Igniting Souls Podcast with Kary Oberbrunner show

Igniting Souls Podcast with Kary Oberbrunner

Summary: Welcome to the Igniting Souls Show. If you want to experience clarity in business and in life then discovering who you are, why you're here, and where you're going is a must. The Igniting Souls Podcast is dedicated to help you do just this.


 #076 - My Secret Launch Strategy: How to launch your book, brand, or business with a significant splash | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1779

Chances are you're probably going to want to launch a book, brand, or business sometime in the next 5 years. True? If so, you might want to apply to join the ELIXIR Project VIP Launch Experience. Rather than launch my next book in isolation, I'm inviting a select group of people to join me on an amazing journey for the next 6 months. Call it a mentoring experience. Call it an experiment. Call it fun. In this week's podcast I go into depth about the: who, what, when, where, why, and how of the experiment. I have 3 goals, 4 target audiences and I provide 5 benefits. You can beat the rush and apply here immediately OR if you want the full scoop read below OR listen to the episode. http://www.elixirprojectbook.com Simply put, I will pour everything I have into this VIP group over the next 6 months. I hope you're one of them. The ELIXIR Project VIP Launch Experience is for amazing people like you. My goal in starting this is three-fold: 1. TO SERVE = Anything I do flows a heart of service. I'm committed to add value to like-minded world changers...like you. I count it a high honor and deep privilege to serve you. 2. TO TEACH = This book is one big experiment. I'm pushing boundaries and borders. I'm taking big risks in the areas of ideation, innovation, and implementation. To do so, I know I need to be the "guinea pig" so you don't have to be. I'm taking my 12+ year career in writing, publishing, and marketing and pushing the limits and the edges. I'm giving you a front row seat along the way. Together we'll learn what works...and what doesn't. 3. TO MOBILIZE = My purpose is simple: Igniting Souls. And my moonshot is epic: ignite one million souls by 2020. Bottom line, I can't do it alone. Throughout history whenever a tribe of people bonded together and banded together for a common purpose, the world was never the same. I created this group for Souls on Fire who are crazy enough to change the world. Although we come from a variety of backgrounds most of our members fit into 1 of 4 demographics: 1. AUTHORS: Some of you have written. Others are writing. And finally some will write. You're here to learn what to do AND what not to do when you write, publish, and market your own books. 2. READERS: Some of you are big fans of young adult fiction. You're here because you love the genre and you want to sink your teeth into the content before anybody else. 3. ENTREPRENEURS: Some of you want to create follow-up products and services for your business or books (fiction or non-fiction). You're here to learn how to turn your ideas into a really cool sustainable business or ministry. 4. FRIENDS: Some of you have been with me since the beginning. Others are brand new friends. Either way, I'm truly blessed we're on this journey together. I'm forever grateful. —Kary As a member of the VIP Launch Team Experience, you will get exclusive access to: - Behind the scenes coaching on how to write, publish, and market a bestselling book. - Detailed instruction on how to grow your own tribe and build your own platform. - Proven formula for how to successfully launch a book. - Step-by-step training for how to turn a book into a thriving business/ministry with follow-up products and services. - Transformational community with fellow world changers via private Facebook group. Our only requests for launch team members are: - Read the book—or sample chapters—ASAP upon receipt. - Provide feedback and engage with us via Facebook or email. - Leave a review on Amazon / Barnes & Noble on launch date. - Help spread the word about the book (we'll equip you with tools to share). Interested? Please click on the link to apply. http://www.elixirprojectbook.com

 #075 - How to overcome an addiction to email and social media | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3091

