Meditation Minis Podcast show

Meditation Minis Podcast

Summary: Meditation for Busy People | Guided Meditations for Anxiety and Stress Join host Hypnotherapist Chel Hamilton for short, guided meditations to calm your anxiety, overcome negative thinking, increase your confidence, and more - in 15 minutes or less! Please Note: The meditations presented in this series are from a wide variety of sources and do not subscribe to any particular religious ideology. Every effort is made to present the meditation techniques in this podcast series in a non-dogmatic, non-religious based way. Please do not listen to this meditation podcast or any other meditations while doing something that requires your complete attention… like driving your car. Stay safe - thanks! For more information visit:


 09 Meditation to Let Worries and Stress Drift Away | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 653

Worried? Stressed? Anxious? This week's meditation is all about letting them go. So kick back, close your eyes, and let the sound of Chel's voice in this guided meditation make all the effort it takes for you to let that stress, anxiety and worry drift away...

 08 JR Rain's Ocean Meditation for Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 449

This week's meditation is from my friend, author JR Rain. While JR is now a very successful writer who self-publishes his works of fiction via the Amazon Kindle store - life was not aways so wonderful. JR attributes his growing success these past 10 years to three things - and this meditation is one of them. To experience JR's meditation you will need 8 minutes of quite time in a place you can close your eyes and relax. (And yes, you will learn the other 2 things to which JR attributes his success too!) Enjoy!

 07 Hammock Of Relaxation Meditation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 606

This week's meditation is a combination of pure unadulterated relaxation mixed with some self exploration to help you discover a bit more about whether you are a visual, sensory, or auditory style person. The exploration is the focus of the first half of this guided meditation...along with letting go of stress, anxiety, and worries...with the second half of this week's meditation 100% focused on total relaxation.  Enjoy!

 06 Modeling Change in Reactions and Feelings Meditation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 439

Have you ever wished you could change how you feel or react in certain situations at work, with friends, or even with family? This week's meditation is a "3rd Person" modeling technique that can very quickly (and powerfully) help you be more of the person you want to be in those situations. From more confident when public speaking, to be more patient with your kids, and even for not getting resentful around that person that in the past has always gotten you easily upset. While you can use this meditation podcast for all of these situations (and more) it's best to focus on one scenario at a time. Once you experience change in that area, feel free to listen to this podcast again to change another area of your life as well. - Enjoy! XOXQ! - Chel

 05 Deep Belly Breathing Meditation for Anxiety and Stress | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 442

If you suffer from anxiety or stress you will find this meditation VERY helpful. Why? Because when we are anxious or stressed out we rarely, if ever, breathe deeply. Instead we tend to shallow-breathe up into our shoulders and chest ... which "tells" our mind we are anxious, scared, or stressed. By changing your breathing you change the message your body is sending to your mind - causing you to actually FEEL less stressed or anxious. As a previous panic attack and generalized anxiety sufferer I know from personal experience this deep belly breathing meditation for anxiety works really, really well!

 04 Eckhart Tolle Meditation for the Present Moment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 334

Incredibly simple yet powerful.  Learned this "nose focused" breathing meditation from Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" several years ago. The practice of this meditation technique will help you release stress, worry, and tension in a few short breaths - allowing you to more powerfully and consistently be your BEST you in the present moment every day. This is one of my all-time favorite meditation techniques!  

 03 A Meditation for People Who Can't Relax | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 379

Over half the people who walk into my office tell me they aren't sure if meditation (or hypnotherapy) is ever going to work for them because they "just can't ever get relaxed." If that sound like you then this week's meditation technique is just what you need to learn how to let go and get into that meditative relaxation and flow - quickly and easily. This meditation is also great for people who suffer from anxiety, as well as insomnia issues.

 02 Gay Hendricks Life Visioning Meditation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 389

This week's meditation is ideal to use when you want to get clear, excited, and motivated to make shifts in your life. Important shifts. Life CHANGING shifts. This powerful visioning meditation is based on Gay Hendrick's life review exercise in his book "Five Wishes: How Answering One Simple Question Can Make Your Dreams Come True."

 01 About the Meditation Minis Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 219

A short intro audio introducing this meditation podcast series, what to expect, and how to best use these meditation techniques. Note: Originally I intended to do this as a once a week show but currently I am not committed to releasing episodes on any specific schedule. This podcast was also intended to only last for a year but I have enjoyed doing it so much I am continuing! :-)


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