Blunt Force Truth show

Blunt Force Truth

Summary: Emmy-winning Game show legend Chuck Woolery joins forces with polymath and serial entrepreneur Mark Young to tackle the toughest issues of the day, without the usual angry white guy banter. Part talk show, part Ted Talk, Blunt Force Truth features Chuck and Mark exploring topics one at a time by pulling back the curtain, setting aside the political rhetoric and laying out the truth using science, research and hard facts.


 BFT – Weekly Wrap-Up 17-40 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:11

For our weekly wrap-up, we bring you the wit and wisdom of Chuck Woolery as he distills the latest news in short segments of sarcasm, as heard this week on radio stations across the country. This week: North Korea Missing the Message, DACA, Tebow vs. Kaepernick, Ellison Immigration and Deep State.

 The Facts and Fictions about the Racial Divide – a Discussion with Sandy Hitchcock – Episode 275 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:59

Sandy Hitchcock is a Detroit-area man who has argued on social media with Mark and Chuck over a number of their Conservative viewpoints. To bring in a different perspective, they invited Hitchcock on to discuss his unique viewpoint as a black man who was raised for a period of time in a white foster family. They cover a number of current political hot-button issues, including Black Lives Matter, the racial divide promoted by the leftwing media, the actual numbers on police targeting blacks and why liberals protest judicial rulings on police shootings. Find out what shocked Chuck about the conversation and how they believe people should start coming together for the betterment of the country.

 BFT – Weekly Wrap-Up 17-39 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:11

For our weekly wrap-up, we bring you the wit and wisdom of Chuck Woolery as he distills the latest news in short segments of sarcasm, as heard this week on radio stations across the country. This week: North Korea Sex Slaves, Hurricanes, Terrorists & the Travel Ban, Police Shootings and North Korea Sanctions.

 Mark on the NFL Protest – BFT Minisode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:55

On this BFT Minisode, Mark Young explains how the NFL is losing sponsors and followers now that liberal politics are taking over the game.

 The Hope for Ousting Maxine Waters – an Interview with Omar Navarro – Episode 274 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:09:29

Omar Navarro is the Republican challenging Maxine Waters in California’s 43rd congressional district for the U.S. House of Representatives. He’s gained national attention for calling out Waters on her cronyism and corruption. On the podcast, Navarro explains why he’s so dedicated to fighting Maxine Waters and the strides he’s made so far in the Congressional race. When he ran against her in 2014, he got 25% of the vote on a campaign budget of only $3,000. This time, he’s working with a much bigger budget and greater name recognition. Navarro talks about the ways the left has tried attacking him, including labeling him as a white supremacist, despite his background and diverse, multicultural supporters. Also on the podcast, Chuck and Mark talk about how the left is even politicizing the weather and take a little time to run through the baffling excuses Hillary makes for losing the election in her new book, What Happened. About the guest: Omar Navarro officially launched his campaign for U.S. Congressman of the 43rd District in California. He unveiled his official campaign theme of, “Proactive Leadership for the 21st Century.” Omar Navarro was born in Inglewood, California. He has also lived in Hawthorne, and he currently resides in Torrance with his wife Torey. Navarro is a Small Business Owner, and has worked with Fortune 500 companies. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and has assisted victims of crimes at the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office. Omar is the coordinator for the Unified Small Business Alliance Outreach Program. In 2012, Omar was an advocate against the redistricting commission’s maps for gerrymandering. He serves as a local Traffic Commissioner in the city of Torrance, CA. Omar also serves as an Ex-Officio on the Republican central committee. Omar is a Washington outsider, running because he wants to give the people of the 43rd an independent voice in Congress – not one beholden to special interests and career politicians. His platform is based on working to sustain and create jobs, invest in education and balance our budget – with a plan that stands up for the middle class, keeps taxes low and protects Medicare and Social Security. Learn more about his campaign here: Follow him on Twitter: @RealOmarNovarro. Follow him on Facebook:

 BFT – Weekly Wrap-Up 17-38 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:11

For our weekly wrap-up, we bring you the wit and wisdom of Chuck Woolery as he distills the latest news in short segments of sarcasm, as heard this week on radio stations across the country. This week: Hillary's New Book, Antifa, Kaepernick Foundation, Nonstop Hillary Clinton and George Clooney.