Sounds a bit far-fetched perhaps, but I promise it's true. The idea for my first ever novel—ELIXIR Project—came to me in a dream the night of October 8th, 2014. The next day I woke up and typed a few short notes on my phone. It was a very loose idea at first, but the more I thought about it, the more the clarity came. It took nearly 8 months before I mustered up the courage to go from notes on my phone to a word document. I started writing the story on July 11, 2015. As a 6-time traditionally published non-fiction author, writing my first fiction book was soooo slow. I enrolled in a fiction writing class, read half-a-dozen other fiction books in my genre, and justified hours upon hours of procrastination as "research" time. I wanted to quit many times. Who would know the difference anyways? No one expected me to write a young adult fiction novel. Besides I could slip out the back door and pretend nobody even saw me. Except that I know. And I have to look in the mirror everyday and stare straight into the face of deep regret. The chronic pain of regret is far more costly than the acute pain of plowing forward. And so I wrote. Quitting wasn't a viable option. It took me a little over 10 months to write 42,000 words. With just a month left to meet my editor's deadline (June 22, 2016), I knew hitting my goal of 75,000 words was nearly impossible. I suddenly became aware why it was taking so long. I was addicted to email and social media—using it as a means of distracting me from writing my novel. Answering email and interacting on social media gave me the illusion of accomplishing something. I felt like I was being productive, only I wasn't doing the real work. I craved an email, just so I could justify jumping away from the novel and helping someone else in need. Or I enjoyed engaging with others on social media because it allowed me to add value to someone else and get immediate feedback, rather than doing the tough work of writing a novel. After I became aware of my toxic tendencies, I made significant changes to my mindset, patterns, and personal rules surrounding my work. Sure a deadline helped, but in the next 30 days, I wrote another 43,000 words, surpassing my goal and finishing the manuscript at just over 85,000 words. Remember, I am a VERY slow writer—a "crafter," not a "drafter." This means I go back and edit often when I write, something that's not helpful for speed or momentum. Regardless, in the writing process I learned so many things about myself, productivity, and addictions. In this week's podcast episode, I give you the raw truth about how to eliminate distractions and addictions and get your real work done. Don't expect motivation or flowery language. I give it to you straight because I know you don't want to live with regret either. The world needs your brand, book, or business and delaying isn't helping anyone, especially you. In the episode I reference a wonderful tool called Focus@will which combines neuroscience + music to boost productivity and tune out distractions. Click here for your FREE trial. http://bit.ly/FocusAtWillNow Important Announcements: #IgnitingSouls16: Are you coming to our annual Igniting Souls Conference? It's in Columbus, Ohio on October 22-23 - Our theme is Becoming Unhackable and you can't afford to miss it. Click the link for speakers, schedule, deliverables, testimonies, and more. Tickets are almost sold out. http://www.ignitingsoulsconference.com ELIXIR Project VIP Launch Experience: It's free. It's application only. And it's where my heart is the next 6 months...investing in whoever makes the cut. All the details will be released next week. As a subscriber, you have the first shot. Stay tuned. How to take back control of your calendar: Free web class. In just over 60 minutes discover how you can regain control of you life and become a Master in the Art of Living. Watch it now. Limited-time replay. Includes free webinar workbook. Hundreds of people have already found freedom. http://bit.ly/IWANTFREEDOM Back by popular demand: Well over 2,000 attendees showed up last month (physically or virtually) for our Igniting Souls Fellowship. Many of you asked for us to live stream the July one too. So....we're going to try it again. Topic? Why you need a social media makeover: 8 simple tweaks to get you and your brand better results online. You do need to register so we can send you the details. http://karyoberbrunner.com/is-fellowship —————- QUESTION: Do you have an email and/or social media addiction? (Please comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts. And if you know someone who needs to read this, please encourage them by sharing this post)

 #074 - What to do when your friends or family don't support your dream | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1885

What happens when your own friends or family don't support your dream? Is that a sign you have a bad dream or a that you have bad friends? Maybe neither. I recently recorded a 3 minute video on this topic. Immediately, I knew it struck a nerve, based upon all the shares, likes, and comments. You can watch the video here. http://bit.ly/21on4Gm Many of you wanted more than a 3 minute video. You asked for more insight on this topic. You asked questions like: Should I abandon my dream? Should I refine my dream? Should I get new friends? In episode 74, I cover these questions and many more. I think my advice and experience on this issue will encourage you in your own journey. I also share how other people's lack of support was sometimes my own perception. Often their feedback made my dream stronger and better. Often it made ME stronger and better. I share a cool story about an ancient leader that had friends and families who didn't support him. Discover what he did to turn the tables and achieve his dream. Prepare to be encouraged, equipped, and empowered. And don't forget to join us at Igniting Souls Conference. Ticket prices increase soon. http://www.ignitingsoulsconference.com

 #073 - How to take back control of your life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1989

