How to find clarity and courage to say no to shiny objects

Igniting Souls Podcast with Kary Oberbrunner show

Summary: Shiny Objects Steal Your Best From You Shiny objects are simply dressed up distractions, designed to sabotage you and your success. They often arrive in your inbox appearing as "good" opportunities sent by sincere people. Unfortunately, pursuing them demands a hefty price tag—measured in dollars and hours. If you're not careful, you'll get sucked in by shiny objects and emerge months or years later bankrupt of energy and enthusiasm. They'll rob you of your best ideas and leave you footing the bill. In today’s podcast episode I share how to say no to shiny objects. Clarity Steers You Away From Shiny Objects Can anyone resist shiny objects? After all, their "pull" is so strong. Besides distractions are a common coping mechanism when we feel overwhelmed with life. No wonder why so many of us crave them. A life of distraction will never produce a life of meaning. If you want your time to count then you must count your time. You must wake up to the fact that life is too short to chase shiny objects for too long. Over a decade ago, I sought out shiny objects on a regular basis. Truth be told, I used these objects to numb my pain. Thankfully, I woke up to the fact that numbing my pain also numbed my potential. At that time, I met a man named Chet Scott who helped me break free from my addiction to shiny objects. He showed me a process in which I authored my OPUS. O = Over-arching Vision P = Purpose U = Unifying Strategies S = Scorecard for Significance I took that Deeper Path and put pen to paper. I emerged with clarity for the first time in my life. (Read my OPUS here: Courage Helps You Say No to Shiny Objects To this day, my OPUS guides me into clarity and away from shiny objects. I refer to it on a daily basis. After all we each make 35,000 decisions a day. Unless we have a built-in filter we'll burn out. I want to help you author your OPUS. It's the best tool I know how to find the clarity and courage to say NO to shiny objects. We bought you a FREE copy and each copy comes with a FREE tool called the Purpose Assessment. All the details are below, but we only have a limited supply. Grab your FREE copy today and discover how to say no to the shiny objects. ===>