Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Radio detectives, mystery, murder, double crossers, and hard boiled action.


 The Adventures of Sam Spade – Missing Newshawk. ep108, 480718 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:54

Sam is surprised, and glad to have his regular secretary back. Effie's vacation did her good, and she's ready to take Sam's report, although he has a condescending way of welcoming her back. An investigation takes him to the newspaper office where a reporter has found himself in danger from the mob. In his own way, Sam flirts with the stuffy secretary, and gets in to interview the news editor. How is the newspaper involved with a gang of racketeers? What dastardly deeds is the gang up to?A numbers racket leads to some dead bodies, and a thup on the head for Sam. Sam and the secretary soon find themselves in trouble as they get too close to the answer. Is she on the giving or receiving team of murder though? Escaping death, Sam exposes the truth behind the murders, and the trick that tipped off the gang on their shady numbers game. Is Effie really back to her usually dippy self, as she takes down the details from Sam? She can hardly keep the facts straight as Sam explains who was killed, and by who.

 Richard Diamond – The Man Who Hated Women. ep13, 490716 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:13

As murder hits the street, Richard Diamond sits in his office doing manly detective things... like knitting? Don't ask, just listen and believe it for yourself. Though he may not be doing much, the cops soon call in Richard to help with their rash of violent murder cases. Ever wonder why Dick has such a good relationship with the police force? Unlike other radio detectives, he is a former cop, and a well respected one among his peers. Reviewing a crime scene for himself, Richard is surprised to see how gruesome the psychotic killer leaves his victims. It doesn't put much of a damper on his typical wisecracking as he spots a clue that the cops missed. Is there something to the pattern in the killings? Will Richard be able to predict when and where the next murder will take place? Tag along with the surveylance team as Richard and the copsmake the late night bar scene. Have they found their man, or are the cops just playing peeping Tom as two consenting adults cuddle in the back seat of a car? How can they prevent the potential murder, and still get the goods on their man? Suspenseful moments unwind, and afterward Richard unwinds in song with his favorite girlfriend Hellen.

 Sherlock Holmes – Blarney Stone. ep207, 460318 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:32

As Harry Bartel visits Doctor Watson, he learns about a deadly mystery involving St Patrick's day, the Irish, and the Blarney Stone. The stone is part of a castle wall, where potential kissers of the stone need to be lowered upside-down over the wall by their feet. Relaxing in a pub, Holmes and Watson meet the friendly bar maid, and learn a little of a drama of romance in her life. Jeffery is a Littleton drunk, and a little too trusting of his business partner, Michael. When the bet to kiss the stone goes wrong, Jeffery is dead, and Holmes has a mystery on his hands. Being St Patrick's day, the cops don't want to work. Jeffery won't be any less dead if they wait one day to recover the body. Does Sherlock need it to figure out what went wrong? Using the clues he has, Holmes sets out to recreate the crime as best as he can. Is he putting himself in the same danger? Before it comes to the point of risking death, Holmes has it figured out, and with pressure on, the real killer is exposed.

 21st Precinct – The Nolen Brothers. 530707 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:00

Captain Canelli tells about his evening out with his wife. During intermission at the theater they are attending, the off duty cop phones in to the precinct, just to check in. The captain gets the low down on a bank robbery that the cops have been called out on, and the escaped suspects. Before you know it, the evening is ruined as the captain is called in to deal with the case. The cops on duty seem to have things under control, so the captain gets the reports on the nights activities. A shift change that's about to take place, an officer with an infraction of his duties, and a report about a street person with a tip off. The cops have the bank robbers holed up in a building, and the captain goes over the plans to move in on them. The robbers may be on the move, so the cops need to move fast. A gal is found who may be able to help, but will the cops be able to get the information from her in time? In a few moments of intense police drama, including a shoot out, the cops make their move and nab the escaped bank robbers. It's never over until the paperwork is done, and the captain gives a voiceover report of the follow up actions that were taken. Later, a forgiving wife awaits him at home. Lucky guy, many wives wouldn't see it that way.

 Casey, Crime Photographer – Acquitted. ep192, 470703. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:57

In the courtroom, a man is being sentenced, and is acquitted of his crime. Though the legal decision is made, tempers flare afterward, and a minor scuffle breaks out. Elsewhere, in the Blue Note Casey, Ann, and Ethylbert talk about the case. The acquitted man is no saint, and has a past as a professional robber. Casey learns that both the acquitted man and his lawyer have been gunned down. Who had it out for him. Did he know too much about mob activity? The cops have a likely suspect, but it just might be a frame up. Mike is a cop who threatened the released robber. Casey returns to the Blue Note to clear his head. Sure enough, Casey hits on an inspired thought, and pounces on the clue that was overlooked. Casey is sure he can clear Mike, and he's determined to know who the real killer is before the night is over. It won't be without risk or danger as Casey faces off with gangsters.