If you want to take back CONTROL of your life the first thing you DON'T need is a looonngg post. Here's one that's short and sweet. Many of you asked for something real, something that works. You don't want hype or fizz. So this link leads you to a special FREE training I just recorded: How to Take Back Control of your Life http://bit.ly/IWANTFREEDOM It includes a pretty sweet workbook too. Grab it now before it goes away. In episode 71 I explain how to regain control of your life and become a Master in the Art of Living. I know you want to make an impact. I know you want your life to count. BUT good intentions won't get you there. You're in a war and the odds are stacked against you. Consider this: - GOOGLE says: The average person encounters over 5,000 ads every day. - Cornell University says: We make 226.7 FOOD decisions every day. No wonder so many people feel like life is controlling them. Thankfully, life doesn't have to be a crazy train or a rat race. There is another way and another world. Is your calendar out of control? Are your days spent doing someone else's bidding? Do you feel like you have no margin where you can just rest, relax or even breathe? Then listen AND...don't forget to the FREE web class where I teach you how to make it happen. http://bit.ly/IWANTFREEDOM

 #072 - How to grow your business locally with a TRY BEFORE YOU BUY strategy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2416

Why would I speak over 50 times for FREE? I'm either crazy (don't answer that question) OR I've discovered a way to increase my influence, impact, and income while giving back to my community. It's called Igniting Souls Fellowship. Many of you have asked me recently, "Kary how can I create my own version of your 'Igniting Souls Fellowship' where I live." Others have "borrowed" my model. Daphne created "Third Thursdays" and Kathy created "Mentoring Mondays." Great job ladies. In this week's episode I teach you: How to grow your business locally with a TRY BEFORE YOU BUY STRATEGY. In it I unpack 4 years of Igniting Souls Fellowship. (Structure, flow, strategy, pros, cons, wins, failures, and much more.) And because I'm committed to helping you, this week I took action and made a live video in front of a live audience. I filmed our June Igniting Souls Fellowship. (BTW: You're always invited to this FREE monthly event, my gift to you.) WATCH IT HERE. Already it's reached thousands of people. I admit it was a little out of my comfort zone, filming it live, because I usually speak on video OR to a live audience. I've rarely done both at the same time. IGNITING SOULS FELLOWSHIP TOPIC BELOW Fact! You're more powerful than NASA What is this amazing power you have? Believe it or not, it's in your pocket? Want to guess what it is? Try...your smart phone! Back in 1969, NASA computers cost $3.5 million a piece and were the size of a car. Each could perform several hundred thousand additional operations per second, and their total memory capacity was in the megabyte range. Your smartphone today is millions of times more powerful that all of NASA’s combined computing in 1969 Who cares? And why does this matter? Over the past couple years I've recorded over one hundred videos that have received hundreds of thousands of views from people all over the world. These videos range from a guy who stole my shopping cart TWICE in the same day to one with my friend Tom Ryan, coach of the Ohio State Buckeye wrestling team that got over 55,000 views. Again, who cares? And why does this matter? Because many of you have asked me how you start making your own videos on your smart phones. You asked me questions like: What types of videos should I make? How do I make them? Does the title of my video matter? How can I get people to share my video? Should I post it to YouTube or Facebook and why does it matter? How can I change the thumbnail for my video? Did Chewbacca mom really make $400,000 from one 4 minute video? If your brand new to smart phone video OR if you're a pro, you might enjoy the FREE training. I'm leaving it up for a little while longer. I teach you how to make powerful videos from your smartphone by using my framework: V = Value I = Impact D = Direct E = Emotional O = Original Cool Surprise Coming Next Week: I'll share more next week. But if you want a sneak peek you can watch it HERE now. You coming to Igniting Souls 2016? Blog Post = http://bit.ly/1OkkL6b Igniting Souls Fellowship Video = https://www.facebook.com/karyoberbrunnerauthor/videos/1016958685050384/ Igniting Souls Registration = http://www.karyoberbrunner.com/is-fellowship

 #071 - WHY YOU NEED TO NICHE: How being a jack of all trades guarantees you won't be a master of money | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2448

