Kinda Funny Games Daily show

Kinda Funny Games Daily

Summary: Greg Miller, Tim Gettys, and Blessing Adeoye Jr. host the world's most popular daily video game news podcast alongside a rotating cast of industry veterans and guests! New episodes every Monday-Friday! A Kinda Funny Show.

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 Dead Rising Kills Puzzle Fighter - Kinda Funny Games Daily 04.20.18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:12

Capcom's pulling the plug on Puzzle Fighter to focus on Dead Rising. Andrea and Greg discuss and take your questions! 00:01:52 - Housekeeping #KFTourney Championship: Barb v Elyse - The Roper Report - 00:05:23 - Capcom Closing Down Puzzle Fighter 00:07:16 - A Glimpse of Future Xbox Tech, via IGN 00:11:31 - Deadpool 2 Director signs on to Division Movie, via GameSpot 00:14:55 - The official list of upcoming games Reader mail - 00:22:33 - PSN names! - your Friendly Neighborhood devtester 00:26:20 - Are there any other franchises out there that should end, or even sell themselves as being an end with the upcoming entry? - Nick 00:35:15 - Which is the most essential game for someone who is new to Sony consoles? - Brendan in Chicago 00:37:15 - Did you get that feeling like they looked at other great games and just totally nailed mechanics that needed improving and if so which games do you see? - Kenny aka CaptGeech 00:40:15 - My question is, and I understand I’m dancing around spoilers, but exactly how emotional is God of War’s story, particularly in comparison to The Last of Us? - Will from Vermont 00:43:38 - Squad Up: Kasey (PS4) - Spreken 00:45:20 - Required reading - Cory’s God of War Review Reaction Video 00:46:14 - PUBG Update with Dan! 00:48:18 - You‘re Wrong Tomorrow’s host: Greg and Andrea

 Fortnite Makes $25 MIllion on iOS - Kinda Funny Games Daily 04.19.18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:45

Greg and Jared discuss Epic's crazy success, a new Yakuza dev IP, and more! 00:04:05 - Housekeeping Congrats to the #KFTourney Final Two: Barb and Elyse The Roper Report - 00:07:33 - Fortnite Breaks $25 MIllion on Mobile, via GIB 00:19:34 - Yakuza Devs Working on New IP, DualShocker 00:23:35 - What is the best way to make yourself stand out to get that dream job in games journalism? - Dylan 00:27:17 - Map Selection coming to PUBG PC, via Steam Page 00:32:26 - Neo Geo Mini May Be on the Way - Twinfinite 00:36:40 - The official list of upcoming games Reader mail - 00:43:13 - What is your opinion on pre-owned games, hence denying the creators of a game the money, but getting the fan of the game a better deal? - Zuko's Honor 00:54:50 - Do you think that the step up from God Of War 3 (which I intensely disliked) to God Of War is better or worse than the step up from Resident Evil 3 to Resident Evil 4? - schofey27 00:56:12 - Do you think God of War will get any DLC? - Clint Gilmore 00:58:10 - Squad Up: Tyler Beale (Epic) - Tjoeb123 00:529:02 - SALT - The Written Word 01:00:50 - You‘re Wrong Tomorrow’s host: Greg and Andrea

 COD: Black Ops 4 to Ditch Single-Player? - Kinda Funny Games Daily 04.18.18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:35

Rumor has it COD is dumping single-player and grabbing a Battle Royale mode. Greg and Gary discuss. 00:03:30 - Housekeeping - Barb v DiGorno New Party Mode Up! The Roper Report - 00:05:12 - RUMORS! COD: BO4 Won’t Have Single Player, instead Battle Royale 00:21:45 - Epic Pulls Guided Missile from Fortnite 00:22:42 - The official list of upcoming games Reader mail - 00:30:37 - How can many poeple justify upgrading thier consle (to a Pro or X) when in only two years people are just going to pay for brand new one that is roumored to have backwards compatablity? - Montana .W (Yes Really) 00:35:35 - What are the chances Sony updates the PS4 Pro at E3? - Victor Oladeepo 00:40:28 - I've been very curious about God of War's trophy list but, wanting to avoid spoilers, I've stayed away from looking. As someone who's played the game already, and loves trophies, could talk a bit about them. Specifically, are there difficulty-related trophies in the game - Alexis 00:41:52 - The old God of War games had a fair amount of sexual content in it. My question is does the new God of War continue that? - Tooboomafoo 00:43:39 - Listening to Greg and Tim talking about the trend of portraying fatherhood in video games on Monday got me thinking: where are the games about moms? - Mr. Wind-Up Bird 00:48:42 - Do you think this update will change the public's opinion on Star Wars Battlefront 2, and bring in more players who were reluctant to buy the game at first? - Charles Shreeve 00:51:48 - Squad Up: Sarah(PS4) - Airsosick 00:52:49 - You‘re Wrong Tomorrow’s host: Greg and Jared

