Data Engineering Podcast show

Data Engineering Podcast

Summary: This show goes behind the scenes for the tools, techniques, and difficulties associated with the discipline of data engineering. Databases, workflows, automation, and data manipulation are just some of the topics that you will find here.

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 Keeping Your Data Warehouse In Order With DataForm | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:04

Managing a data warehouse can be challenging, especially when trying to maintain a common set of patterns. Dataform is a platform that helps you apply engineering principles to your data transformations and table definitions, including unit testing SQL scripts, defining repeatable pipelines, and adding metadata to your warehouse to improve your team's communication. In this episode CTO and co-founder of Dataform Lewis Hemens joins the show to explain his motivation for creating the platform and company, how it works under the covers, and how you can start using it today to get your data warehouse under control.

 Fast Analytics On Semi-Structured And Structured Data In The Cloud | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:38

The process of exposing your data through a SQL interface has many possible pathways, each with their own complications and tradeoffs. One of the recent options is Rockset, a serverless platform for fast SQL analytics on semi-structured and structured data. In this episode CEO Venkat Venkataramani and SVP of Product Shruti Bhat explain the origins of Rockset, how it is architected to allow for fast and flexible SQL analytics on your data, and how their serverless platform can save you the time and effort of implementing portions of your own infrastructure.

 Ship Faster With An Opinionated Data Pipeline Framework | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:08

Building an end-to-end pipeline for your machine learning projects is a complex task, made more difficult by the variety of ways that you can structure it. Kedro is a framework that provides an opinionated workflow that lets you focus on the parts that matter, so that you don't waste time on gluing the steps together. In this episode Tom Goldenberg explains how it works, how it is being used at Quantum Black for customer projects, and how it can help you structure your own. Definitely worth a listen to gain more understanding of the benefits that a standardized process can provide.

 Open Source Object Storage For All Of Your Data | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:19

Object storage is quickly becoming the unifying layer for data intensive applications and analytics. Modern, cloud oriented data warehouses and data lakes both rely on the durability and ease of use that it provides. S3 from Amazon has quickly become the de-facto API for interacting with this service, so the team at MinIO have built a production grade, easy to manage storage engine that replicates that interface. In this episode Anand Babu Periasamy shares the origin story for the MinIO platform, the myriad use cases that it supports, and the challenges that they have faced in replicating the functionality of S3. He also explains the technical implementation, innovative design, and broad vision for the project.

 Navigating Boundless Data Streams With The Swim Kernel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:55

The conventional approach to analytics involves collecting large amounts of data that can be cleaned, followed by a separate step for analysis and interpretation. Unfortunately this strategy is not viable for handling real-time, real-world use cases such as traffic management or supply chain logistics. In this episode Simon Crosby, CTO of Swim Inc., explains how the SwimOS kernel and the enterprise data fabric built on top of it enable brand new use cases for instant insights. This was an eye opening conversation about how stateful computation of data streams from edge devices can reduce cost and complexity as compared to batch oriented workflows.

 Building A Reliable And Performant Router For Observability Data | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:19

The first stage in every data project is collecting information and routing it to a storage system for later analysis. For operational data this typically means collecting log messages and system metrics. Often a different tool is used for each class of data, increasing the overall complexity and number of moving parts. The engineers at decided to build a new tool in the form of Vector that allows for processing both of these data types in a single framework that is reliable and performant. In this episode Ben Johnson and Luke Steensen explain how the project got started, how it compares to other tools in this space, and how you can get involved in making it even better.

 Building A Community For Data Professionals at Data Council | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:46

Data professionals are working in a domain that is rapidly evolving. In order to stay current we need access to deeply technical presentations that aren't burdened by extraneous marketing. To fulfill that need Pete Soderling and his team have been running the Data Council series of conferences and meetups around the world. In this episode Pete discusses his motivation for starting these events, how they serve to bring the data community together, and the observations that he has made about the direction that we are moving. He also shares his experiences as an investor in developer oriented startups and his views on the importance of empowering engineers to launch their own companies.

 Building Tools And Platforms For Data Analytics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:06

Data engineers are responsible for building tools and platforms to power the workflows of other members of the business. Each group of users has their own set of requirements for the way that they access and interact with those platforms depending on the insights they are trying to gather. Benn Stancil is the chief analyst at Mode Analytics and in this episode he explains the set of considerations and requirements that data analysts need in their tools and. He also explains useful patterns for collaboration between data engineers and data analysts, and what they can learn from each other.

