The Katie Halper Show show

The Katie Halper Show

Summary: Get bonus content here! Please subscribe, rate and review us on iTunes: & support us on Patreon: !! The Katie Halper Show takes a humorous look at the news, politics, pop culture, and the arts through news segments and conversations with writers, journalists, activists, artists and political comedians.

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 David Dayen on AT&T merger & woke neoliberalism, Becky Bond plans my Hillary wedding | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:18

David Dayen talks to us about the AT&T merger and what it means for fans of Game of Thrones. And he explains one of the biggest revelations from Wikileaks. Becky Bond tells us why a Clinton win would be one step forward but two steps back. She talks about the Left's shotgun wedding to Hillary Clinton. And then things get personal... between me and Hillary.

 Zaid Jilani on wikileaks & being called a "freak" by Clinton's "loyal foot soldier" Neera Tanden | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:49

Intercept Journalist, Zaid Jilani, talks about his experience reporting on Wikileaks and discovering that he is the subject of a leaked e-mail from a Clinton confidant, who calls him a freak. We also talk about minimum wage and Sanders' wokeness, not in those exact words...

 Emmett Rensin, Nando Vila, Woke Trump, dumb millennials & Bernie Sanders legs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:04

This episode of the Katie Halper comes from Miami. Nando Vila and I discuss the presidential debates, woke Trump, meeting Bernie Sanders and the rom-com that would star Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump and David Brock. We also go over the conservitization of liberals and Hillary's smiles. Then we talk to Emmett Rensin about his great Newsweek piece on Millennials.

 Glenn Greenwald on Clinton supporters, the Edward Snowden playlist & the afterlife | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:07

On this really amazing episode of the Katie Halper show, we talk to Glenn Greenwald, the Pulitzer-Prize-winning journalist and founder of The Intercept. We talk about why some Hillary Clinton's supporters are attacking the very voters they should be courting if they are being sincere when they call Trump a fascist; how we're relieved that there is no afterlife; if the Washington Post should give back its pulitzer; whether Kevin Drum actually has a crush on Bernie; Which song Hillary Clinton should play for Edward Snowden; and why Glenn is kind of like a certain character from The Wire.

 the 9/11 family that helped save the so-called 20th hijacker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:01

On this week's show we talk about Pinochet, Hillary Clinton, Colin Kaepernick, Rob Lowe and Kate Upton. We talk about my least favorite person in the world and play an interesting and exposing trivia game. And we have the perfect plan for Henry Kissinger and Ari Fleischer, which involves daiquiris and foot rubs. Then we talk to Phyllis Rodriguez. She and her husband Orlando lost their son Greg on 9/11. He was 31 years old and worked on the 103rd floor of the World Trade Center. They urged the U.S. Government to not kill innocent civilians in Afghanistan in the name of their son. Phyllis befriended the mother of the so-called 20th hijacker, Zacarias Moussaoui and Orlando testified for his defense and against the death penalty. We talk to Phyllis about how and why they were able to be so compassionate despite the loss of their son and despite the jingoism and blood lust that swept the country and appealed to people who hadn't lost any loved ones in the attack.

 Before Colin Kapernick, There Was Toni Smith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:30

In 2002 years ago, college basketball player Toni Smith-Thompson turned her back on the American flag during the national anthem. sparking protests, death threats and hate mail. Today, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kapernick is refusing to stand during the national anthem. But 14 years later, the same attacks are still being used against athletes who take political stands. Toni goes through some of them and debunks the worst arguments being made then and now.

 The worst thing Obama has ever done, pipeline fever & attack dogs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:35

On this episode of the Katie Halper Show we present the most Orwellian thing Obama has ever done and wonder if he's trying to destroy his own legacy. We chat with Credo Political director Murshed Zaheed about the TPP, secret courts, and Naughty by Nature. And we talk to Krystal Two Bulls (Oglala Lakota) from the Red Warrior Camp about the protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline, and why security guards sicked attack dogs on non-violent protestors and the company has already bulldozed sacred Native American burial grounds.

