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The G&E Show

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 048: Building Your Brand as a Couple | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:24

Brian Williams, a trusted source, ruined a 20-year brand, his legacy, and has been suspended from NBC. Grant commends NBC for taking a stand in this situation and acknowledging that Mr. Williams was wrong and inappropriate. Elena says shame on NBC for not having those around Brian Williams, who she feels knew the truth, come to light as well. There was a team with him, he wasn’t by himself in the field, and they must have known the “facts” were inaccurate. What would you do with your spouse if you found out they were lying in public? People need to look at their relationships and their brand as a couple. Your brand needs to be consistent; this builds trust. And you can find out who your friends are based on how they approach you, what they invite you to do, where they invite you to go, and how they act around you. Your Brand as a Couple:
1. Do people even know who you are?
2. What do people know you for? “Brangelina” is a brand, as a couple. People see them as a unit, not separate, but a team.

 047: Bad News | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:57

Today Grant and Elena address the issue of bad news being the dominant topic on most TV and news outlets. Relationships are already a challenge. Men and women have different energies. You have different dreams and goals. Every day has new challenges just from your personal life, let alone your business life. On top of that the kind of headlines you wake up to are things like the Taiwanese plan crashing into a bridge and river. Yesterday it was a Jordanian pilot being burned alive in a cage. And then there is the measles outbreak. We all have to live in a world with bad news. What are you doing to guard yourself from all that bad news? What about the conflicting data being spread as truth? How do you avoid the negative news?

 Keeping it Fresh | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:27

In this episode of the G&E show Grant and Elena focus on keeping it fresh. Oftentimes couples fall into routines and get caught up in the day-to-day demands. Every relationship has its challenges and sometimes couples pay attention to less important things. There are certain things couples must NOT to. Elena encourages couples to never use the “d” word (divorce). Grant offers that complaining and failing to acknowledge good deeds can sour any relationship. So what can be done to keep it fresh? How to Keep It Fresh: 1. Get your eye on the future. 2. Meet new people and get social. 3. Fantasize and dream big together. Grant explains that a great way to keep things fresh is to look at things that are slightly out of reach. He and Elena often look at homes that are way out of their reach and turn it into a fun time. It also reminded them to keep striving and pushing for more while being happy for what they create together.

 How to Get Back on Track | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:47

Grant and Elena Cardone offer tips on the colliding worlds of love and business. In this episode Grant is obsessed with Hillary Clinton’s statement that corporations and businesses don’t create jobs. He took offense to it and uses it to discuss what to do when you mess up and want to get back on track. As in any relationship business or personal there are times where a person messes up. Grant and Elena share several tips to help people get back on track including… How to Get Back On Track: 1. Decide to make up. 2. Own your mistake. 3. Ask how best to make good. 4. Deliver the goods. 5. Learn how to argue well. 6. Keep thoughts on your purpose and future. 7. Avoid things that damage the relationship. Elena offers great advice to a caller who asks how best to deal with past hurts. G & E take a caller from Mumbai India who is a huge fan with a tip for Grant and the power couple reveal how they texted their way to understanding. Tune in to this and every episode of the G&E Show for advice for strengthening your relationships.

 How to Quit Arguing With Your Spouse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:35

Grant Cardone and Elena Cardone offer tips for couples trying to handle the collision between business and marriage. Grant and Elena begin the show in a tiff. They had a disagreement and were trying to work it out for days. Elena mentions how she slept in the guest bedroom because she was mad. The purpose of today’s episode is to help couples navigate disagreements and come to a solution. It is common for couples to feel challenged when trying to handle demands of children, family and the business obligations. These challenges lead to stress and this lights the match setting a firestorm. If couples are too focused on being right as opposed to reaching understandings tensions rise. Grant offers excellent relationship tips. How To Resolve Conflict 1. Handle yourself, not the other person. 2. Use direct, face-to-face communication. 3. Find agreements not fault. 4. Ask what is needed from you. Grant explains that although difficult both people must put ego aside and seek solutions and not just to be right. Elena adds that couples must focus on being on the same page about the future they want together. She reminds viewers that anger requires negative energy and both agree people must apply a “Whatever It Takes” ethic to the relationship. Tune in and watch how G & E smooth over their tiff by putting these steps into play.