 Defending American Principles – an Interview with Senator Ted Harvey – Episode 273 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:15:19

Senator Ted Harvey, a leader in the Conservative movement and a founding member of the Committee to Defend the President, brings his extensive experience within the political sphere to discuss the shameful trend in which Representatives in Congress are failing to stand up for America. Congress is usually fighting against the American people. Democrats seem to be suffering from a psychosis now, and Republicans have lost their backbone in defending the policies that will put Americans first. Constituents need to stand up and vote these representative out of office. They consider who in Congress is actually a Conservative based on their records, calling out those who only masquerade as such. The conversation turns to the impending vote on DACA and the influence of lobbyists like the Chamber of Congress. Senator Harvey talks about the work of the Committee to Defend the President, a political action committee that stands up against the false narratives about President Trump being pushed by George Soros and the mainstream media. On the podcast, Chuck and Mark also cover the debt ceiling and what the federal government’s actual powers are. They talk about government shutdowns and the offer they made during the Obama administration to pay the wages of the National Park Service employees at the WWII Memorial. Mark and Chuck wanted to keep the monument open while the President ordered it closed. About the guest: At the age of 22, Ted Harvey received a political appointment to serve in the White House of President Ronald Reagan. He returned to Colorado empowered by the vision of the Reagan Revolution and committed to defending the foundational and constitutional values of our nation. After returning home Ted quickly became involved in Colorado politics and secured a staff position in the Colorado House of Representatives as the House Reading Clerk. After two years, Ted became the Program Director at the Independence Institute a conservative/libertarian Colorado think tank. In December of 2001, through a vacancy election, Ted was elected to the Colorado House of Representatives and became a conservative champion inside the Capitol. He was re-elected in both 2002 and 2004, and was then elected to the State Senate in 2006 and 2010. During his legislative tenure, Ted has proven himself to be a leader of the conservative movement. He led the fight against illegal immigration, for the passage of Right-To-Work and sponsored the only abortion restriction ever passed in Colorado – the Parental Notification Act. Ted has always been one of the legislature’s staunchest defenders of the 2nd Amendment. Ted is also a founding members and Chairman of the Stop Hillary PAC, now The Committee to Defend the President. He is wholly devoted to assuring that Hillary Rodham Clinton never becomes President of the United States. Learn more about the Committee to Defend the President at their website. Follow the Committee on Twitter: @Defend_Trump Like the PAC on Facebook for updates:

 BFT – Weekly Wrap-Up 17-37 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:11

For our weekly wrap-up, we bring you the wit and wisdom of Chuck Woolery as he distills the latest news in short segments of sarcasm, as heard this week on radio stations across the country. This week: Hurricane Harvey, Houston Fund Raisers, Kathy Griffin, Trump Hurricane and Ole Miss.

 Censored for Supporting Trump – an Interview with Joy Villa – Episode 272 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:43

Recording Artist Joy Villa addresses the entertainment community’s backlash for her public support of Donald Trump, including censorship on YouTube and getting shunned on red carpets. They consider the hypocrisy in the media when it comes to artists and their political values. Joy talks about how she’s going to continue in her unifying vision to make America better. Joy Villa is a recording artist whose EP I Make the Static rocketed to the #1 spot on both iTunes and Amazon following her 2017 Grammys' appearance, beating out Beyoncé, Adele, and Lady Gaga, and landed her a #1 Album in Alternative, #1 in Rock, and a #12 spot on Billboards Top 200 Albums. Joy’s a true entertainer who tours 25 countries a year and has wowed the world with her red-carpet style (Entertainment Weekly, E!, Billboard, NY Daily News, Los Angeles Times, to name a few). Joy grew up with an Italian father and an African American-Choctaw mother, blending the cultures to create a perfect mix. This "mixed life" outpours in her musical influences, ranging from Frank Sinatra to Diana Ross, Blondie and Nirvana. Joy is a natural music and theater performer, discovering her knack for the stage at the age of 5 in her first theater musical. Joy loves writing songs and has collaborated on numerous projects around the world with an array of international producers and artists. Joy blends alternative rock, electro pop into finely crafty tunes that aim to motivate, inspire, and get the juices flowing in her fans. Kinky, unexpected, vibrant, spiritual, and bold, Joy Villa is a true entertainer, and feels blessed to be giving her many global fans "The Joy Villa Experience.” For more about Joy, visit Get her song, “Make America Great Again!” here. Follow her on Facebook: Follow her on Twitter: @Joy_Villa Follow her on Instagram: @joyvilla Don't miss the other highlights from the episode, including Chuck Woolery and Mark Young discussing the Blunt Force Truth team trip to the Flight 93 National Memorial, Maryland's policy of using the National Gun Owner's registry to track legal gun owners as they enter the state and more.