 Anthem To Be Story Focused - Kinda Funny Games Daily 04.17.18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:59

Andrea and Tim talk about Anthem, CastleVania, Nintendo patents, and more! The Roper Report - 00:04:35 - Anthem leader promises more focus on storylines - via Polygon (Colin Campbell) 00:12:19 - Monster Hunter: World expands with new Elder Dragon Kulve Taroth, new limited-time quest type - Capcom Unity blog 00:15:36 - Konami announced a new Castlevania game...But… - via Eurogamer (Wesley Yin-Poole) 00:23:00 - Nintendo files patent for communication between separate displays - via IGN (Lucy O’Brien) 00:29:00 - The official list of upcoming games Reader mail - 00:39:05 - So Tim got his Spyro announcement. Mike Huber got his Shenmue announcement. What announcement would make you go bananas? - Billythedoor 00:40:28 - Do you think it is too late in the console generation to justify buying a new console? Is the release of PS5 too close for it to be a good purchase? Would love to know your opinion on this. Side note: Xbox VR E3 2018? - Harry J 00:42:08 - Do you think reviewers should be required to share that bit of information with their audience? - Ryan 00:45:42 - Kingdom Hearts III names - MayPlaysGames 00:49:25 - Is there actually still a demand for strategy guides and have you guys purchased any in recent years? - Keenan 00:52:26 - Squad Up:Toni Reyes (PS3) - Tay_Skull 00:53:07 - Rotatin’ Segment:The Cool Greg Effect - Scotty P 00:55:18 - You‘re Wrong Tomorrow’s host: Greg and Gary

 SEGA, Shenmue, and More - Kinda Funny Games Daily 04.16.18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:21

SEGA had a bunch of announcements over the weekend, and Tim and Greg are here to round them up. 00:03:01 - Housekeeping Congrats to the #KFTourney Final Four: DiGorno’s, Barb, Elyse, and Tim Schafer. The Roper Report - 00:04:28 - SEGA SHIT! 00:14:32 - EA on Battlefront via The Verge 00:27:13 - Terraria: Otherworld Cancelled, via GIB 00:30:37 - Sea of Thieves Updates 00:38:14 - The official list of upcoming games Reader mail - 00:41:30 - What makes these father and child driven games so special, and how are they able to resonate and have such a large impact on gamers who may not even be parents? And also, do you want more of these family driven games? - Crown Prince of Swaziland 00:46:50 - Does this(God of War) feel like an incredibly long review-to-release window? - Mike from Buffalo 00:49:39 - Why do you think we aren't seen Labo coverage? Am I just looking at the wrong outlets? Did Nintendo announce too early heavily reducing the mindshare? Or will the coverage and mindshare pop back up after the embargo lifts? - shredberg 00:52:19 - Squad Up: Ryan(PS4) - T6Chenard(tee-six-Shen-ard) 00:53:00 - Jared Petty - 00:54:00- You‘re Wrong: Tomorrow’s host: Tuesday: Tim and Andrea Wednesday: Greg and Gary Thursday: Greg and Jared Friday: Greg and Andrea

 A New BioShock Game?! - Kinda Funny Games Daily 04.13.18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:15

Jason Schreier has an in-depth Kotaku piece on what happened to Mafia III, and it says that there's a top secret BioShock project. Greg and Tim talk about it and run through the news. 00:02:53 - Housekeeping GOW Gamescast today at 2 p.m PT The Roper Report - 00:04:38 - Jason Schreier’s How The Makers of Mafia 3 Lost Their Way (Kotaku) 00:17:09 - Capcom Filed Trademark Application for Onimusha in Multiple Regions (ResetEra) 00:22:44 - Minecraft Switch Getting Xbox Achievements, via Polygon 00:25:44 - Improving the Switch, via GIB 00:29:54 - SEGA News incoming, via GamesSpot 00:33:08 - A Way Out Sells 1 million in two weeks via Tweet, GIB adds... 00:33:39 - Edith Finch wins the BAFTA for Best Game 00:34:15 - The official list of upcoming games Reader mail - 00:42:00 - In your opinion, does God of War set a new standard for games (storytelling, cinematography)? And did you find it unforgettable? - Ya Boi Morgan 00:49:30 - How do you guys feel about advance games press on games you’re really excited about? - Marco Hutchens 00:53:10 - Squad Up: Gagebl(Xbox One) - The Ganj God 00:54:20 - You‘re Wrong Tomorrow’s host: Greg and Tim

