The Flipping 50 Show show

The Flipping 50 Show

Summary: The podcast for women in menopause and beyond who want to change the way they age. Fitness, wellness, and health research put into practical tips you can use today. You still got it girl!

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  • Artist: Debra Atkinson
  • Copyright: @2021 Voice for Fitness, LLC. All Rights Reserved


 Are You Getting Enough Protein? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:06

Are you gettingenough protein for Flipping 50 with energy and vitality? Do you know now much is enough? Most adults know protein is important. But a large percent don’t know if they’re getting enough protein. Boost your metabolism and flip 50 with energy as you age strong!

  5 Fitness Myths That Sabotage your Hormone Balance Most | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 42:50

Fitness myths have been abundant since fitness was a "thing." For women in midlife dealing with hormone changes, some possible joint issues or conditions, and old thoughts and beliefs, they can really be the obstacle between feeling lousy and feeling amazing!  I bust 5 of the most common fitness myths - that are of concern for women flipping 50 in this episode. 

 The Cortisol and Adrenalin Connection to Weight Gain and Illness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:10

Cortisol and adrenalin can cause illness and weight gain, even in the best of circumstances.  With a great life, great career, family, and home, nothing made sense for Christy Mattoon. She was suffering and struggling with an autoimmune disease. She weighed 300 pounds. Here's how she went from getting sicker and sicker to healer.  Cortisol and adrenalin were wreaking havoc in Christy's body even though her life was everything she'd wanted. Her past snuck up on her. 

 Your Money Mindset Link to Health and Weight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:25

Do you have a money mindset holding you back?  Deborah J. Fryer, PhD is a catalyst for change and a transformational coach and speaker. She works with creative, spiritual, high-achieving entrepreneurs to help them tap into greater confidence, creativity, productivity, prosperity and inner peace. 

 Five Fat Burning Research Studies for Women Over 50 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 37:55

Five fat burning studies I'm sharing here will give you hope.  Fat burning studies I share with you today include: two on the effects of phytochemical on fat oxidation, aka, fat burning one on the effects of interval training (and some insider information about fat burning without burning out first!) one on how to increase fat burning hormones and decrease fat storage hormones with responsible intermittent fasting (RIF)

 Are Surprising Emotional Obstacles Hijacking Your Fitness? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:45

Have you wondered why can’t you stick with exercise or diet changes? Could emotional obstacles be holding you back? In the pursuit weight loss or fitness at any time, but particularly in midlife, we bump into obstacles. It becomes pretty clear there are more obstacles that diet, exercise, and sleep.

 What Is Your Body Composition and Why Does It Matter More Now? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 47:02

What Is Your Body Composition and Why Does It Matter More Now? Typical measures for fitness or diet programs include: Weight Inches BMI Body fat What about Fat Matters: Where it’s stored Belly fat – visceral fat Hips-thighs-butt-arms Clues Your Risk Clues how to Lose it

 How to Build Wealth and Health with Ann Sanfelippo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:40

Wealth and health in midlife aren't mutually exclusive and it's not too late.  International best-selling author, speaker, and mentor Ann Sanfelippo is the creator of the Wealth Attraction™ Academy. She helps individuals to attract wealth into their lives while keeping work - life balance using her proven formula and process created through her own experience and over 25 years of studying with or training for the most powerful influencers in the world. 

 Fat Loss and The Secret Life of Fat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:37

Fat loss after 50, or at any age, is perplexing. The loss of fat signals the body to do everything it can to regain fat. The very thing you do to lose fat causes the body to readily store more. Syliva Tara discovered this in her personal journey of fat loss. Her biochemistry background led her to research the science and wrap it up in a book. In her best-selling book, The Secret Life of Fat, she reveals the complex biology of fat, how it resists loss, and what it means for each of us.

 Self-care tips and tricks are a piece of cake with today's guest | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:02

Self-care expert and Flipping 50 guest Suzanne Choplin is a certified personal trainer, Pilates instructor, dancer, and yoga instructor with over 13 years experience in the field of movement and fitness. Her business is called C.A.K.E. What does C.A.K.E. Lifestyle and Personal Training stand for? Care and kindness every day.   Suzanne's upcoming summit starts soon! It all launches April 6 through April 26! Register now:

 Ageless Moms Stay Young Naturally | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:31

Fatigue, bloating, or stress getting to you? Women who do so much for so many often don’t do enough for themselves or listen to the messages the body is constantly sending. Dr. Michelle Sands is a licensed Functional Medicine Physician and Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine passionate about helping moms harness the power of nature so they impact their genetic expression and live vibrantly, not just by optimizing health physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

 Exercise for Hormone Balance | Progesterone Balancing Solutions | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 15:45

In the exercise for hormone balance scheme of things you are not a textbook exercise prescription. Progesterone is a trick to figure out sometimes. The signs can be similar to adrenal fatigue, premenstrual syndrome, or just the chronic fatigue you’ve learned to tolerate. This episode I dive into exercise for hormone balance and how it relates to progesterone.

 Your Fitness Your Relationship After 50 | Stronger in Both | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:32

Are you flipping 50 looking for a new or a renewed relationship? Nicole DiRocco shares steps to optimize relationships after 50. We’re skipping the dating do’s and don’ts and going for the real readiness tests today. This dimension of wellness is a crucial part of total health and it’s much more tied to your fitness than you might think at first glance. Data show that men or women in a relationship are healthier overall and have better self care habits. Which comes first? We dive into it today.

 3 Pillars of Fitness & Metabolism After 50 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 42:59

Getting and keeping fitness & metabolism after 50 are challenging before you figure out the tools you were given in the last few decades don’t serve you anymore. There are three pillars, or balls you’ve got to juggle in order to make it all work for you. In this episode I share all three and give you examples of each pillar. They each play a big part in your metabolism after 50. The 3 Pillars: Hormone-Balancing exercise Joint-friendly exercise Mindset mastery

 Digestion & Fitness | Get Moving to Get Moving | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 26:03

If you aren't digesting well you're not going to feel like moving your body more. Simple as that. Here's how to get moving if you're constipated, or get more regular if you're unpredictable, or reduce bloating and gas. The biggest digestive issue for women in midlife is constipation. They aren't talking about it. Not with their doctors, their spouses, friends or trainers, but it's limiting their life. So if that's true for you, there's help. 


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