Episode 42: Literary Libations

The Manuscript Academy show

Summary: Grab your favorite drink, maybe a nice pot of hot oolong tea, or a dry martini with a twist. If you’re in the autumn mood, pour a nice glass of fresh-squeezed cider or a hot toddy complete with a cinnamon stick. No matter the choice, you’ll enjoy today’s podcast about drinks and books, writing and relationships. Agent Andrea Somberg of the Harvey Klinger Literary Agency and her fabulous client Amira K. Makansi join us to discuss Literary Libations: What to Drink with What You Read. We’ll chat about how Andrea and Amira met (a quick story!), their working relationship and the editorial process. And yes, of course, we are going to dive into fabulous combinations of iconic books and the drinks they deserve to be enjoyed with (Bloody Mary and Dracula!). So, just like a light Sauvignon Blanc, we hope that you’ll enjoy this light conversation, with hints of creative inspiration, and the fine notes of a successful working relationship. You can follow Andrea at: @andreasomberg You can follow Amira at: @akmakansi You can find Amira's work here: Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Literary-Libations-What-Drink-Read/dp/1510736581/ Indiebound: https://www.amazon.com/Literary-Libations-What-Drink-Read/dp/1510736581/ Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/literary-libations-amira-makansi/1127485872?ean=9781510736580 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amirakmakansi/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/akmakansi/