Marriage Helper Live show

Marriage Helper Live

Summary: Looking for real answers to your real-life marriage problems?This podcast addresses the real issues that marriages face every day. Whether your spouse is in love with someone else, sexual issues are destroying your marriage, or you are wanting to know how to make your marriage stronger - this podcast is for you.

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 Rob and Kimberly's Story: How the Military, Anger, and Addiction Almost Ended Our Marriage (and how we saved it) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3910

Military marriages have the highest rate of divorce in America. Couple that with lots of anger, addiction, and separation...and there's plenty of reasons to divorce.Kimberly Holmes, CEO of Marriage Helper, and her husband Rob married while Rob was in the military. In the first year of marriage, they moved halfway around the world. In their second year of marriage, they separated for a year. In their third year of marriage, anger and addiction split them even further apart and their marriage was headed for divorce. Not the "newlywed years" that others had told them about. However, Rob and Kimberly overcame the odds and fought for their marriage. But not at the same time. Hear their story in this podcast and learn how they learned how to deal with anger, addiction, and being separated.Learn more about Marriage Helper at www.marriagehelper.comOr call 615.472.1161 or 866.903.0990

 One Thing You Can Do to Bring Your Spouse Back | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2561

Is your spouse emotionally disengaged? Physically gone? Have you relentlessly tried searching, trying to figure out what you can do to bring your spouse back or make your spouse want to be in the marriage at all, only to find yourself completely overwhelmed?I understand.If you go to Google and type in "what to do to save a marriage" or "what to do to bring a spouse back", the information is insane. A lot of it contradicts the other, and if you try to implement some from here and some from there, then you'll find yourself frustrated and back at square one.We want to help make this easy for you. We have laid it out, and figured out the FIRST thing that you should do when trying to bring your spouse back.We teach you how in this episode.Be sure to listen, subscribe, and review to help us help more couples!Contact us to learn how we can help you save your 615.472.1161 or 866.903.0990

 Did God Send You Your Lover? - The Dr. Joe Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2346

She's married to one but in love with another. She said she was Christian and spoke of her great love for God and amazing relationship with Jesus. She mentioned that she had prayed about what she was to do and in response God "told" her to divorce her husband and be with her lover...that He had sent her this lover and wanted her to be with him.She talked about how she had quit interacting with Christian people because they were mean and judgmental about her leaving her husband for another. She feels complete confidence that God answered her prayer for a wonderful marriage by providing the right man for a new marriage.Yes, she had slept with her lover, but God was fine with that also. "God is love. I feel love for him. Therefore, this is of God."Is it?In this program Dr. Joe Beam discusses whether God sends people lovers to replace their spouses. Dr. Beam usually approaches relationship questions from his educational and social science background. When he speaks, he refers to solid research as he gives relevant examples and replies to specific questions. However, because of this topic (and the questions he continues to receive about it) in this program he refers to Scripture. (Dr. Beam's Bachelor's degree is in Bible. He has more than 30 graduate hours in Bible.) He does give relevant examples, but he also reads verses and ask the listener to consider what they really say.If you are a Christian and in love with someone other than your spouse...or your Christian spouse is in love with someone other than you, this program will be a fascinating Bible study for you that can bring you peace.

 Why Should I Stay Married After My Spouse's Affair | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2097

Has your spouse cheated?Are your friends and family urging you to kick your mate out? Punish him or her? Get on with your life?But you find yourself wondering if that is what you should do. If your spouse wants to come back, should you allow it? If you do, can you have a good marriage again or will you always have problems with trust...hurt...maybe even self doubt?If your spouse is "in love" with someone else and doesn't want to come back, is your marriage over? Is there a way to put it back together? Even if there is, do you have the desire or the strength to go through your pain and make your marriage good again?In this program, Dr. Joe Beam provides the pros and cons of saving a marriage after infidelity. He explains the three types of extramarital affairs. He gives you the primary points to consider in deciding whether to take back a spouse who strayed...or to win back the spouse who is still straying.Find more information about why people stray, why they sometimes feel that they are "madly in love" with another, why it can be the best thing for your own life to salvage the marriage, and how it can be done when your spouse is sorry and wants to come back...and how it can be done when your spouse is convinced s/he's in love with someone else and doesn't want to come back.