 Molle Mystery Theater (AFRS) Fifty Candles. 440725 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:01

Actually a Mystery Playhouse presentation. Match wits with Earl D Biggers, the creater of the Charlie Chan series of stories. George is an employee at a big corporation and is expected to keep quiet over a company secret. Instead of the promotion he expeccts, he's fired when he won't play ball. In voiceover, George shares the details that led to the situation. He socializes with the big wigs at a birthday party with his girlfriend, Mary. What's the significance of the 50 candles on the birthday cake? For that matter, whose birthday is it anyway? The body of his boss, Mr Drew turns up. The cops are on the scene to get the details of who the players in the story are, and where they were at the time of the killing. As suspicions fly, another murder takes place. The cops lock down the house until the mystery can be solved. The cops grab George for the killings, but do they have the right man? Its really just a ruse to lure out the real killer. Listen and learn who it is, and why those candles were so important. What motivated the killer to do the deed and abandon long term loyalties? Afterward is a teaser fir an upcoming feature. A man who has committed a perfect crime and gotten away with it. Except that somebody knows, and a psychological tale of terror and suspense is in store.

 Boston Blackie – Black Market Bowtie. 440721 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:48

As we listen to a married couple bicker, we learn the husband is hiding out from the mob, but it doesn't work. Boston Blackie, the enemy of those who make him anenemy, and the friend of those who have no friends gets involved. Farraday comes to Blackie, and asks him to help. Read that again, Farraday humbles himself and asks help. Wow. Strange facts pop up. The man is someone who was supposed to have died years ago. In the pool hall, shady characters talk looking for the man's wife. What kind of ordeal is going on? Can Blackie protect the woman? Can he track down the killer before he can strike again? What's so important about this woman anyway? The trail leads to a boxer, and an auto mechanic, but it's Farraday who may hold the clue they need. The race to find the missing woman is on. Can't figure it all out? Don't worry, you'll know at the end when Blackie tells Mary all about it.

 Box 13 – Speed To Burn. 490626. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:56

It's a high speed adventure from the start when Dan Holiday gets his instructions for meeting his next client. The mystery woman meets Dan at top speed on a wide open road. Dan doesn't know which to admire more, the 1938 automobile that cruises at 100MPH without a hitch, or the cute dame who asks him to help find her missing brother. The brother was a mechanic at a chop shop, and though Dan isn't so mechanically inclined, he takes on the job to pose as a mechanic for the racketeer. Though the mobster is hesitant, he takes on Dan as the new addition to his mechanic crew. Willl Dan find what he needs to know, before he is found out? Tension grows as the story develops. So far, the business appears on the level, but one day Dan discovers a clue. Since Dan has been diligent at his work, laying low, and building trust, a special job comes his way. It's paydirt for Dan when he is brought in on the racket to process stolen cars. Armed with the new inside scoop, what will Dan be able to do with it? Will he survive long enough to bring the car theft ring down? What ever happened to the brother that he was sent to find? The dangers won't end until after the high speed car chase, with tommy guns blasting away.

 Philip Marlowe – The Key Man. ep39, 490625 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:52

A client meets with Marlowe to find a man named Kovack. It's to ensure that nobody will stand in the way of a big budget sales deal. Why is the mousy little man so fearful? Why does he want Marlowe's protection? It doesn't take long for the man to end up dead. Marlowe gets the cops on the job, and takes his only clue, a key to start investigating. At a mechanics garage, Marlowe tries to learn about Barney Kovack. Hippo has no love lost over the dead man. What does he know about a brown eyed, blonde dame? Soon Philip finds himself confronting Kovack, along with the business end of his pistol. Getting away for now, Marlowe manages to have found Rhonda. What's her connection to the dead man, and Barney? Keys seem to hold the clue to figure it all out, and a key sends Marlowe to his next brush with danger. Somebody is going to get roughed up, and this time it's not Marlowe. A standoff with the cops gets intense, but do the cops have the wrong man? Philip helps diffuse the situation, then exp0lains it all to the cops. What tipped him off? Where did the bad guys go wrong?

 Boston Blackie – Larry the Kid VS Savini. 440623 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:01

Larry is a boxer who is approached to take a dive. The mob prefers their man, Savini, but will the boxer go through with it? Where can he turn? With a firend like Boston Blackie on his side, and taking his advice to go to the cops, the gangsters are held at bay. Or are they? Inspector Farraday didn't have enough to hold his gangsters on, and Larry seems to be in danger, especially when Blackie gets a thump on the head. Time to shift gears and follow a new plan. What can Blackie do that the cops can't? Another fall guy is approached by the mob, but Blackie is ready for them this time. Listen to see how he manages to outsmart the gangsters, and deliver them over to inspector Farraday.

 Philip Marlowe – The Busy Body. ep38, 490618 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:49

At the end of an already too long day, Philip Marlowe's next adventure is about to begin with an encounter with a blue eyed dame. miss Stewart is sure that her boyfriend is missing, but Philip isn't so sure. Investigating his house, Agatha Lambrigger is a busy body of a neighbor with the dirt on the man next door, and the women who pour in and out his doors. Such noise, drinking, and carousing! Over at Mr Howard's house, Marlowe snoops inside when he findds an open door. leo comes calling, and clues point to involvement with the mob. After a thump on the head, Marlowe awakens in a closet, and with the sounds of the neighbor lady screaming. Is there a body in the yard, or not? Across town, Philip encounters another dame with ties to Dean Howard. Has he been set up for something? Liz Stewart has been caught in her lies, but will she come clean with Marlowe? The plot to steal bonds is exposed, and Philip discovers that murder is definitely a part of it as well. There's still a missing piece to the picture, and danger in store for Marlowe. . Another murder is afoot, but can Marlowe race across town in time to prevent it? In epilog, Philip shares how he figured it all out with the help of the overactive imagination of the nosy neighbor.

