Ron Paul Liberty Report show

Ron Paul Liberty Report

Summary: Podcast by Ron Paul Liberty Report

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 Weekly Update --- Obamacare’s Unhappy Anniversary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:35

Obamacare - nine years of failure. What to do?

 Border 'Crisis' Intensifies - Do We Need Radical Enforcement...Or Radical Policy Change? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:02

The sudden resignation of often-scapegoated Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen has reignited the fierce debate over border control and immigration. Will Trump find someone who will "get tough" enough on the border? Will pursuing the same policies produce different results?

 Telling The Truth About Government Is Dangerous Policy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:29

Big Government lives on the public believing in Big Lies. The lies are all meticulously maintained by a gargantuan propaganda apparatus that encompasses government schools, government-licensed mainstream media, Hollywood, major sports, and on and on...From time-to-time heroic individuals slip through the cracks and alert the public about the truth. Needless to say, Big Government and its propaganda apparatus never takes it well. Ron Paul discusses on today's Liberty Report!

 NATO At 70 - Time For The Zombie To Die | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:53

If NATO were a person, it would be five years past retirement age. In fact NATO should have retired back in the early 1990s when its reason for existence - the Warsaw Pact - ceased to exist. Instead, new missions had to be created and new enemies had to be made to justify the massive behemoth that provides lush jobs for the well-connected and vast fortunes for the weapons makers. NATO must die and the sooner the better.

 How Military Spending Decimates The Middle Class | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:47

Should middle America be thankful for all the "jobs" provided by the military in areas like the National Guard? That's the argument of some pro-war progressives. It's dead wrong. The massive military budget is driven by the idea that "debt doesn't matter" - a false notion that is leading us to economic devastation.

 Rep. Ro Khanna Wants To Help Trump Be The Peace President | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:04

In an extraordinary Breitbart profile, progressive US Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) outlines the broad-based and bi-partisan peace coalition he is working to build to end the trillions wasted on wars and interventions overseas. Will the neocons try to strangle this baby in its crib?

 Weekly Update --- Trump Tells the Truth: Sanctions Cause People to Suffer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:01

Sanctions are an act of war.

 US Sanctions: The Source Of Imperial Executive Power | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:14

Sanctions are the foreign policy of choice for the United States. There are sanctions on sanctions and sub-sanctions. Sanctions on countries, companies, individuals, and more. While we have long argued that sanctions never work and only make life miserable for civilians, they also empower an imperial US presidency totally out of reach of Congress.

 The Fed Corrupts Society: Is It Intentional, Or Out of Ignorance? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:27

A corrupt monetary system must infuse corruption throughout the entire society. America's monetary system run by the Federal Reserve, which is a Congressionally-created monopoly that has the power to create money out-of-thin-air, is the poster boy of institutionalized corruption. Sound money is the only way out. Ron Paul discusses on today's Liberty Report!

 Hunger Games: Four Years Of Saudi/US Aggression In Yemen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:02

This week marks four years of Saudi bombing in Yemen. US participation in the destruction of Yemen began under Obama, but sadly President Trump has done nothing to end the slaughter. While hospitals are bombed and two-thirds of the population faces starvation, US lectures to the rest of the world about upholding human rights are seen as a hypocritical farce.

 Escalation: Is Russia In Venezuela A New Cuban Missile Crisis? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:47

A Russian military transport arrived in Venezuela this past week bringing tons of aid and also nearly 100 Russian military advisors. Reportedly this included cybersecurity experts. Moscow claimed this was pre-planned and related to a nearly 20 year old cooperation agreement with Caracas. US neocons looking for regime change are claiming it is a new Cuban Missile Crisis. Who's right? Is Venezuela about to escalate out of control?

 Trump's Syria Envoy: 'War Will Continue' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:02

President Trump's point man for Syria has said that the defeat of ISIS will not result in a US withdrawal from its illegal occupation of Syrian territory. In fact, he said, the US would continue to support the anti-Assad "vetted Syrian opposition" fighters.

 Weekly Update --- The Green Bad Deal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:18

The "science is settled" on climate change and we need to eliminate air travel? Sounds like a pretty bad deal to Ron Paul.

 Mueller Report Decimates 'Russiagate' Hoax - What's Next? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:24

The two-plus year great hoax has come to an end. Trump is not Putin's puppet, as the vast majority of the mainstream media and Democrats have claimed. There was no "collusion" with Russia. So after so much wasted time and money, where do US/Russia relations stand and where should they be heading? What does it mean for the Venezuela regime change operation?

 The Fed's In Over Its Head...And Chaos Is Mounting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:36

With each passing month, we're greeted with more evidence of a fact that The Federal Reserve has no idea what it's doing. For many of us, this is not the least bit of a surprise. Central planning of the economy cannot work. Yet, never ones to admit that they're wrong, the main job of a central planner is to find just one more way to kick the can down the road. Eventually, they must run out of schemes. Ron Paul discusses on today's Liberty Report!


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