The Katie Halper Show show

The Katie Halper Show

Summary: Get bonus content here! Please subscribe, rate and review us on iTunes: & support us on Patreon: !! The Katie Halper Show takes a humorous look at the news, politics, pop culture, and the arts through news segments and conversations with writers, journalists, activists, artists and political comedians.

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 Chase Madar on Chelsea Manning & sadism, Ben Adler on Governor Moonbeam, Katie on Bear Sex | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:27

On this episode of the Katie Halper, we talk Chelsea Manning, the fate of the planet, Judith Miller's tweets and sex with Bears (oh my!) We speak to journalist Ben Adler about what Trump can and can't do to ruin the planet and what states can do to try to save it. Ben and I get into a debate over Chelsea Manning being a litmus test for political orientation, which is funny because Ben doesn't cover that and doesn't know a lot about the case and neither did I, though that didn't stop either of us from arguing about it. To be fair, I'm the host and Ben was admitted upfront this wasn't his area of expertise. So, I then talk to Chase Madar, a lawyer, writer ad author of The Passion of Bradley Manning (written and published before Chelsea had come out as transgender and changed names)about the case, Judith Miller's tweets, and why journalists need to stop treating politicians the way Park Slope parents treat their enabled and coddled children. When it comes to criminal justice reform, "the time for positive reenforcement is past."

 Women's March special with Karina Moreno | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:15

Our latest episode, which is a great one, is coming ASAP! Sorry for delay. Got distracted by the whole Trump becoming president thing. But, speaking of the devil, pun maybe intended?, we have a great bonus ep about the Trump-inspired Women's March and we're making it available for errrbody, even if you're not a Patreon subscriber. We wanted to make sure you could hear it and also thought it would be medically irresponsible for us to induce withdrawal in our loyal listeners... So, here is the (only one hour) discussion I had with special guest Karina Moreno, a professor at LIU who writes and focuses on immigration and is herself a native of Monterey, Mexico. and with Reggie Johnson that was part of a three hour special covering the women's march.

 Abby Martin: the Empires Files host on being accused of helping Russia hack the election | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:28

We talk to Abby Martin and Mike Prysner, the host and producer of the Empire Files, about why the DNI intelligence report named Martin as responsible for helping Russia Putin hack the elections. Spoiler alert: she didn't. And we go over Trump's presser, the headlines, why the intelligence community needs better interns and more. We also bring up Nando Vila of Fusion and Sam Alcoff of DemocracyNow! and start a larger conversation about the media under Trump. In order to hear the rest of that conversation, which I really recommend, join our Patreon.

 Doug Henwood: in defense of recriminations & not moving on | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:33

In this really, really good ep, if I do say so myself, Doug Henwood and go over the refusal of the DNC & the Clinton campaign to acknowledge or learn from their mistakes, even when their mistakes helped bring us Trump. Henwood points out that if you care about the people who will most suffer under Trump, you can't shield Clinton or the DNC. You have to actually look at what happened so it doesn't happen again. We also look at why the same liberals who loudly insist that all Trump voters are bigots have zero interest in actually coming up with any solutions to this problem. Their only solution seems to be to wait around for decades until the demography shifts. As a bonus we are offering a video of Doug and Liza Featherstone to everyone at Patreon. And we will have bonus content for our Patreon supporters. Make sure you come to our next live show!

 All professor George Ciccariello-Maher wants for Christmas is white genocide | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:35

Drexel professor George Ciccariello-Maher caused quite the controversy and white supremacist melt down when he tweeted on Christmas Eve, "all I want for Christmas is White Genocide," a satirical reference to a concept that Ciccariello-Maher describes as a "figment of the racist imagination." To clarify, to white supremacists, white genocide consists of things like interracial dating and biracial families. Ciccariello-Maher was responding to to the white supremacists backlash against an All State insurance add which deigned to feature a Black man proposing to a white woman. Ciccariello-Maher was immediately attacked by white supremacists and their publications like Breitbart, which knowingly distorted what he said into a literal call for the massacring of white people and the elimination of the (socially constructed)white race. Not only did Ciccariello-Maher get death threats but his employer, Drexel University threw him under the bus when it kinda sorta defended his right to free speech but condemned his comments, which they didn't bother to, like, google, as "utterly reprehensible, deeply disturbing." We talk to Ciccariello-Maher about his tweet, the response it provoked, how Drexel has come around, the role of violence, why the "massacre" of "whites during the Haitian revolution... was a good thing indeed," and how to resist Trumpism.

 Suzi Weissman & Robert Brenner on the lack of evidence behind Russian government hacking elections | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:43

For the full extended interview, join our Patreon. We talk to award winning journalist Suzi Weissman and historian Robert Brenner, the Beyonce & Jay Z of the left, about Hillary Clinton running against herself, why Bernie Sanders is the story of the century and why the media is so out of touch, it blames Trump's victory on the fight for the $15 minimum wage. Plus Suzi, a Sovietologist, sheds lights on the ridiculous claims about the Russian government. And we talk to to Leila Ben-Abdallah about her one-woman puppet-based show, Good Morning Zitounia, about the Arab Spring. Gabe reviews the film Allende.

 Drinking tea with bigots & reading Baldwin to Trump: Zaid Jilani, Kazembe Balagun, Karina Moreno | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:17

In this live show show we talk to Zaid Jilani (The Intercept), Karina Moreno (LIU, Brooklyn), and Kazembe Balagun (Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung NYC) about how neoliberal centrists hide behind identity politics to push their awful agenda which, of course, hurts the very marginalized people they claim to be concerned with. Make sure you sign up as a patreon member so you can hear the full discussion and the Q&A, which features questions from former guests Brendan James & Freddie DeBoer.

