Data Engineering Podcast show

Data Engineering Podcast

Summary: This show goes behind the scenes for the tools, techniques, and difficulties associated with the discipline of data engineering. Databases, workflows, automation, and data manipulation are just some of the topics that you will find here.

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 StreamNative Brings Streaming Data To The Cloud Native Landscape With Pulsar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:00:00

There have been several generations of platforms for managing streaming data, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, and different areas of focus. Pulsar is one of the recent entrants which has quickly gained adoption and an impressive set of capabilities. In this episode Sijie Guo discusses his motivations for spending so much of his time and energy on contributing to the project and growing the community. His most recent endeavor at StreamNative is focused on combining the capabilities of Pulsar with the cloud native movement to make it easier to build and scale real time messaging systems with built in event processing capabilities. This was a great conversation about the strengths of the Pulsar project, how it has evolved in recent years, and some of the innovative ways that it is being used. Pulsar is a well engineered and robust platform for building the core of any system that relies on durable access to easily scalable streams of data.

 Enterprise Data Operations And Orchestration At Infoworks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:53

Data management is hard at any scale, but working in the context of an enterprise organization adds even greater complexity. Infoworks is a platform built to provide a unified set of tooling for managing the full lifecycle of data in large businesses. By reducing the barrier to entry with a graphical interface for defining data transformations and analysis, it makes it easier to bring the domain experts into the process. In this interview co-founder and CTO of Infoworks Amar Arikere explains the unique challenges faced by enterprise organizations, how the platform is architected to provide the needed flexibility and scale, and how a unified platform for data improves the outcomes of the organizations using it.

 Taming Complexity In Your Data Driven Organization With DataOps | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:48

Data is a critical element to every role in an organization, which is also what makes managing it so challenging. With so many different opinions about which pieces of information are most important, how it needs to be accessed, and what to do with it, many data projects are doomed to failure. In this episode Chris Bergh explains how taking an agile approach to delivering value can drive down the complexity that grows out of the varied needs of the business. Building a DataOps workflow that incorporates fast delivery of well defined projects, continuous testing, and open lines of communication is a proven path to success.

 Building Real Time Applications On Streaming Data With Eventador | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:30

Modern applications frequently require access to real-time data, but building and maintaining the systems that make that possible is a complex and time consuming endeavor. Eventador is a managed platform designed to let you focus on using the data that you collect, without worrying about how to make it reliable. In this episode Eventador Founder and CEO Kenny Gorman describes how the platform is architected, the challenges inherent to managing reliable streams of data, the simplicity offered by a SQL interface, and the interesting projects that his customers have built on top of it. This was an interesting inside look at building a business on top of open source stream processing frameworks and how to reduce the burden on end users.

 Making Data Collection In Your Code Easy With Rookout | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:00

The software applications that we build for our businesses are a rich source of data, but accessing and extracting that data is often a slow and error-prone process. Rookout has built a platform to separate the data collection process from the lifecycle of your code. In this episode, CTO Liran Haimovitch discusses the benefits of shortening the iteration cycle and bringing non-engineers into the process of identifying useful data. This was a great conversation about the importance of democratizing the work of data collection.

 Building A Knowledge Graph Of Commercial Real Estate At Cherre | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:20

Knowledge graphs are a data resource that can answer questions beyond the scope of traditional data analytics. By organizing and storing data to emphasize the relationship between entities, we can discover the complex connections between multiple sources of information. In this episode John Maiden talks about how Cherre builds knowledge graphs that provide powerful insights for their customers and the engineering challenges of building a scalable graph. If you’re wondering how to extract additional business value from existing data, this episode will provide a way to expand your data resources.

 The Life Of A Non-Profit Data Professional | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:36

Building and maintaining a system that integrates and analyzes all of the data for your organization is a complex endeavor. Operating on a shoe-string budget makes it even more challenging. In this episode Tyler Colby shares his experiences working as a data professional in the non-profit sector. From managing Salesforce data models to wrangling a multitude of data sources and compliance challenges, he describes the biggest challenges that he is facing.

 Behind The Scenes Of The Linode Object Storage Service | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:53

There are a number of platforms available for object storage, including self-managed open source projects. But what goes on behind the scenes of the companies that run these systems at scale so you don't have to? In this episode Will Smith shares the journey that he and his team at Linode recently completed to bring a fast and reliable S3 compatible object storage to production for your benefit. He discusses the challenges of running object storage for public usage, some of the interesting ways that it was stress tested internally, and the lessons that he learned along the way.

