A Regenerative Future with Matt Powers show

A Regenerative Future with Matt Powers

Summary: A Regenerative Future with Matt Powers is a podcast focused on ushering in a syntropic future of abundance and regeneration using permaculture. Hear from experts from all over the world who are actively working to reverse the damage we've done to our ecosystems and ourselves. Learn how to apply these lessons to your own life and help bring about the abundant future we all desire!

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 Episode 83 Bruce Lanphear MD of Non-Toxic Irvine on Common Toxins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:17

How is it that 100% of children tested have lead, PCBs, and more toxic substances in their blood? What can we do to cleanse or protect ourselves? Bruce Lanphear MD of NonToxic Irvine takes us through the history of lead detection, lead poisoning rules, common toxins, and how to cleanse and protect from these toxins as best we can. Join us for an eye-opening interview! Bruce Lanphear at the Children's Health Symposium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=512&v=VsFPZ2r3oUI Little Things Matter: The Impact of Toxins on the Developing Brain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6KoMAbz1Bw Non-Toxic Irvine: http://www.nontoxicirvine.org

 Episode 82 Erik Ohlsen on Building Businesses & Community | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:59

Erik Ohlsen co-founder of Permaculture Artisans and the Permaculture Skills Center has a wealth of knowledge and experience that he shares with us in an incredible podcast on building businesses and community to spread regeneration. Check out the Ecological Landscape Mastery course - start on your landscaping dreams today!! http://erikohlsen.com/eco-landscape-mastery-school/

 Permaculture = Freedom | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:14:16

Permaculture = Freedom Off the Grid - DIY Energy, Water, Food, Fiber & Medicine Save $, Spend Less, & Get Taxed Less Work less for $, Work more for Holistic Worth Independence => Freedom: US Independence led to Revolution & Freedom Permaculture Relocalizes, Decentralizes Control, & Empowers Individuals, Families, & Communities to be more ethical & FREE Liberate yourself with Permaculture; Find Freedom in Working with Nature. Grow Abundantly, Learn Daily, & Live Regeneratively, Matt Powers

 Episode 82 Bruce Blumberg Of UC Irvine On Toxins & Prof Rattan Lal On Carbon Sequestration | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:26

Get some critical insights from university professors Bruce Blumberg of UC Irvine & NonToxic Irvine and Dr. Rattan Lal of OSU. With Bruce Blumberg learn how you can protect yourself and your loved ones while keeping a keen eye out for distractions and misinformation. With Dr. Lal, get introduced to the numbers and science behind carbon sequestration the soils, and how exactly we can accomplish a real draw down.

 Why Bother Gardening? (or The Top 6 Reasons to Garden This Year) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:21:54

Why Bother Gardening?

Isn’t it going to be hard to even approach the cost efficiency and quality of store bought products? How can amateurs even compete? Actually, Amateurs lead in terms of growing. Those farmers have to tend acres and acres of food in most instances, so their products don’t get the same amount of individual attention and care. We can improve our soil, plants, and our products much easier because of the size of our systems and the fact that we aren’t making picture perfect foods for a store scenario. A lot of what those farmers grow never makes it to sale - most of their work gets thrown out, not even properly composted and returned to their fields. We always hear about food waste, but think about it from the farmer’s perspective: all that work just to be thrown out? It’s a hard situation and makes it harder for them to care specifically about their crops and plants like home gardeners readily do. You know what I’m talking about: how many times has a gardening friend of yours begged you to come and check out this amazing tree - you’ll never believe the fruit on it this year or you HAVE to taste this! Gardeners have more enthusiasm on average because they know why Gardening is so special. The Top 6 Reasons to Garden this Year Save $$$ on Seed & Food: Grow, Preserve, Seed Save, & Barter Best Taste - Nothing like it in stores Nutrient Density - Eat Less & Stay Full Longer for better digestive health & a longer lifespan Selection Diversity - Grow the rarest foods that stores can’t even hope to carry Light Exercise - may start out with digging but ends with daily walks with a basket Self-Reliance - Confidence, Freedom, Security, & Community Stability Make this the Year you start that Garden or take your Garden to the Next Level!

