Red Rocks Church Weekend Messages show

Red Rocks Church Weekend Messages

Summary: Weekend Messages at Red Rocks Church

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 Under the Influence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:18

In week five of Kingdom Culture, Ronnie highlights the things in life that can leave us feeling shaken. At times we find ourselves covering over the pain of our shaken lives with Christian quick-fixes, but at the heart, we are not allowing God to do the restorative work within our souls that will bring us true peace. Ronnie reminds us that the God of the Universe LOVES us, in spite of our flaws, mistakes, or the storms we're facing, and HIS love cannot be shaken.

 2020: What Do I Do, Say & Post? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:14

In week four of Kingdom Culture, Shawn handles the timely question 'what should I do, say, and post within the context of this crazy world we're living in?' Shawn reminds us that there are two cultures right now: Earth 2020 culture - where we each have strong views on politics, racial tensions, the pandemic, and more and we'll fight to be RIGHT on social media about these things, and Kingdom Culture - where our culture is built upon the Kingdom of Heaven and we show LOVE to others regardless of how different they may be from us politically, racially, or otherwise. Our words have power, and in 2020 the way we show LOVE through our differences may be the biggest way we point others to Jesus.

 4 Things Christians Should Say More Often | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:34

Doug Wekenman brings a powerful message for week three of Kingdom Culture. In his message Doug highlights four things that Christians should say more often: 1) I don't know, 2) I can learn something from that person, 3) It's gonna take more than that to offend me, and 4) I was wrong.

 Led by the Spirit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:51

In week two of Kingdom Culture, Ronnie digs into what Kingdom Culture means and how we are led by the Holy Spirit. As we check our motivations and tendencies we can see our beliefs, and as we check the fruit of our lives we can see the ways that we ARE or ARE NOT walking with the Spirit. Ronnie reminds us that when our view of God gets bigger, our burdens and anxieties get smaller.

 Just Passing Through | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:36

Shawn kicks off the Kingdom Culture series and reminds us that while the troubles we encounter here are real, we are citizens of Heaven and we are simply passing through Earth on our way to Heaven. This reality can give us strength and purpose through challenging times as we think 'will ___ matter in 100 years?' Shawn reminds us that when we walk and talk with the Kingdom of Heaven in mind, we create Kingdom Culture, and we do this when we 1) pray for it, 2) look for it, and 3) live with it in mind.

 The Antidote | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:10

For week four of Follow Me, Jimmy Rollins, the lead pastor of i5 City Church, joins the RRC family for an amazing weekend of church! Preaching from Luke 5:12-15, Jimmy reminds us that our greatest misery has the opportunity to become our greatest ministry.

 Find Out Firsthand | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:23

In week three of Follow Me, Doug Wekenman from our Austin location preaches about the difference between two Greek words: Eidó (perceiving with our senses) and Ginosko (knowing by experience). Doug reminds us that life with God is something to be EXPERIENCED, not just something to be observed from afar.

 Light and Easy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:06

In week two of Follow Me, Ronnie preaches about Jesus' antidote for the struggles, anxieties, and stress we each carry during challenging seasons. Ronnie brings new clarity to Matthew 11:28-29 NIV 'Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.' Ronnie reminds us that we were never meant to carry the heavy parts of our life alone, and that Jesus is gentle and humble and that He wants to help us in each and every season.

 Thank God I Said "Yes" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:48

In week one of Follow Me, Shawn Johnson reminds us that when you read the Bible you will see multiple people who 1) experienced what they did because they said YES and 2) they had the opportunity to say yes because they were LISTENING. Shawn opens up the series by asking: if a yes takes us closer to the miraculous provision of God, are you listening for your directive so that you can say yes to it? What is God calling you to (even if it doesn't make sense)?

 Grace of Gratitude | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:36

Andrew Matrone, the lead of Red Rocks Young Adults, speaks to the power of gratitude in our relationship with God. Through the story of the 10 lepers who were healed, and the one who returned to say thank you, Andrew reminds us that our gratitude impacts the restoration of our soul. When we return to God to give Him praise for what He's done, gratitude allows us to not only combat the lies of the enemy, but to fully experience the life that God wants for us here.

 What in the World is Going on Here? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:26

In week three of Echoes of Eden, Doug Wekenman concludes the series by asking 'what in the world is going on here' regarding the current world we're living in today. Doug closes the series by driving the point home that Jesus was 'the perfect son of God, who lived the perfect life, to die at the perfect moment, as a perfect sacrifice in order to perfect some very imperfect people...proving that good triumphs over evil in a story of sacrifice and unbreakable love.'

 Is God's Way Really Better? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:22

In week two of Echoes of Eden, Ronnie Johnson continues teaching from Genesis and digs into God's intent for His world and for our lives in the garden. As we look at the choice that Adam and Eve made in accepting the forbidden fruit, we realize that we don't have a sin problem, we have a deception problem.

 Is God's Way Really Better? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:22

In week two of Echoes of Eden, Ronnie Johnson continues teaching from Genesis and digs into God's intent for His world and for our lives in the garden. As we look at the choice that Adam and Eve made in accepting the forbidden fruit, we realize that we don't have a sin problem, we have a deception problem.

 Why On Earth Are We Here? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:21

In week one of Echoes of Eden, Doug Wekenman dives into the beginning of the Bible to answer the question 'why on earth are we here?' and walks through the many ways that we are advocates of the Imago Dei.

 Be In On It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:58

What can Red Rocks Church do to help in racial reconciliation? Jimmy Rollins returns to Red Rocks Church to speak to us about Jesus' heart for the Church and for our African American brothers and sisters in Christ. Jimmy Rollins is the lead pastor of i5 City Church in Baltimore, we have learned so much from him each time he's spoken to us in the past, and we are honored to enter this space with him as we listen and learn as a congregation.


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