Maybe you've heard people boast how they're a "jack of all trades and a master of none?" But is this really something to boast about? Or is it a sign that they haven't done the deep work. If you look at superstars they have something in common. They're all masters. Take a peek: * Steve Jobs = Innovative pioneer * Dave Ramsey = Financial freedom * Harriet Tubman= Influential abolitionist * Marcus Buckingham= Strength-based leadership * Bono = Humanitarian activist * Martin Luther King Jr. = Freedom fighter * John Eldredge = Unleashed heart You be the judge. Imagine you're on vacation in a small town and your tooth starts killing you. Let's say there are two dentists in that town who can fix your tooth. FIRST DENTIST (Jack) = The first dentist named Jack markets himself as a taxidermist, candlemaker, gardener, grocer, ski instructor, and dentist. SECOND DENTIST (Nancy) = The second dentist named Nancy markets herself as a dentist only. With limited time which one would you visit? I think most would agree. Dr. Narrow Niche Nancy would attract much more business. In this episode we explore why you need to niche if you're serious about making money.

 #070 - The information DIET. How consuming too much content is giving your business a serious bellyache | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3574

I overheard someone a few months back boasting about the amount of books she read over the past year (more than one per week). In addition, this person also subscribes to dozens of blogs and podcasts. She attends conferences, purchases products, and enrolls in many courses. The other people hearing these boasts were feeling rather small. They weren't consuming half as much content as her, not even 10%. The self-limiting beliefs and doubts were written all over their faces. They wondered: Maybe this is why my business isn't going as well as it should? Maybe this is the secret sauce of success? Maybe I'm a loser? If content volume alone was the true sign of success then, we should all drop everything and go binging. But content alone never helped anyone succeed. Knowledge isn't power. The right use of knowledge is power. (It's called wisdom.) Focusing on volume at the expense of depth only ensures a shallow level of success. The truth is, most of us would experience massive benefits, personally and professionally, if we went on the Information D.I.E.T. Why? Isn't this reckless or anti-intellectual to stop consuming as much content? Not if you consider the truth. There's more information produced every 2 days today than all the information ever created from the beginning of time until 2003. Did you catch that? This means if you're going to play the volume game you'll lose everyday! About 7 years ago I went on an information D.I.E.T. First I'll tell you the benefits. Next I'll tell you the components. BENEFITS OF THE INFORMATION D.I.E.T. Have you ever stood in front of the cupboard or refrigerator looking for something to eat when you're not even hungry? You might say everyday! If so you're not alone. We like to consume food when we're bored, confused, overwhelmed, or uninspired. Guess what? Many entrepreneurs do the same thing. They get bored, confused, overwhelmed, and uninspired too. When they do, the worst thing they can do is simply consume more content. This addiction to content is often fueled by fear (also called FOMO = Fear Of Missing Out). The problem is they're not even applying 1/10 of what they already know. More content gives them the illusion of accomplishment. They rationalize that they ARE doing something...they're eating. But simply shoveling in more content only leaves them feeling guilty, fat, lazy, and undisciplined. Seven years ago I made a commitment not to consume content unless I had a pre-established purpose. Until thought is linked with a purpose, there is no intelligent accomplishment. —James Allen In other words, I wouldn't just go to the cupboard (in this case the Internet) and consume empty calories. Instead, I'd do the tough work before I eat. I'd determine my purpose for consuming the content first. Then I wouldn't consume another piece of content until I applied what I just consumed. This drastically reduced my intake and it forced me to become an implementor. Did it work? Unbelievably! Besides having more margin, sanity, peace, contentment, and joy I also: Went from my Day Job to Dream Job (full-time). Wrote 4 more books. (7 total now) Ghostwrote 3 other books. Coached over 250 authors (many whom I helped write, publish, and market their own books.) Co-founded Author Academy Elite. Launched a Podcast. Started a non-profit. Coached over 1000 business clients. Certified over 125 coaches, speakers, and trainers on my content. Spoke at various conference, corporate/non-profit events. Partnered with key influencers in my industry (such as Dan Miller for Escaping Shawshank). Served my local business community with over 50 FREE seminars at the Igniting Souls Fellowship. And much more. COMPONENTS OF THE INFORMATION D.I.E.T. You'd be amazed how much time you save if you chose to become selective about the content you consume. I'm not suggesting you stop consuming altogether. Rather, in episode 70, I share the formula I use to help me choose the content I consume. I call it The Information D.I.E.T. It's easy to list the components (knowledge). But if you want to hear how to use the formula you need to listen to the episode (wisdom). If you apply this formula in your own life you'll literally save a minimum of 10 hours per week for the rest of your life. Here are the components of the D.I.E.T. D = Determine where you want to go I = Identify who's getting the results you want E = Eliminate all the empty calories T = Turn your focus only after squeezing and applying every last drop of value Now go listen to the episode. Your belly and business will thank you. —————- QUESTION: Do you think going on a D.I.E.T. will help you? (Please comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts. And if you know someone who needs to read this, please encourage them by sharing this post) I believe you have what it takes. You may just not have the tools…at least not yet. At the Igniting Souls Conference on October 22-23, 2016, we have multiple sessions on how to discover clarity personally and professionally. LINKS: Igniting Souls Conference http://www.ignitingsoulsconference.com