 Do Patterns Even Matter? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:14:46

Why do Patterns even Matter? Why is Permaculture Focused on Pattern Literacy? What is a Pattern? Patterns are things that repeat in a predictable way. My Story: Pattern literacy is both basic and foundational, so if you don’t recognize it readily, you can make grievous errors. For example, in my first garden I placed the rows pointed downhill which in a dry hot climate promotes run off, erosion, drying of the land and overall stress in the garden - I didn’t see the overall pattern and how to interact with it so I couldn’t setup my garden properly. As soon as I began studying Permaculture with Geoff Lawton, I quickly recognized my issue and literally tore up my entire spring garden, reset it, and replanted it. How else could I have shown images of the garden to my classmates in Geoff’s course? I had to do it the right way! What other patterns are they? 
Pests are part of a Pattern - just wait a few days and see if something comes to remove them. If your soil, plants, and system are healthy, something will come to rescue your plants. Whenever a plant is stressed they are either calling for an attack on themselves or a rescue from an attack. Recognizing the signs and patterns of each is vital to managing a garden wisely. There are MANY Patterns - some just seem like Organized Shapes, but even these have purpose. WAVE example - Sound, Light, Vibration. off/on, night/day, winter/summer, heart beats, breathing (chest rises and falls), the rise and fall of land, the meander of streams and rivers (slows the water and increases the life capacity and cycling), waves on the ocean (starting with a hurricane spiral and ending in a spiral), waves of sound, vibration, pleasure pain are all on a spectrum of waves - all viruses and tumors have unique frequencies they resonate at - the Pulse of On Off that makes a wave defines EVERYTHING on this Planet. Day Night. Summer Winter. Male Female. Predator Prey. Good Evil. Tides. Life. Plot/Story. Maybe getting carried away here, BUT You See the Point or the Pattern that is ;) Grow Abundantly, Learn Daily, & Live Regeneratively,
Matt Powers

 Think Gardening Is Expensive? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:13:54

Think Gardening is Too Expensive? Seed Save, Swap, & Forage - You can take 1 packet and turn it into a gallon of seeds in only a few seasons. Use Free Resources - Craigslist, FreeCycle, NextDoor, etc. Pallets, Fencing, Firewood, Manure, Old/Wet Straw, Plants Use Natural Farming Techniques - Hand tools, Throw Sow, Self Seeders, Simple, Easy, Cheap, & Rhobust Get Connected to your Local Community - Locals help, teach, & share If you think Gardening is expensive, you should see what cancer’s costs are. Our health has no price. Growing a vibrant and diverse garden and food forest are the best defense against sickness, aging, disease, cancer, inflammation, and deficiency that we have. Grow a garden for your Future Care and the care of the earth and all those who rely upon it. Grow Abundantly, Learn Daily, & Live Regeneratively, Matt Powers

 10 Keys To A Regenerative 2018 Pt 1 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:32:51

10 Keys To A Regenerative 2018 Pt 1 by Matt Powers

 10 Keys To A Regenerative 2018 Pt 2 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:21:50

10 Keys To A Regenerative 2018 Pt 2 by Matt Powers

 The 6 Keys To Winter Gardening | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:17:44

