Blunt Force Truth show

Blunt Force Truth

Summary: Emmy-winning Game show legend Chuck Woolery joins forces with polymath and serial entrepreneur Mark Young to tackle the toughest issues of the day, without the usual angry white guy banter. Part talk show, part Ted Talk, Blunt Force Truth features Chuck and Mark exploring topics one at a time by pulling back the curtain, setting aside the political rhetoric and laying out the truth using science, research and hard facts.


 BFT – Weekly Wrap-Up 18-04 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:08

For our weekly wrap-up, we bring you the wit and wisdom of Chuck Woolery as he distills the latest news in short segments of sarcasm, as heard this week on radio stations across the country. This week: Raskin, Trump the Swearer, Crumbs, Manning for Senate and Groucho Lee.

 Voter Fraud: a Tool of the Left – an Interview with Charles Benninghoff – Episode 299 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:13:21

Charles Benninghoff is on the show to talk about voter fraud in the United States. With his non-profit church Pray for US – Pray for the United States, he formed a group called Poll Watchers to monitor and report voter fraud. They discuss the Democrats claiming that voter ID laws are discriminatory and how the left uses voter fraud as a tool to advance their agenda. They talk about illegal aliens voting through the motor voter law and the need for two ballots if a state allows aliens to vote (despite federal laws against it). Charles explains how his organizations try to make a difference in legislation and on the ground to fight against this widespread problem. They consider how the left is unrestricted because they don’t care about the law, while the right is struggling because they try to fight back within the rules. Also on the podcast, Chuck and Mark talk about the book Fire and Fury, break down the rhetoric on Trump’s mental health and offer up some statistics on mental health workers. Mark also explains the law suit he’s considering filing against the Democratic Party. About the guest: Charles Benninghoff is the creator of Grassroots Campaign Creations, Ltd which specializes in fund-raising for Super PACs, candidates, churches and causes; as well, he is the Founder of Pray for US - Pray for the United States which is a non-profit FREE church organized in Nevada in 2011. The purpose of Pray for US is to educate America's Christians that churches must take active roles in the future of America or suffer a nation enslaved by globalists. Follow Pray for Us on Facebook.

 The Tea Party Patriots Now – an Interview with Jenny Beth Martin – Episode 298 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:33

Jenny Beth Martin is one of the founders of the Tea Party Patriots, and on the show, she discusses what the Tea Party is doing now that Trump has been elected and what we still need to do to protect American’s freedom. They discuss the tax reform bill and what “the Obama effect” really is, as well as the need for repealing Obamacare and reforming the healthcare system. Martin relates her experience talking to people across the political spectrum about how simple it is to balance the budget, and they talk about why the government is working against that goal. They discuss the media’s coverage of the left compared to the right, especially how the Tea Party has been treated, in direct opposition to coverage of Progressive groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Also on the show, Chuck and Mark talk about the hypocrisy of the left about “climate change,” a recent outrageous comment that Mayor De Blasio of New York made about the government controlling all land, and what Mark thinks is going on behind closed doors with Jeff Sessions. Mark also shares the information he’s received about what the FBI has become from people in the Bureau. Under the leadership of Jenny Beth Martin, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund has grown to be the largest and most effective national umbrella group within the Tea Party movement. Jenny Beth Martin and Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund now use their network to reach millions of Americans every week with education and updates about fiscal responsibility, free market principles, and constitutionally limited government. Because of her continual involvement in the major events that set the course of the United States government, Jenny Beth Martin is a frequent guest on almost every major television, radio, print, and online news outlet in America. In 2010 Time Magazine listed Jenny Beth Martin as one of the 100 Most Influential Leaders in the World. Her first book, “Tea Party Patriots: The Second American Revolution”, was published in 2012. She is a lifelong Georgian and has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Georgia. Jenny Beth is the mother of boy-girl twins. Follow Jenny Beth on Twitter @jennybethm. Connect with the Tea Party Patriots on Twitter @TPPCitizensFund and on Facebook here.

 BFT – Weekly Wrap-Up 18-03 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:04

For our weekly wrap-up, we bring you the wit and wisdom of Chuck Woolery as he distills the latest news in short segments of sarcasm, as heard this week on radio stations across the country. This week: Oprah, Yale Doctor & Trump, Blackmail, Global Warming Sahara and Mental Health Stats.