 Is College Worth It? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:35

Grant Cardone and Elena Cardone discuss matters affecting marriage and family. In today's episode Grant and Elena weigh in on college and ask is it worth it? Although their girls are young, Grant says he's only paying if they go to Harvard, Yale, MIT, Stamford, or Princeton so they can connect with blue blood. They speak to Emma Johnson who recently wrote an article for Forbes magazine on the subject of the value of college. Emma questions the return on the investment and doesn’t feel the debt matches the earning potential. Post college jobs aren't guaranteed. Emma explains if a person has drive and hustle they'll thrive with or without college. Grant and Elena share starling statistics about college costs, completion rates with Grant thinking college is the next bubble to burst. He explains he won't invest in real estate in college towns because he feels people will stop going to college. Is College Worth It? 1. Only go to top schools to connect to influential people. 2. Consider the trap of loans and debt. 3. Know what you want to do. It may not require college. 4. Consider apprenticeships where you work for someone in Power to learn. 5. Consider a trade school.

 Soulmate or Soldmate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:31

Elena Cardone is on her own this episode while Grant is away speaking at a seminar. In this episode Elena interviews author Daphna Levy, author of Picking Right: The Single's Guide to Finding the Right Match. She asks if there's a such thing as soul mates, red flags we cannot ignore, surviving infidelity, how to meet great people, and more! Elena takes callers and one asks her what her top motivators are. Elena is thrilled for the opportunity to carry out the show without any interruption. Top Tips for Finding Love: 1. Know your purpose and what you want. 2. Strike up conversation and meet people. 3. Create it! Daphna suggests women keep men on a "probation period" allowing time to get to know them to build rapport and trust. Tune in and weigh in with your comments.

 How to Have Certainty and Confidence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:41

Grant and Elena Cardone discuss the importance of certainty and confidence and how to build certainty. Grant and Elena begin the show discussing medical marijuana. Grant believes weed makes you slow, weak and uncertain in the marketplace. There are many things that cause us to be uncertain and lose confidence. Our confidence and certainty must be preserved and invested into like a bank. According to grant confidence is the key to getting what you want in life. Grant and Elena discuss times of uncertainty and how to become certain, not be careful but instead alert and aware. Grant commends Elena for always supporting him when he is certain he must handle a business opportunity. Elena reveals she is at times uncertain about having the tough talk and avoids confrontation, something common. When it comes to building certainty Grant offers these tips: How to Build Certainty: 1. Write goals down. 2. Pack a full daily schedule. 3. Avoid anything that may impair judgment making you uncertain.

 Benefits of Traveling With Your Spouse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:41

Grant and Elena Cardone offer tips for parents interested in traveling without their children. Grant and Elena just returned from a business trip to Russia where Grant spoke to 800 business people followed by a pleasure trip to Paris. Grant begins the show admitting that he and Elena haven’t traveled much and have spent the last decade focused on business. When Grant discovers that people who travel make more money, he decides to up his travel game. Find out what G and E learned about themselves and the people of Russia and Paris. Grant and Elena’s post trip connection leaps off the screen. You’ll get inspired to work hard so you can travel and see the world! Grant returned with an expanded view of new possibilities. Elena returned recharged and ready to handle their two little girls. G and E share the Benefits of Trippin With Your Spouse which include: 1. Get recharged 2. Get inspired 3. Bond and connect 4. Respect the life back at home

 Persist and Get What You Want | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:12

Grant and Elena Cardone offer tips to help people get, the girl, the guy, the job, the money and other things out of life. Grant and Elena discuss how Grant pursued her for 13 months and the steps Grant took to get Elena’s attention. They banter back and forth taking you back to the time when Grant was in hot pursuit and Elena couldn’t care less. How did Grant get the woman of his dreams? How do these tactics apply to other things in life worth chasing? From the hot girl, the job, the big business deal Grant tells viewers to commit to going for it and then take massive action and never quit. This episode offers a candid look at Grant and Elena. Grant persisted for over a year and Elena reveals funny early observations and judgments that she had back then. In the end they are committed to one another, their daughters and their purpose. If you are trying to find a great relationship or want to light a spark to the one you’re in, tune in and learn how. Grant’s tips for "Getting What You Want" include: 1. Get specific on what you want. 2. Make contact. 3. Develop a strategy. 4. Never quit.

 How Women and Men Communicate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:12

Grant and Elena Cardone discuss how men women communicate and how both sexes can improve. G & E are busy working to design and decorate their new home. It leads to frustration and communication mishaps with the workers doing the job. Elena feels Grant’s communication was harsh and Grant feels Elena is too soft. Can they agree on a communication style that is just right? Grant asks if people think men and women communicate differently from one another and callers weigh in. Grant points out that there are women who offer too many details –a more feminine communication style. He also acknowledges there are other women who are bottom liners and communicate more like men. Grant also encourages women not to begin requests with “can you” and instead, just make the request. “Please turn off the lights, thanks.” The banter between Grant and Elena is hilarious as they offer the following Communication Tips for Men and Women. 1. Quit blaming the receiver. 2. Get their attention. 3. Consider what else they have going on. 4. Sell the story and close.