 Casey, Crime Photographer – Unlucky Numbers. ep345, 500615 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:33

In the Blue Note, Casey, Ann, and Ethylbert discuss their latest assignment. It's a story that'll break up the numbers racket, and a visit to the Polichek home is made. Why is Mrs Polichek on the edge of er nerves, and in tears? She shares her sob story about how her husband's betting on the numbers is ruining her life. Get into Mr Polichek's head as he also explainshis gambling addiction to the lisening reporter and photographer. How can the cops help Casey learn about who runs the numbers racket? Will Casey be able to set up his own sting operation to get the goods on the racketeers? It's off to the pool halls and the low lifes who are there, and Casey learns that he's a target of wrath if the gangsters ever get their hands on him. Things will go really bad for Casey if the thugs realize who he is, but will he manage to break the racket apart? Will the bad guys be too untouchable? Will Casey listen to Ann, and steer clear of danger? What if they play their own sting operation to lure Casey into a trap? Will Casey and Ann be taking for a long ride that they won't be coming back from? After desperate measures, and a little bruising, Casey shares with Ethylbert and Ann how he solved the case. What about the Polichek's? Have they learned their lesson and cured the numbers addiction?

 Philip Marlowe – The Pigeons Blood. ep37, 490611 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:42

Get this, and get it straight! Crime's a suckers road, and those who travel it wind up in the gutter, prison, or the grave. A rare ruby is missing, and the fair young French lady claims she knows who stole it. Going on a lead from Charlene, Marlowe finds himself on the seedy side of town, talking to a guy named Chalky, and the recipient of a thump on the head. After following a string of characters, a body is turned up, and the possible killer could turn out to be Marlowe's client. Did she do it? Who else would want the man dead? What is the next move for Philip, right after notifying the cops of the body? The clues are stacking up, and Marlowe knows where to head to confront his killer and jewel thief. The story is out, but there's still some unsettled business for Marlowe.

 Crime Club – Murder Rents A Room. 470605. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:15

A Story of an old homestead that sold hospitality, until death bought her. The grand old homestead was once a successful plantation, but those better days are long in the past. At the passing of the owner, his will is read and the four kids divvy up the property. Kate, Kitty, and Lee get a third each, but Jeff is cut off completely. Uncle Brock's four heirs are all suspicious over their inheritance, and of each other. The cops are still lingering to investigate the murder of the old man, uncle Brock. There's a matter of stock certificates that are thought to be worthless, but are they? Are there any family secrets that linger, and could lead to more murders? Skeletons emerge as Kitty and Katie get a little catty with each other. None of the kids are very nice characters and all have reason to commit murder: Jeff the drunk who has been cut out of the will, Kitty the returning synical gal from New York, Kate the long suffering care taker of the old gent, Lee the banker and handler of the old man's investments. Though the town sheriff seems soft boiled and like a kindly uncle, he also asks the pointed questions to get beneath the surface. With emotions and human nature fired up, he steps back and lets the killer show them self. Is there going to be a frame up? Drama builds, and the odds are narrowed when another body shows up in the swamp. Plot twists serve to drive emotions into a fever pitch. Who did the killing? When the cops lay out all their clues, the killer is nabbed, and the whole story comes out.

 Box 13 – Treasure Of Hang Lee. ep41, 490529. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:46

Dan gets a letter instructing him to do a little shopping. What do the cryptic instructions mean? Probably murder, but it all has Dan's interest. At the curio shop in chinatown, Dan asks for the mysterious piece of jade, taking care to follow his instruction to the letter. Dan Holiday is quickly whisked away to a part of the shop that the public never sees. Wat now? Where will this strange shopping trip lead from here? Dan learns about this particular piece. It is only a third of a set, it has Chinese writing on it that is part of a larger message, it's invaluable, but is it worth anything without the rest of the set? The aged shop owner gives Dan the jade as he sends Dan on his way. Back at his apartment, Dan gets a phone call from his mysterious letter writer. Get ready for plot twitsts to explode. A woman with a gun shows up to intercept Dan. Dan finds himself mixed up in murder, revenge, and the object of a set up. If Dan keeps his meeting with his letter writer, will he again be facing down death? When Dan wakes up from his thump on the head, he finds himself in the care of the old Curio shop owner. More death and murder falls onto Dan's lap. Dan has been on the recieving end of the gunplay, and thumps long enough, now he starts doing his own investigating. The fats that are turned up lead Dan to the secret, and the treasure that the jade is part of, but first he needs to know who he can trust. The mystery is unraveled, and the real treasure is exposed.


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