The 6 Keys to Winter Gardening Are you intimidated by Winter Gardening? I was, and it held my gardening in the spring and summer back for years. I let the weeds take over every winter thinking I couldn’t garden despite their abundance and growth, and I rationalized that I was letting the land “rest” which is an old paradigm that doesn’t work as it used to because the world has changed. The fallow periods in European fields of the middle ages allowed wild elements from bordering forest and wild pastures to reinoculate their fields and reset them. With our wild systems in stress, distant from most human populations, and in severe decline, we cannot hope for the rest periods to be ones of large regeneration in our fields and gardens. Instead we need to intentionally ramp up the regeneration by wisely choosing to take correct steps to align our systems to nature’s patterns and cycles using permaculture. Once I started using these keys, winter gardening became possible and in many ways EASIER than spring and summer gardening because: - things moved slower it was easier to adapt and respond - there are limited options so decisions are easier - there’s nothing else growing on in winter it’s easy to be excited about your garden success! The 6 Keys to Winter Gardening Start Earlier than you think Choose Plants Wisely: Brassicas & Legumes mostly: Siberian, winter, hiver, shortest, fall, hunger gap Orientation & Placement Mulch Blankets Water when it’s Warm & Water minimally Cloche/Hoop House/Greenhouse/Old Windows (Maybe) Even if it’s too late to start early for you this year, consider an early spring garden to prep your soil and grow in that pesky hunger gap. You can garden in many places year round but it takes some planning and strategy! Good Luck & Keep Growing! Grow Abundantly, Learn Daily, & Live Regeneratively, Matt Powers

 The 6 Keys To Time - Wise Gardening | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:16:06

The 6 Keys to Time-Wise Gardening Don’t have time to garden? 9-5 Job + Family + Staying Fit? Can’t be Consistent: Things always come up? Don’t want to spend all that time only to see it all go to waste? My Story: 2 acres mostly managed with a knife My wife, my job, homeschooling, & the kitchen The 6 Keys to Time-Wise Gardening Weed with a Knife or Scythe Throw Sow Planting between Perennials Automate Watering Zonal Planting Soil Prep: Winter cover crop & Compost: A Stitch in Time Saves 9 Calendar Approximate Harvest Times Don’t have time? Get Organized & Make Time this Year! Grow an AMAZING Garden without Wasting Time!

 Too Many Weeds In Your Garden? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:23:42

Too Many Weeds? Do weeds crowd out your food before you know it? My Story - Weeds took over my garden!!! Test your Soils pH in Multiple Areas Alkaline Soils = Nitrates = Weeds & Annuals = Vegetative Growth Acidic Soils = Ammonium = Perennials = Reproductive Growth (Fruit) Obviously super acidic or alkaline soils exist and are neither suitable for most garden vegetables. You can change their constitution as long as what made them acidic or alkaline is not a constant presence or constantly accumulating. Compost which is soil life & organic matter acts as a universal pH buffer. What To Do Compost Compost Teas & Extracts Cover Crops & other Nutrient Accumulators Legumes & other Nitrogen Fixers Ripping/Broadforking Chop & Drop Sometimes Earthworks Sometimes Biochar SO Don’t Pull Your Weeds: Chop & Drop them! WHY? They Accumulate the Nutrients Lacking in that Soil They Generate Organic Matter You can Chop BEFORE they Form Seed! It Leans into the Succession Use Compost & Grow Better! Grow Abundantly, Learn Daily, & Live Regeneratively, Matt Powers

 Are Poor Soils Holding You Back? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:24:02

