Anthem To Be Story Focused - Kinda Funny Games Daily 04.17.18

Kinda Funny Games Daily show

Summary: Andrea and Tim talk about Anthem, CastleVania, Nintendo patents, and more! The Roper Report - 00:04:35 - Anthem leader promises more focus on storylines - via Polygon (Colin Campbell) 00:12:19 - Monster Hunter: World expands with new Elder Dragon Kulve Taroth, new limited-time quest type - Capcom Unity blog 00:15:36 - Konami announced a new Castlevania game...But… - via Eurogamer (Wesley Yin-Poole) 00:23:00 - Nintendo files patent for communication between separate displays - via IGN (Lucy O’Brien) 00:29:00 - The official list of upcoming games Reader mail - 00:39:05 - So Tim got his Spyro announcement. Mike Huber got his Shenmue announcement. What announcement would make you go bananas? - Billythedoor 00:40:28 - Do you think it is too late in the console generation to justify buying a new console? Is the release of PS5 too close for it to be a good purchase? Would love to know your opinion on this. Side note: Xbox VR E3 2018? - Harry J 00:42:08 - Do you think reviewers should be required to share that bit of information with their audience? - Ryan 00:45:42 - Kingdom Hearts III names - MayPlaysGames 00:49:25 - Is there actually still a demand for strategy guides and have you guys purchased any in recent years? - Keenan 00:52:26 - Squad Up:Toni Reyes (PS3) - Tay_Skull 00:53:07 - Rotatin’ Segment:The Cool Greg Effect - Scotty P 00:55:18 - You‘re Wrong Tomorrow’s host: Greg and Gary