A Regenerative Future with Matt Powers show

A Regenerative Future with Matt Powers

Summary: A Regenerative Future with Matt Powers is a podcast focused on ushering in a syntropic future of abundance and regeneration using permaculture. Hear from experts from all over the world who are actively working to reverse the damage we've done to our ecosystems and ourselves. Learn how to apply these lessons to your own life and help bring about the abundant future we all desire!

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 Are You Listening To Your Gophers? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:09:16

Gophers can drive one to distraction but dealing with them naturally is possible. Listen and gain some insight into the great struggle between man and subterranean critter. It may take some reflection to move forward :) PS: Don't forget we have a Kickstarter that needs you! We are only at 50% and running out of time! Join this INCREDIBLE AMAZING Course with 30 AMAZING INSTRUCTORS - The Advanced Permaculture Student Online!! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mattpowers/the-advanced-permaculture-student-online

 Why Did We Move to Washington? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:03:37

It wasn't for the blackberries... but they are an incredible edible reparative mechanism of this area :) If you haven't checked out the Kickstarter for The Advanced Permaculture Student 2, it's LIVE & We Need Your Help: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mattpowers/the-advanced-permaculture-student-online

 Gardening without Fences but with Deer is Possible with Matt Powers | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:07:30

You can grow an abundance and work with the local wildlife - listen and learn how! Join the Kickstarter for the Advanced Permaculture Student Online: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mattpowers/the-advanced-permaculture-student-online

 Episode 72 Grant Schultz Talks Rewilding and Versaland Under Attack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:07

Join us with Advanced Permaculture Student Online instructor Grant Schultz as we talk about Rewilding! Help Versaland & Support Grant - Watch the Video Posted Here: https://www.facebook.com/organicgrant/videos/10102092038140973/?fref=mentions

 Episode 71 Reading The Last Chapter Of The Permaculture Student 2 - Get It Free! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:52

From the Permaculture Student 2: "Permaculture is a way of seeing the world to solve problems holistically and ethically. It’s not just how to garden, run a business, or design a farm; it is a lens that allows us to recognize the patterns and attributes of the natural world of which we are part of, inextricably. When you study permaculture in-depth, it changes how you view everything. You see whole systems everywhere and whole systems within those systems. You start to identify and recognize the plants in your local area. You notice the sun path. You also start to include earth care and future care in your planning, thinking, problem solving, teaching, daily living, and relationships. Your peers will notice. Your family will notice. You will notice and reflect more than you ever have. Once you begin to see yourself as part of a cycle, you begin to have more choices in your behavior both ecologically and socially. Permaculture helps us to recognize our place in the natural order but also the limitless possibilities. We see how we can help, how we can prosper, how we can connect beneficially, and how we can ensure a bright future for all. Despite all the damage we’ve done and continue to do collectively, we can be the most powerful creative forces on earth. We can set the stage for nature to restore the degraded and damaged ecosystems, and we can encourage and support that transition through our daily lives and work. We are not helpless; we are the only ones with the power to reverse the trend, and we can make an abundance and heal our communities at the same time. Use this book, its references, the peer reviewers’ courses, and your own research and experiences to lead you to more effective regenerative patterns. There has never been a greater need for ethical, regenerative living at any point in human history than there is now. You now carry with you the information and tools to redesign our world to be regenerative not destructive, to teach people to be producers not just consumers, and to live ethically not just lawfully. The future is in your hands. You are not alone; the most powerful forces on earth are working with you. Go out and make it real in your own life. Start small and go big.Share your work. Go viral.The best is yet to come.The world’s potential is beyond our wildest dreams." -Matt Powers Download The Permaculture Student 2 FREE & Join the Launch Team Here: http://www.thepermaculturestudent.com/download-ps2-free

 The Advanced Permaculture Student Online is LIVE on Kickstarter!! | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:00:56

Learn What's Possible: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mattpowers/the-advanced-permaculture-student-online

 Help us Launch the Advanced Course and get PS2 FREE | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:01:47

Join the Launch Team & Get a digital copy of the Permaculture Student 2 FREE: http://www.thepermaculturestudent.com/download-ps2-free