 Irrational Partner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:12

G & E start off the show talking about their move to their new home, the design costs and costs of furnishings. Grant explains he needed to make cuts and the thinking process he and Elena needed to go through to make the cuts. Grant explains that there are times more often than not where cuts need to be made. There are things that aren’t truly needed or even necessary. These extras can cut into your family bottom line, weigh upon you and hold you back. So what happens when one person is emotionally attached to something and the other person is insisting cuts must be made? Elena explains that it is so easy to get caught up in the romance and the dream. The idea of the perfect house, the perfect wedding, etc. can lead to getting all caught up in the emotional side. This is when you need to really take a step back evaluate and decide what is truly necessary and what isn’t. Grant and Elena offer these three steps for Making The Cut 1. Identify what you absolutely must have. 2. Use logic not emotion. 3. Cut out the rest.

 Handling Stress | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:12

G & E begin the show talking about how Grant is a bit stressed out because of all they have going on. He’s launching Whatever It Takes Nation Digital Network, going to Russia to present at a business summit, touring with Steve Harvey and Tony Robbins in the Act Like a Success Empowerment Tour, decorating and moving into a new home, handling the kids and family responsibilities. They site an article from NPR on stress which lists the following as common reasons for stress: poor health, disabled, chronic illness, income under $20,000, dangerous work situation, single parenthood, parenting a teen, added responsibilities, finances and career challenges. Grant says people must understand three things when thinking about stress: 1. Some level of stress is normal and good. 2. There’s something out of control that one needs to get a handle on. 3. Think of how to overcome or move past the obstacles. Grant offers the analogy of a huge boulder and a smaller one. The focus when stressed must switch to going over, under or around the rock to move past the things causing the stress. A male caller who is in business with his wife, calls into the show concerned that his wife is withdrawing from the business. Elena advises him to communicate together, go over the goals and purpose and create a plan together. Grant sites an article from Forbes with tips on handling stress that Grant adds onto. 1. Schedule downtime Grant says add more to do and get more done. 2. Cut out things that don’t add value to your life. 3. Avoid negative people. 4. Outsource tasks.Grant agrees and encourages people to hire nanny, cleaning service, landscaper, etc. 5. Take 5 for you. Grant says take and hour or two if needed.g

 Sex | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:12

Grant and Elena Cardone discuss sex. Why couples aren’t having it and what they must do to get in the mood. Grant and Elena begin the show explaining how their headboard was infested with termites. Elena was horrified by this and decided to sleep in the guest bedroom. However, the separate sleeping didn’t infringe upon their sex life. Grant encourages couples not to let outside influences ruin the sexual connection because it is important. Grant and Elena refer to an article on Woman’ listing the reasons couples are not having sex offering their take and fun banter on each. They include: 1. He wants to relax after work. 2. He’s reminded of the kids. 3. Preoccupied with video games and sports. 4. It’s her time of the month. 5. He wants more spontaneous sex. 6. Performance anxiety. 7. He feels fat or not ok with his appearance. 8. Watching too much porn. 9. Worried about work. 10. He’d rather sleep. Grant and Elena share that they have a very healthy sex life and communication is key. They also make sure they have their private time even with two young daughters. Grant believes couples must commit to sex and those who feel the sex is off or not frequent enough aren’t truly committed to sex. 1. Society has made sex a taboo topic. 2. Sex is often tied to an emotional need. Callers weigh in and one gives a solid piece of advice when he says, “You have to create the mood.” Other mentions include: Steve Harvey, Act Like a Success Tour, Hard Rock Cancun, Tony Robbins, Patrice Washington, Woman’s Day, Marvin Gaye, Sexual Healing

 Why Relationships Fail | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:12

Grant and Elena Cardone discuss naiveté and offer examples for how people are naive in marriage, business and life. Grant and Elena begin the show with a discussion about vaccines and the awful experience Elena had recently at a doctor’s appointment for her young daughters. She politely passed on vaccination and suggested a further conversation without the children present. The doctor pressed on. Grant explains that naivete impairs handling of certain situations. Grant and Elena refer to an article on David K Flowers’ blog “Ten Naïve Ideas About Marriage” and mention a few of the ideas including. 1. Our romantic love will never fade. 2. I love everything about my partner. 3. Living together first will make the marriage stronger. 4. My partners couldn’t do anything to question my love for them. Grant says these beliefs are naïve and reminds people that relationships will come upon tough times and things won’t be all peachy all the time. He suggests couples have the freedom to tell one another what they don’t like, to get it out and then move on. As always the banter between Grant and Elena is entertaining and real! This is a couple dealing with the colliding worlds of business and marriage. Other topics included James Foley, Michael Brown, Ferguson, Missouri, Steve Harvey, Act Like a Success Summit


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