Molle Mystery Theater (AFRS) Fifty Candles. 440725

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Actually a Mystery Playhouse presentation. Match wits with Earl D Biggers, the creater of the Charlie Chan series of stories. George is an employee at a big corporation and is expected to keep quiet over a company secret. Instead of the promotion he expeccts, he's fired when he won't play ball. <br> In voiceover, George shares the details that led to the situation. He socializes with the big wigs at a birthday party with his girlfriend, Mary. What's the significance of the 50 candles on the birthday cake? For that matter, whose birthday is it anyway? The body of his boss, Mr Drew turns up. <br> The cops are on the scene to get the details of who the players in the story are, and where they were at the time of the killing. As suspicions fly, another murder takes place. The cops lock down the house until the mystery can be solved. The cops grab George for the killings, but do they have the right man? Its really just a ruse to lure out the real killer. Listen and learn who it is, and why those candles were so important. What motivated the killer to do the deed and abandon long term loyalties? <br> Afterward is a teaser fir an upcoming feature. A man who has committed a perfect crime and gotten away with it. Except that somebody knows, and a psychological tale of terror and suspense is in store. <br>