Dead Rising Kills Puzzle Fighter - Kinda Funny Games Daily 04.20.18

Kinda Funny Games Daily show

Summary: Capcom's pulling the plug on Puzzle Fighter to focus on Dead Rising. Andrea and Greg discuss and take your questions! 00:01:52 - Housekeeping #KFTourney Championship: Barb v Elyse - The Roper Report - 00:05:23 - Capcom Closing Down Puzzle Fighter 00:07:16 - A Glimpse of Future Xbox Tech, via IGN 00:11:31 - Deadpool 2 Director signs on to Division Movie, via GameSpot 00:14:55 - The official list of upcoming games Reader mail - 00:22:33 - PSN names! - your Friendly Neighborhood devtester 00:26:20 - Are there any other franchises out there that should end, or even sell themselves as being an end with the upcoming entry? - Nick 00:35:15 - Which is the most essential game for someone who is new to Sony consoles? - Brendan in Chicago 00:37:15 - Did you get that feeling like they looked at other great games and just totally nailed mechanics that needed improving and if so which games do you see? - Kenny aka CaptGeech 00:40:15 - My question is, and I understand I’m dancing around spoilers, but exactly how emotional is God of War’s story, particularly in comparison to The Last of Us? - Will from Vermont 00:43:38 - Squad Up: Kasey (PS4) - Spreken 00:45:20 - Required reading - Cory’s God of War Review Reaction Video 00:46:14 - PUBG Update with Dan! 00:48:18 - You‘re Wrong Tomorrow’s host: Greg and Andrea