 Lucy Flores on Emily's List's not so pro-choice choices, Keith Ellison, and being a troll warrior | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:24

Outspoken pro-choice advocate Lucy Flores, who still faces death threats for revealing having had an abortion at the age of 16, was backed by the influential pro-choice PAC "Emily's List," the two times she ran for Nevada State Assembly. But when Flores ran for Congress this year, they decided to back her primary opponent. Why? Spoiler alert/ hint: she didn't back Clinton & isn't a millionaire. Speaking of the political establishment, Flores talks about why she's been tempted to leave the Democratic Party, the new direction she hopes it moves in, why she wound up endorsing Keith Ellison for DNC chair, and how the murder of her two older brothers, the departure of her mother, and her trouble with the law as a teenager influenced her life and her politics. Plus we anoint Lucy a troll warrior.

 Matt Stoller on the rise of autocracy & Krugman, Leslie Lee on Sanders excellent identity politics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:36

Make sure you join our Patreon to get the extra interview chunk with Matt Stoller. On this episode of the Katie Halper Show, we dissect the way the media smeared Bernie Sanders and his position on identity politics, which, it turns out, is much more nuanced than the position of his peers. Lee argues that the media disingenuously and intentionally distorts what Sanders says for political and ideological reasons and that people who are honest mistakenly pick up this manufactured narrative. We then talk to Matt Stoller about how and why Trump was elected and how our response to him will shape the agenda. He also warns us against taking economists seriously and shares his thoughts on Paul Krugman and populism vs progressivism. And he kills some narratives with his own bare hands. He's also a surprisingly good motivational speaker.

 #NoDAPL special: Josh Fox, Neasa Seneca, Deia Schlosberg & 45 years for filming at Standing Rock | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:18

Climate Change activist & filmmaker Josh Fox (Gasland, How to Let Go of the World and Love All The Things Climate Can't Change) calls us from the bus on his way back to the Standing Rock Indian Reservation; Neasa Seneca tells us what made her, her brothers, fathers and cousins drive 25 hours to Standing Rock; and Deia Schlosberg talks to us about her arrest and 45 year sentence for filming a non violent protest. Police have responded to these peaceful to protect the water and the earth with violence and dishonesty, shooting rubber bullets, spraying mace and tear gas and water cannons at protestors in sub-zero temperatures. The latest act of brutality was a concussion grenade which blew off part of the arm of Sophia Wilanksy. She is 21 and her arm might be amputated. The police have denied using water cannons and concussion grenades despite eye witnesses and even shrapnel removed from Sophia's arm.

 Judah Friedlander, Arish Singh, Zack Exley, Becky Bond & Rules for Revolutionaries | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:40

"Trump was an excellent candidate for hate. Bernie was a good candidate for love. Hillary was...neither. So, love didn't even get into the finals." - JUDAH FRIEDLANDER (more quotes below) For this week's episode, we talk to comedians Arish Singh and Judah Friedlander about the causes and outcome of the 2016 Presidential election! We also speak to former Sanders campaign organizers Zack Exley & Becky Bond about their brand new book, Rules for Revolutionaries, what the Clinton campaign got wrong, and what we can get right. "How can you blame people for not participating when politicians are promising more of the same system and call you naive if you want something more? I think the Democrats treated the base like they were takers. And that’s Paul Ryan’s line. It shouldn’t be the democrats." - BECKY BOND "With Dems like these, who needs Paul Ryan?" - KATIE HALPER MORE QUOTES HERE!

 Why Trump Won: Freddie DeBoer, Amber A'Lee Frost, Juan Mejia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:27

the night after Trump is elected president, Amber A'lee Frost, Freddie DeBoer and Juan Mejia talk about what just happened. Make sure you check out the whole interview here

 Ben Jealous predicts & explains a Trump victory hours before anyone else saw it coming | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:23

At 6pm on November 8th, while the rest of us were trying to figure out how to hold soon to be president-elect Hillary Clinton's feet to the progressive fire, our guest had already figured out how and why we Trump would likely win. The guest was Ben Jealous, former NAACP president & Sanders surrogate, who wound up endorsing Hillary Clinton and forming Our Revolution, the continuation of the movement inspired by Sanders campaign. And his prediction was based on the Sonny and Cher show and cicadas. Ben also talked to us about the fight for marriage equality in Maryland, which was won, the fight to save Troy Davis's life, which was lost, and how to get out of bed the morning after the state murders a man it knows is innocent.

 Jill Stein Live Taping! Beatles or Elvis, third party dating, vaccines & wifi. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:17

On this week's episode we talk to Jill Stein, Green Party Candidate for president. We ask her about spices, Trump vs. Clinton, BDS, what keeps her healthy, Beatles, Stones, Elvis, vaccines and wifi. In a historic moment, Jill Stein sings a snippet of her favorite song. For bonus content and the entire interview, join our Patreon. Our next live show will be with Jeremy Scahill & Amber A'Lee Frost at Brooklyn Commons on November 9 at 7pm!

 Greg Grandin: "Over the top descriptions of Trump as unprecedented in U.S. history are not true." | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:52

During this live show, Latin American historian Greg Grandin talks to us about how Donald Trump fits into U.S. history and the "cycles of insanity." He also goes over why Human Rights Watch actively opposed the peace process in Colombia, that time Bill Clinton threw Hillary's health care project under the bus, and why we can expect worse than Trump. For the full interview plus q & a, become a Patreon supporter!


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