 Building A New Foundation For CouchDB | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:25

CouchDB is a distributed document database built for scale and ease of operation. With a built-in synchronization protocol and a HTTP interface it has become popular as a backend for web and mobile applications. Created 15 years ago, it has accrued some technical debt which is being addressed with a refactored architecture based on FoundationDB. In this episode Adam Kocoloski shares the history of the project, how it works under the hood, and how the new design will improve the project for our new era of computation. This was an interesting conversation about the challenges of maintaining a large and mission critical project and the work being done to evolve it.

 Scaling Data Governance For Global Businesses With A Data Hub Architecture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:08

Data governance is a complex endeavor, but scaling it to meet the needs of a complex or globally distributed organization requires a well considered and coherent strategy. In this episode Tim Ward describes an architecture that he has used successfully with multiple organizations to scale compliance. By treating it as a graph problem, where each hub in the network has localized control with inheritance of higher level controls it reduces overhead and provides greater flexibility. Tim provides useful examples for understanding how to adopt this approach in your own organization, including some technology recommendations for making it maintainable and scalable. If you are struggling to scale data quality controls and governance requirements then this interview will provide some useful ideas to incorporate into your roadmap.

 Easier Stream Processing On Kafka With ksqlDB | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:36

Building applications on top of unbounded event streams is a complex endeavor, requiring careful integration of multiple disparate systems that were engineered in isolation. The ksqlDB project was created to address this state of affairs by building a unified layer on top of the Kafka ecosystem for stream processing. Developers can work with the SQL constructs that they are familiar with while automatically getting the durability and reliability that Kafka offers. In this episode Michael Drogalis, product manager for ksqlDB at Confluent, explains how the system is implemented, how you can use it for building your own stream processing applications, and how it fits into the lifecycle of your data infrastructure. If you have been struggling with building services on low level streaming interfaces then give this episode a listen and try it out for yourself.

 Shining A Light on Shadow IT In Data And Analytics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:08

Misaligned priorities across business units can lead to tensions that drive members of the organization to build data and analytics projects without the guidance or support of engineering or IT staff. The availability of cloud platforms and managed services makes this a viable option, but can lead to downstream challenges. In this episode Sean Knapp and Charlie Crocker share their experiences of working in and with companies that have dealt with shadow IT projects and the importance of enabling and empowering the use and exploration of data and analytics. If you have ever been frustrated by seemingly draconian policies or struggled to align everyone on your supported platform, then this episode will help you gain some perspective and set you on a path to productive collaboration.

 Data Infrastructure Automation For Private SaaS At Snowplow | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:01

One of the biggest challenges in building reliable platforms for processing event pipelines is managing the underlying infrastructure. At Snowplow Analytics the complexity is compounded by the need to manage multiple instances of their platform across customer environments. In this episode Josh Beemster, the technical operations lead at Snowplow, explains how they manage automation, deployment, monitoring, scaling, and maintenance of their streaming analytics pipeline for event data. He also shares the challenges they face in supporting multiple cloud environments and the need to integrate with existing customer systems. If you are daunted by the needs of your data infrastructure then it's worth listening to how Josh and his team are approaching the problem.

 Data Modeling That Evolves With Your Business Using Data Vault | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:21

Designing the structure for your data warehouse is a complex and challenging process. As businesses deal with a growing number of sources and types of information that they need to integrate, they need a data modeling strategy that provides them with flexibility and speed. Data Vault is an approach that allows for evolving a data model in place without requiring destructive transformations and massive up front design to answer valuable questions. In this episode Kent Graziano shares his journey with data vault, explains how it allows for an agile approach to data warehousing, and explains the core principles of how to use it. If you're struggling with unwieldy dimensional models, slow moving projects, or challenges integrating new data sources then listen in on this conversation and then give data vault a try for yourself.

 The Benefits And Challenges Of Building A Data Trust | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:52

Every business collects data in some fashion, but sometimes the true value of the collected information only comes when it is combined with other data sources. Data trusts are a legal framework for allowing businesses to collaboratively pool their data. This allows the members of the trust to increase the value of their individual repositories and gain new insights which would otherwise require substantial effort in duplicating the data owned by their peers. In this episode Tom Plagge and Greg Mundy explain how the BrightHive platform serves to establish and maintain data trusts, the technical and organizational challenges they face, and the outcomes that they have witnessed. If you are curious about data sharing strategies or data collaboratives, then listen now to learn more!


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