Hanselminutes - Fresh Talk and Tech for Developers show

Hanselminutes - Fresh Talk and Tech for Developers

Summary: Hanselminutes is Fresh Air for Developers. A weekly commute-time podcast that promotes fresh technology and fresh voices.

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 Coding for the ZX Spectrum and Netflix/Black Mirror's Bandersnach with Matt Westcott | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:06

As an enthusiast of retrogaming and retrocomputing, Matt Westcott has been in ZX Spectrum and demo scene for many years. Recently when Netflix's Black Mirror needed an easter egg for their interactive episode Bandersnatch, they reached out to Matt to write a new game for the Spectrum in 2018! Bandersnatch's plot had the main characters writing video games in the 80s and a secret easter egg led to "nohzdyve." How do you write a game for the Spectrum in the 21st century?

 Exploring Algorithms of Oppression with Dr. Safiya Noble | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:16

Dr. Safiya U. Noble is an assistant professor at the University of Southern California (USC) Annenberg School of Communication. She's the author of a best-selling book called Algorithms of Oppression. Today she talks to Scott about how commercial search engines have algorithmic bias that shape how we see the world. How can we identify biases in our search results and still find the information we need?

 Getting started with Machine Learning and Sabrina Smai | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:27

Sabrina is a Commercial Software Engineer and serial hacker who has attended over 32 hackathons! She was also a guest lecturer at the University of Toronto on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Today she sits down and gets Scott (and you!) started with the basics of Machine Learning. What are the tools and concepts you should explore to start?

 A Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics with Jeremy Kun | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:51

Like Programming, Mathematics has language and culture. Jeremy Kun has written A Programmer's Introduction to Mathematics as a way to bridge these two worlds and make the power and magic of mathematics available and understandable to programmers everywhere.

 Episode 666 - Game Engine Black Book: Doom with Fabien Sanglard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:18

I love that an exploration of Doom is Episode 666. Fabian Sanglard has written The Game Engine Black Book: Doom as a deep exploration of the history, impact, and code that made Doom a cultural phenomenon. The book was released exactly 25 years after DOOM.zip was first published on the University of Wisconsin FTP server in December 1993.

 Regine Gilbert on the Essence of Accessibility | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:17

Regine Gilbert is a user experience designer, educator, and international public speaker with over 10 years of experience working in the technology arena. She has a strong belief in making the world a more accessible place—one that starts and ends with the user.  Regine is passionate about making websites and apps that work for everyone!

 Better Allies and Better Hiring with Karen Catlin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:19

Better Allies and Better Hiring with Karen Catlin

 test && commit || revert with Kent Beck | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:14

Kent Beck is an American software engineer and the creator of extreme programming, an original signer of the Agile Manifesto, and the author of the Extreme Programming book series, and a proponent of Test-Driven Development. Today he's chatting with Scott about how "test && commit || revert" might offer us a new programming workflow to explore!

 Test Automation University with Applitools' Angie Jones | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:43

Angie speaks all over the world on Test Automation strategies, and she got Scott excited about Selenium again! She keynoted Selenium Conf 2018 and currently works at Applitools making automated visual testing tools. She's most recently launched on a new "Test Automation University" that's free and community driven.

 Real Software Engineering with Glenn Vanderburg | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:45

Glenn Vanderburg works as the VP of Engineering at First and has spoken all over on the notion of software development as engineering. What should an engineering discipline of software development look like? What's "REAL" Software Engineering? Does the analogy of software engineering as home construction hold water? What should software engineering look like?

 ASP.NET Core in Action with Andrew Lock | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:36

Scott talks to author Andrew Lock about his new book ASP.NET Core in Action! What made Andrew write a book on this new technology and how did he find the process? What about ASP.NET Core was so compelling and how does Andrew use it? More importantly, should you?

  PlayFab's complete backend platform for live games with Dr. Hanna Oh Descher | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:24

Hanna Oh Descher is a data scientist at PlayFab with a PhD in cognitive neuroscience. She is passionate about understanding player behavior to help developers make games more fun. Scott and Hanna talk about what PlayFab allows game developers to do - focus on fun games!

 Moving companies to Open Source with the Head of Comcast's Open Source Office Nithya Ruff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:41

Nithya Ruff serves as an at-large director on the Linux Foundation's board of directors. In her day job she is the Head of Comcast's Open Source Office. Nithya has been guiding companies' open source strategies for many years and in this episode she and Scott talk about how to introduce Open Source to more "traditional" companies.

 Upgrading GitHub and improving Rails with Eileen Uchitelle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:54

Eileen Uchitelle is a Senior Systems Engineer at GitHub and a member of the Rails Core Team. They recently upgraded GitHub two major versions to the latest Rails. How do you manage such a large upgrade and the technical debt underneath - with no downtime? How do you also move improvements in GitHub's own branch upstream into Rails so everyone can benefit! Eileen explains it all to Scott in this episode.

 Designing for a Global Audience with Digital Nomad Jenny Shen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:35

Digital Nomad Jenny Shen aims to design software for a Global Audience. Are you creating software that includes everyone? Does it consider not just internationalization but also culture and how people think?


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