones and computers get hacked, people do too. I call it a hack attack, and losing your vision is just 1 of the 8 negative results of getting hacked. When we suffer from a hack attack we have a choice. We can stay in that state, an unproductive one for sure. Or we can implement a hack counterattack. I talk about this in Elixir Project a book that took me more than 2 years to research and write. Since the release of Elixir Project a few months ago, we’ve been getting countless emails, messages, and letters from readers who said the story helped them regain a clear vision for their lives. And that’s why I’ve personally bought you a hardcover copy of Elixir Project ($29.99 retail value). I’d like to physically mail you the book. It’s FREE for you. All I ask is that you cover the shipping and handling. Each copy comes with an orange envelope containing a special tool that will help you keep your choose vision over visibility. We call it THE HACK COUNTER ATTACK. In the book you’ll also discover a proven model for becoming unhackable in work and life. I made you a short video that tells you more. Click below to see the video and get your FREE book. ===>>> https://elixir.karyoberbrunner.com

 #111 - How to leverage your books to grow influence, impact, and income | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1361

YOUR FREE TICKET FOR THE ELECTIVE SERIES ===> http://karyoberbrunnerwebinars.com/author-elective For far too long, we’ve witnessed inferior books outshine superior ones simply because of better marketing. Although it might not be fair, it’s reality. This exclusive series is designed to help authors and aspiring authors create more influence, impact, and income from their books. Don't worry. You don't have to become someone you're not. And we're not talking about settling for spammy or salesy. Instead, you'll meet authors just like you who followed our model and found the way to win. By redefining selling as serving and marketing as storytelling, you can level up your game too, just like them. In this live FREE 3-part Master Class series you'll discover: #1 - How to get your book into Barnes & Nobles and other bookstores #2 - How to spike your book sales with a killer trailer and launch party #3 - How to get 50 or more Amazon reviews in 1 day I look forward to sharing these insider secrets. It's time to stop playing small. You and your book are worth it. YOUR FREE TICKET FOR THE ELECTIVE SERIES ===> http://karyoberbrunnerwebinars.com/author-elective

 #110 - How FREE can catapult or cannibalize your business: A proven strategy to help speakers, coaches, and authors level up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3503

Some coaches, speakers, and authors give away everything. As a result, they cheapen their brand; they burn out too. Others never give away anything. They come off as greedy and stingy; they repel people too. FREE is a tool. It can catapult or cannibalize your business. The difference depends upon how you use it. So what’s the balance? Are there guidelines for using FREE effectively? In today's podcast episode I share a proven strategy to help speakers, coaches, and authors level up. (Listen to this episode via itunes, audioboom, or stitcher) Using FREE Too Much Many authors, coaches, and speakers struggle charging money for their products and services. Maybe they don’t believe in themselves? Maybe they worry about others rejecting their prices? Regardless, giving everything away will put you out of business quickly. Even if you could afford not charging for anything, your customers would soon devalue your products and services. An ancient saying goes: “Where your treasure is, so is your heart.” In other words, if you don’t invest any money, you’ll probably never invest your heart either. Commitment follows cash. (Tweet This) Think about your own life. Have you ever failed to read a FREE book, attend a FREE webinar, or show up at a FREE event? If so, you’re not alone. When something is always FREE then it’s not usually taken seriously. Using FREE Too Little But never using FREE is a mistake too. If you never use FREE then the barrier of entry is often too high. Some people will never sample your products or services. Brands and businesses know this. iTunes let’s your sample a song via an excerpt. Amazon let’s you sample a book via look inside feature. Producers let you sample movie via a preview. FREE works when it’s used the right way. My wife (Kelly) and I now love Nature Box. They give away their products to first time customers. We found a link like this and got $20 in healthy snacks. Not only was the food FREE, it was also painless process. Although I normally wouldn’t order snacks online, since it was FREE Kelly gave it a try. To this day, we’re Nature Box fans. The dried peaches are my favorite and I now anticipate their arrival on our doorstep. (Go ahead and give them a try by clicking on the pic below. It's FREE.) nature box coupon Using FREE Just Right I've found that free done well answers these four questions: F: Filter = Who should I invest in? R: Repurpose = Where can I repurpose this content? E: Expand = Will this expand my influence? E: Engage = What is their next step to go deeper? If you’re a speaker, author, or coach you can use FREE just the right amount. I’ve helped hundreds of thought leaders catapult their business by using FREE the correct way. Here are a few examples: Speakers can use FREE... I've seen speakers use FREE effectively by creating a speaker's reel. Potential customers can view past appearances via a one minute highlight video. Also consider including a TV excerpt or audio sample from a podcast. I do a FREE monthly event called the Igniting Souls Fellowship. (Check out our next one. It's FREE.) Coaches can use FREE... Many coaches have success by offering a FREE complimentary coaching session. This FREE coaching session could be face-to-face or virtual via skype or Zoom. Consider doing a 3 session FREE mastermind. This is group coaching. I like the combo of speaking FREE and then offering a coaching package at the end. Authors can use FREE... Most authors already use FREE on Amazon with the Look Inside Feature. Consider doing a FREE KDP Select campaign for your Kindle. (There are pros and cons.) Use an excerpt from your book in an article or blog post. Do an audiobook. It's the hottest publishing platform. Plus people can get a FREE sample. I have something FREE for you On October 9, 2014 I woke up in the middle of the night with an idea. I wanted to write a story that would help us see the power of our dreams and the obstacles that often prevent us from achieving them. That book—Elixir Project—took more than 2 years to research and write. Since the release of Elixir Project a few months ago, we've been getting countless emails, messages, and letters from readers who said the story changed the way they now see the world and themselves. I want this to be true for you too. And that's why I've personally bought you a hardcover copy of Elixir Project ($29.99 retail value). I'd like to physically mail you the book. It's FREE for you. All I ask is that you cover the shipping and handling. ==> https://elixir.karyoberbrunner.com Free Copy of Elixir Project Each copy comes with an orange envelope containing a special tool that will help you keep your dreams from getting sidelined and sabotaged. We call it THE HACK ATTACK. ==> https://elixir.karyoberbrunner.com In the book you'll also discover a proven model for becoming unhackable in work and life. I made you a short video that tells you more. Please click on the link below to see the video and get your FREE book. ==>https://elixir.karyoberbrunner.com Thanks for listening. I believe in you more than you'll ever know. I can't wait for you to dive into the book and experience freedom. Free Copy of Elixir Project