 God of War: Modern Masterpiece? - Kinda Funny Games Daily 04.11.18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:55

Thanks to Brooklinen for sponsoring this episode. Get $20 off and free shipping when you use promo code GAMESDAILY at Andrea and Jared talk games . . . again The Roper Report - 00:03:40 - Billy Mitchell Stripped of His Records - Twin Galaxies 00:15:13 - Destiny’s New Expansion is on the Way - IGN 00:20:30 - Radical Heights Benefits from Fortnite’s Misfortune - Forbes 00:24:40 - An Old Favorite Returns to Soul Calibur VI - Twinfinite 00:26:25 - TOM CLANCY’S RAINBOW SIX® SIEGE EXCEEDS 30 MILLION PLAYERS MILESTONE 00:28:00 - The official list of upcoming games Reader mail - 00:33:20 - God Of War 00:38:00 - Corvo96 - “ will sites be extra careful with spoilers around this game? “ 00:39:20 - Wooordwooord - “ is the upgrade system complicated, or too deep for the game? “ 00:42:44 - Anderson - Frame Rate thoughts 00:46:14 - Emmett Watkins Jr. - open world? 00:51:50 - Alex - “Is God of War the new game that gamers should be showing “non-gamers” to prove how far games have come in terms of storytelling, graphics and gameplay?” 00:57:35 - Tony Baracca - Modern Day masterpiece ? 01:00:00 - TearlessFungus - will this effect the used games market? 01:02:30 - Squad Up - Wezhalla - PUBG 01:03:40 - You‘re Wrong Tomorrow’s host: GREG AND TIM ARE BACK!

 PS5 Rumors! - Kinda Funny Games Daily 04.11.18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:19

That’s right Andre and Jared are talking about games! 00:04:30 - Red Dead 4K - Ars Technica 00:12:28 - PUBG Free - IGN 00:14:43 - About Those PS5 Rumors... Kotaku (Jason S) 00:22:38 - Steam Spy no longer able to operate after Valve’s latest Steam update - via Polygon 00:33:26 - The official list of upcoming games Reader mail - 00:44:25 - What are your thoughts on people who don't understand the enjoyment of, as they would call it, "watching people play video games"? - Shaun Hood 00:49:50 - Holy Crap, Part Time UFO is awesome and totally worth the 4$ - Philip 00:51:05 - Squad Up: Ed Fry(XBox 1) - Friday the 13th 00:52:25 - Pass the Salt: San Francisco 00:54:14 - You‘re Wrong Tomorrow’s host: Andrea and Jared

 Too many battle royal games? - Kinda Funny Games Daily 04.10.18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:49

Jared and Gary talk about printers and games. In that order. 00:07:40 - Housekeeping Greg and Tim are going to Mizzou! Meet and Greet Wednesday 6:30 p.m. at CJ’s Hot Wings on Broadway -- come be in a video! The Roper Report - 00:10:21 - Morrowind and more come to Xbox Backward Compatibility - USGamer 00:15:36 - EA E3 Press Conference Time Announced 00:16:44 - Summit Under Fire - IGN 00:25:39 - Overwatch Uprising Event Out Now - USGAMER 00:31:40 - Chrono Trigger Patch Out! 00:33:48 - The official list of upcoming games Reader mail - 00:36:00 - Do you think it's possible only PUBG and Fortnite could be the only major Battle Royale successes? - Ron 00:51:13 - Is there a difference between rogue lite and like? Do you think the term has been bastardized? Also could you expound on the origin of the term? - Billythedoor 00:59:45 - Squad Up: LightningHatNH (PS4) 01:04:00 - You‘re Wrong Tomorrow’s host: Andrea and Jared

 We Got in Trouble at PAX (Again) - Kinda Funny Games Daily 04.09.18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:43