 #069 – How to become a better, stronger version of yourself. The benefits of being Built to Lead. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4120

What's your CHIEF desire? Sex? Money? Fame? Nope...not even close. I agree with Ralph Waldo Emerson: Our chief want in life is someone who will make us do what we can. So now the bigger question...what CAN you do? Without a doubt, I know you CAN be a better and stronger version of yourself. You're soft. And you're playing too safe and too small. I know you're not putting in your best effort. I know you default toward laziness, cutting the corners, and mediocrity. WHY? Because I know what's inside me...and I know what's inside you. Last time I checked it's called human nature. Our default has always been self-preservation. When we were being chased by lions in the jungle this was a good thing. But today our threats don't have four legs and razor sharp teeth. Today our threats look like complacency, settling, consuming, chronic pain, and going through the motions. How do we wake up to the better version inside ourselves? Two words: TRUTH TELLER. You need one and so do I. Providentially, in 2001 I met a TRUTH TELLER who called me out and shut me up. He leaned into me and forced me to look at my own blindspots. Chet Scott of Built to Lead, coached me through a powerful process that literally shifted my entire life. I realized by numbing my pain I was also numbing my potential. Sure the experience wasn't always fun. But by inviting acute pain, I overcame a life of chronic pain. And in the process, I discovered my purpose...IGNITING SOULS. The majority of people invest more time designing a 2-week vacation, than designing their entire lives. But without a plan, we coast through life, feeling lost and directionless. The result? We're dead....we just haven't made it official. It's easy to ignore these costs. But according to Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung: The most damaging thing in the life of child, is the unlived life of the parent. Your perspective matters because you don't see things the way they are, but the way you are. If you feel defeated, discouraged, and disengaged...the world reflects a similar image right back at you. And although you were meant for more, the world isn't going to hand you your purpose on a silver platter. It's your responsibility to become a master in the art of living: Master in the art of living: Someone who draws no sharp distinction between work and play; labor and leisure; mind and body; education and recreation. They hardly knows which is which. They simply pursues their vision of excellence through whatever they're doing, and leave others to determine whether they're working or playing. To themselves, they always appears to be doing both. In episode 69, I set up the interview with Chet. I talk about the benefits of becoming Built to Lead. Then, for the next 30 minutes, I ask Chet to let it rip. It's not sexy. It's not polished or plastic. It's the real "steak and potatoes" of what it takes to become a high performer. I believe in you. I know it's time you became a better version of yourself. And here's a little secret. Our loved ones love us—don't get me wrong. But they wish we could become better versions of ourselves too. Why? Because they're waiting for someone to show them the way. They want you to help them become better. But they don't want to hear it...they want to see it. And your transformation will wake them up to the idea of their own transformation. So what are you waiting for? Get busy building...yourself! —————- QUESTION: Do you think people want to hear the truth? (Please comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts. And if you know someone who needs to read this, please encourage them by sharing this post) LINKS: Chet Scott of Built to Lead: http://builttolead.com Igniting Souls Conference: http://www.ignitingsoulsconference.com Kary Oberbrunner Author FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/karyoberbrunnerauthor

 #068 - Why you need a social media makeover: Simple tweaks to get you and your brand better results online | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3349