 #109 - The Top 3 Mistakes People Make When Creating their Websites | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2170

Some experts have said if you don't have a website then you don't exist. Although this could be taken the wrong way, if potential customers and clients can't find you then they can't hire you. A website done well can communicate clarity and competence. It can also increase influence, impact, and income. A website done wrong can send people packing within seconds. When creating websites most people make 3 common mistakes. In this live episode you'll discover: (1) What NOT to do: The top 3 mistakes people make when creating their website. (2) What TO do: 3 components essential for communicating with online visitors. (3) How TO do it: A bulletproof plan to help you increase your online influence. PEOPLE WHO SHOULD LISTEN: - Business leaders who want to spread their message - Non-profit influencers who want to propel their mission - Aspiring authors who have a story to share - Coaches and speakers who need more clients - Professionals who want to increase their credibility in the marketplace - Published authors who aren't sure how to market their books effectively Also, get our free template to help you avoid these mistakes and create a bulletproof plan to help you increase your online influence. http://www.karyoberbrunner.com/WEB Other Links: * Clearwater Counseling: http://clearwatercounselinggroup.com/ * How to quit your day job and become a professional blogger: http://bit.ly/2nrvFvw * How to become an author: http://karyoberbrunner.com/book * Coaching Insurance: http://westminster.global/us/ * Business Cards: http://bit.ly/2o30z09

 #108 - 4 ways to attract better clients and more of them | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4639

We don't get what we want, we get who we are. If we want to attract excellent clients then we must strive for excellence ourselves. After all, we can't lead others where we haven't led ourselves. In this episode I share how attracting excellent clients comes down to one word: GIVE. G = Generosity I = Initiative V = Victor E = Enthusiasm In the second half of this episode I also give a gift, as much as I am legally allowed to give away. To download the entire gift for FREE use this link: http://bit.ly/2gBpQIE And then select the Elixir Project Audiobook: http://amzn.to/2gDHIlX OR if you are already an audible member, for a limited time the complete audiobook is $1.99 here: http://adbl.co/2mtylYx

 #107 - Ten Trends of Rising Rockstars | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3148

Too many times we pay attention to obscure examples of success. We obsess about the exceptions, the outliers, and the one-offs. But patterning yourself after these people is a recipe for regret. If you want to tilt the odds in your favor pay attention to these 10 Trends instead. The best part is anyone can do them. Ironically, that's also the problem. Because they're available for any of us at anytime these 10 Trends are underrated. As a result, hardly anyone implements them—except these Rockstars. They found a way...and now you can too. 1. Brian Wagner = Relentless Serving http://www.aradicalvision.com 2. Laura Harris = Pure Courage 3. Shanda Heilman = Unwavering Resourcefulness http://apple.co/2l8rq6U 4. Laura Diehl = Authentic Compassion www.gpshope.org/virtualsummit 5. Chris McClure/ Mark Williams = Imperfect Action http://bit.ly/2lU82u0 6. Renee Vidor = Savvy Integration http://www.simplyenrich.com/the-treasure-swap/ 7. Pat Gano / Erica Foster = Generational Collaboration 8. Jim Akers = Systematic Storytelling http://jimdakers.com 9. Stuart Lamont= Methodical Preparation 10. Merrilyn Hughes = Committed Victor http://amzn.to/2lOPYkd Each of these Rockstars are part of the Igniting Souls Tribe (http://bit.ly/2mbXyaw). This unique community is comprised of our clients. One recent member said this about the Tribe: I just wanted to take a minute and share with everyone how unique I have found this tribe to be. I am a part of six groups...three are free and three I pay between $20 and $30 per month to participate. Some of the groups have more members than Igniting Souls, but they all fail miserably in the area of support and interaction.


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