 3 Steps to Getting a Distant Spouse to Talk to You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4029

Having trouble getting your spouse to talk? Maybe you are separated. Maybe you are living in the same house but your spouse doesn't want to talk to you and has completely shut down. This podcast will teach you the 3 things to get to encourage your spouse to talk.

 Why Won't God Answer Prayers for My Marriage - Leighann McCoy and Dr. Joe Beam | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1865

You've prayed. Others have prayed with you...for you. Your children pour out their hearts. Yet, your marriage continues to spiral downward.Someone on TV said that if only you have enough faith, God will do whatever you ask. (Then s/he asks you for a check to prove your faith...)Well-meaning friends tell you God is faithful if only you will continue to be...that He will bring about healing for your marriage...and that you should not doubt.However, time passes, your prayers change from petition to aggravation. Why isn't God listening? Why isn't He doing what you ask? As one lady recently said, "I'm done with God. I've given Him plenty of opportunity to change my husband and He's done nothing."Can God answer prayers about marriage? Does He? Does He care? Will He intervene in the situations of life in which we find ourselves? Will He change your spouse so that they stop doing the things hurting you, your children, your marriage...and even to themselves?To answer those questions Dr. Beam welcomes Leighann McCoy. Leighann knows about REAL life. She survived cancer. She fought through major difficulties with her family. Leighann also knows God. She is a prayer warrior. She writes books about prayer, spiritual warfare, especially concerning families ( She offers prayer courses on her website During this program, she joins Dr. Beam to discuss how people in crisis marriages should pray, what they should expect from God in return, and how to deal with God's answers.To speak with Leighann and Dr. Beam during the program, call 646.378.0424. The program airs live at 9 p.m. central time, Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at 

 Why Won't God Answer Prayers for My Marriage - Leighann McCoy and Dr. Joe Beam | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1865

You've prayed. Others have prayed with you...for you. Your children pour out their hearts. Yet, your marriage continues to spiral downward.Someone on TV tells you that if only you have enough faith, God will do whatever you ask. (Then s/he asks you for a check to prove your faith...)Well-meaning friends tell you that God is faithful if only you will continue to be...that He will bring about healing for your marriage...and that you should not doubt.However, time passes, your prayers change from petition to aggravation. Why isn't God listening? Why isn't He doing what you ask? As one lady recently said, "I'm done with God. I've given Him plenty of opportunity to change my husband and He's done nothing."Can God answer prayers about marriage? Does He? Does He care about your pain? Will He intervene in the messy situations of life in which we find ourselves? Will He change your husband or wife so that they stop doing the things hurting you, your children, your marriage...and even to themselves?Is God there???To answer those questions and more, Dr. Joe Beam welcomes special guest Leighann McCoy. Leighann knows about REAL life. She survived cancer. She fought through major difficulties with her family. Leighann also knows God. She is a prayer warrior. She writes great books about prayer, spiritual warfare, especially spiritual warfare and families, and similar topics. ( She offers prayer courses - including three new free courses - on her website During this program, she joins Dr. Beam to discuss how people in crisis marriages should pray, what they should expect from God in return, and how to deal with God's answers.To speak with Leighann and Dr. Beam during the program, call 646.378.0424. The program airs live beginning at 9 p.m. Central time, Tuesday, April 11, 2017.

 My Spouse Says I'm Controlling - The Dr. Joe Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3237

Are you controlling? Really?Or is your spouse trying to manipulate you? S/he claims you're controlling because you're an obstacle to him or her doing whatever they wish.Maybe there's a combination. You have been controlling and now your spouse is using that to manipulate you into inaction by accusing you of being controlling now.If you are controlling, eventually that behavior will destroy your marriage.If you're being manipulated, backing off on a matter could make a clear path for your spouse to hurt you.If you have been controlling, but now you feel you must take a stand to stop your spouse from doing things detrimental to your marriage, stopping your stand might be the worst thing you can do you know? What do you do?When do you back off and when do you take your stand?In this program, Dr. Joe Beam explains what control in a relationship is. He discusses why people control and how they can stop controlling. He also points out that sometimes there needs to be control...even if in the past your controlling behavior led to a current unpleasant situation. Finally, Dr. Beam explains step by step how a person who has damaged his or her relationship with a spouse (or children) by controlling can overcome that and renew relationship...even save a marriage.For all those who listen to the program (and even if you skip the program!), Dr. Beam offers a free eBook about control that includes a thirty-question questionnaire to help you evaluate whether you're controlling or not. It is available at at

