Benefits of Traveling With Your Spouse

The G&E Show show

Summary: Grant and Elena Cardone offer tips for parents interested in traveling without their children. Grant and Elena just returned from a business trip to Russia where Grant spoke to 800 business people followed by a pleasure trip to Paris. Grant begins the show admitting that he and Elena haven’t traveled much and have spent the last decade focused on business. When Grant discovers that people who travel make more money, he decides to up his travel game. Find out what G and E learned about themselves and the people of Russia and Paris. Grant and Elena’s post trip connection leaps off the screen. You’ll get inspired to work hard so you can travel and see the world! Grant returned with an expanded view of new possibilities. Elena returned recharged and ready to handle their two little girls. G and E share the Benefits of Trippin With Your Spouse which include: 1. Get recharged 2. Get inspired 3. Bond and connect 4. Respect the life back at home