Episode 65 - Hope and Climate Change

A Regenerative Future with Matt Powers show

Summary: Have you ever thought about the magnitude of the Climate Change problem? How many people there are now? How little there is left of pristine nature? Has it ever just eaten up your hope? It’ll ruin your day - it could ruin a week, a month, your everyday - your island might be washing away, BUT the power, rapidity, and awe inspiring capabilities of nature will always inspire those of us willing to observe. HOPE is a product of Observation, research, practice, and reflection. We feel hope when we see a positive future for ourselves and our communities. HOPE is a product of Observation, Research, Practice, and Reflection. We feel hope when we see a positive future for ourselves and our communities.  - Observe Nature - Look at how the ruins of Detroit has been reclaimed by nature. - Research the Power of Nature - The Loess Plateau, Geoff Lawton’s Greening the Desert, Al Baydha Project, & NanoClay. Fungi can eat cigarette butts, Mealworms eat styrofoam, Bacteria eat crude oil, and so much more. - Practice Working with Nature - Permaculture and all regenerative living practices. - Reflection - Hope comes from working ethically with Nature and Observing the results over time. If you are feeling hopeless,  - Get out in Nature - Go for a Hike or Walk and watch the birds closely - Watch Lessons of the Loess Plateau (Youtube), Greening the Desert with Geoff Lawton (Youtube), or From Sand to Soil in 7 hours (TEDtalk) or read The Permaculture Student 2 which features many amazing large-scale examples. - Grow a Garden, Compost All Organic Waste, Use Graywater to Irrigate your Garden, & try adopting the strategies and technology featured in The Permaculture Student 2. - Meditate (Clear Your Mind), Pray (Direct Your Mind), & keep a Gratitude Journal (Frame Your Mind) Learn to live an abundant and hope-filled life with The Permaculture Student 2: http://www.thepermaculturestudent.com/shop/the-permaculture-student-2-pre-order-only