 Katie Baker, Juanita Broaddrick & "Believe Women [unless it's politically inconvenient]" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:47

INTERVIEW WITH BROADDRICK On this episode of The Katie Halper Show, Katie Halper and Gabe Pacheco talk to Katie Baker, who wrote the Buzzfeed profile on Juanita Broaddrick. In 1999, Broaddrick accused Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978 in her hotel room in Little Rock Arkansas. Not surprisingly, the mainstream-liberal feminist media responded with a deafening silence, which was shattered by Wonkette's Rebecca Schoenkopf. Schoenkopf, who is a Hillary Clinton supporter, was the only one not on the right wing to respond to the story and wound up issuing a bit of a rape apology. The same week that the Buzzfeed story came out, feminists were tweeting "believe women." But it wasn't in reference to Broaddrick. It was in reference to the women who had accused a New York comedian of raping them. Gabe talks about the rape controversy rocking the NYC comedy scene, Kurt Metzger and Amy Schumer.

 Brendan James, Becky Bond, good rape etiquette, & "progressives" for Clinton | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:26

Former Bernie Sanders organizer & senior advisor Becky Bond has a wake up call for the "progressives" who helped defeat Sanders: "You broke it, you bought it." Chapo Traphouse producer & journalist Brendan James (Slate, Guardian, Vice)talks to us about Donald Trump, Roger Ailes, and Juanita Broaddrick.

 Benjamin Dixon, Jimmy Dore, punching down & punching left. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:08

I talk to Benjamin Dixon of the Benjamin Dixon Show and Jimmy Dore of the Jimmy Dore show about how Clinton supporters are kinda sabotaging her and her campaign.

 #WeAreTheLeft with Amber A'Lee Frost & Carl Beijer. #StillSanders with Josh Fox & Nomi Konst | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:32

On this episode of The Katie Halper Show we talk to Amber A'Lee Frost and Carl Beijer about the #WeAreTheLeft manifesto. Then we talk to Sanders surrogates Josh Fox and Nomiki Konst about what they witnessed at the Democratic Platform, Josh's historic amendment and what's next for the movement inspired by Bernie Sanders.

 Max Blumenthal on getting called out by Clinton, Carl Diggler on love, life, & loss | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:56

Max Blumenthal explains why an article he wrote this week about Eli Wiesel provoked the wrath of the Right Wing and earned him a personalized admonishment from the Clinton campaign. Plus he exposes the less admirable parts of Eli Wiesel's life, ideas, and positions on Palestinians, evangelical pastors. Then Carl "The Dig" Diggler opens up about love, life, loss, and elections.

 Rania Khalek on Sanders vs Clinton & her 9-year-old niece who impersonates Hillary Clinton | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:37

Rania Khalek talks about the Democratic Platform Committee and the battle between #1 Sanders appointees who are doing his racist, misogynist bidding by voting to raise the minimum wage and save the planet)#2. and Clinton's appointees who are voting against those things. Also, we learn how Israel's fabulous gay culture is the perfect match for its oppression of Palestinians, which really matches with everything. Israel: come for the gay bars, stay for the housing demolitions

 Lee Fang on John Lewis defending a racist no fly list HE was on, Nomiki Konst violent #hillbros | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:58

Lee Fang explains the racist no fly list that John Lewis is supporting even though he himself was placed on it! Nomiki Konst talks about the DNC NY delegation, where the rules were, OF COURSE, violated and an old white man hit a young woman of color with a cane.

 The Intercept's Zaid Jilani on Trump, Terrorism & the connection between Taylor Swift & ISIS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:36

We are joined by Zaid Jilani of The Intercept about the Orlando shooting, Islamophobia, Trump, Clinton, and the connection between ISIS & Taylor Swift. Quote gem: "any terrorist organization is going to use grievances to recruit people. And those grievances that do have some legitimacy, we do want to pay attention to them because we do want to deprive terrorist organizations of recruits. That doesn't mean if someone says i'm going to shoot up a gay bar unless you give me a million dollars, then we should give into that. But killing less people is a positive concept. And that is something we should take into consideration and understand."


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