The Top 5 Reasons To Grow Perennials Over Annuals

A Regenerative Future with Matt Powers show

Summary: Top 5 Reasons to Grow Perennials, not Annuals 1. Soil Building = Carbon Sequestration 2. Longterm & Stable 3. Low Maintenance yet High Yields 4. Supports Biodiversity 5. Easy to Start The only reason annuals are more prevalent in our diet and gardens in practice is due to their quick return (within that season or year) and scaling up ability of seed & yield, but it feeds into a cycle that outstrips the land, soil, and even our health. The age of valuing short term gain over future systemic stability is ending rapidly. Even the World Bank has decided to divest completely from oil and gas extraction. - Plant a Tree, 20 Trees, or better yet a diverse Food Forest - Eat a Perennial-based Diet - Local & Native - Live & Eat Seasonally