Are Poor Soils Holding You BACK? My Story - DCG to Rich Soil in Months Clay = High in Minerals, Excellent at Bonding, Retains Water Sandy = Well Draining, Easy to Inoculate, Accepts Water Readily Silty = Easy to Work, Makes Rich & Fertile Soils BUT… Clay - Can Repel Water, Can Resist Aeration & Movement Sand - Can be Devoid of Organic Matter & Life beyond Pioneer Species, Can be Highly Alkaline, Can Move On its Own Silt - Can Wash or Blow Away, Easy to Erode, & Easy to Use Up the Nutrient Bank The Missing Ingredients in all of this are Organic Matter & Soil Life You can make good soil out of pure sand, silt, or even clay, you just need enough organic matter and the correct biology present. Dr. Elaine Ingham has proven this as have others. How is it Possible? What can I do? Grow & Chop & Drop the plants that accumulate the nutrients and biomass that your soil and needs to accomplish the goals you have for that site. What to Grow? C4 Grasses for C&OM - Explosive? Carbon Sequestration Kings, Carbon = Organic Matter Legumes & all Nitrogen Fixers for Nitrogen (& Biomass - cowpeas = high C&N) Mustard for Phosphorous & Potassium (pioneers = brassicas partner with actinobacteria which acts a lot like fungi) Daikon Radishes - Aeration, N Scavenge & Release, & Phosphorous Peas & Fava Beans - Winter cover & N&C Comfrey - OM - Minerals? More like Protein, Fiber & Mucopolysaccarides which would call in large numbers of soil life in to break down. Duke’s Phytochemical database doesn’t show them as Dynamic as other plants. Every plants accumulates a spectrum of nutrients that fluctuates with its environment and genetic parentage. Comfrey isn’t “bad” but it isn’t what many have made it out to be: it doesn’t have those hyper deep roots and there aren’t more nutrients deeper - most nutrients are found in the top 6-8” of soil. If you have what looks like good soil color and some organic matter but are lacking minerals like in Missouri, you may find you still are having issues. You may need to bring in a few things. For one, fungi and bacteria in the soil trap and hold minerals and keep them cycling, so make sure your soils have a thriving soil foodweb economy. Minerals (Kelp, Seaweed, Fish Emulsion - avoid mining minerals) Machines (Farm-scale Chop & Drop, Planting, & Harvesting, or you may need to rip/keyline the site before you can really affect great change to the soil - you may need swales) Animals - Animal pressure can dramatically change a site in ways not possible through work with a machine or even by hand. Holistically managed grazing can transform many sites that do not respond well to human interaction. You could DIY everything with a shovel, seeds, and time. That’s what I did in Central Valley California with 140F soils, DCG granite that was bullet proof, & constant animal pressure. It’s possible. How Fast? Depends on your diligence. In areas I compost tea’d, swaled, and mulched heavily, it was months, but in other areas further away from my zone 1 it took a couple years to reach the same level of change. Start Today: get the right seeds & prep the soil the right way this year! Grow Abundantly, Learn Daily, & Live Regeneratively, Matt Powers

 The Top 5 Reasons To Grow Perennials Over Annuals | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:14:22

Top 5 Reasons to Grow Perennials, not Annuals 1. Soil Building = Carbon Sequestration 2. Longterm & Stable 3. Low Maintenance yet High Yields 4. Supports Biodiversity 5. Easy to Start The only reason annuals are more prevalent in our diet and gardens in practice is due to their quick return (within that season or year) and scaling up ability of seed & yield, but it feeds into a cycle that outstrips the land, soil, and even our health. The age of valuing short term gain over future systemic stability is ending rapidly. Even the World Bank has decided to divest completely from oil and gas extraction. - Plant a Tree, 20 Trees, or better yet a diverse Food Forest - Eat a Perennial-based Diet - Local & Native - Live & Eat Seasonally

 The 3 Most Important Steps To Working With Nature | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:17:35

Are you an experienced gardener but still looking for a way to grow the way Nature does? Without constant costly inputs? How to Grow with Nature - a cyclical pattern 1. Observe & Study (experience + book knowledge) 2. Alignment (Climate, Site Energies: Solar Path, Water & Wind Pressures, Slope, Aspect) 3. “Accept Feedback”: Continue to Observe & Study through Reflection & Discussion in order to adapt to improve alignment or realign to new insights or phenomenon. Methods of Alignment - “STUN: Strategic Total Utter Neglect” Mark Shepherd - Throw Sow (broadcasting) - Dry Farming - The Best Seeds/Plants from the Worst Areas - Broadforking/Keyline Ripping, not Tilling - Compost & Natural Inputs like Legumes/CoverCrops/MulchCrops - Companion Planting/Polycultures/Plant Guilds Watch the full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQuL9neCoO0 Check out Permaculture Gardening 2018: http://www.thepermaculturestudent.com/course-signup/permaculture-gardening-with-matt-powers


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