 Fighting the Uphill Battle Against Maxine Waters – an Interview with Omar Navarro – Episode 297 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:09

Omar Navarro is the Republican challenging Maxine Waters in California’s 43rd congressional district for the U.S. House of Representatives. He’s gained national attention for calling out Waters on her cronyism and corruption. Omar gives us an update on the race, including the demographic shift in the district where he’s running and how the investigation Waters is calling for reveals how he’s making an impact. They talk about some of his challenges, such as the danger of CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) influencing the elite. They talk about why a Congressional race in one particular district in the country affects us all, and what we can do about it. Also on the podcast, Chuck and Mark talk about the President Trump we’re seeing now compared to the Trump we saw at the beginning of 2017, touching on what he’s learned and accomplished. They discuss how we still essentially have two Presidents at this time. Chuck offers an historical perspective the Socialist roots of Progressivism, and they consider how much the Socialist ideology has permeated our current society. About the guest: Omar Navarro officially launched his campaign for U.S. Congressman of the 43rd District in California. He unveiled his official campaign theme of, “Proactive Leadership for the 21st Century.” Omar Navarro was born in Inglewood, California. He has also lived in Hawthorne, and he currently resides in Torrance with his wife Torey. Navarro is a Small Business Owner, and has worked with Fortune 500 companies. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and has assisted victims of crimes at the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office. Omar is the coordinator for the Unified Small Business Alliance Outreach Program. In 2012, Omar was an advocate against the redistricting commission’s maps for gerrymandering. He serves as a local Traffic Commissioner in the city of Torrance, CA. Omar also serves as an Ex-Officio on the Republican central committee. Omar is a Washington outsider, running because he wants to give the people of the 43rd an independent voice in Congress – not one beholden to special interests and career politicians. His platform is based on working to sustain and create jobs, invest in education and balance our budget – with a plan that stands up for the middle class, keeps taxes low and protects Medicare and Social Security. Learn more about his campaign here: Follow him on Twitter: @RealOmarNovarro. Follow him on Facebook:

 Crossing the Political Divide – an Interview with Ken Stern – Episode 296 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:35:52

Ken Stern is an author who used to be the CEO of NPR, immersed in a liberal culture. To write his latest book, however, he spent a year exploring a number of communities and talking to people on the opposite side of the political perspective. The result is Republican Like Me, How I Left the Liberal Bubble and Learned to Love the Right. Stern talks about the process of writing his book and the conclusions he came to. He set out to chronicle a very different experience, but he was repeatedly surprised by the similarities he found between his own values and that of Conservatives – at NASCAR races, in churches and more. While the country as a whole seems to be more divided, Americans are individually not that different from one another. They discuss the Constitution, Trump, the news and more. Also on the podcast, Chuck and Mark talk about what Trump has achieved in his first year, plus all the bizarre things the government funds that we still need to work on cutting. About the guest: Ken Stern is the president of Palisades Media Ventures and the author of With Charity for All: Why Charities Are Failing and a Better Way to Give. He was formerly the CEO of NPR. He is also a frequent contributor to Vanity Fair, the Atlantic, Slate, the Daily Beast, the Washington Post, the Chronicle of Philanthropy, and other publications. He lives in Washington, DC. To order his book or learn more about it, visit Follow Ken on Twitter @kenpstern.

 BFT – Weekly Wrap-Up 18-02 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:05

For our weekly wrap-up, we bring you the wit and wisdom of Chuck Woolery as he distills the latest news in short segments of sarcasm, as heard this week on radio stations across the country. This week: Pakistan Aid, Repeal and Reform, Hitler vs. Trump, Failure of Socialism and Drugs vs. Guns.

 Fair Tax for Americans – an Interview with Steven Hayes – Episode 295 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:15:25

Steven Hayes is a tax expert and former tax attorney who believes income tax should be eliminated and replaced with a national retail sales tax, or a Fair Tax. He is the Chairman and President of Americans for Fair Taxation. On the podcast, they talk extensively about why true tax reform is needed in this country. They consider how this kind of tax reform is a better, simpler solution for how the government should collect tax from citizens. They talk about hidden taxes that people don’t even know about, income tax evasion and different aspects of the new tax bill. Also on the episode, Chuck and Mark talk about how Trump is exposing Congress and pushing back against them, Al Franken, Black Lives Matter’s holiday message and more. To read the story about how the Obama administration stopped the DEA from enforcing drug laws in order to make a deal with Iran, visit About the guest: Steven L. Hayes graduated with honors from the University of Arkansas and the University of San Francisco Law School. As a self-described “recovering” tax attorney he spent considerable time and resources investigating alternatives to the income tax. Based on his research, including interviewing tax practitioners, business owners, employees and economists, he determined the best solution was to eliminate the income tax and the IRS and replace them with a national retail sales tax collected by the states. In 1990, Mr. Hayes joined and became President of Citizens For An Alternative Tax System (CATS), a non-profit 501(c)(4) lobbying organization, which was the first organization dedicated to the idea of replacing the federal income tax with a national sales tax. He was also instrumental in forming the Florida FairTax® Educational Association, Inc., (FFETA) and currently serves on the FFETA board of directors. Hayes has appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows, had numerous articles published in newspapers and magazines, and regularly speaks to groups of citizens around the country about why we must eliminate the income tax and the IRS and replace them with a national retail sales tax. Mr. Hayes has testified before the House Ways and Means Committee and former Congressman Jack Kemp’s Tax Reform Committee. He is widely sought after as a subject matter expert on tax reform panels and forums. Follow FairTax on Twitter and Facebook.