I think if we’re honest, most of us are guilty of it…making mistakes on social media. Maybe you wish you: * Could take something back. * Hadn’t posted when you were mad. * Didn’t come off with so much self-promotion. Or you might be the opposite. Maybe you haven’t made mistakes. Rather, you wish you could just get more people to: * Like your posts. * Be more engaged. * Buy your stuff. Ever see someone’s posts and cringe? Ever think…what were they thinking? Ever wish you could give someone a social media makeover? I know, I know. It’s always those other people, not us. They need the makeover, but we’ve got our stuff together. Right? Maybe not. I think we could all use a few more points added to our SMQ = Social Media Intelligence. Trust me when I say, I was the “poster boy” for all the wrong moves on social media when I first started. But today I’m glad I made them. Funny thing is over the years some corporations have even hired me to help them NOT make my mistakes. I coach my clients to do the same: Leverage your past pain into future influence, impact, and income. In episode 68 I teach you how to give yourself a Social Media Makeover by focusing on 8 components. I list them below and unpack them on the episode. Get ready for a fun and enlightening experience. Give yourself a social media makeover by focusing on: M = Mission Is your mission clear? Clarity attracts; confusion repels….especially on social media. A = Awareness Ignorance isn’t bliss; it costs you big time in the end. K = Keenness Forget “street smarts.” Focus on “social media smarts.” It can be caught and taught. E = Engagement I’ll say it again. Marketing is storytelling. Draw them in a brilliant story. O = Others Selling is serving others, not yourself. Social media doesn’t ruin you; it reveals you. V = Value Any money ethically earned is a direct result of value creation. No value. No money. E = Emotion They remember how you made them feel, not what you said. R = R.O.I. Don’t believe the lies. Social media done well should pay dividends, a return on investment. —————- QUESTION: Am I missing any? If you had to add one more, what would it be? (Please comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts. And if you know someone who needs to read this, please encourage them by sharing this post) I believe you have what it takes. You may just not have the tools…at least not yet. Click on the pic below to discover more about Becoming Unhackable. We have multiple sessions on how to take your social media to the next level—personally and professionally. http://www.ignitingsoulsconference.com

 #067 - Becoming Unhackable: Closing the gaps that leak your power | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3552

Often we hear of THINGS getting hacked (phones, computers, bank accounts, etc.). But 2 years ago I saw an interesting trend with some of my clients. They had a dream of starting a business or ministry, writing a book or launching a cause or online course. They began with optimism, passion, and even clarity. BUT then something horrible happened. THEY GOT HACKED. This phenomenon set me on a quest. I wanted to discover why people get hacked. Why do we get sidelined, derailed, and knocked off course in our own pursuit of creating something transformational. Not only did I uncover the things that hack us humans, I also discovered a powerful framework that makes us unhackable. Although this topic will be my passion project for the next few years, I lay the foundation in this episode. THE TRUTH: From the beginning of time, a formula existed—beneath the surface and under the radar. It knows no gap between ideation and implementation. Translation? Your thoughts became your experience. Your beliefs became your perception. THE PROBLEM: But then suddenly and without warning, something hacked the system. Simply put, something hacked you. Throughout history, we cursed this widening gap, redefining it Resistance, self-sabotage, and other less notable terms. THE COST: Your dreams, hopes, and desires pulsate through every pore in your body. You know the price of these unfulfilled expectations and it’s not pretty. Retreat only gives birth to regret. You’ve got the appetite. You’re close enough to taste it. Isn’t it time to sink your teeth into your future…now? THE SOLUTION: On October 22nd and 23rd a tribe gathers from around the globe. We’ll dive into massive action and unfiltered truth. Together we’ll close the gap, reclaim our divine mandate, and discover how to become unhackable. The most important question...WILL YOU BE WITH US? Igniting Souls Conference = http://www.ignitingsoulsconference.com Kary Oberbrunner Author Page = https://www.facebook.com/karyoberbrunnerauthor

 #066 - How to make fast cash as a professional coach. Kicking your coaching business into high gear overnight. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3596

One of our listeners wrote in this week with a desperate request: I resigned my position as a _______ pastor at the end of March to get out of a very unhealthy staff situation and go full-time into my coaching and training business. While I had some good momentum heading towards my April 1 launch date to go full-time, I’ve experienced rejected or postponed proposals that have me in a bit of a tailspin. I’m not sure how to generate coaching clients. Any insights would be greatly appreciated. The above excerpt is mild. But as I dove deeper into his story my heart broke. He has a wife and kids and he's burning through cash...fast. He needs to stop the bleeding...fast. I wanted to help. And after a few days, I thought of a way. He gave me permission to share his story...without using his real name. And so I dedicated an episode for him...and others like him. Although I'd never recommend launching a coaching business when you're up against the ropes, without a backup plan, sometimes you don't have a choice. Whether or not your back is against the wall, if you need strategies to kickstart your business, then tune in. I share the tactics I used to launch my own coaching business. These principles can be integrated into many different industries. Don't give in to your fears. There is hope. Kick your business into high gear overnight. (The Harvard Business Review Article I reference: What Coaches Can Do For You https://hbr.org/2009/01/what-can-coaches-do-for-you)

