Box 13 – Speed To Burn. 490626.

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: It's a high speed adventure from the start when Dan Holiday gets his instructions for meeting his next client. The mystery woman meets Dan at top speed on a wide open road.<br> Dan doesn't know which to admire more, the 1938 automobile that cruises at 100MPH without a hitch, or the cute dame who asks him to help find her missing brother. The brother was a mechanic at a chop shop, and though Dan isn't so mechanically inclined, he takes on the job to pose as a mechanic for the racketeer. Though the mobster is hesitant, he takes on Dan as the new addition to his mechanic crew. Willl Dan find what he needs to know, before he is found out? Tension grows as the story develops. <br> So far, the business appears on the level, but one day Dan discovers a clue. Since Dan has been diligent at his work, laying low, and building trust, a special job comes his way. It's paydirt for Dan when he is brought in on the racket to process stolen cars. Armed with the new inside scoop, what will Dan be able to do with it? Will he survive long enough to bring the car theft ring down? What ever happened to the brother that he was sent to find? <br> The dangers won't end until after the high speed car chase, with tommy guns blasting away.<br>