The Manuscript Academy show

The Manuscript Academy

Summary: The Manuscript Academy brings you conversations with agents, editors, and writers who can help you on your publishing journey.

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 46: #TenQueries with Samantha Wekstein, Writers House | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:46

Samantha Wekstein, agent at Writers House, was generous enough to join us for a #TenQueries episode. We chat with her about how she got into publishing (she worked with Jessica first!), some amazing things she's created along the way--and how this shapes what she looks for. Then we asked her to go through her queries inbox, choose ten at random--and tell us what they are, why they work, what they can do better--and what this means for you at home. You can book a meeting with Samantha at and find her online at

 Episode 45: Stephanie Stein from HarperCollins Children's/HarperTeen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:41

We talk with Stephanie Stein at HarperCollins about California and New York publishing, a typical day in the life of a Big Five editor, and what it takes to impress a publishing person (in books and TV, theater, and otherwise). Stephanie is an absolute editorial rock star--literally every person who receives a critique from her is thrilled, so we talk about her process, and how it is similar and different from her day-to-day editing. She also tells the story of the magical day she (almost literally) ran into Shaq on the way to her very first full time publishing interview. We describe how hard it is to sneak into HarperCollins (though Jessica made it! Well--after Stephanie came down to let her in) and we recorded in Harper's adorable Amelia Bedelia room. We also discuss very important things like The Bold Type--how close it (isn't) to real publishing life--and reading Harry Potter as an adult. Plus lots more!

 First Pages Podcast: Something Beautiful by Jasmine Rasmussen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:35

Join Jessica and Julie for a First Pages podcast featuring this page by Jasmine Rasmussen. Please feel free to follow along with the page (below) while we read and analyze the text for what works, and for what could be added to make it stronger. Love (Chapter 1) We stop at a grocery store on the way out of town, the one with a gas station and next to the Dollar Tree me and Ava shopped at last week. I type in Mom’s rewards number on my pump, pretending it doesn’t bother me when her name is welcomed on the screen and then jog across the vacant lot, still radiating heat from the day before, to grab breakfast. Dad stays to fill up both cars and I know when I return, my oil will be checked and my windshield squeegeed clean. Three half-eaten apples are scattered under one of the blackened security lights. Their yellow stickers still intact, like someone might come back to finish them off. Or maybe they’ll be picked-up by a crow or a lucky squirrel. I won’t ever know. I’ll be well into my first day of the rest of forever. But I’d be lying if I didn’t admit there’s a part of me wishing I could sit here instead, and watch the apple cores oxidize into dawn. When I get back, Dad is bent under my hood whistling to himself with a made-up tune. I open the glove compartment--the same one Mom did--by now her fingerprints are long gone, and pull out a bag of almonds that are always in there for just-in-case. It’s something that was hers, that is now mine. Like this car. We sit on the tailgate of Dad’s pick-up truck that’s stuffed with meticulously puzzled pieces of laundry baskets and Rubbermaid bins and those open plastic cubes waiting to be unpacked in our freshmen dorm room. I hand him a spoon as The Eagles harmonize from the cab and we eat the cream top first before mixing the rest of the yogurt with some nuts. It’s what he taught me. It’s what we always do. *** Looking for the class we mentioned? You can view here: The password is (all lowercase): dontbecreepy

 Episode 43: Great First Lines with Agent John Cusick | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:20

We speak with agent John M. Cusick of Folio Literary Management about great first lines, what they can do for your work--and how they can make a good first impression that will stick with your reader, whether in a bookstore or in the slush pile. John's class is available (with our full library of classes) at You can find him online at, or at

 Episode 42: Literary Libations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:10

Grab your favorite drink, maybe a nice pot of hot oolong tea, or a dry martini with a twist. If you’re in the autumn mood, pour a nice glass of fresh-squeezed cider or a hot toddy complete with a cinnamon stick. No matter the choice, you’ll enjoy today’s podcast about drinks and books, writing and relationships. Agent Andrea Somberg of the Harvey Klinger Literary Agency and her fabulous client Amira K. Makansi join us to discuss Literary Libations: What to Drink with What You Read. We’ll chat about how Andrea and Amira met (a quick story!), their working relationship and the editorial process. And yes, of course, we are going to dive into fabulous combinations of iconic books and the drinks they deserve to be enjoyed with (Bloody Mary and Dracula!). So, just like a light Sauvignon Blanc, we hope that you’ll enjoy this light conversation, with hints of creative inspiration, and the fine notes of a successful working relationship. You can follow Andrea at: @andreasomberg You can follow Amira at: @akmakansi You can find Amira's work here: Amazon: Indiebound: Barnes & Noble: Facebook: Instagram:

 Episode 41: #TenQueries with Agent Roseanne Wells | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:35

Agent Roseanne Wells of The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency goes through her query inbox, narrating for us both what's in there and what writers can learn from these works. We discuss everything from picture books to adult sci fi, tropes (for queries and in books) that work and are best avoided, and personalization that reads as such--and how we can tell if it's a simple cut and paste to all the agents on your list. We also talk about what works for illustrators, and styles in query sentences that set you apart in a bad way. We have a short lesson on Caps For Emphasis, and the difference between strong female characters and Strong Female Characters. We then share some of Roseanne's insights from her Worldbuilding 101 class (available in the Full Library), and talk about how even contemporary needs it--every book, after all, needs a world. You can follow Roseanne at

 Episode 40: Jennifer Thermes: Finding Your Creative Voice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:56

Julie talks with award-winning author-illustrator Jennifer Thermes about the relationship between text, images, and the picture book process--why it takes so many hours to find your creative voice--and how focusing on the long game is what will get you through the ups and downs of publishing. JENNIFER THERMES is a children’s book author, illustrator, and map illustrator. She graduated from Parsons School of Design with a degree in Communication Design. Her books have received a Kirkus starred review, been included in several Bank Street College lists, and been recognized in 3×3 Magazine’s Children’s Illustration Annual. A Horn Book Magazine review described Jennifer’s black & white art as “warm pencil drawings reminiscent of Lois Lenski.” She has created maps for books including Thornghost, The Emperor’s Ostrich, and The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street. Jennifer lives with her family and an assortment of cats, dogs, and uninvited mice in an 18th century farmhouse in Connecticut. Please visit, Instagram, and Twitter for the latest news!

 Episode 39: Editors, Query Mistakes, and The Best Cookies Ever | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:25

We talk with agent Whitney Ross at the Irene Goodman Literary Agency about why she never says she *doesn't* want something in her inbox, the different levels of editors and why they matter--why you don't need a master's to work in publishing. Then we veer into delicious territory, talking about the best chocolate chip cookies, how to hide the taste of cake mix, and Whitney's husband's winemaking abilities. We also talk about television reboots, including Jessica's favorite, Daria. We discuss common query mistakes, what they mean for you--and Whitney's best tips for maximizing your success. Whitney says: You HAVE to make the cookies. Here's the recipe:

 Episode 38: Most Likely to Survive The Zombie Apocalypse: Jen Gunnels at Tor/Macmillan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:07

Please note: This episode contains adult language, but because Jen uses it so artfully, we couldn't stand to bleep it out. If you're listening around children, you may wish to grab some headphones and/or prepare your explanations for what those words mean. Jessica Sinsheimer went into the Tor/Macmillan offices to speak with the intrepid editor Jen Gunnels. We talk about why she never sends an editorial letter without a phone call, why authors need to trust their teams--and how writers can sometimes put too much of themselves into the work. Jen also talks about how some writers assume editors will be adversarial for sport--and why that serves no one. However, argument, if in an open and constructive context, can result in better work. Ultimately, "All art is about a certain level of inherent trust." Jen illustrates that with a wonderful story of a woman onstage with a flaming feather boa, tossing it to her team to be put out safely. You'll note that there are a lot of mentions of fire in this episode. Jen has been a director, actor, dancer, theater critic, dramaturg, and musician. She can play piano, mandolin, recorder, violin, bodhrán, bouzouki--and she can sing, too. She's been a professional belly dancer, and is a third-degree black belt. She owns (and operates) a rapier, stiletto, some swords, throwing knives, dirks, bo staffs, nunchucks, and a pair of sai. She was voted by her doctoral cohort to be most likely to survive the apocalypse. Listen, and you'll see why. You can see Jen's full #MSWL here:

 Episode 37: The Literary Life with Lilly Dancyger | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:50

We spoke with Lilly Dancyger, writer, editor of Narratively, and creator of Memoir Monday, a weekly newsletter and monthly reading series co-curated by Narratively, Catapult, Granta, Guernica, The Rumpus, Longreads and Tin House. She has bylines all over town, a great sense of where to find the best fun in NYC (hint: it involves tens of thousands of people dressed up as sea creatures), and an anthology of women's anger called BURN IT DOWN coming out with Seal Press in 2019. If you've ever wondered what the literary life is like in NYC, Lilly is living it--and we love her reflections on deadlines, publication timelines, submissions, and success after rejection, too. Follow Lilly (who is wonderful on twitter) @lillydancyger. You can submit to Narratively (please do your research!) at, and subscribe to Memoir Monday (a truly wonderful collection of writing from amazing publications) for free at

 Episode 36: #TenQueries with Agent Kelly Van Sant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:59

Join Kelly Van Sant, literary agent at Red Sofa Literary, to analyze ten random queries in her inbox. Along the way, learn how she decides when to say yes, when to say no, and when to decide later--how common it is that people don't even get her name right--and why a query doesn't have to be perfect (but does have to be great) to get a yes. You can book time to go over YOUR query at Kelly Van Sant has a decade of experience in the publishing industry. She cut her teeth in New York working at esteemed literary agencies such as Writers House and Harold Ober Associates. After relocating to Minnesota, Kelly joined Llewellyn Worldwide as their Contracts Manager across all three imprints and then moved to Quarto Publishing Group USA where she led the contract department. She has worked as a freelance editor and is a teaching artist at the Loft Literary Center. She also blogs about writing and the publishing industry at Pub(lishing) Crawl and co-hosts their weekly podcast. Kelly’s career came full circle when she realized that her true passion was advocating on behalf of authors. She is now an agent at Red Sofa Literary and actively building a client list. You can learn more about her and what she’s looking for on her website

 Episode 35: Author Hanna Alkaf | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:37

We speak with the amazing Hanna Alkaf, author of THE WEIGHT OF OUR SKY, (Salaam Reads/Simon & Schuster, 2019), about multiple offers--managing your writing career and writing friendships when you don't live in the United States--and the amazing story of her role in Malaysia's most recent election. We left this talk feeling so hopeful for the world--and trust you will, too. You can follow Hanna here: or visit her site here: Here's the article Hanna mentioned about what to ask an agent during an offer call:

 Episode 34: #TenQueries with Jessica | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:25

We join Jessica to talk #TenQueries in her inbox, and what we can learn from them--and from submissions in general. In addition to common mistakes and inbox trends, you'll learn why you shouldn't overestimate your competition--and why all of Jessica's interns end up feeling better about their own writing after reading queries. (Hint: If you're doing ANY research, you're in the top 50%. This podcast counts as research! Feel good about yourself.)

 Episode 33: The Least Cynical People In Publishing | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:20:59

So Jessica threw a party. For interns--sixty of them, recommended by agents and editors. With a small recorder and a lot of luck, she asked them YOUR questions from the Facebook group--most of them fitting into one of three categories: 1) What advice do you have for interns? 2) What advice do you have for writers? 3) How would you change the industry, if you had all the money and power in the world? We love their answers, and talk about what it means to be the least cynical people in publishing today--and what it means for the future of the industry.

 Agents, Lawyers, and Book Contracts: With Agent And Lawyer Melissa Edwards | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:26:48

Melissa Edwards (agent at Stonesong Literary, former lawyer, and founder of MLE Consulting) joins us to talk contracts, specialties, and what happens when another kind of lawyer attempts to negotiate a publishing contract. You'll learn the worst clause she's ever seen (it's so bad you guys), what will stay the same pretty much no matter what--and why these rights matter. You'll also learn about why you don't HAVE to have an agent to get a good deal--and how Melissa's new venture, MLE Consulting, can make sure no one has to sign a bad contract again. See Melissa also has a great habit of sharing writing prompts with her friends. We asked for today's, and we really want to know! How does other people's advice play a role in your life? Talk about this with your new writing friends at


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