Greg's back from PAX East, and he's ready to tell Tim the tale of an Enforcer stopping the Kinda Funny panel. Plus, he saw a bunch of cool games! 00:01:30 - Housekeeping PAX Recap: 00:05:30 Andrea’s hosting the GamesBeast Summit! Watch on Starts at 1:05 p.m. Janina is on with her at 4:40 p.m. Greg and Tim are going to Mizzou! Meet and Greet Wednesday 6:30 p.m. at CJ’s Hot Wings on Broadway -- come be in a video! The Roper Report - 00:17:00 - Rockstar Lawsuit, via IGN 00:19:38 - FFXV x Tomb Raider, GameSpot 00:22:28 - PlayStation Store’s Top Downloads 00:28:12 - RE7 Sales 00:28:50 - The official list of upcoming games Reader mail - 00:42:36 - What the hell is Detroit: Become Human about? - Jonathan 00:44:55 - Why is my PS4 so God damn loud!?! - Houston 00:47:24 -My questions relates to Overkill's: The Walking Dead game. Microsoft showed a teaser for 1 of 4 playable characters on their twitter, with more to be revealed on their Inside Xbox Show. Do you think this signals that the game is close to release, and if so do you think there is any chance this game is good, or sells well? - Joe Apsey 00:50:48 - If you can only pick one game to be released this fall which one would it be? - Arin Dawood 00:54:04 - Squad Up: Ian Everett(PSN) - RoldGoldilocks 00:55:38 - PS I Love This Best Friend -Billythedoor 00:56:55- You‘re Wrong Tomorrow’s host: Jared and Gary

 Splinter Cell In Ghost Recon Wildlands - Kinda Funny Games Daily 04.06.18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:24

Tim and Jared talk about Splinter Cell in Ghost Recon, SNK on Switch, Ubisoft, and more! 00:01:42 - Housekeeping KF Prom Tickets are on sale now! Greg, Tim, and PixelBrave head to Mizzou next week! Meet and Greet Wednesday 4/11 at CJ’s Hot Wings. 6:30 p.m. The Roper Report - 00:03:04 - Splinter Cell Ghost Recon Crossover (Kotaku) 00:07:03 - Ubisoft Opens Another New Studio (IGN) 00:13:49 - SNK 40th Anniversary Collection Announced - Nintendo Everything 00:26:35 - Fortnite Making Insane Money (IGN) 00:29:13 - The official list of upcoming games Reader mail - 00:31:25 - I was wondering if you guys could give me any Neo Geo game recommendations for my Switch - Marcus Martins 00:36:18 - If someone who doesn't play video games asked you for advice on a game that could turn them into gaming, what would you recommend, and would you focus more in what aspects of it - story, graphics...? - Duarte Rosa 00:41:58 - What is Nintendo's plan for all the following video games that are supposedly coming out the 2nd half of this year? - Sean Sweeny 00:46:52 - What is up with this obsession with Red Dead? - Matthew Anderson 00:54:02 - Squad Up: Callum Hurley(PSN) - BigBoss22123 00:54:30 - You‘re Wrong Tomorrow’s host: Tim

 Spyro Reignited Trilogy Confirmed! - Kinda Funny Games Daily 04.05.18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:52

Tim and Jared talk about Spyro, Spider-Man, and Overwatch. 00:02:22 - Housekeeping KF Prom Tickets are on sale now! Kinda Funny's 1st Annual PAX East Chicken Wing Ding (BYOW) - PAX Panel - Thursday 4/5 - 7:30 p.m. - Dragonfly Theater Greg, Tim, and PixelBrave head to Mizzou next week! Meet and Greet Wednesday 4/11 at CJ’s Hot Wings. 6:30 p.m. The Roper Report - 00:04:30 - Spyro (Activision PR) 00:16:54 - Overwatch Retribution (Overwatch Archives) (IGN) 00:21:57 - More Spider Man Details - Twinfinite 00:31:22 - The official list of upcoming games Reader mail - 00:41:00 - Just wanted to point out "The Adventure Pals" (all platforms) - Aulum 00:42:00 - September is so packed this year! Spider-Man, Tomb Raider, Dragon Quest now this! Do you think by this point it makes more sense to launch at a stacked month like September or around Red Dead. Personally I think it would be the best for them to wait till January! What do you say? - Doruk Evcim 00:44:30 - 8bitdo SNES controller on your Switch - BottStoff 00:45:45 - Do you ever get to experience an "out of left field" game announcement/etc that takes you completely by surprise? - Travis 00:51:07 - Do you wait to buy the "Complete/GOTY" Edition of the game? - YoungBlaise 00:57:14 - Squad Up: Cjdavis86(Xbox, PC), Cjthundara (PSN) 00:57:58 - Salt - SUPERMAN 00:59:00 - You‘re Wrong Tomorrow’s host: Tim and Jared

 Spider-Man Release Date - Kinda Funny Games Daily 04.04.18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:18

