Hanselminutes - Fresh Talk and Tech for Developers show

Hanselminutes - Fresh Talk and Tech for Developers

Summary: Hanselminutes is Fresh Air for Developers. A weekly commute-time podcast that promotes fresh technology and fresh voices.

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 March Is For Makers: Modulo and Modular Electronics with Erin Tomson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:00

Erin Tomson left Pixar after 13 years to pursue something totally new! Her hardware startup called "Modulo" brings plug and play flexibility to the world of microcontrollers like Arduino and Particle. How did she get started and make the move from 3D software to modular hardware?

 March Is For Makers: Arrow.com Electrical Engineer Laura Hughes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:59

This week Scott talks to to electrical engineer Laura Hughes from Arrow.com. Laura specializes in lighting and power supply design and can solve pretty much any problem with an LED. Laura schools Scott on a number of electrical issues and they come up with an epic new project idea!

 March Is For Makers: Arduinos and Useless Robots with Simone Giertz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:45

Simone Giertz is a Maker, a robotics enthusiast and surprisingly (her words!) a non-engineer. She's become somewhat of an expert in sh*tty robots and we love her for it. Also, she happens to be Swedish but sounds totally American just to confuse us. Scott talks about how she gets her inspiration and how she got started!

 March Is For Makers: Taking Stuff Apart with Captain Brent Chapman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:27

Captain Brent Chapman has a BS from the West Point, an MS in Information Security from Carnegie Mellon, and has been tearing electronics apart since he was four. Today, Cpt Chapman works for the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental (DIUx) at Moffett Field and puts those skills to work. In his spare time, he tinkers, creates, and helps others do the same.

 Ambitious UX and Ambitious Apps with Ember and Lauren Tan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:04

Scott talks to Lauren Tan, a Senior Developer at Dockyard, about her excitement with the Ember Framework. Her talk on "Ambitious UX for Ambitious Apps" covers new techniques like Reactive UX that are made easy with the Ember.js framework.

 Exploring the Creative Process with Comic Creator and Musician Afua Richardson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:06

Afua Richardson joins Scott for this creative episode. Afua is a comic artist who has worked for Marvel, Image Comics, Top Cow, and many more. Her work on "Genius" was nominated for a Glyph Award. She's also a singer/songwriter and an accomplished musician. Afua and Scott explore how comics are made, who owns them, and how creators can express themselves in the digital age.

 The Open Artificial Pancreas System (OpenAPS) project with Dana M. Lewis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:00

Scott sits with fellow Type 1 Diabetic Dana M. Lewis about the Open Artificial Pancreas System that she and her husband Scott Leibrand created. As other commercial entities race to "close the loop" for diabetics, how did two regular folks control diabetes with off-the-shelf parts? Dana demystifies the technology behind this software-managed diabetes solution.

 Scaling The Walking Dead: No Man's Land with Next Games' Kalle Hiitola | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:43

What's it like building and scaling a mobile game to millions of users and billions of transactions? Does the cloud really allow you to "not worry about scaling" and just focus on the game? We'll hear from Kalle Hiitola, the CTO of Next Games, about their experience scaling The Walking Dead, an app that got over a million downloads in its launch weekend!

 Getting started making Video Games with Kris Rothe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:14

Scott talks to Kris Rothe about the best way to get started making your own video games! How technical do you need to be? Should you start with Unity, GameMaker, or something else? We'll hear about all this and more from an experience game creator!

 Inside ASP.NET Core 1.0 with Damian Edwards | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:50

Scott talks to Damian Edwards about ASP.NET Core 1.0 (previously ASP.NET 5). How freaked out should developers be? What's changed and what hasn't for this new version of .NET and the ASP.NET Web Framework?

 From Enterprise Developer to Tech Startup CEO with Tiffany Mikell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:27

Scott talks to enterprise developer, now tech CEO, Tiffany Mikell about the challenges and rewards of software development in a startup. What's it like to transition from large teams to smaller agile teams? How do you manage security and ops without dedicated teams? What are architectural discussions like with non-technical cofounders?

 Inside Age of Ascent with Ben Adams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:46

Scott talks to Ben Adams, the CTO of Illyriad Games, about their new massively multiplayer space game "Age of Ascent." Why is it interesting? It's massively bigger than any other game and it's written with web technologies like JavaScript and WebGL. Can they pull this off and scale?

 Is QA a lost art? Node.js quality expert Stacy Kirk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:08

Stacy Kirk is the CEO of QualityWorks, a node.js-focused QA company, a 20 year software development veteran, and the creator of nodeqa.io. Stacy is a graduate of Stanford and also coaches two Lego League Robotics teams! Scott and Stacy talk about the lack of respect that Quality Assurance has been getting over the last several years.

 Data Visualization and D3.js with Irene Ros | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:03

Scott talks to Data Visualization expert Irene Ros. When she isn't contributing to the Miso Project, teaching her d3.js class, or working on making OpenVis Conf the best data visualization conference it can be, she's working on projects that focus on creating engaging interactive visual displays of information.

 Today's Startup Accelerators John Henry from Cofound Harlem | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:54

John Henry is with Cofound Harlem, a startup accelerator dedicated to building 100 new companies in Harlem by 2020. What does an accelerator look like today? Do companies just need startup cash, or is there a more innovative and effective way to bootstrap tomorrow's companies today?


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