 Episode 70 How To Have An Amazing Garden And A 9 - 5 Job Plus A Family Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:46

Have you ever wondered how some people who wrk full time right alongside you have epic gardens with yields all summer long? How do they do that? They make it look effortless. Meanwhile you’re struggling to get things watered, to amend the soil, to prune, to harvest, to chop and drop, and it kind of steals the fun from you? I was there! A lady up the hill grew 10,000 lbs of tomatoes on a 1/4 of an acre! What was she doing!? I actually have a video of what she was doing on my Facebook page and Youtube - I’ll link to it in the description - she was irrigating her gardens and orchards with her duck pond water - with duck manure! It fed those tomatoes superbly! I didn’t have the money, ducks, permission, or really mechanical know how to pull her system off on my land. Plus it was so dry where we were the debate over water was always always an issue. Perpetually pouring new water into a pond didn’t make sense for us. How could I get from point A to point B with no real money! Well I figured it out and did it while still a public school teacher struggling to make ends meet - I scaled up to a full 2 acre garden managed with nothing but a knife, a shovel, manure, animals, straw, pallets, some fencing (in the early stages before I stopped using them), and animal feed - it took a progression, one you can see on Powers Permaculture Family Farm on Facebook if you’d like to go back in time and see my trial and error! It took some tinkering and some places are more stubborn than others but I changed our barren decomposed granite into rich deep dark chocolate colored loam in only a few seasons and in some places within a season... Read the full transcript here: http://www.thepermaculturestudent.com/blog/2017/8/28/how-to-have-an-epic-garden-with-a-9-5-full-time-job

 Book Tour & Advanced Course BOOK SALE! | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:04:01

In celebration of the Book Tour & the Advanced Permaculture Student Online launch 9/4, we are having 30% Off Sale on All Books!! http://www.thepermaculturestudent.com/shop/ You can watch this as a video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWmi9vlRlF8

 Episode 69 The Advanced Permaculture Student Online Course In The Works | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:02

Have you ever wished there was a professional career path for Permaculture, not just gardening or farming, but as in all regenerative work?
 Me too! As a high school teacher who’s job it was to prepare young adults for their careers, I was always searching for better options for my students. When I took my Geoff Lawton Online PDC in 2014 he kept mentioning books for school and children, and I went looking for them and I couldn’t find anything but a school garden book for teachers, and I though it couldn’t be that, but after asking Geoff lawton repeatedly about it, I was told that was the book he was referring to, and I was frustrated: how could there be nothing for kids out there?
 How’s anyone supposed to make a living at this? LISTEN FOR MORE!!! Don't miss the launch - Join our mailing list & get 10 Incredible Permaculture Practices FREE: http://www.thepermaculturestudent.com/10-incredible-permaculture-practices

 Episode 68 Simple Soil Solutions With Matt Powers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:39

Simple Soil Solutions with Matt Powers Have you ever looked into some of these newly popularized soil amendment systems and just felt overwhelmed by the steps, time, labor, and costs for special ingredients and inputs? Shouldn’t working with nature be easier - not like an advanced chemistry class recipe? It really doesn’t need to be all that complicated. Soil is pretty simple actually though people are making money all over the world making it sound complex. I’ve worked for years now with Dr. Elaine Ingham a leading global soil scientist who’s groundbreaking work has changed composting and soil biology forever as we know it, and she can break it down to cartoon levels and even has described how she’d do this on video one time when I was visiting and filming her farm. It’s so simple children can understand it in saturday morning cartoon format. Can you dig it? Listen in & learn more... Learn How to Build an Abundant Future with Matt in this free series: http://www.thepermaculturestudent.com/howtofightclimatechange

 Episode 67 Advanced Seed Saving With Matt Powers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:26

Get the BEST Seed Possible! Key TakeAways: - Select Seed from the Best Plants in the Worst Soils or Conditions - Select Seed from the Earliest Plants and Save Them Separately - Use Disease & Pests to Increase Disease & Pest Resistance - Be a Rough and Messy Seed Saver Learn more about Seed Saving with an online course on permaculture that features seed to table to preservation lessons: http://www.thepermaculturestudent.com/course-signup/the-permaculture-student-online-course