 #065 - Tapping into your inner Superhero. How to Sustain High Performance in Work and Life. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1833

Time to face the facts. You're not immortal. And you're not getting younger. You don't even know where to find the fountain of youth. Personally, I could care less if such a place exists. I have more energy, margin, and passion than ever before. And I don't even consume caffeine, energy drinks, or reality TV. So what's my secret... The past 5 years I've studied how to sustain high performance in work and life. I've integrated these truths and discovered a formula that works for me. After all, if your mission is to change the world, you can't get sidelined from burnout, fatigue, or moral failure. In this episode I share exactly what I do on a daily basis. Everyone has the same 24 hours. The difference is how we use them. Are you ready to discover how to sustain high performance? Your competition doesn't want you listen. They don't want you to level up. It's your Life. It's your Call. --- A copy of my OPUS (which I reference in this episode.) http://bit.ly/1033EW7

 #064 - When should you fire a client? Why doing work for anybody with money will kill you and your business. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3021

Some clients aren't just worth it, even if they're willing to pay your full fee. Truth is, these toxic clients are impossible to please, highly critical, and a liability to your mental health. So, how can you spot them? Equally important, how do you fire them? I've been blessed with the most amazing clients on the planet. This isn't due to luck or chance. Rather, it's an intentional process my business partner and I implement. In this episode, I share how to find rock star clients. Isn't it time to ditch the drama? ***** Don't forget to secure your FREE seat on our upcoming How to Become an Author webinar. http://karyoberbrunnerwebinars.com/publish/

 #063 - How to create and leverage one idea to change your life and countless others | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1286

Inception (one of my favorite movies) asks a powerful question: What is the most resilient parasite? The answer? An idea. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it’s almost impossible to eradicate. Are ideas that powerful? YOU BET! Unfortunately, not all ideas are created equal. Some thrive, while others just die…and never see the light of day. So what makes a killer idea? The past few years I went on a journey to discover the answer to that question. In this week’s podcast I share the 7 essential stages required to create a killer idea. This idea could be for your business, book, ministry, invention, etc. These 7 stages are: 1. Messaging 2. Envisioning 3. Engaging 4. Freethinking 5. Pitching 6. Ideating 7. Choosing Although I take you on a deep dive in the podcast, I knew this topic deserved something even more. Simply put, you deserve something more. Idea anatomy is one of my passion projects for one single reason: Ideas can change the world. As a result, we created a FREE 7 day video course. Although it’s called MY BOOK HOOK you can apply the framework to any idea, not just books. For a limited time only, get instant access here http://mybookhook.com

 #062 - Should you host your own live event? 6 reasons why you might want to consider it in your near future. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4192

Hosting your own live event can make or break your business. If done correctly, events can propel you forward and increase your influence, impact, and income. But if done incorrectly they can be a fatal drain on your time and money. So how do you know if doing your own live event is the right move? In my 12 years as an author I've discovered 6 reasons why doing them makes sense. In a way, these 6 reasons serve as a filter for our team. They help us stay focused on our ultimate goal—Igniting Souls. These 6 reasons spell the word TACTIC. Quick refresher on tactics. The dictionary defines tactic as: an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end. This is the ONLY reason we do live events, when we have a specific end in mind. The event is NEVER an end unto itself. In this episode I share how live events (done the right way) achieve these 6 tactics: 1. Teamwork = Events require you to rely upon other people. 2. Assets = Events create assets you can repurpose in the future. 3. Clarity = Events demand you to clarify your message. 4. Transformation = Events create an environments of change. 5. Immersion = Events amplify the ability to integrate content. 6. Community = Events ignite and sustain dynamic community. Besides merely listing these 6 tactics, I take you on a deep dive how to achieve each tactic too. Listen in and discover how to leverage events to work for you and your business. Learn how to maximize your message in a significant and successful way.


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