Data Engineering Podcast show

Data Engineering Podcast

Summary: This show goes behind the scenes for the tools, techniques, and difficulties associated with the discipline of data engineering. Databases, workflows, automation, and data manipulation are just some of the topics that you will find here.

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 Build Your Analytics With A Collaborative And Expressive SQL IDE Using Querybook | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:35

SQL is the most widely used language for working with data, and yet the tools available for writing and collaborating on it are still clunky and inefficient. Frustrated with the lack of a modern IDE and collaborative workflow for managing the SQL queries and analysis of their big data environments, the team at Pinterest created Querybook. In this episode Justin Mejorada-Pier and Charlie Gu share the story of how the initial prototype for a data catalog ended up as one of their most widely used interfaces to their analytical data. They also discuss the unique combination of features that it offers, how it is implemented, and the path to releasing it as open source. Querybook is an impressive and unique piece of technology that is well worth exploring, so listen and try it out today.

 Making Data Pipelines Self-Serve For Everyone With Shipyard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:00:00

Every part of the business relies on data, yet only a small team has the context and expertise to build workflows and pipelines to transform, clean, and integrate it. In order for the true value of your data to be realized without burning out your engineers you need a way for everyone to get access to the information they care about. To help make that a more tractable problem Blake Burch co-founded Shipyard. In this episode he explains the utility of a low code solution that lets non engineers create their own self-serve pipelines, how the Shipyard platform is designed to make that possible, and how it allows engineers to create reusable tasks to satisfy the specific needs of the business. This is an interesting conversation about how to make data more accessible and more useful by improving the user experience of the tools that we create.

 Paving The Road For Fast Analytics On Distributed Clouds With The Yellowbrick Data Warehouse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:40

The data warehouse has become the focal point of the modern data platform. With increased usage of data across businesses, and a diversity of locations and environments where data needs to be managed, the warehouse engine needs to be fast and easy to manage. Yellowbrick is a data warehouse platform that was built from the ground up for speed, and can work across clouds and all the way to the edge. In this episode CTO Mark Cusack explains how the engine is architected, the benefits that speed and predictable pricing has for the organization, and how you can simplify your platform by putting the warehouse close to the data, instead of the other way around.

 Easily Build Advanced Similarity Search With The Pinecone Vector Database | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:47

Machine learning models use vectors as the natural mechanism for representing their internal state. The problem is that in order for the models to integrate with external systems their internal state has to be translated into a lower dimension. To eliminate this impedance mismatch Edo Liberty founded Pinecone to build database that works natively with vectors. In this episode he explains how this technology will allow teams to accelerate the speed of innovation, how vectors make it possible to build more advanced search functionality, and how Pinecone is architected. This is an interesting conversation about how reconsidering the architecture of your systems can unlock impressive new capabilities.

 A Holistic Approach To Data Governance Through Self Reflection At Collibra | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:52

Data governance is a phrase that means many different things to many different people. This is because it is actually a concept that encompasses the entire lifecycle of data, across all of the people in an organization who interact with it. Stijn Christiaens co-founded Collibra with the goal of addressing the wide variety of technological aspects that are necessary to realize such an important and expansive process. In this episode he shares his thoughts on the balance between human and technological processes that are necessary for a well-managed data governance strategy, how Collibra is designed to aid in that endeavor, and his experiences using the platform that his company is building to help power the company. This is an excellent conversation that spans the engineering and philosophical complexities of an important and ever-present aspect of working with data.

 Unlocking The Power of Data Lineage In Your Platform with OpenLineage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:38

Data lineage is the common thread that ties together all of your data pipelines, workflows, and systems. In order to get a holistic understanding of your data quality, where errors are occurring, or how a report was constructed you need to track the lineage of the data from beginning to end. The complicating factor is that every framework, platform, and product has its own concepts of how to store, represent, and expose that information. In order to eliminate the wasted effort of building custom integrations every time you want to combine lineage information across systems Julien Le Dem introduced the OpenLineage specification. In this episode he explains his motivations for starting the effort, the far-reaching benefits that it can provide to the industry, and how you can start integrating it into your data platform today. This is an excellent conversation about how competing companies can still find mutual benefit in co-operating on open standards.

 Building Your Data Warehouse On Top Of PostgreSQL | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:06

There is a lot of attention on the database market and cloud data warehouses. While they provide a measure of convenience, they also require you to sacrifice a certain amount of control over your data. If you want to build a warehouse that gives you both control and flexibility then you might consider building on top of the venerable PostgreSQL project. In this episode Thomas Richter and Joshua Drake share their advice on how to build a production ready data warehouse with Postgres.

 Making Analytical APIs Fast With Tinybird | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:23

Building an API for real-time data is a challenging project. Making it robust, scalable, and fast is a full time job. The team at Tinybird wants to make it easy to turn a continuous stream of data into a production ready API or data product. In this episode CEO Jorge Sancha explains how they have architected their system to handle high data throughput and fast response times, and why they have invested heavily in Clickhouse as the core of their platform. This is a great conversation about the challenges of building a maintainable business from a technical and product perspective.