 A High Performance Platform For The Full Big Data Lifecycle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:45

Managing big data projects at scale is a perennial problem, with a wide variety of solutions that have evolved over the past 20 years. One of the early entrants that predates Hadoop and has since been open sourced is the HPCC (High Performance Computing Cluster) system. Designed as a fully integrated platform to meet the needs of enterprise grade analytics it provides a solution for the full lifecycle of data at massive scale. In this episode Flavio Villanustre, VP of infrastructure and products at HPCC Systems, shares the history of the platform, how it is architected for scale and speed, and the unique solutions that it provides for enterprise grade data analytics. He also discusses the motivations for open sourcing the platform, the detailed workflow that it enables, and how you can try it for your own projects. This was an interesting view of how a well engineered product can survive massive evolutionary shifts in the industry while remaining relevant and useful.

 Digging Into Data Replication At Fivetran | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:40

The extract and load pattern of data replication is the most commonly needed process in data engineering workflows. Because of the myriad sources and destinations that are available, it is also among the most difficult tasks that we encounter. Fivetran is a platform that does the hard work for you and replicates information from your source systems into whichever data warehouse you use. In this episode CEO and co-founder George Fraser explains how it is built, how it got started, and the challenges that creep in at the edges when dealing with so many disparate systems that need to be made to work together. This is a great conversation to listen to for a better understanding of the challenges inherent in synchronizing your data.

 Solving Data Discovery At Lyft | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:48

Data is only valuable if you use it for something, and the first step is knowing that it is available. As organizations grow and data sources proliferate it becomes difficult to keep track of everything, particularly for analysts and data scientists who are not involved with the collection and management of that information. Lyft has build the Amundsen platform to address the problem of data discovery and in this episode Tao Feng and Mark Grover explain how it works, why they built it, and how it has impacted the workflow of data professionals in their organization. If you are struggling to realize the value of your information because you don't know what you have or where it is then give this a listen and then try out Amundsen for yourself.

 Simplifying Data Integration Through Eventual Connectivity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:47

The ETL pattern that has become commonplace for integrating data from multiple sources has proven useful, but complex to maintain. For a small number of sources it is a tractable problem, but as the overall complexity of the data ecosystem continues to expand it may be time to identify new ways to tame the deluge of information. In this episode Tim Ward, CEO of CluedIn, explains the idea of eventual connectivity as a new paradigm for data integration. Rather than manually defining all of the mappings ahead of time, we can rely on the power of graph databases and some strategic metadata to allow connections to occur as the data becomes available. If you are struggling to maintain a tangle of data pipelines then you might find some new ideas for reducing your workload.

 Straining Your Data Lake Through A Data Mesh | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:27

The current trend in data management is to centralize the responsibilities of storing and curating the organization's information to a data engineering team. This organizational pattern is reinforced by the architectural pattern of data lakes as a solution for managing storage and access. In this episode Zhamak Dehghani shares an alternative approach in the form of a data mesh. Rather than connecting all of your data flows to one destination, empower your individual business units to create data products that can be consumed by other teams. This was an interesting exploration of a different way to think about the relationship between how your data is produced, how it is used, and how to build a technical platform that supports the organizational needs of your business.

 Data Labeling That You Can Feel Good About With CloudFactory | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:50

Successful machine learning and artificial intelligence projects require large volumes of data that is properly labelled. The challenge is that most data is not clean and well annotated, requiring a scalable data labeling process. Ideally this process can be done using the tools and systems that already power your analytics, rather than sending data into a black box. In this episode Mark Sears, CEO of CloudFactory, explains how he and his team built a platform that provides valuable service to businesses and meaningful work to developing nations. He shares the lessons learned in the early years of growing the business, the strategies that have allowed them to scale and train their workforce, and the benefits of working within their customer's existing platforms. He also shares some valuable insights into the current state of the art for machine learning in the real world.

 Scale Your Analytics On The Clickhouse Data Warehouse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:18

The market for data warehouse platforms is large and varied, with options for every use case. ClickHouse is an open source, column-oriented database engine built for interactive analytics with linear scalability. In this episode Robert Hodges and Alexander Zaitsev explain how it is architected to provide these features, the various unique capabilities that it provides, and how to run it in production. It was interesting to learn about some of the custom data types and performance optimizations that are included.


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