 My Spouse Says I'm Controlling - The Dr. Joe Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3237

Are you controlling? Really?Or is your spouse trying to manipulate you? S/he claims you're controlling because you're an obstacle to him or her doing whatever they wish.Maybe there's a combination. You have been controlling and now your spouse is using that to manipulate you into inaction by accusing you of being controlling now.If you are controlling, eventually that behavior will destroy your marriage.If you're being manipulated, backing off on a matter could make a clear path for your spouse to hurt you.If you have been controlling, but now you feel you must take a stand to stop your spouse from doing things detrimental to your marriage, stopping your stand might be the worst thing you can do you know? What do you do?When do you back off and when do you take your stand?In this program, Dr. Joe Beam explains what control in a relationship is. He discusses why people control and how they can stop controlling. He also points out that sometimes there needs to be control...even if in the past your controlling behavior led to a current unpleasant situation. Finally, Dr. Beam explains step by step how a person who has damaged his or her relationship with a spouse (or children) by controlling can overcome that and renew relationship...even save a marriage.For all those who listen to the program (and even if you skip the program!), Dr. Beam offers a free eBook about control that includes a thirty-question questionnaire to help you evaluate whether you're controlling or not. It is available at at

 My Spouse Says I'm Controlling - The Dr. Joe Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3237

Are you controlling? Really?Or is your spouse trying to manipulate you? S/he claims you're controlling because you're an obstacle to him or her doing whatever they wish.Maybe there's a combination. You have been controlling and now your spouse is using that to manipulate you into inaction by accusing you of being controlling now.If you are controlling, eventually that behavior will destroy your marriage.If you're being manipulated, backing off on a matter could make a clear path for your spouse to hurt you.If you have been controlling, but now you feel you must take a stand to stop your spouse from doing things detrimental to your marriage, stopping your stand might be the worst thing you can do you know? What do you do?When do you back off and when do you take your stand?In this program, Dr. Joe Beam explains what control in a relationship is. He discusses why people control and how they can stop controlling. He also points out that sometimes there needs to be control...even if in the past your controlling behavior led to a current unpleasant situation. Finally, Dr. Beam explains step by step how a person who has damaged his or her relationship with a spouse (or children) by controlling can overcome that and renew relationship...even save a marriage.For all those who listen to the program (and even if you skip the program!), Dr. Beam offers a free eBook about control that includes a thirty-question questionnaire to help you evaluate whether you're controlling or not. It is available at at

 Controlling and Dominant Spouses - The Dr. Joe Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2944

No one wants to be treated as a child...especially by the person that is supposed to be our partner...our equal...our mate.We don't appreciate being told what to think, how to act, what to feel, or what to believe. Each of us craves being accepted and appreciated for who we we are. When we were children, we understood the need for an authority figure to guide us, teach us, and, sometimes, to command us. But we aren't children and we don't want our husbands or wives telling us what we must do, think, say, or feel to keep from being chastised or punished...or abandoned.I want...and deserve...a partner with whom I can have union based on love, NOT a relationship based on making him or her happy by yielding to nearly every way s/he thinks things should be done.In our work with marriages, we found that one of the most common reasons for major marital discord is a spouse who feels controlled, disrespected, or dominated by the other. Interestingly, often the dominating spouse doesn't believe s/he is being controlling.In this program, Dr. Joe Beam and Kimberly Holmes, CEO of Marriage Helper, explain why people control others and how they do it. More importantly, they explain how a person being controlled can put an end to that WITHOUT putting an end to the marriage. It won't stop on its own, but it can be stopped when the controlled spouse knows what to do.During the program Dr. Beam and Ms. Holmes offer free access to this free eBook about control. You may receive that free eBook whether you listen to the program or not by going to this link. program is available now on, and

 Controlling and Dominant Spouses - The Dr. Joe Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2944