 Making Spark Cloud Native At Data Mechanics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:15

Spark is one of the most well-known frameworks for data processing, whether for batch or streaming, ETL or ML, and at any scale. Because of its popularity it has been deployed on every kind of platform you can think of. In this episode Jean-Yves Stephan shares the work that he is doing at Data Mechanics to make it sing on Kubernetes. He explains how operating in a cloud-native context simplifies some aspects of running the system while complicating others, how it simplifies the development and experimentation cycle, and how you can get a head start using their pre-built Spark container. This is a great conversation for understanding how new ways of operating systems can have broader impacts on how they are being used.

 The Grand Vision And Present Reality of DataOps | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:08

The Data industry is changing rapidly, and one of the most active areas of growth is automation of data workflows. Taking cues from the DevOps movement of the past decade data professionals are orienting around the concept of DataOps. More than just a collection of tools, there are a number of organizational and conceptual changes that a proper DataOps approach depends on. In this episode Kevin Stumpf, CTO of Tecton, Maxime Beauchemin, CEO of Preset, and Lior Gavish, CTO of Monte Carlo, discuss the grand vision and present realities of DataOps. They explain how to think about your data systems in a holistic and maintainable fashion, the security challenges that threaten to derail your efforts, and the power of using metadata as the foundation of everything that you do. If you are wondering how to get control of your data platforms and bring all of your stakeholders onto the same page then this conversation is for you.

 Self Service Data Exploration And Dashboarding With Superset | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:24

The reason for collecting, cleaning, and organizing data is to make it usable by the organization. One of the most common and widely used methods of access is through a business intelligence dashboard. Superset is an open source option that has been gaining popularity due to its flexibility and extensible feature set. In this episode Maxime Beauchemin discusses how data engineers can use Superset to provide self service access to data and deliver analytics. He digs into how it integrates with your data stack, how you can extend it to fit your use case, and why open source systems are a good choice for your business intelligence. If you haven't already tried out Superset then this conversation is well worth your time. Give it a listen and then take it for a test drive today.

 Moving Machine Learning Into The Data Pipeline at Cherre | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:04

Most of the time when you think about a data pipeline or ETL job what comes to mind is a purely mechanistic progression of functions that move data from point A to point B. Sometimes, however, one of those transformations is actually a full-fledged machine learning project in its own right. In this episode Tal Galfsky explains how he and the team at Cherre tackled the problem of messy data for Addresses by building a natural language processing and entity resolution system that is served as an API to the rest of their pipelines. He discusses the myriad ways that addresses are incomplete, poorly formed, and just plain wrong, why it was a big enough pain point to invest in building an industrial strength solution for it, and how it actually works under the hood. After listening to this you'll look at your data pipelines in a new light and start to wonder how you can bring more advanced strategies into the cleaning and transformation process.

 Exploring The Expanding Landscape Of Data Professions with Josh Benamram of Databand | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:36

"Business as usual" is changing, with more companies investing in data as a first class concern. As a result, the data team is growing and introducing more specialized roles. In this episode Josh Benamram, CEO and co-founder of Databand, describes the motivations for these emerging roles, how these positions affect the team dynamics, and the types of visibility that they need into the data platform to do their jobs effectively. He also talks about how his experience working with these teams informs his work at Databand. If you are wondering how to apply your talents and interests to working with data then this episode is a must listen.

 Put Your Whole Data Team On The Same Page With Atlan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:36

One of the biggest obstacles to success in delivering data products is cross-team collaboration. Part of the problem is the difference in the information that each role requires to do their job and where they expect to find it. This introduces a barrier to communication that is difficult to overcome, particularly in teams that have not reached a significant level of maturity in their data journey. In this episode Prukalpa Sankar shares her experiences across multiple attempts at building a system that brings everyone onto the same page, ultimately bringing her to found Atlan. She explains how the design of the platform is informed by the needs of managing data projects for large and small teams across her previous roles, how it integrates with your existing systems, and how it can work to bring everyone onto the same page.

 Data Quality Management For The Whole Team With Soda Data | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:00

Data quality is on the top of everyone's mind recently, but getting it right is as challenging as ever. One of the contributing factors is the number of people who are involved in the process and the potential impact on the business if something goes wrong. In this episode Maarten Masschelein and Tom Baeyens share the work they are doing at Soda to bring everyone on board to make your data clean and reliable. They explain how they started down the path of building a solution for managing data quality, their philosophy of how to empower data engineers with well engineered open source tools that integrate with the rest of the platform, and how to bring all of the stakeholders onto the same page to make your data great. There are many aspects of data quality management and it's always a treat to learn from people who are dedicating their time and energy to solving it for everyone.


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