 Rising Above the Poverty Plantation – an Interview with Star Parker – 294 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:09:44

Star Parker is a former welfare recipient who raised herself up out of the system, relying on her Conservative and Christian values. She now uses those values to guide policy through the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, where they explore and promote welfare reform to improve the lives of minorities and the poor. They discuss the leftist philosophies on welfare and how they promote dependence on bigger government (the “poverty plantation”), why liberals argue for abortion and what Conservatives can do differently. They discuss the upcoming March for Life on January 18, 2018, and House Resolution 490 to make most abortion illegal. Also, on the podcast, Chuck and Mark talk about Al Franken still claiming to be a “champion for women,” personal responsibility and the welfare system, which former president that Trump is starting to resemble and more. About the guest: Star Parker is one of the names on the short list mentioned when anyone speaks of national black conservative leaders. Star Parker is the founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, a public policy think tank that promotes market-based solutions to fight poverty. Before involvement in social activism, Star had seven years of first-hand experience in the grip of welfare dependency. After consulting on federal Welfare Reform in the mid-90s, she founded UrbanCure to bring new ideas to policy discussions on how to transition America's poor from government dependency. Star has a bachelor's degree in Marketing and International Business from Woodbury University and has received numerous awards and commendations for her work on public policy issues. She regularly consults with both federal and state legislators on market-based strategies to fight poverty; she has spoken on more than 190 colleges and universities about anti-poverty initiatives; has authored several books; and is a nationally syndicated columnist with Creators Syndicate. Many of national acclaim would agree that Star Parker has established herself as a thoughtful and energetic leader in Washington D.C and her CURE advisory board includes folks of note such as Generals John Ashcroft and Ed Meese; Doctors Ben Carson, Robert P. George, George Gilder, Marvin Olasky and Walter E. Williams. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

 BFT – Weekly Wrap-Up 18-01 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:06

For our weekly wrap-up, we bring you the wit and wisdom of Chuck Woolery as he distills the latest news in short segments of sarcasm, as heard this week on radio stations across the country. This week: New Year's Day, Dossier, Chicago Nukes, Swedish Retirement and Darwin.

 Who Killed Seth Rich? – an Interview with Michael Guy – Episode 293 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:26:22

INFOSEC expert Michael Guy is back on the podcast, this time talking about the shady details surrounding the death of Seth Rich, the Democratic National Committee Voter Data Director who was shot in June 2016. Guy lays out the mounting evidence that suggests that Rich’s death was not likely a “botched robbery,” as the family believes. He explores details about the investigation, which reveal that Rich was possibly attacked for what happened while he worked at the Clinton-controlled DNC. Download an exclusive document from Michael Guy on the Seth Rich case here. About the guest: As CEO at ISM Security, Michael Guy has consulted for one of the largest security intelligence operations in the world. Michael has worked in the field of intelligence gathering for the now infamous 17 billion dollar Music Industry v Bertlesman / Napster case, which to this date is the single largest case in Internet Intellectual Property history. ISM can process upwards of 35 billion potential security events per day across 110 counties via fault tolerant, redundant network operations centers. Guy has been advising EMI, Warner, Universal Music group and KROLL global security as well as technology cyber strategist for conservative causes. Michael’s clients include Peter Monroe who served as head of the Federal Housing Administration and Chairman of Resolution Trust under Presidents Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton. Michael's services cover a wide scope of forensic data tracking and analysis of cyber crime, best security practices, criminal data discovery, anti-piracy frameworks and risk mitigation on a global basis. Michael is a sought-after speaker on the subjects of security and Google and regularly appears in both print and broadcast media, including BBC World Service, NPR, Wired Magazine and others. His opinions have been solicited by members of Congress. Michael authored the E-commerce platform at the University of Santa Clara’s Levy School of Business.   To learn more about Michael’s SEO business, visit: and Follow Michael on Twitter @RealMichaelGuy.

 BFT – Weekly Wrap-Up 17-52 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:11

For our weekly wrap-up, we bring you the wit and wisdom of Chuck Woolery as he distills the latest news in short segments of sarcasm, as heard this week on radio stations across the country. This week: Christmas Message, Santa, Deep State, TSA and College Crybabies.

 2017 in Retrospect – Episode 292 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:25

On this year-end wrap-up, we look back at some of the most interesting moments of our interviews and listener comments from Blunt Force Truth. Highlights include thoughts on the mainstream media and its fake news, health care, liberal college campuses, minimalism and more with guests Mike Mandel @MandelHypnosis, Nick Harlow @NicholasHarlow, Ben Shapiro @benshapiro, Joshua Becker @Joshua_Becker and David Berg @RedirectHealth.

 BFT – Weekly Wrap-Up 17-51 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:12

For our weekly wrap-up, we bring you the wit and wisdom of Chuck Woolery as he distills the latest news in short segments of sarcasm, as heard this week on radio stations across the country. This week: Florida Police Shooting, Trump Economy, Sex Men Movie, Japanese Missiles and Meme App.

 Blunt Force Truth Christmas Special – Episode 291 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:46

On this special holiday episode, Chuck Woolery tells the real story of Christmas. We wish all of our listeners a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.


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