Episode 38: Most Likely to Survive The Zombie Apocalypse: Jen Gunnels at Tor/Macmillan

The Manuscript Academy show

Summary: Please note: This episode contains adult language, but because Jen uses it so artfully, we couldn't stand to bleep it out. If you're listening around children, you may wish to grab some headphones and/or prepare your explanations for what those words mean. Jessica Sinsheimer went into the Tor/Macmillan offices to speak with the intrepid editor Jen Gunnels. We talk about why she never sends an editorial letter without a phone call, why authors need to trust their teams--and how writers can sometimes put too much of themselves into the work. Jen also talks about how some writers assume editors will be adversarial for sport--and why that serves no one. However, argument, if in an open and constructive context, can result in better work. Ultimately, "All art is about a certain level of inherent trust." Jen illustrates that with a wonderful story of a woman onstage with a flaming feather boa, tossing it to her team to be put out safely. You'll note that there are a lot of mentions of fire in this episode. Jen has been a director, actor, dancer, theater critic, dramaturg, and musician. She can play piano, mandolin, recorder, violin, bodhrán, bouzouki--and she can sing, too. She's been a professional belly dancer, and is a third-degree black belt. She owns (and operates) a rapier, stiletto, some swords, throwing knives, dirks, bo staffs, nunchucks, and a pair of sai. She was voted by her doctoral cohort to be most likely to survive the apocalypse. Listen, and you'll see why. You can see Jen's full #MSWL here: http://www.manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/jennifer-gunnels/