 BFT – Weekly Wrap-Up 17-36 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:10

For our weekly wrap-up, we bring you the wit and wisdom of Chuck Woolery as he distills the latest news in short segments of sarcasm, as heard this week on radio stations across the country. This week: Confederate Monuments, Florida Execution, Chelsea Clinton, Maryland and U of M.

 Being Your Own Check and Balance – Understanding the Federal Reserve – Episode 271 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18:20

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck Woolery and Mark Young offer a bit of a history lesson on racism and the left, in the wake of all the controversy over Confederate statues. The left considers them a “bigger threat to national security than North Korea,” and Chuck and Mark talk about why this has become such a publicized problem now. Then they turn their attention to the Federal Reserve, answering questions about the history and purpose of the system. Mark explains what this means for us today – and how not only is the nation in staggering debt, but Americans are paying interest on that national debt to a private bank. The function of the Federal Reserve is a perfect example of how the government deliberately overcomplicates things so that Americans don’t want to even try to understand them. We can’t let them try and distract us from the truth.

 BFT – Weekly Wrap-Up 17-35 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:14

For our weekly wrap-up, we bring you the wit and wisdom of Chuck Woolery as he distills the latest news in short segments of sarcasm, as heard this week on radio stations across the country. This week: Bannon, Crowds on Demand, Maria Chapelle Nadal, Shut Down Democrats and Shirtless Putin Challenge.

 Where Government Is Failing Us – an Interview with Jeff Crouere – Episode 270 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:09:46

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck Woolery and Mark Young invite political analyst, author, TV host and radio show host Jeff Crouere to discuss the failures of government on a local and national level. They consider the challenges facing Crouere’s hometown, New Orleans, due poorly run government, corruption, crime, truancy and more. They talk about recent events in Charlottesville, VA, and the irrational Democrat push to remove Confederate statues and erase history. Chuck, Mark and Jeff attack the do-nothing U.S. Congress that takes orders from lobbyists rather than constituents. They also talk about tax cuts vs. government cuts and whether or not the Tea Party will become more active again. Jeff Crouere is a native of New Orleans, LA and he is the host of a Louisiana based program, “Ringside Politics.” His programs are dedicated to examining the top issues of the day on the local, state and national levels. Crouere offers listeners political debate analysis, and interviews with interesting political leaders and commentators. He writes daily, weekly, and monthly political analysis columns and editorials for a select number of print and on-line publications, including,, Canada Free Press, GOPUSA, the Bogalusa Daily News, The Daily Star of Hammond, and the Kenner Star. He has held many leadership positions in the Louisiana Republican Party, including Deputy Chairman and Executive Director. In March of 2009, he founded the Northshore Tea Party, which has sponsored over a dozen popular citizen rallies attracting presidential candidates like Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum as well as over 10,000 attendees. As a commentator and analyst, Crouere has been interviewed for his perspective by the New York Times and national cable television networks such as Fox News, CNN, CNN Headline News, CNBC, and MSNBC. For more information on Jeff and his projects, visit You an order his book, America’s Last Chance. Follow him on Twitter: @JeffCrouere Like him on Facebook: Subscribe to his YouTube channel.

 BFT – Weekly Wrap-Up 17-34 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:12

For our weekly wrap-up, we bring you the wit and wisdom of Chuck Woolery as he distills the latest news in short segments of sarcasm, as heard this week on radio stations across the country. This week: Robert E. Lee, Mitch McConnell, Chicago Nuke Attack, Gun Buy Back and New York White House.

 An Interview with Tim Larkin – a Bonus Throwback Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:17

On this bonus throwback episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark invited Tim Larkin to talk about self-defense. Tim Larkin is a self-protection expert, founder of Target Focus Training, where he teaches people how to identify dangerous situations and keep themselves safer against attack. When defending yourself, Larkin teaches that it helps to focus on the similarities of the human body, in the ways all people will be vulnerable. He advocates against changing people’s mindset to justifying using the tool of violence when necessary against a predator. They discuss people legally carrying guns and the false sense of security it can provide, though many people don’t know enough about how to use them effectively. Larkin teaches that our first weapon is our brain and our tools are our body. To effectively defend yourself, you need to be able to understand how to use those tools when you encounter an asocial situation. He discusses the way that society now doesn’t encourage awareness for self-defense and physical threat, in the US or in other countries – citing the travel ban that was issued against him in the UK because of his methods of teaching. For more information, visit and Pre-order Larkin’s book When Violence Is the Answer here. Watch Larkin’s TED talk here: Follow Larkin on Facebook: Follow him on Twitter: @TFTTimLarkin


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