No one wants to be treated as a child...especially by the person that is supposed to be our partner...our equal...our mate.We don't appreciate being told what to think, how to act, what to feel, or what to believe. Each of us craves being accepted and appreciated for who we we are. When we were children, we understood the need for an authority figure to guide us, teach us, and, sometimes, to command us. But we aren't children and we don't want our husbands or wives telling us what we must do, think, say, or feel to keep from being chastised or punished...or abandoned.I want...and deserve...a partner with whom I can have union based on love, NOT a relationship based on making him or her happy by yielding to nearly every way s/he thinks things should be done.In our work with marriages, we found that one of the most common reasons for major marital discord is a spouse who feels controlled, disrespected, or dominated by the other. Interestingly, often the dominating spouse doesn't believe s/he is being controlling.In this program, Dr. Joe Beam and Kimberly Holmes, CEO of Marriage Helper, explain why people control others and how they do it. More importantly, they explain how a person being controlled can put an end to that WITHOUT putting an end to the marriage. It won't stop on its own, but it can be stopped when the controlled spouse knows what to do.During the program Dr. Beam and Ms. Holmes offer free access to this free eBook about control. You may receive that free eBook whether you listen to the program or not by going to this link. program is available now on, and

 Controlling and Dominant Spouses - The Dr. Joe Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2944

No one wants to be treated as a child...especially by the person that is supposed to be our partner...our equal...our mate.We don't appreciate being told what to think, how to act, what to feel, or what to believe. Each of us craves being accepted and appreciated for who we we are. When we were children, we understood the need for an authority figure to guide us, teach us, and, sometimes, to command us. But we aren't children and we don't want our husbands or wives telling us what we must do, think, say, or feel to keep from being chastised or punished...or abandoned.I want...and deserve...a partner with whom I can have union based on love, NOT a relationship based on making him or her happy by yielding to nearly every way s/he thinks things should be done.In our work with marriages, we found that one of the most common reasons for major marital discord is a spouse who feels controlled, disrespected, or dominated by the other. Interestingly, often the dominating spouse doesn't believe s/he is being controlling.In this program, Dr. Joe Beam and Kimberly Holmes, CEO of Marriage Helper, explain why people control others and how they do it. More importantly, they explain how a person being controlled can put an end to that WITHOUT putting an end to the marriage. It won't stop on its own, but it can be stopped when the controlled spouse knows what to do.During the program Dr. Beam and Ms. Holmes offer free access to this free eBook about control. You may receive that free eBook whether you listen to the program or not by going to this link. program is available now on, and

 What's On Your Mind About Love? - The Dr. Joe Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3353

Love. Lots of people think they know what it is...until they realize that they don't.Think of the hit songs from your lifetime. How many were about wanting to be loved, enjoying amazing love, or longing for lost love? Why those topics? Because most adults fit into one of those three categories. Some wonder where their lover may come from...if at all. Others hope the one they secretly love will finally come to realize it and respond with passion. Many bask in the deep emotions of shared love...and think it will be like this forever. And way too many still love the person who once loved them but now is gone...So what is love really?Is it the ecstatic emotion of new romance? Is it the security of trusting the person you love to always love you in return? Is it something that really does last a lifetime or is it fleeting...lasting a few years at best?In this program, Dr. Joe Beam responds to your questions about love. What it is. How to know if you really are in love. How long it lasts. When it ends. Why it ends. Can it last a lifetime?And, maybe most important to many, if it has ended can it be rekindled?The program begins at 9 p.m. (Central), March 22, 2016. You may speak with Dr. Beam by calling 646.378.0424 during the program. 

 What's On Your Mind About Love? - The Dr. Joe Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3353

Love. Lots of people think they know what it is...until they realize that they don't.Think of the hit songs from your lifetime. How many were about wanting to be loved, enjoying amazing love, or longing for lost love? Why those topics? Because most adults fit into one of those three categories. Some wonder where their lover may come from...if at all. Others hope the one they secretly love will finally come to realize it and respond with passion. Many bask in the deep emotions of shared love...and think it will be like this forever. And way too many still love the person who once loved them but now is gone...So what is love really?Is it the ecstatic emotion of new romance? Is it the security of trusting the person you love to always love you in return? Is it something that really does last a lifetime or is it fleeting...lasting a few years at best?In this program, Dr. Joe Beam responds to your questions about love. What it is. How to know if you really are in love. How long it lasts. When it ends. Why it ends. Can it last a lifetime?And, maybe most important to many, if it has ended can it be rekindled?The program begins at 9 p.m. (Central), March 22, 2016. You may speak with Dr. Beam by calling 646.378.0424 during the program. 


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