Hey, hey, here comes the Spider-Man. Jared and Gary swing into the upcoming PlayStation exclusive. Time Stamps - 00:02:30 - Housekeeping The Roper Report - 00:10:00 - Spider Man - From The PlayStation Blog 00:21:10 - Warner Brothers to Take Over Publishing of Hitman - IGN 00:25:10 - PUBG will step in on mouse/keyboard console players - IGN 00:29:30 - Chrono Trigger May Get Fixed - Polygon 00:32:50 - Far Cry 5 Second-Biggest Launch in Ubi History - IGN 00:41:50 - The official list of upcoming games Reader mail - 00:44:50 - A Crowded September - Radister 00:50:50 - Spider-Man PS4 Pro - Kazden Risk 00:52:50 - Keeping Up with PC - Reese the Donut 00:55:50 - Michal - PS5 Rumors 01:00:00 - Squad Up - Fort Nite - MoonShine_1433 01:01:00 - You‘re Wrong Tomorrow’s host: Tim and Jared

 Shadow of War Dumps Microtransactions - Kinda Funny Games Daily 04.03.18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:33

Andrea and Greg jump into the decision to get rid of microtransactions in Shadow of War, what it was like for Greg to play a crab, and more! 00:03:19 - Housekeeping KF Prom Tickets are on sale now! Kinda Funny's 1st Annual PAX East Chicken Wing Ding (BYOW) - PAX Panel - Thursday 4/5 - 7:30 p.m. - Dragonfly Theater What’s Good Games Live! Fri 4/6 3pm Arachnid Theater WGG Meet & Greet 5-7pm Whiskey Priest Fri 4/6 Greg, Tim, and PixelBrave head to Mizzou next week! Meet and Greet Wednesday 4/11 at CJ’s Hot Wings. 6:30 p.m The Roper Report - 00:06:25 - Shadow of War removes Microtransactions 00:16:30 - Spyro News Incoming?, via IGN 00:20:42 - Game Informer’s May cover is Spider-Man 00:22:42 - HTC Vive Pro review: Eye-popping VR, with a price that’s a little too real - via Ars Technica 00:25:42 - The official list of upcoming games Reader mail - 00:31:20 - No No Kuni 2 : revenant kingdom has a side quest bug that stops my progression towards a 100% Kingdom and a platinum Throphy! - Mario Carrelas 00:32:30 - When do you think we will get more info on Darksiders, could we get it at E3 this year? - Joshua Pierstorff (Pier-store-ff) 00:34:40 - Now that Island Time reviews are out, I wonder Greg if you could give us a little bit of info on what the voice acting process was like from your end. What surprised you about voicing the main character in a game? - CP 00:45:34 - Squad Up Joel(PLAYSTATION 'MOTHERF*CKING' VITA!) - auscomando 00:47:10 - Twitch Prime Help: straightgoopin 00:49:37 - You‘re Wrong Tomorrow’s host: Jared and Whitta

 Twitch Layoffs - Kinda Funny Games Daily 04.02.18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:41

Greg and Tim discuss Twitch, indie games in 2018, and what the next three months look like for games. 00:03:30 - Housekeeping KF Prom Tickets are on sale now! Kinda Funny's 1st Annual PAX East Chicken Wing Ding (BYOW) - PAX Panel - Thursday 4/5 - 7:30 p.m. - Dragonfly Theater Greg, Tim, and PixelBrave head to Mizzou next week! Meet and Greet Wednesday 4/11 at CJ’s Hot Wings. 6:30 p.m. The Roper Report - 00:05:33 - Twitch Layoffs, via GIB 00:09:22 - Where the Water Tastes Like Wine Post-Mort, via GIB 00:20:31 - Switch Japan Sales, via SiliconEra 00:23:24 - Far Cry 5 Success in UK, via GIB 00:24:10 - The official list of upcoming games Reader mail - 00:31:12 - Has the console generation half step been a success? and is this the new norm for home consoles. - WhyNotPete 00:35:05 - The first quarter of 2018 has already passed us by - what has been your favourite game for the first 3 months? - Coync 00:37:45 - WHERE IS MY SPYRO ANNOUNCEMENT, TIM! - Corey 00:39:15 - Why do you choose to play PSVR sitting? And do you think from an advertising standpoint, it makes VR more appealing by making it LOOK comfortable on a couch and more like regular gaming? - Callum Hurley 00:41:37 - I'm interested about the upcoming nindie title the Messenger, and particulalry the fact that your wifes involved in it. Does that put you in a though spot, when discussing about the game in your shows? Do you have to be careful not to oversell it to your audience - Tom from Finland 00:46:05 - Squad Up: KBAB9 (PS4) 00:47:30 - Let’s help KF survive 00:49:00- You‘re Wrong Tomorrow’s host: Andrea


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