 Episode 66 Tigre Pickett Of Wild Playground On Rewilding Human Culture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:29:15

Tigre Pickett and Matt Powers discuss a diversity of topics under the great umbrella tent of Rewilding. Relationships, parenting, health, and more are the mix! Learn more about Tigre & Lola's work here: https://wildplayground.com

 Have You Tried All The Organic Garden Tips, But Still Don't Have The Garden You Want? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:48

Click Here: http://www.thepermaculturestudent.com/course-signup/permaculture-gardening-with-matt-powers Have you followed all the organic gardening advice out there that you can find and are you still not seeing the kind of results you’re looking?  I was there - I wanted a giant garden so I could stop paying huge sums of money for organic food and still provide safe food for my family (my wife is a 3 time cancer survivor and we have two young boys and I was just a substitute teacher at that point - so this HAD to work for me). The deer, wild pigs, ground squirrels, the dead dirt, the drought, the heat. It was all so extreme in the Central Valley of California that most people thought it was impossible to garden there unless you spent more money and time than it was worth. I didn’t have money - I had the ability to research, study, and test the most cutting edge and advanced gardening techniques though - I had access to land and the internet. There are many amazing techniques, methodologies, and disciplines out there, but none of them cut it in the 140°F soils, severe drought, and heavy animal pressure that I was experiencing. It took permaculture design course for me to understand the principles behind my situation, so that I could partner with nature and grow hundreds of pounds of food effortlessly in 2 acre year-round garden without fences while growing feet of soil and astonishing local farmers and enchanting PBS viewers and local visitors. No offsite inputs were used aside from straw, animal feed, manure, and seeds and it was managed with only hand tools.  Is this just for folks in my climate or able-bodied folk like me? No, it’s based on universal natural principles: I’ve taught students how to apply permaculture principles to gardening in all the major climates and on all continents excepting Antartica, helping hundreds of students of all ages and abilities in my online courses over the pasts 2 years. My students are saving gallons of seed, growing hundreds of pounds of food, and growing rampant gardens of unruly beauty - many of my students are also becoming leaders and teachers in their regions and communities, and you can too. You’ve waiting long enough for the garden of your dreams - your time is now: http://www.thepermaculturestudent.com/course-signup/permaculture-gardening-with-matt-powers

 Episode 65 - Hope and Climate Change | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:05:58

Have you ever thought about the magnitude of the Climate Change problem? How many people there are now? How little there is left of pristine nature? Has it ever just eaten up your hope? It’ll ruin your day - it could ruin a week, a month, your everyday - your island might be washing away, BUT the power, rapidity, and awe inspiring capabilities of nature will always inspire those of us willing to observe. HOPE is a product of Observation, research, practice, and reflection. We feel hope when we see a positive future for ourselves and our communities. HOPE is a product of Observation, Research, Practice, and Reflection. We feel hope when we see a positive future for ourselves and our communities.  - Observe Nature - Look at how the ruins of Detroit has been reclaimed by nature. - Research the Power of Nature - The Loess Plateau, Geoff Lawton’s Greening the Desert, Al Baydha Project, & NanoClay. Fungi can eat cigarette butts, Mealworms eat styrofoam, Bacteria eat crude oil, and so much more. - Practice Working with Nature - Permaculture and all regenerative living practices. - Reflection - Hope comes from working ethically with Nature and Observing the results over time. If you are feeling hopeless,  - Get out in Nature - Go for a Hike or Walk and watch the birds closely - Watch Lessons of the Loess Plateau (Youtube), Greening the Desert with Geoff Lawton (Youtube), or From Sand to Soil in 7 hours (TEDtalk) or read The Permaculture Student 2 which features many amazing large-scale examples. - Grow a Garden, Compost All Organic Waste, Use Graywater to Irrigate your Garden, & try adopting the strategies and technology featured in The Permaculture Student 2. - Meditate (Clear Your Mind), Pray (Direct Your Mind), & keep a Gratitude Journal (Frame Your Mind) Learn to live an abundant and hope-filled life with The Permaculture Student 2: http://www.thepermaculturestudent.com/shop/the-permaculture-student-2-pre-order-only


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