Ron Paul Liberty Report show

Ron Paul Liberty Report

Summary: Podcast by Ron Paul Liberty Report

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 Weekly Update --- Trump's Venezuela Fiasco | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:38

Trump will regret listening to the neocons on Venezuela.

 Obsessing Over 'The Wall' While Ignoring Neocon Threat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:12

The news cycle - and Congress - remains obsessed with the "will he" or "won't he" get funding for the wall. It's classic obfuscation on an issue of little immediate importance beyond raw politics. Meanwhile, from Venezuela to Syria to NATO, there is little or no debate at all...why?

 Billionaires Thrive In The Fed's Immoral "Counterfeit" System | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:40

Is it "moral" for there to be billionaires? Well, that depends on how they acquired their wealth. If it's done legitimately, by voluntary exchange, then of course it's moral! However, if government force or laws are used to acquire wealth, that's a different story. The Federal Reserve system creates an environment that favors the latter. Ron Paul discusses on today's Liberty Report!

 "Maduro Must Go!" - Trump Administration Backs Venezuela Regime Change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:10

President Trump yesterday recognized Venezuelan opposition legislator as the legitimate president of the country and warned that "all options are on the table" if Venezuela's elected president moves against protestors or expelled US embassy staff who refuse to leave Caracas. US neocons applaud Trump's move. Does the US president finally have his very own "Syria" on his hands?

 Permanent War: Congress Forbids NATO Withdrawal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:42

The Democrat-controlled House followed the Senate yesterday in passing legislation forbidding the president from withdrawing from NATO and affirming undying US support for the outdated Cold War alliance. Is NATO really about defense? Or is it a jobs program for the military industrial complex?

 Neocon Chameleons Return As Progressives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:40

The decline and closure of the neocon flagship journal, The Weekly Standard, did not slow the neocons at all. They are back with a new publication funded by a left-wing billionaire, but preaching from the same neocon playbook. Why do neocons continue to change their stripes, from Trotskyites in the 1930's, to Reagan conservatives, to Hillary-ite liberals?

 Weekly Update --- Fire The Fed? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:27

Can Trump fire the Fed Chairman? Ron Paul has a better idea...

 Martin Luther King's Murder - Conspiracy Or Coincidence? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:12

MLK's family has been adamant and unanimous: James Earl Ray did not kill the civil rights leader. Many of MLK's associates share the view. We do know how the FBI and J. Edgar Hoover harassed King for years before his death. What might the conspiracy to kill King look like and why is it important 51 years later?

 Ocasio-Cortez Delivers A Message: Should We Care? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:04

The foundation and root of Socialist ideas are government power and violent force. Socialist governments, both past and present, have produced the largest death counts (of their own citizens) without question. They're in a league of their own. With that being the case, Socialist ideas are constantly being re-named, re-wrapped, and re-packaged in order to get the public to finally acquiesce. Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez is delivering a message. Should we care?

 What A Coincidence! After Syria Attack, Will We Have To Stay? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:11

An apparent suicide bombing in Manbij, northern Syria, has taken the life of four US service members and several civilians. ISIS has taken credit for the attack. Neocons cite the attack as proof that we should stay. The rest of us cite the attack as more proof that we should leave. Where will Trump come down?

 Silver Lining In The Government Shutdown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:26

A shocker article in the Daily Caller this week blew the lid on what it's really like among all those "public servants" working in the Federal bureaucracy: about 85 percent of them do nothing at all related to their jobs. With thousands of "workers" furloughed, the government offices are actually working better than ever. Is there a lesson in this somewhere???

 The Obama/New York Times Plot To Overthrow Trump | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:07

Another "blockbuster" report on Trump's "ties" to Russia has fizzled into nothingness, as the New York Times' piece over the weekend on an FBI counterintelligence investigation opened against the president was riddled with holes and absurdities. What came through loud and clear, however, was that Obama appointees and loyalists in the FBI and elsewhere in the deep state were determined to do everything in their power to overthrow a legally elected US president.

 Weekly Update --- Campaign Finance Reform Helps Special Interests | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:47

Ron Paul's latest on phony "reform."

 Pompeo At It Again: Calls For Venezuela Coup | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:15

While touring the Middle East, including election-free Saudi Arabia, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has called for the Venezuelan opposition and armed forces to overthrow the current government under its president Nicolas Maduro. According to Pompeo, a coup is necessary to "restore democracy" after elections failed to produce the desired US outcome.

 Do The Wall And Government Shutdown Justify A National Emergency? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:52

The words "National Emergency" should send shivers down the spine of anyone that values their liberty. At the same time, these words are music to the ears of those who lust after power. President Trump's threats to rule by fiat should not be taken lightly. Ron Paul discuses on today's Liberty Report.


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